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Status Updates posted by Avery

  1. The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug was pretty good c:

  2. Found a new way to waste my life...CS:GO xD

    1. Avery


      It's rather frustrating to start out with. Everyone tends to use AWP which is one-shot kill no matter what. -.-'

  3. This coursework is driving me insane...

  4. Coming back to find 1200 notifications...nice -.-

  5. Holy blast beats :o

  6. GG The Last Of Us...you made me cry ;~;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Avery


      Sorry understatement...IT'S AMAZING :D

    3. Moniker


      I can't get it :( I have an Xbox not a PS3 oh well I'm sure it's awesome.


    4. Avery


      Well it is...amazing!!! :D

  7. One test left and then freedom x3

  8. What can one do at 12:30am...the thought of tomorrow drives me insane.

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Avery


      Like if you're going to start getting more personal I mean -.-

    3. Zerrodo


      >Implying anime is personal

    4. Avery


      Maybe it is...

  9. Mini heart attack moment! D:

  10. So I have broken the hearts of 3 people over the past few days...what a bitch...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Prince Umbra

      Prince Umbra

      see thats y i stay single. so i don't have to deal with all the BS drama in relationships.

    3. Avery


      And I can't help that so many seem to like my personality so much...

      Need to take my mind off it all :P

    4. Prince Umbra

      Prince Umbra

      message me if you want to talk more about it.

  11. Feel so empty now. :(

  12. It's been soo long! :D

  13. Ah boredom...it's been a while from I've seen you.

  14. Finally got a graphics tablet! :3

  15. *sigh* first time I've felt lonely in ages :(

  16. Best day ever! ^_^

    1. Nukpana Kachada

      Nukpana Kachada

      I just remembered to get on here, and I agree :3

    2. Avery


      xD I wonder why, huh?

    3. Nukpana Kachada

      Nukpana Kachada

      It's a mystery...

  17. So I'm bored...Rammstein in Fat suits anypony?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Avery


      Well 'tis mine :3 I like something heavy to get me pumped up for a day of doing nothing!

    3. Friendship_Cannon


      alrighty then, they are quite heavy, and sometimes even funny as far as I know

    4. Avery


      That they are :3

  18. Ugh...how do i fix Error code 2738 -_-

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Avery


      If i was allowed to make the decision, i wouldn't have this problem

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      I sympathize with you, but really the HD 4000 isn't that bad when stock. Overclocking it would only get you a 20% or so bump at most - not enough to make the difference.

    4. Avery


      Well ok then...thanks

  19. Finally a good day :3

    1. Fire Runner

      Fire Runner

      well taht's good :3

  20. Ugh coming out of both ends... :( aka I feel so sick

  21. Well today sucked :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Avery


      Nope not really :3

    3. Otter


      ^Embrace the emo. :3

    4. Avery


      Exactly. All I did was listen to my iPod and sleep today :3 In between that I just wanted to die from the amount of work that I had to do.

  22. Only occurred to me today that I have all this record equipment...and none of it is mine. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Avery


      You don't even need a high power card to play TF2, mine's not good and it runs it fine. I'm geting it for the big games! xD

    3. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      but mine runs at 0-1 fps and the actual graphics for the game are rainbowed (not pyro vision) it fucks up horribly

    4. Avery


      Yeah I know what you mean.


  23. I hate Mac's -_-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. None42069
    3. Avery


      Why I hate them even more is that I was doing a music composition for school. Needs to be done by next friday. So I was about to finish it today, so I added some more and hit return to go back to the beginning and it froze...I thought ok well I have it saved, but of course no. These Mac's are connected to a file server which failed to back up my work. Now I have to start again! ;_;

    4. DND


      Macs have a good graphics card, and a easy manageable setting output, (for me) but they have horrid support for programs and programing. PC's the way to go when you have the dream of creating really cool stuff with all your Flash, Minecraft Mods, and Music programs. XD But overall, most PCs are slower...

  24. I can't do anything right today. :(

    1. Homura Akemi

      Homura Akemi

      I know that feel.

    2. Avery


      Except at League Of Legends there now :P That went perfectly

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