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~Galloping Rainbowdash~

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Everything posted by ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

  1. xD Came up with it on the spot. Too lazy to press edit and add more. But <3 to you for commenting!
  2. OMG CREEPY ASS SHIT!!!!! Just logged on to google chrome and this popped up: "Application/Log-in Attempt (Prevented)" Guess the location? Lets have 5 guesses before I reveal where and the ip address!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      DOT ON COLON! It was from Nanchang, Jiangxi, China Any hackers help me find out who did this? IP:

    3. Soul Flare

      Soul Flare

      It's probably just a botnet or something.

      Whatever it is, it will probably never touch your account again, and even if it does google won't let them in

    4. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      Thanks for helping colon. I did change my password too, so.....Oh, and props to google! Thanks guys!

  3. The second I hear "Minecraft", I'm at attention. I have been playing for about 3 years, and still a big player. I play at LEAST 8 hrs a day, if not more. Any minecraft questions, feel free to pm or ask me.
  4. Anyone know good, funny, preferably minecraft youtubers? JeromeASF, BajanCanadian, PrestonPlayz, and SSundee I already know. Thanks!

  5. Considering teh user above me is a boy, It would make for a pretty awkward moment.
  6. \/\/ELCOME TO MLP FORUMS! Feel free to msg and friend request me, before I do it first. xD First of all, If you haven't noticed, we are a VERY friendly community. Good Luck on your long road to...........I guess anywhere you want to go, but thats kind of irrelevant.
  7. Normal Routine when I get home from school: Start downloading videos, Check all mlp forums and reply to status updates, then watch videos with a snack before I spend 2 hours waiting for more status updates and replies. :) So happy when I get it done well.

  8. I just realised how depressing my out-of-school life is. I spend at least 8 hrs a day on the computer because my 2 good friends moved like 30 min away. I have no friends to hang with after school.....

  9. I don't have skype ATM. I can use it when we actually play though. My computers being a dumb butt, but i'll get it fixed by the time we play. I would want to be a Chimera, if its okay. Thanks!
  10. I would LOVE to take part in this awesomeness if there is still space!
  11. Just tried to ask a girl out and was ignored. Damn im feeling depressed.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thunderchild


      At least you had the balls to ask her. Good for you man-keep at it.

    3. ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      ~Galloping Rainbowdash~

      I spent a day trying to find out when and how to ask her. lol

    4. SCS


      That sucks man, but at least you tried. I almost never have the guts to tell a girl my feelings.


      There's many people out there you could like that way though, so don't let this get you down.

  12. I'm back! And just in time for school! What is your favorite schoo, year and why?

  13. Ik, came up wiht him in a rush, Trying to work on it. Should be better in about 2 min? Crap nvm, tommorow? Thanks
  14. Love to sign up if there is still room! OC link here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silverstreak-r2491 or in my sig. Thanks!
  15. HOLY CRAP, IM BACK! It's been, like 8 months since last post, and i'm really sorry I haven't been able to talk to you guys for a while. Family issues came up and I had to deal with them for a while. I'll try to be on daily from now on! :D

  16. xD wow. My search engine isn't working, so I can't search much of anything. Sorry! I guess I can just post from now on. Topicing isn't really my thing.
  17. This might be a bit personal, but what would your cutie mark be? You can give your answer, but you don't have to explain. Mine would be Moon with clouds over it. It seems so calming to me.
  18. Oh, well I'm a glad a mod could help! I'll try to start a different one then! Thanks a lot! (Lol, i'm such an idiot!) And, the answer to the tread, My fav is Vinyl
  19. I've seen a bunch of "Whose your fav mane six?" and "Favorite mane style", but i've never seen one like this. Who's your favorite background character? This also includes Derpy and Vinyl Scratch. I'm going to have to save Doctor Whooves. He can travel in time! Lol, ignore this. I tried to delete it, but i have no idea how. xD I tried to start a new topic, but for some reason, this happened. Sorry!
  20. Flutter's is probably my favorite. Rainbow and here have a close style, but they are just a slight different. As for a background character, I like Doctor Whooves'.
  21. Ever go to school one day, think that it will be an awesome day, only to be treated like an ass the whole day?

  22. Can anyone create a sig for me? Anypony going to Running of the Leaves Con?

  23. AFK for like, 30 min, see ya!

  24. Same with everyone else, Welcome! I hope you find this a nice community!
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