Howdy! This sounds jolly, so I'll try my best!
About my OC, Emerald Heart-
Her talent is getting people to open up their inner feelings- 'unlocking their hears' if you will.
Her cutie mark is a pink heart with a keyhole and a bronze key just next to it.
She loves nature
Loves talking to people
Very sarcastic
Not afraid to speak up for anyone or anything she loves
Has a pet bat named Rosie
Has 5 besties
Is an Earth Pony
Now, onto MYSELF-
I have been told that I am a 'delight' to talk to
I ask a lot of questions
I am 25
I love creative writing
Tea is my favorite. Hot or iced, I could not care less.
Very loyal to my friends
Musicals are the best
Addicted to Wizards of Waverly Place
Halloween is my favorite holiday