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Posts posted by GaleFenrir

  1. @@Leafeon,


    The string shot flew towards were the croagunk had been, but the pokemon was quick on its feet. Immediately after firing off the mud slap, the croagunk bounded towards its left, effectively dodging the string shot. "Evidently, I was correct in my assessment that Rogue honed her skills on the street. This is some impeccable dirty-fighting."


    "Another mud slap, Rogue!" "Gunk!" The croagunk simultaneously fired off another shot of mud, and tensed its leg muscles as it prepared to bound to another position.

  2. @@Leafeon,


    The shadow struck the croagunk before it could react. "Tsk. That move is fast. Rouge can't react to it... but, that just means we'll have to blind that bug!"


    "Rogue, Mud-Slap! Aim straight for the face!" Cecil commanded. "Mud slap isn't particularly strong, but none of Rogue's other moves would be effective..."


    "Gunk!" The croagunk ran up closer to the ariados and flung mud towards its face.

  3. Sorry my friend, but ponies ARE horses! They're not a seperate species, just a horse bred to be small.

    They are still different breeds.


    And I don't really care, tbh. Just made a post out of boredom.


    But this brings up an interesting quandary, as to whether the ponies in Equestria are indeed the same species as the horses from Saddle-Arabia. Their anatomical structure seems really quite different.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. @@Umbreon,@, @@Vaporeon,


    Abigail was the first up the staircase, and lowered the damp cloth she held up to her face. She felt choked up at seeing the assailant. She tried forcing it down, resulting in an audible gulp! The chandelure evidently floated up to this top floor, the combined attacks of the buizel and marill not stopping it.


    She felt her hands trembling, and she was already sweating from the sweltering heat of the previous floors. Abigail grasped onto Isabella's pokeball, and unclipped it. She looked back behind her, hoping that Alery and the other trainer was following her up the staircase.


    She turned back to face the mysterious trainer, and took a step forward. She took a deep breath, and tossed her pokeball, releasing the clefairy. "-ry?" Abigail simply smiled at her pokemon, "it's alright Isabella, we can do this." She clasped the other pokeball on her belt, and summoned her krabby. "Koo?"


    "Somehow, I don't think a formal 1v1 battle will be ideal against this guy."


    "So, you're the one who's responsible for this?"

  5. inb4 Homu-chan.


    Anyways, I am a huge Revolutionary Girl Utena fan, and it is most definitely a yuri series. I can't pinpoint any one specific scene from it as my absolute favorite, however...


    There is a recurring circumstance where Utena and Anthy are going to sleep, and they have discussions, holding each others arms. These bedtime talks are some of the most interesting and insightful scenes in the show, simply because they are the very few circumstances where we see Anthy completely comfortable and true to herself. In the show, Anthy is a big enigma, and a lot of her actions and words are ambiguous. But this set of scenes have her literally let her hair down, and help build Utena and Anthy's relationship.

  6. @@Umbreon,@, @@Vaporeon,


    Abigail gasped in surprise when she saw the chandelure burning the pillar, though it was muffled by the cloth she held against her face. She noticed the other two trainers ordering their pokemon to attack, "ah! Should-should I help? I mean, what could I even do?"


    She reached down to her belt, and gripped onto her krabby's pokeball. "Jeanne... she's a water-type pokemon, too. But... all she has is bubbles. And this heat could just roast her!" Her hand drifted over to the heal ball, "maybe Isabella could put that pokemon to sleep... but, there's also that old man we still need to find..."


    She pulled her cloth down from her face, "Do you think you two can handle this? I'm gonna go look for the elder." Abigail said, before putting the cloth back up to her mouth. She didn't wait for an answer, and instead went over to the hoot hoot. "Please, help me find him?

  7. @@Leafeon,


    The curled up sandslash was hit squarely by the Nightshade, his thick hide doing nothing against the freakin' lazer beams. Additionally, it was covered in the ariados's string shot.


    "Damn... I didn't count on it having such a long range attack. How am I going to counter-attack?" Cecil looked at his sandslash, but a grin crept on his face. Whether the grin was a sign of him forming a plan, or just a facade, was not obvious. "Warden, uncurl!"


    The sandslash complied, his layered spikes being the perfect shape to not be deterred by the silk. It certainly stuck to him, but it didn't hinder movement at all.  "Alright, Warden!" Cecil looked around the gym, "tsk, how am I supposed to work with this?" The place was an absolute mess, random objects just strewn about... "wait!"


    He singled out an over turned stool, "Warden, over there!" The sandslash turned and faced the stool, clearly not understanding what his trainer wanted. "Toss it! Knock that spider down!" The sandslash simply looked at its trainer in blank confusion. It was certainly an unorthodox command, and its claws weren't exactly suited to grabbing things.


