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Midnight Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Midnight Dragon

  1. I don't care what anyone says, Flurry Heart is adorable. I want to squish her

  2. Revived my old pony.fm account (and changed my display name): https://pony.fm/speckle-the-changeling Probably won't be using it a lot, but I'll at least post the occasional pony remix or whatever.

  3. Sombra War!Pinkamena is my new waifu.

  4. No no no...the mlptf2mods site is down, and right when I need something from it! Argh...

  5. Welp, I think I ship AJ and Rara.

  6. Oooh, loving the Midnight Sparkle banner!

  7. Happy birthday to me! (Time really flew. O_O)

    1. Wayzer


      Happy birthday! :D

  8. Heh, just realized how out of date certain parts of my profile were. Even though I'm not that active here anymore, I still figured I'd update my profile a bit.

  9. OMG I AM SO PUMPED FOR "SLICE OF LIFE" THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME ...ahem, sorry. It's just not very often that I get THIS excited over something. XD

  10. It seems like every thread I go on that involves other media aside from MLP is just full of arguing and hate. Love and tolerate, indeed...

  11. Sigh...I love being in a fandom, but I also kind of hate it because everywhere I go it's always "whine whine whine" from a lot of the fans...

    1. Dewdlz


      I agree sometimes. Like every new episode thus far I see "This ep sucked" written everywhere.

    2. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      You are going to see that in most fandoms..

  12. Getting an episode involving my OTP soon (not to mention what's probably the first episode with Discord as the main protagonist). So excited!

  13. My buddy and I gave today's episode an F--for Feels.

  14. OMG Sugar Bell is so cute I want 20 asdfghjkl

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      I want one! haha

  15. MLP comes on soon! I haven't slept for...I forget how long...*crazy laughter*

  16. Season premiere is today! Is your body ready?

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Not really. Dreaded tiredness. :P

  17. I've been realizing lately that my speech is kind of slurred...I hope there's nothing wrong with me. o_o

    1. SCS


      You should go to the doctor just to make sure


  18. I hope everypony had a great Hearth's Warming Eve! ;)

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I Hope you had too *hugs' =)=)=)=) <3

  19. I just realized that I never figured out what my main OC's special talent was. O_O

  20. Has anyone seen my brain? I keep losing it! (Especially during school. Huh...)

  21. *sigh* Great, now I'm all depressed. And it just had to involve a fictional character (which means that most people will think I'm just being pathetic)...

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