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Arashi Takamine

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About Arashi Takamine

  • Birthday 1996-02-07

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  • deviantART
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    Hiding from the Parasprites.
  • Interests
    Anime, manga, writing, ponies, video games, horse back riding, betta fish keeping, tarantula's (I WISH I OWNED ONE T-T;) drawing, cooking, sewing, photography, doll collecting (Little Obitsu's and MLP figures shall join my collection very soon) roleplaying (TC FTW!) Trauma Center. Transformers.

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  1. Greeaaaat got trolled by another brony. Told me to leave the herd and that I was the worst brony because I trolled another troll....*headdesk* I thought Love and Tolerate also meant not being a jackass to your fellow brony?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LowfatEnvelope


      (Sorry had a typo, i should have said quams)

    3.  spas-ticShotty


      Brony disrespecting brony? Corruption exists even in this fandom :(. Shoulda seen it though, there's corruption everywhere :/

    4. Arashi Takamine

      Arashi Takamine

      Yeah I just told them that they're making themselves look like a jerk. I've seen some rude bronies on Youtube but god this girl/guy couldn't seem to fathom someone in the fandom not being nice.


      I try to be nice a lot especially here but counter-trolling is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's never my intention to hurt feelings just get them to shut up and stop harassing the other members trying to enjoy a video or story.


      Anyways I'm not pissed just really...

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