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  1. Yo! So I started reading "Courtship of Princess Leia" this week. Tbh, I'm having a really hard time understansing why Leia's feelings for Han, right from the beginning, are a little lacking. It makes me wonder if something happened between the book and ROTJ.

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    2. Galen


      The way Luke uses the Force in this book is pretty amazing. The way he traced Han's movements all the way to the casinos was nothing short of masterful! That's where I'm at atm.

    3. DiscordAnarchy


      That's why Han was having such a hard time dealing with it. Now, according to the timeline and this place of the book's history, basically Han and Leia have been apart from one another off and on for about a year or so due to Han battling Warlord Zinsj (sp). During that time she was basically swept off her feet by Hapes. Like Han said "You're in love with them."


      It hard to believe she would end up that shallow but it makes sense ("In a different point of vie...

    4. Galen


      Eh, well, I'm more than a little disappointed with Leia considering how little it took to shake her feelings for Han. I get that she wants to reestablish a homeplanet, but love doesn't care where it is. I guess I thought she was better than that :/

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