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Posts posted by GaleFenrir

  1. *clears throat*


    Revolutionary Girl Utena

    Madoka Magica

    Tiger & Bunny


    Gurren Lagann

    Shinsekai Yori


    Serial Experiments Lain

    Cowboy Bebop


    School Rumble

    Fullmetal Alchemist or Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

    Scrapped Princess

    Golden Time(same author as Toradora, btw)

    Haibane Renmei

    Princess Tutu


    Bamboo Blade


    Kino's Journey

    Eureka Seven

    Soul Eater


    you should find something to your liking in there.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Mmm, maybe. I had kinda got bored of watching it by then though.

    Well, there was another reason why frontier isn't nearly as popular as the first 3 seasons.


    It suffered the misfortune of being the season when rights and broadcasting of the series was in a state of limbo, and thus did not enjoy the same billing as the first three did. So not only did people lose interest in the series from general fatigue, fans and newcomers who otherwise would've watched it were not actually capable of following along with the confusion.


    Though, I agree with Discordian, frontier's theme is way better.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I remember recording as many episodes of the first season as I could, and I had a beta back then, so I was able to fit a lot. Also, the Japanese themes>all, especially Brave Heart :D

    Nah, man, Slash! from Tamers was way better than Brave Heart, though Brave Heart was good in its own way.


    Then again, I absolutely adore Tamers, so I must admit I am biased.

  4. @@Leafeon,


    "Damn... none of this is working! I'll try a different move, I guess..."


    "Counter!" The croagunk responded to the qwilfish's pin missile assault, its arm glowing as it reached out to smack where it felt the pins coming from.


    "Counter probably won't do all that much... it only deals double the damage taken, and considering pin missile does so little... I just want to land a hit at this point, though."

  5. @@Leafeon,


    "Gah! You are a really annoying Gym Leader, you know that? What are you even hoping to accomplish?" Cecil said, losing his cool and letting his frustration show. The qwilfish was incredibly tiny now, "if only Rogue could hit it... at this point, its so small, that a single good smack could probably send it flying. Like a gnat. Just, I want to crush it like the annoying gnat it is."


    "Rogue, just go for broke! Keep swinging at it, put your entire body into it! Just smack it with a vengeance!" Finally, the croagunk could agree with her trainer. All she wanted was to smack an enemy, and this entire gym battle has been nothing but a prolonged mud-slinging match. "Croa! Croa! Croa!" The pokemon said, wildly flinging its body and limbs to smack the qwilfish, using its(at this point) much larger body to try and overwhelm the pokemon.

  6. @@Leafeon


    Cecil's eyes widened when he saw the qwilfish lower its altitude. "A-ha!


    "Rogue! Attack the ground again with Revenge!" The croagunk nodded, "-gunk!", and lifted up its arms to slam the ground again. This time, however, the croagunk was incredibly annoyed by the pin missiles of the qwilfish, though they were not much more than a nuisance. She slammed the ground with a greater impact than last time, her revenge at full strength from the annoyance of the pin missiles.


    The greater impact meant even more mud flung into the air, as well as some chunks of the floor.

  7. @@Leafeon,


    A smirk appeared on Cecil's face as he saw the qwilfish use bubble on the ground, "a-ha! Exactly as I had planned!" He exclaimed with bravado. He put his hand up to his chest, "these are, in-fact, ideal conditions for my Rogue. Y'see she grew up in a swampy habitat, she loves the mud!" He said.


    Of course, the croagunk didn't actually grow up in a swamp, and Cecil knew that. In fact, Cecil wasn't even sure if croagunks inhabited swamps. He just kinda figured they did.


    But, it was true that the croagunk was quite enjoying the mud, especially with the extra moisture provided by the qwilfish's bubble. However, it definitely didn't provide solid footing, and the pokemon slipped onto its stomach. Rather than attempting to pick itself up, the croagunk was content to slide around on its belly, using its limbs to propel and maneuver itself.


    "well... this isn't really accomplishing much. How am I supposed to hit that bloody thing? None of my pokemon have attacks with a large area of effect, or any moves that are guaranteed to hit... I guess I'll just have to wreck things and hope the enemy gets caught in the collateral damage."


    "Now, slam the ground with revenge!" The croagunk perked up its head, and was currently positioned beneath the qwilfish. It was going to question why it shouldn't just aim for the enemy, but it was in a good mood and simply did as it was suggested.


    The croagunk raised its arms, and pounded the ground with all its might. The impact sent mud and chunks of the floor through the air.

  8. Ambrosia


    "Hmm? Well... yeah, I mean, why wouldn't I help? Isn't it normal for ponies to help each other?" Ambrosia cheerfully said in response to Mirage's question, a smile on her face. "Mirage... that's a nice name." She was quite enjoying the attention, she had to admit to herself, and she puffed out her chest and walked with her head up.