    "...sand" The pokemon remarked, "yeah, that may not be the best idea... come back to me, Warden" The sandslash walked up to its trainer, and settled itself in the sideline, attempting to scrape the silk off its back. Cecil turned to his other two pokemon, "alright, Rogue, your turn!"


    "Croa." The croagunk flatly responded, stepping into the battle field, "Rogue, mud-slap!" The croagunk turned to question the trainer, but just shook its head and did its best to fire mud at the hanging spider.

  8. @@Vaporeon,@@Umbreon, @


    Abigail followed Alery, and a trainer she hadn't met, into the burning tower. She turned to face her clefairy, "sorry, Isabella." She unclipped Isabella's pokeball, a heal ball, and returned the clefairy. She looked down at her krabby, "you too, Jeanne," and she returned her as well.


    She kept a pace behind the other two trainers, given that she had no pokemon out to help fight the fire.

  9. @,@@Umbreon,






    A brilliant blue ocean above, soft but damp fluff below; a pegasus mare was laying down on her back, her eyes closed but her mind awake. She rolled over to her side, and her eye lids slowly lifted, revealing bright, golden irises. They lazily scanned the horizon, informing the mare that she was nearing the coast. "I've never actually seen the sea before... it's prettier than I imagined..."


    She rolled over again, putting her legs under her barrel. "But, I don't think it would be wise to fly over the ocean. I might not find a way back. Or I might starve. Or get caught up in a storm!" She raised one of her fore hooves up to her neck, and she pulled at her silken shawl, a hue the same as her irises, loosening it. From behind it, she pulled out a small linen pouch, tied around her neck by a simple cord. "I need to get some more bits..."


    The mare tucked her pouch back behind the shawl, and tightened the scarf so as to obscure the pouch again. Slowly, she straightened out her limbs, standing up on her fluffy perch in the sky. She stretched her legs out, one by one. She fluttered her wings, shook her head, and twitched her tail, attempting to shake off the moisture that had gathered on her when she laid on the cloud. She took in a deep breath, then gave a large, hearty sigh. "Allons-y!"


    She jumped off her cloud, spreading her wings out, letting the air caress her feathers in a gentle glide down to the surface. She hadn't looked about the ground before making her leap, but to her relief she seemed to be near a port-town. 


    The mare landed in what seemed to be a marketplace, and her sudden arrival and vibrant accessory drew the attention of some of the local ponies. She imply waved in a friendly manner to those who stared at her, but the attention did grow uncomfortable. She sheepishly cantered away from the market stalls, and took to exploring the streets.


    "Hmm, should I get something to eat?" She then considered the weight she felt in her pouch, "no, I probably don't even have enough... maybe, maybe I could meet a friendly local who will cook me a nice home cooked meal!" She thought, a silly grin on her face, but then she recalled the reception she got in the marketplace, "oh, wait, no. Probably not, and I shouldn't mooch off somepony I don't even know. I certainly shouldn't expect something like that..."

  10. Well, I the more I stared at my OCs old design, the more unsatisfied I became. And so, I put in the time and effort to rectify such a travesty. I dunno if I entirely succeeded, though. I mean, I rather like it now, but I also like the old one after making it. Will I just become unsatisfied once again? Perhaps If I had some input I could determine such.


    For point of reference, here was Gardenia's old design:


    • Brohoof 2
  11. Here's my OC,



    His name is Curious, and he's kind of a horrible, horrible pony. Well, not entirely. But he does habitually manipulate others, lie, belittle others, is a total commitophobe, no respect for any authority...


    Well, he has some redeeming qualities, I guess. He likes to help and protect. He just goes about it in the entirely wrong way.


    Oh... and he's a private detective.


    In other words, he actually is a *richard*

  12. Okay folks!


    I'm starting this with Aged Rain and Umbreon: I'm liking the dynamic that the tree characters have.


    Thank you all for your interest: if this goes well I'll hopefully be running another of these with another character.

    I'm starting this with Aged Rain and Umbreon: I'm liking the dynamic that the tree characters have.

    tree characters




    I would like to be a tree...

    • Brohoof 1
  13. @@Leafeon,


    "So, it seems we reached an impasse." Cecil remarked. The situation at hand was dull, he found. One in the ground, one on the ceiling. "We don't really want to expose ourselves, and none of my team really has a ranged attack... but, on the other hand... this is boring," he thought, stroking his chin.


    "Alright, Warden, come on up!" Cecil yelled. His sandslash popped his head up, roughly just below the ariados. He looked at his trainer inquisitively, "sand?"


    Cecil covered his face with his hand, "don't just sit there looking like an imbecile, do a defense curl!" The sandslash complied, popping itself out of the ground, and curling into a ball.


    "His spiked exterior should prevent any real damage, and... well, his spines are scalloped, so it shouldn't be easy for him to get too entangled in a string shot." Cecil tapped his foot. He was clearly perturbed by how the battle was going. "Such inelegance. What ever happened to just scratching at one another until one passed out?"

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