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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Sylvester

  1. Thhaaaannkkk yooooouuuuuu! UwU

  2. Bonjour monsieur Trotteur UwU

  3. Thou hath booped mine snoozle >w<

  4. Tbh the first time I saw your username I immediately thought Sims xD

  5. Now I am become subsciber UwU

    1. The_Gobo


      his revenge is begin



  6. Omg hey TD! What a coincidence bumping into you here!

    You may or may not recall seeing me ogling at your music once or twice on Equestria Amino xD

    Terribly sorry to bother, just wanted to say that you are awesome, and yeah! Enjoy your day UwU :please:

  7. "I'm also a clopper"....

    Well said xD


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      Never got far i think, got it as it was for free after that big hack in 2011 orso

    3. Sylvester


      A big hack? :o

      You'll have to forgive me I'm quite out of the loop when it comes to these things.

    4. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      yeah 2011 wasa big hack, thePSN wasdown for 2 months or so and for a ake up so that there were a few games in the store for free(Everyone could picked two, i took LittleBigPlanet andWipEout HD)

  8. Skystorm! Hi! You remember me? :P

  9. Glacier Blitz.... Long time no see... :P

  10. Parasprite Whoopie!! :P

  11. 99 active posts, should I go for parasprite?? To be, or not to be, that is the question.

  12. I don't think I'm gonna get much sleep tonight... How are you all doing??

  13. As light retracts, over barren lands now just beyond our reach...

  14. Funny, how a life never lived can still be experienced...

  15. How come EVERY TIME I draw, I go overboard with the shading??

  16. Exams are over, yet I am all but happy. Meh, it'll pass.

  17. Hmm, when I get back I might start a blog... I miss my friends!!! :( :(

    1. Lightning Bliss

      Lightning Bliss

      Dude we miss you too!!! The RPs just haven't been the same without you! You're like Skylar's best friend too! To all of us! Where you been? :( come back to us!

  18. Two and a half weeks left of exams... I miss my friends so much!! Hang in there guys!! I'll be back!! :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Polaris


      Hey, Silver! Can't wait to get you back in the field! ;-)

    3. Sylvester


      Until then... *pauses dramatically*

      I got nothin'


    4. galaxysquid
  19. Writing exams like crazy, will be barely online untill 22 November

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Polaris


      Oy there, Silver! Nice to see you're still with us! ;-)

    3. Sylvester


      Sorry I couldnt tell you earlier about the exams... my internet was taken away before I could... I really missed you guys, but I cant stay long :(

    4. Polaris


      It's okay! You'll have to do what you'll have to do! We're all still here when you come back! ;-)

  20. Life is so hectic, so painful, so ironic, though I wouldn't have it any other way :P

    1. 123


      I would....... :(

  21. I feel awful, not just physically :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sylvester


      I don't want to think about it, now I just want to forget... ; (



    3. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      *hugs* I understand, I would probably want the same. But You can message me anyway if You want, maybe I'll manage to cheer You up at least a bit :) And we don't have to talk about it of course.

    4. Mr F

      Mr F


      well only one thing to do, COLOR FUL PONIES TIME!

      *gives cookie*

  22. The only thought that keeps me going, is the thought that I'll see you again...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skylar


      *Hugs him tightly* :) Im glad your back!

    3. Friendship_Cannon


      wow, that is cute *cough*

    4. MelancholicMemory
  23. I hope you know that I will always be there for you, even though I might not always be present... :(

    1. Skylar


      And me for you :) See you soon Silver :)

  24. 15 minutes left before I have to go... NAO!!!!! :( :(

  25. Great! Just great! My dad has limited my internet to one hour a day?!?! -_-

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Mr F

      Mr F

      good luck man, we will miss you. :'c

      on the other hand let's celebrate you have internet at all.

    3. Sylvester


      That's the spirit crazy !! :P

    4. Mr F

      Mr F

      my mom tried non internet on me... I played on my gba all day and was 2x the amount of crazy.

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