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Posts posted by GaleFenrir

  1. May I ask if you have a better picture of the tail? It almost looks braided to me but I can't really tell. Also, so the mane is two colors of blonde? Or one?

    Mane: Should be two colors, the first picture I gave was an outdated design.


    Tail: It's supposed to be kinda fluffy, not braided. I don't really have a picture showing it in detail, though, so...


    Well, I have this picture of her done by Cinderscribe, and the tail is a bit more defined

  2. Ambrosia was lazily drifting upon a stray cloud in the sky. She had decided to take things slow, and easy. Her eyes were only half open as she scanned the ground below, but she didn't take in much detail. No, instead her eyes were just glazing over the cityscape below. Her tail flicked erratically, and her wings flitted about nervously. She absentmindedly poked the cloud with her left forehoof.


    Ambrosia sighed, and turned over on the cloud to lay on her back. It was still early in the day, so the sun was not directly overhead. She always liked the early morning, and the late afternoon. Shadows were so much larger and more distinct; they had more character, she mused. Additionally, on days like these where the sky was mostly clear, she could appreciate the vast blueness above.


    Her contemplation was interrupted, for she heard a distinct grumbling. She put her forehooves on her barrel, "huh, I guess I haven't eaten at all today." She turned back around to face the ground. A smile crept unto her face as she considered the city below her, "ah! I suppose this will be my stop, then!


    She brought out her small bag of bits, tied around her neck, out from behind her shawl, and felt the weight of it. "Yeah, I should have enough on me for a little while..." She put the bit back behind her shawl, and stood up on her cloud. Looking down at the buildings, she looked for any sign she could of a cafe, diner, or bakery. One caught her eye, and with a short warm up to make sure her wings were ready, she took flight down to the city of Baltimare.



  3. @@Leafeon,


    The curled up sandslash bounced backwards upon contact with the croagunk. Rather then attempting to reverse direction back towards the enemy, Warden continued in the opposite direction, picking up further speed. The rolling rodent out-paced the croagunk's attempt to counter-attack.


    "Don't just keep away from it, Warden!" Cecil advised, and the sandslash responded by setting itself on a curved path, making a return trip to strike the enemy with greater speed than previous. 

  4. @@Umbreon,@,


    "Oh,  look! The pokemon was caught!" Abigail cheerfully exclaimed. But she realized it was rude of her to not state her name, "oh, and I am Abigail! Abigail Amier. Pleasure to meet you, Alery!"


    Abigail paused for a moment, but was suddenly overcome by a fit of giggling. "Wait- Alery?" she managed to say, "that sounds like a girl's name!" She tried covering her mouth "oh, um, sorry. It's a good name. I had a friend named Alery once. She was a very respectable person."

  5. @@Umbreon,@@Evilshy, @,


    Gardenia had some apprehensive thoughts about taking another swig of her wine, but she raised her glass again for the second toast and drank some more of it anyway. Emerald had poured quite a lot for her, so there was still some left in it when Gardenia had set her glass back down. She'd rather avoid drinking it all, if she could help it. It would be impolite to refuse a refill, but she thought what she had already consumed was more than enough.


    Gardenia regarded Fizzle's question. "Well, you see dear, the Prince is..." Gardenia had no kind words to say about the Prince, and she only nearly stopped herself from expressing such words vocally. "The Prince is... a very proud stallion." Was the most vague description Gardenia could find for herself to say.

  6. @@Leafeon,


    ((thank you! He really tries to be... or at least convince others that he is)) 


    Cecil stood back up on his two feet, a smug smirk plastered on his face. He wiped away some more of the mud off his face, and looked towards the croagunk. "Right, then. Things are serious now. Prepare thyself, you scoundrel!" Cecil turned towards his sandslash, "Warden, Defense Curl!"


    The sandslash nodded, "-slash!" and curled into a ball. Cecil then proceeded to pick up the spiky ball of living destruction. "Now! Combo-attack! Roll-out!" With honed precision, Cecil threw his sandslash towards the croagunk.

  7. @@Leafeon,


    Cecil took the mudslap to the face, and some of it splattered onto his clothes aswell. He stood up , but looked down at the croagunk through the mud. He closed his eyes, and brought one arm up. He wiped the mud off his face with the sleeve of his shirt, "this! This croagunk is such a rapscallion! A scoundrel! A no-good dirty ruffian..."


    He stared at the croagunk once more, but tears started forming in his eyes. "you... you're... PERFECT!" He bent down on his arms and knees so as to level with the pokemon, "that was exactly the answer I was hoping you would give! Such attitude! Such independence!" he brought one hand to his belt, and grabbed Scout's pokeball. He summoned his growlithe, who proceeded to first happily bark at the croagunk, but then turned around to Cecil, and licked him in the face.


    "You see? You see what I am working with here? I need someone like you!" His growlithe and sandslash simply looked at their trainer in blank confusion. Cecil clasped one of croagunk's 'hands', "please! You have no idea how dreadfully dull it gets when all your pokemon simply accept whatever you do blindly! I need a pokemon who can sometimes knock me down a peg!"


