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About dash360

  • Birthday 1996-06-28

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
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  • Interests
    Art, welding, video games music, and of course mlp

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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Parasprite (4/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. Happy Birthday :D

  2. Banned cause I have a laser beam (¤'µ'¤)r--------------------{explosion}
  3. It might it might not be as rough as somepony eles'. But never ever ever let that stop you from doing anything you want to do. Dont worry about the future worry about the present.
  4. I have got The Gypsy Bard stuck in my head. I dont know whether this is good or bad. help me!!!!!!! I do believe i will have it in my head for quite sometime. The Gypsy Bard - Extended UnofficialFanmade.mp3
  5. Banned cause (¤'µ'¤)r-------------{explosion} Laser beam
  6. well i havent really had time to draw much, but i wil post the few few i have done in the last month. they are not the greatest , since whenerver i had did them i had no sleep, worked all day, or both. Hate all you want
  7. no, i wouldnt. I just dont care. i have worn mlp related stuff such as shirts and key chains, and when someone asks what it represents or what it is (since apperently no one in my school has heard of bronys) i explain it it to them. Then if they try to makefun of me for it i just walk away, or present a valid point of why they should mind thier own beeswax.
  8. Started trying to learnhow to play the guitar agian, third times a charm.

  9. banned caus if i open more then two my tablet crashes..............
  10. banned cause i like it loud when it comes to music and cars.
  11. banned cause what would the world be without rock?
  12. Well, i let my entire family find out themselves. I just started leaving my pony stuff out in the open and not hiding it. When they finally noticed. I just told them what a brony was, showed them some statistics, showed them some videos, and some fan made music. And other then the lighthearted comment every one ina while, the dont mention it. It was worth it because, i can be more open about it and ask for stuff i couldnt if they didnt know
  13. banned cause war never changes either, but we still insist on killing each other.
  14. banned cause i dont want a hug i need one
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