    As they were walking towards the market place, a stray thought passed through her mind. "Huh, I wonder why Mirage is looking for this fella. Are they connected somehow? Hrmm..." she pondered for a bit. "well, I guess it doesn't really matter... hrmm, unless... nah." Ambrosia looked over Mirage, who she noticed had been doing the same to her. Ambrosia had a smile on her face, and her eyelids were slightly lowered in satisfaction.


    Ambrosia never really thought she was all that much to look at. Certainly not ugly, or homely, but she didn't particularly feel exceptional. It's partly why she always wore her shawl, she thought it made her stand out more. Yet, here was an exotic beauty casting coy looks at her.


    As they neared the market, Ambrosia thought to take a higher vantage to see their target. She fluttered her wings once more, and took off vertically. He was pretty much exactly where she saw him earlier, and from the glittering in the stall she figured it to sell gems or other such accessories. She landed back down, and cantered through the crowd to the stallion, confident that Mirage was following behind.

  9. @@Vaporeon,@, @@Umbreon,


    Abigail looked between the three other people with her on the roof, the two trainers saying that they would be going to Ecruteak. Abigail Looked down, uncertain of what to do. Her eyes drifted to her belt, where she saw Isabella's heal ball. She unclipped it and held it in her hand. "What should I do? Wouldn't I be getting in over my head, dealing with this kind of stuff? Didn't I promise her not to follow her to Sinnoh to avoid this kind of thing? I..."


    Abigail's mind wandered, half in contemplation of what to do in the moment, and half in thoughts of back home. She eventually clipped the heal ball back to her belt, and perked up her head. "Umm, mind if I tag-along to Ecruteak?" she asked the other two trainers, but her eyes settled on Cila, "oh, we haven't actually properly been introduced, yet. My name is Abigail, nice to meet you!" She gave a friendly smile.

  10. @@Leafeon,


    "Really starting to wish I had taught Rogue a move like feint attack..." Cecil thought, his eye twitching in annoyance and frustration. Cecil briefly considered switching out pokemon again out of impatience, but quickly ruled that out. Cecil clenched his fist, "alright, Rogue! Just cover this place in mud! Mud, everywhere, don't even worry about hitting that pest! Just do it!"


    "Croa?" The croagunk turned to her trainer, a quizzical look on its face, "that's right! Just fling it anywhere!" A sly smirk appeared on the croagunk's face, and Cecil's eye's widened in horror. The croagunk flung mud towards its trainer, though he kept his wits about him enough to block it from hitting his face with his arms.


    "Okay, preferably at least in the general direction of the enemy..." the flustered trainer clarified. The croagunk turned back towards the enemy, and started flinging mud with wild abandon.


    "I'll need to change here soon..." Cecil said, looking at the mud on his sleeves. But, he looked back towards the battlefield, examining the situation, "hopefully... even if Rogue can't hit it, the sheer coverage of mud on the floor will prove valuable."

  11. @@Umbreon,@@Vaporeon, @,


    "You say that as if though this isn't a big deal!" Abigail said to the trainer she still hadn't properly met. "I mean..." Abigail seemed remorseful about her comment, as her eyes drifted down and her muscles relaxed. "I just mean, those guys shouldn't be taken lightly..."


    "What am I even talking about? I don't know anything, this girl must have more experience then me. I mean, what is Ho-Oh? And I think I may have heard about Team Magma and Aqua, but not much... just that they were some eco-terrorists or something.


    Abigail's head perked up, "that guy said they had something big planned, a big storm. We don't know their plan, so we have to assume the worst, right?"

  12. Wait, I just thought of another example! Tohya and Yukito from Card Captor Sakura. Through the entire first two seasons it is implied that they are very very close friends, and are shown to deny the advances of any girl that worked up the nerve to ask either one of them out. But, in the third season, they are given further development both as individual characters and as a couple and it is so precious.


    For a specific scene, I would definitely have to say the one where Tohya sacrifices something very special to him in order to save Yuki's life. I won't go into further detail, since I don't wanna spoil it.

  13. @@Leafeon,


    The pin missiles  stuck into the croagunk, but they didn't seem to phase her much, "gunk?". "Pin Missile... isn't that a bug type move? You'd think a poison-type gym leader would know what a poison type resists. Additionally, fighting types resist bug moves... hmm... why would she use Pin Missile? What is that qwilfish's fourth move?"


    Cecil considered the situation a moment. The fish had made itself a smaller target, making her a tough target to hit. Simply wailing on it probably wouldn't be the best idea. "Tsk, starting to wish I took the time to teach Rogue a new move before taking on this gym..." He figured he needed to expand his area of attack, use a move that encompassed more than the area of his croagunk's fingers. 


