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Status Updates posted by n0body555

  1. New car kind of day!

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Awesome! Congratulations, BFFFF! :D



    Lol yall need to check these guys out

  3. whats up guys, been a minute

    1. Ocean Aura

      Ocean Aura

      Hello my friend

  4. I'm bored, it's been a while since I watched the show. Where do I find all the episodes?

  5. I'm here again, woah ;O


  6. I hate love...

    1. Snow


      What makes you say that?

    2. n0body555


      I hope she loves me back the same way that I do. I haven't felt emotion like this in a long time. It fucks me up,  when I don't know if she really feels the same.

    3. Snow


      Make no mistake my friend, it isn't love you should be blaming for this.
      Nor should you hold any resentment to love, It is a beautiful thing.
      It is the fear of rejection that makes you feel this way, please, do not confuse the two.

      What kind of traits do you think she likes in a guy? you cant just hope I'm afraid.
      If you want it to work you have to change yourself to be a man she wants, a man she can fall in love with.

  7. where have i been

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. n0body555


      somewhere studying my ass off

    3. SugarCoatxMarblePie


       Back from outer space. *giggle*

    4. n0body555


      BASICALLY, where I've been. Changed my life so much already, I'm confused

  8. I just got my tax refund.. what to buy :o

    1. Miss


      don't those usually come in april?

    2. n0body555


      Uh no. Got mine at the beginning of February.


      I know last year I got mine in April

    3. Miss


      Ah any specific reason you got it earlier or not?

  9. I've kinda forgot about this place, I think I'm just moving on.

    1. Johnny1226


      Good luck with that smile

  10. I hate having horrible eye sight :\

  11. 56767

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. n0body555


      where are you from?

    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      A first, (for me at least) driving on the road was no problem a all, but my driveway has a turnaround that you have to use unless you want to back all the way down. Let's just say I don't want to back all the way down the driveway.

    4. Clod


      I'm from Earth, but I live in an apartment.

  12. Parents just left.. heard a buzzing noise in their room.. in the midst of talking to them I think what it most likelyis... im scarred

  13. Something about me wants to try another online relationship.. lol..

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. n0body555


      was replying to the first comment.


      I really cannot help in terms of getting into relationships, lol. I'm not terrible at it by any means. I'm just a really shitty person, I'm very negative and very picky. Not to mention I easily get jealous.


      But.. I enjoy those feelings in an odd sense. I have very little conscious. so any kind of feeling I can possibly get is nice.

    3. Snow


      well i have no experience so i cant give any advice :/ oh well.. good luck to the both of us

    4. n0body555


      Just talk to others. fuck sometimes just don't hide anything. just dont expect anything serious. serious shit sucks anyways.

  14. Just got scammed, welp. $90 down the drain. LOL. This fucker is gonna pay..

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Cheerilee


      Well... How do plan to get the money back?

    3. n0body555


      only way is through paypal right now.

    4. Cheerilee


      Think of something, I know you can

  15. im feeling optimistic as hell and i dont know why

  16. a lot of energy but nothing to do with it

  17. i have no idea what i want to do atm

  18. i let out a lot of stress today.

  19. ez for trump

    1. CinnamonPop


      Woo... Money for us... (>o~o)>


      Woo... Still under the poverty line. <(o~o<)

    2. PonyMage


      I can just imagine Trump on the day he gets sworn in: "GG EZ"

      He'll probably tweet it at least.

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