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About TwilightSparkle

  • Birthday 1975-12-30

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia

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Butterfly (5/23)


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  1. Happy birthday, "other" Twilight! Been a while since I've seen you here - hope all's well!

    1. TwilightSparkle


      Thanks, and I have been meaning to return. I've been rather busy with RL stuffs. :-/ Hopefully you'll all see me around a bit more in the new year!

  2. I know you've been getting this a lot lately but, happy birthday! :P

    1. TwilightSparkle


      Can never hear it too much! I'm just surprised everypony's been saying it since I've been largely absent for a while.

  3. Happy birthday and a Happy new year Twilight :D

    1. TwilightSparkle


      Thank you very much and a Happy New Year to you!

  4. Happy Birthday Twilight :D !

    1. TwilightSparkle


      Yay, ponies noticed! Thank you! :)

    1. TwilightSparkle


      Thank you, and that's adorable. Or is it adorkable?

  5. No internet until house move is complete, so I've not been very active here lately. ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tom The Diamond

      Tom The Diamond







      Princess Celestia has a 70's mustache?

    3. Finesthour
    4. TwilightSparkle


      @ DJ XFizzle - Oh, please don't tell Rarity! She'll be so disappointed in me!

  6. No internet until house move is complete, so I've not been very active here lately. ;_;

  7. Definitely. She's adorable even silent, but all her little squeaks and other sounds add so much.
  8. It's probably been in production for a couple months, this was just reporting that one of the voice actors (accidentally?) let slip a confirmation of it.
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