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Swick (ded)

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  • Location
    Indiana, USA
  • Personal Motto
    You know you're a programmer when you look at the end of the sentence you just typed and think: "Wait, I need to add a semicolon."
  • Interests
    MLP, Animating, Programming, Writing, Composing, That Sorta Cool Guy Who Calls Himself Kolth

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  1. I learned how to make 8Bit songs today... >:3 Tell me watchu thinks, but be warned, it's only my second song :Phttp://filz.us/gk7

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rainbow Skywalker

      Rainbow Skywalker

      lol, I use the free alternative: MilkyTracker. I would love to get FLstudio but my PC takes FOREVER just to load. Might get the Mobile version if it's cheap.

    3. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      I just use the demo. It's pretty functional, but you can't load projects after you save them, so I have to keep it open when I'm working on songs. :P Also, FL Studio only takes about 5 seconds to load on my craptop.

    4. Rainbow Skywalker

      Rainbow Skywalker

      hah, I just might get it then. The song you made seemed pretty decent even with a sucky computer so I just might give it a try.

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