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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by N.W.

  1. Who wants to be in a chess club?

  2. Once more, rain.

  3. If America actually lets a guy who was endorsed by the KKK and thinks Global Warming is a Chinese Hoax become president then this fucking country deserves it

  4. usa should give alaska to russia

  5. So who is voting Kanye 2020?

  6. Well, i had probelly the worst day of my life, my medicine has a certain side effect that is just driving me crazy and stressed beyond belief. Pretty bad that i ended crying pretty hard after a while, but luckely the school day was almost ever at the time.

  7. That profile vid is the beat, cuz! lol

  8. That banner makes me listen inside my head to Different World by Iron Maiden

  9. The book I ordered arrived today, with some dried chocolate on the outside of the package. Presumably from a another package that leaked/exploded. XD

  10. The book I ordered arrived today, with some dried chocolate on the outside of the package. Presumably from a another package that leaked/exploded. XD

  11. The book I ordered arrived today, with some dried chocolate on the outside of the package. Presumably from a another package that leaked/exploded. XD

  12. Anypony want to be friends?...

  13. A busy Halloween it will be.

  14. A busy Halloween it will be.

  15. What's a GREAT meemay?

  16. What's a GREAT meemay?

  17. My "About me" disappeared... spooky...

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