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Status Updates posted by n0body555

  1. no work today :DD

  2. time to catch up on some episodes ;d

    1. Stardust*


      Yay! I started over with season 1 lol

    2. n0body555


      I missed most of the season 6 episodes because of work... :\

    3. Stardust*


      I hope you enjoy them! :D

  3. goodnight!! I'm off now. finally

  4. dont want to sleep xd

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. n0body555


      I still am so full of energy. I blame the meds. but i mean, whatever. I don't need to sleep really. 3 day weekend for me :D

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Fighter the power! In this case it is med power. :P Mine do the opposite of that, they tend to make me tired. :|

    4. n0body555


      mine tend to make me feel tired during the day. at least. I believe it's the medicine. even before I started taking it i was always kinda tired in the day for no apparent reason :\

  5. I feel so anxious today over nothing...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stardust*


      *hugs* Allow the meds to kick in.


      *hugs again*

    3. n0body555


      thanks... and ty for responding. i feel like i vent a lot in these things -_-

    4. Stardust*
  6. supernatural to calm some stress... ;3

  7. so bad at making new friends xd

  8. why am i stilll up?????? I'm out, goodnight !

  9. 3 day weekend woohoo! no work at all.

  10. hard to imagine that I feel happy lately.

    1. CinnamonPop
    2. n0body555


      been depressed ever since middle school, I mean I've had sparks of being happy but never for so long. I mean, seeing some therapists and being put on some meds. I haven't felt this consistently good about myself.

  11. might be getting a psychiatric evaluation soon... honestly, can't wait.

  12. dont know what to do. dont want to sleep d;

  13. supernatural x)

  14. seeing a psychiatrist today... First appointment with one..

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Ah, good luck then. ^_^ Sure it will go well. I like seeing counselors.

    2. n0body555


      It went great! c: I just get nervous about talking to them over some few things...

  15. I never sleep this much. Half the day feels wasted :P

  16. I have serious problems.

  17. I never realized how one person changed my life so much until now :\ I miss her so much and I know she would have never really understood..

  18. I'm so hard on myself and I never understand why :/

  19. nothing to do today :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. n0body555


      I have been. I'm just really bored of doing so. i hate weekends ;p

    3. ChikaChan


      I know ^^ I don't like the weekends to x3

    4. n0body555


      I am just used to working everyday. meds have been messing with me lately or something. I feel really good, just not really energized to do much.

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