    "Use Mud-slap! Make it as wide an arc as you can!" The croagunk nodded, and shot out an arc of mud towards the qwilfish. "Mud-slap's damage will be neutral, given the water typing, but it's my best chance at hitting..."

  14. @@Leafeon,


    Cecil ran his hand through his hair, "well, I didn't really obfuscate that information. That's just not my style, ya' know." Cecil was so caught up in himself, that he hardly registered the bubbles going toward his growlithe. The growlithe itself, was too preoccupied gaily bouncing through the dying flames to take much notice of the enemy, either.


    Thus, it would come as no surprise to anyone watching when the bubble attack made direct contact with the growlithe. Despite being a rather weak attack, it caught the growlithe by enough a surprise that he has knocked off his feet, yelping "grow!". This caught its trainer's attention, "huh? Oh, right! Scout, use Agility to come back!"


    The pup got back on its feet, and quickly darted past the qwilfish into the sidelines. "Your turn again, Rogue!" Cecil said, not even turning back to the sidelines to face his pokemon. The croagunk happily bounded back to battlefield, eager for another round. "If I remeber correctly, Rogue has an affinity for absorbing water... Dry Skin, the pokedex called it. The poison typing still weakens her fighting attacks, but also her mudslap... A straight on revenge would probably be my best best."


    "Rogue, use Revenge!" The croagunk nodded its head, "croa!" as it bounded toward the qwil fish to smack it. "If the qwilfish hits first, the revenge will do more damage, effectively negating the resistance. But... I fear that fish might have a ground move of its own... mud-slap would be terribly ironic."

  15. @@Leafeon


    The ariados's sucker punch smacked the growlithe straight in the jaw, effectively closing its jaws before it could bite the spider. "Non! The web must've alerted the ariados... " The growlithe sprawled onto the floor, confused by the ariados's sudden attack. Cecil looked at the ground, noting the singed web, and how the ariados seemed hooked onto the silk. Growlithe's mouth still burned with fire, and Cecil's eyes widened as he thought of an idea. 


    "Scout, bite the silk, set as much of it ablaze as you can!" The growlithe got up, "-lithe!" and bit into a thicker section of the silk, tugging at it and setting it on fire. The fire spread from that point, as the growlithe pulled and dragged the burning silk in his mouth all across the floor.

  16. So, I think I may, in fact, be seeing improvement in my artistic skills over time. I dunno, though, it might just be my imagination.


    So, this is my most recent effort at digital pony-art. I tried drawing my OC Curious with an expression besides 'yay I am happy!'. This is also my second piece where I have actually used vectors to make the lines(the first being my sandshrew picture).


    So, what do you think? Both in terms of the expression and in the technical proficiency?


    for points of reference, here are some of my older pieces:





    • Brohoof 7
  17. A pokemon I drew

    A cute little sandshrew

    Much kawaii desu


    Looky, a complimentary poem. I'm no poet, though. What I am, though, is a digital artist, and this piece here is actually quite the milestone for me. It is my first proper attempt at digital inking with vectors. All my previous digital pieces had haphazardly drawn lines, but now I've embraced the math-e-maticas.

    • Brohoof 5
  18. Ambrosia


    Ambrosia bashfully blushed when Mirage touched and complimented her wings. "Um, yeah, sure. Sure! Of course I can help..." She rubbed the back of her own neck with her hoof. "No problem. Heh." She waved her hoof gently, and then placed her hoof back down. "I mean, if he's as distinctive as you, he shouldn't be hard to spot from above."


    She fluttered her wings a few times before take-off, partly in an attempt to make it more impressive and partly just to warm up her muscles. Ambrosia gave Mirage a wink just before her hooves left the ground, taking off in an almost entirely vertical trajectory. She scanned what area she could from there, but the lay out of the town was far too sprawling and unorganized for her to see all that much from her single location.


    Ambrosia waved down towards Mirage, also taking the moment to mentally note specific features of her location so as to not get lost on the return trip. She flew in a a direction she figured would be towards the center of town, and caught sight of the local marketplace. From her vantage, she could see quite a lot of ponies going about their business, but one figure in particular stood out, "ah! That's probably him." She commented, upon seeing a slender unicorn wearing shimmering gold bands and a white robe. Ambrosia nodded her head, affirming to herself that, yes, he is indeed who Mirage was looking for.


    With a twist of her body, she flew in the direction opposite of where she came, arriving back to the spot where Mirage was. Ambrosia landed gracefully in front of her, fluttered her wings a few more times, and smiled widely, "I think I found him! He's toward the market stalls, I can show you the way." Ambrosia's tail twitched as a thought occured to her, "oh! And, my name's Ambrosia, by the way. What's yours?" She asked, as she turned to lead her towards where the stallion was last seen.

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