Roll to Dodge-A fairly simple game, some of you may have heard of. Basically, Roll to Dodge is an RPG-ish forum game, in which successes in a character's actions are determined by a dice roll.
For example: Gary Stu attacks Mary Sue. Gary Stu rolls a 3.
Because he rolled a 3, his attack will be met with moderate or adequate success.
If he were to roll a 1, his attack would fail completely, and likely backfire.
If he rolled higher, his attack would be more powerful, harder to defend against, and generally better.
1. Each player must submit a character. Characters can be made up quickly, randomly, or poorly, so long as an adequate description of them is given.
2. The Game Master (GM) rolls the die and determines the actions of NPCS, as well as the outcomes of player decisions.
3. The winner of a game (determined at the end of a game) will become the new GM. (provided that they are willing)
4. Players do not decide the outcome of actions. The Game Master and die do that.
5. Between 5-8 players are generally allowed per game. These players are usually the first one's to ask to join at a game's end.
Distance Traveler (Delernil)
Princess Luna (Shift)
Flutterbat (Human/EQG) (Denim&Venom)
TF2 Medic (Toon Richard)
TF2 Pyro (DigitalRocket)
Any questions? Ask me.