    "Slash?" "Lithe?" His two pokemon asked in utter confusion, "oh, no offense you two. I admire your loyalty and all, but a third pokemon like that? Simply would not fit the team dynamic I have in mind." Cecil clarified to his two pokemon, though he was still grasping the croagunk.

  8. @,


    Abigail was happy to have befriended this growlithe, but she was caught surprised when it barked at her krabby. She held Jeanne closer to her chest, "it's alright, you two. No need to snap at each other."  She stood up and considered the growlithe's trainer. She let out a small gasp as he threw his pokeball at the buizel. "Huh? I missed the entire thing, what happened?" Abigail said quietely so that only her pokemon could hear her.


    Isabella simply responded by putting her hand to her face, "clef-".


    Abigail walked around the growlithe and came to stand by the trainer, "bonjour!" she tried to greet him again. She pointed to the still shaking pokeball, "you're catching that pokemon, bravo. Or, I suppose... um, congratulations."


    "I dunno if I should speak like I normally would... people here may not understand."

  9. Can't battle currently. I'd suggest asking someone else to battle first. x3



    Well, it's not like I'm in a particular rush, but I suppose I'll challenge someone else first...


    Flareon! Wait... no, he's not even on right now. And he seems to be a rather busy bee, anyways.


    @Umbreon! I think I would like to challenge your Ice-team, when you have the time. You don't even seem to be online now, but what evs.

  10. @@Midnight Scribbler@, @@Umbreon


    Smiling, Gardenia followed suit with the toast, "cheers, indeed." She took another sip from her wine, this time drinking more than her previous tastings. "I can't take a dainty sip for a cheerful toast, right? That calls for more enthusiasm, correct? My, I really have no experience with such things."


    She ordinarily would've been on more edge from the coach master's actions, but she was feeling relatively comfortable. "I think I'm good on wine for now. I don't want my senses dulled... or judgement impaired... yes, I'll not take any more sips from my wine for a while."


    "Oh, I do agree. I mean, our host must have something prepared for when we get there." Gardenia commented, voicing what she had just been thinking about moments before. "Blueblood wants us to have a favorable impression of the place, after all."

  11. @@Serious Sam,@@EquestrianScholar,


    Gardenia curtly acknowledged the Princess, "o-of course, Your Majesty!" she said with a slight hesitation. She had never personally met the Celestia, and she had no idea that she would be on this train. The sheer surprise of the Princess's arrival had Gardenia forget about the yellow pegasus who meekly excused herself.


    "Oh, she wants to speak to Iron Will. Right. Yes, but of course." She was thinking to herself, positively frazzled. She had what she hoped was a positive and respectful expression on her face, but she feared she might look a bit dumbfounded.

  12. furstly: lolololololo


    B.) I always think about my characters most defining personality traits when I decide on their names. I figure their name should reflect those, so I research terms that correlate to those traits, and I try to make their names work on a symbolic level. Once I choose their name, then I define their skills and talents.


    I guess I'm a bit odd when it comes to this, though. Most define skills/talents/gimmicks first.

  13. @@Guardian Braveheart,


    "Yeah... yeah, I know. You're right." she said, with wavering confidence. She pulled away from him gently, not wanting to cry on him anymore. "I want to move on, that's why I'm here now instead of Cloudsdale. But... I think I still have to take some time to sort my emotions out."


    "I'm sorry, I think I may have led you on..." she looked away from Braveheart. She disliked it when she had to break a stallion's heart. "I didn't mean to, I just... well, you are a nice guy and all, but I'm not really ready to get involved with anypony right now. I think it'd be best if I stayed single for a while longer."


    She smiled at him, trying her best to not hurt his feelings, "I think anypony would be happy to be with you, though. So I want you to promise me that you won't be so lonely anymore!" she exclaimed.

  14. @@Leafeon,


    The poison sting hit the sandslash squarely, but it easily gritted through the minor pain it caused. The sandslash only tightened its grip on the croagunk in stubborn defiance, "slaaash..."


    Cecil, confident that his partner had the pokemon firmly within its grasp, walked over to the two. He bent down to look the croagunk in the eye, and spoke to it in a low, serious tone, "listen here. You have the fortune to have caught the eye of a trainer as great as I, and thus you have the opportunity to join with me. If you come under my training, I can assure you that you will never be in want of anything again. Power, glory, respect, even just a guaranteed meal and place to rest your head." He took out an empty pokeball from his bag, "if you accept my offer, you will stand with me. If you do not, I must assume you stand against me." Cecil gave one final, stern look at the croagunk, holding the capture device in its face, "so, what's it gonna be? Will you come along with me, or not?"


    The sandslash simply gave its trainer a look of bewilderment. "Of course, I don't expect the croagunk to understand the entirety of what I said. That wasn't the point. It's all about making an impression."

