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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by n0body555

  1. I am truly addicted to CS:GO now.

  2. I am truly addicted to CS:GO now.

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ooh is it good game =)=)?

  3. Went to the movies for 4th of July and on the way home seen tons of fireworks :)

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Ricebug


      oooo my bad from keeping you >~<. Well see yah later then X3 I myself am gonna do some writing X3

    3. n0body555
    4. power strike

      power strike

      i just stayed at home... all alone...

  4. Hurricane Bill.. only found out Yesteday LOL. Thanks for the short notice

  5. finally got to season 2 in American Horror Story. Love it so much.

  6. this game really sounds awesome..
  7. Surgery is over.. no more infection. although there's a possibility of it returning within a few days!

  8. Have surgery for an infection in my mouth in... 4 hours.. woo

  9. Might have an infection in my mouth... from like a few months ago.. err

  10. This new laptop I have.. amazing..! A whole lot better than my desktop.

  11. No one to talk to right now :\

  12. err hate when I cannot sleep D:

    1. Noei


      Hate when I get sleepy when there's homework.


  13. Did not realize today was the day Season 5 started. damn

  14. Just got diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism by my doctor... as well as Vitamin D deficiency

  15. Chappie is a really good movie, god damn it is sad. and Die Antwoord <3

  16. Glad that class is over... sitting on a mat for 3 hours doing nothing but looking at a projector. Nothing to eat/drink. err.

  17. This weeks gone by quickly. Cannot wait for Saturday just to get it over and done with!

  18. I hate the feeling of possibly accidentally annoying someone o.o waiting all day to either get a message or to send one myself xp

    1. Monsoon
    2. AngelofDeath


      That's why i'm always afraid to message people.

  19. Sometimes I need to just ignore all the negativity around me.. to relieve my stress.. Just thinking about something positive. This week has been so stressful.

  20. This week has been oddly enjoyable. Even though it's somewhat miserable... It's kinda nice to have a break as well!

  21. no work today.. sit home and eating icecream :)

    1. Steelstallion
    2. n0body555


      only nice when i have painkillers and icecream. other than that, my jaw is making this day absolutely miserable xP

  22. home from the doc. got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. now home, and alive.

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