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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Lisa

  1. The banner's text looks sick.

  2. I wish I was on holiday again.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Inactive_Now


      mate u never been on 4chan? lmao

    3. Lisa


      i've actually been spending more time on 4chan lately than is probably healthy for my mind

    4. Inactive_Now


      same my life is falling apart tbh

  3. I just got my Learners and drove for the first time today. Scary as fuck :c

    1. Monsoon


      At least you're making progress

    2. \/


      I know the feel. Those things are scary. That and nobody tells you the important things they expect you to know, like the fact that the car moves a little no matter what in drive, unless you hit the brake.

  4. I've noticed a trend in any thread which involves rating. If you give a low rating, your post will get a low rating by the next person. And vice versa if you give a high rating you get a high rating.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vulcan


      This is interesting o_o



    3. Lisa


      It makes me sometimes give someone a high rating like an 8, 9, or 10 even though whatever they post is only worth a 5 at most just so I don't get targeted for criticism.

    4. Tarnation
  5. Two weeks of holidays...

  6. Received my report today and only got A's and B's; no C's. :D

    1. Plume


      Omg sick one friend!!!!! :DDDD

  7. Happy birthday C:

  8. For Honour is looking like a pretty sick game so far with a surreal story and cool gameplay.

  9. I made it to Crystal Pony. Finally got the best badge on this site and it only took me 3 years and a bit.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Plume


      dude sick one

      gotta catch up to you mate

      im not even at pony yet tho //dead

    3. Lisa


      http://i.imgur.com/fChXFLA.png lol you weren't joking about catching up
    4. Plume


      Nah man that's just my daily general discussions trawl c:

  10. I'm 15 years old and I still get confused between 'drunk' and 'drank.'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lisa
    3. Zyrael


      But how can you be both 99 and 15?

    4. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      I'm drank! ~ Demoman

  11. This game's soundtrack is so emotional I nearly cry listening to it. ;c

    Hidden Away is the saddest, especially when you think of the ending location that plays when you find it.
  12. Haven't opened Photoshop in ages. Made a new sig. http://i.imgur.com/qSVe7wb.png

    1. Plume


      Sick one!!

  13. Reading sheet music feels like figuring out quadratic equations. How do people read it so fluently?

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Experience and practice.

    2. Plume


      I tend to be okay at sight-reading for piano but once notes get higher/lower than a certain level I'm screwed.


      Just takes time I guess, but also natural aptitude - I have friends who have been playing piano for like 13 years but still can't sight read for trash.

  14. Skin is such a good album. Been listening to it nonstop since it released yesterday.

    1. Guest90210


      Looked it up, am listening to it now. It's magical

    2. Lisa


      :D I'm glad I got another person to listen to it

  16. Overwaaaaaaaaaaaatch

  17. Two days until Overwatch's release. :D

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      It looks like it'll be pretty awesome, and reports from the open beta are very promising.

    2. honk friend

      honk friend

      cant waiiiiiiit

  18. Medical Science may be too difficult of a course for me to get into so I might have to go with Forensic Sciences. :s

  19. http://imgur.com/gallery/bkX35 Well this was horrifying, sad and true.
  20. I've had this name since December. This is a new record for me. :P

    1. Frostgage


      I feel like there's a pun in here somewhere

  21. I've been playing League of Legends non-stop over the weekend. It's probably gonna become my new video game obsession.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inactive_Now


      You're doomed.

    3. gone~


      Nice! ^^ Do you main any role/champ?

    4. Lisa


      I main Annie, as well as Soraka and Poppy.

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