  15. @@Leafeon,


    "Tsk." Cecil uttered under his breath, as his sandslash staggered backwards from the blow the croagunk dealt. "Hmm, if this was just a battle, I would have Warden curl up and use Roll-out. However, if I do that now, I won't have the opportunity to catch it... but that Revenge hits really hard... this is one of those moments I could really do with a pokemon that could stun or otherwise disable the opponent."


    "-Slash!" his sandslash exclaimed. He was hurt by that last hit, but he had no intention of backing down. Cecil nodded in understanding, "right. Okay, Warden, let's put some of that increased speed and heft of yours to work. Try pinning the enemy down."


    The sandslash nodded, "sand...", and then proceeded to lunge forward to the croagunk. It didn't splay out its claws to attack with a Crush Claw, but instead attempted to grapple with the croagunk.


    "An indirect maneuver like that shouldn't be susceptible to a counter-move like Revenge... and Warden has pretty good immunity to any poison the enemy might be inclined to use..."

  16. @,@@Umbreon,


    Abigail knelt down to pet the growlithe, scratching behind it's ear. "Hey there! You're a cute little growlithe, " she said to it, "you kind of remind me of my brother's, actually."


    Jeanne, still being held by Abigail, eyed the growlithe with mild suspicion, "koo..."


    Isabella, who just caught up to her trainer, was more concerned about Alery. She watched the battle between him and the buizel sternly, clearly still irritated that her trainer deigned to bother with greetings.

  17. Well, I don't really have the time/energy to draw his character, but I figured I'd atleast take a stab at designing the cutie mark so that it could be used by someone else. From my experience, simply importing a cutie mark and then manipulating it to fit works so much better than trying to draw it right on the pony.


    Not the cleanest of marks, but I don't do vectors, and, again, from my experience the cleanliness of the mark doesn't matter really when you shrink it down to fit inside the full image.

  18. [b]@@Leafeon[/b],


    ((three pokemon, eh? I think I have an idea of who I might want, then...)) 


    Cecil stepped into the Viribank Complex and looked about. He figured the construction workers would know where the gym would be, but something else caught his eye. He brought out his pokedex to identify it, "a coagunk, huh?" Cecil smirked, "now that is more my style."


    He saw that there was another trainer in the complex, a girl with bright red hair. "Wait, I think I've seen her before. Wasn't she late in picking up her pokedex? If I remember correctly, she had a riolu..." Cecil shook his head, resolving to deal with her only after he had caught the croagunk.


    Cecil walked closer to the surveying croagunk, and summoned his sandslash. The pokemon did a flourish at its entrance, sharpening its claws against one another and exclaiming "Slash!"


    "Yes, perfect, just as we had gone over. I can't just have you summoned onto the battlefield in a boring fashion, after all"


    "Alright, Warden! Dig under that croagunk, and follow it up with a Crush Claw." The sandslash obeyed, and dug downwards. The concrete was tough, and had he still been a sandshrew, he might not have been able to pierce it.



    ((If you want this fighting type too, you'll have to fight for it!))

  19. @@Leafeon@@Umbreon@,


    Cecil stepped out of the pokecenter, and summoned his growlithe out now that it was fully healed. "Grow! Lithe! Lithe!" the pokemon barked happily, before his eye caught the sight of an unfamiliar face. "Grrrr...", Scout warned this unfamiliar pokemon, but then a familiar scent wafted past his nose. "Lithe!" the growlithe piped in recognition, and proceeded to bound towards the sandslash and lick it.


    Cecil looked on in mild bemusement at his pokemon's antics, but then turned his attention towards the city exit. "Right! We're on our way now! The gym's here in Unova are for more elegant then the one's back home. Just walk in, fight, walk out. None of that silly roller-blading, rock climbing, quizzical nonsense. I must take this opportunity to claim the title of champion, that I know I deserve."


    "Come along, now, you two. It's time we left this city." His pokemon both voiced their agreement. The three proceeded onto Route 19, where Cecil casually observed a trainer catch a pokemon. He took note of the other wild pokemon in the area, but wasn't interested in any of them. Further along, he noticed a girl with an espeon engaging a glameow. He dallied no longer, though, and instead proceeded to the next town, "This place sure is dull..." Cecil thought in mild annoyance, "though, I suppose the air is rather nice here. I guess it has that going for it."


    The trio proceeded through Route 20, still nothing grabbing Cecil's attention. Occasionally, Scout would bark at a wild pokemon he saw, but it wasn't ever something Cecil cared to bother with.


    They arrived in Viribank City with little fanfare. "This place... is disgusting," Cecil mused. He looked at his two pokemon out and about, "you two shouldn't be wandering around in a shady place like this. especially you, Scout, who know's were you might run off to." His pokemon both gave him looks of disappointment, but they acquiesced  to his point and dutifully returned to their pokeballs.


    "Now then... where to?" he thought, looking about the place. He set off in a random direction, but careful to avoid any alleys.


    ((I hope it's alright that I skipped right past those routes, you didn't have any exciting event planned, did you?))

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