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Status Updates posted by Jackleberry

  1. Happy 2022 Day~ ^^

  2. Well I suppose things can only get better from here. Happy New Year~

  3. Hey, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and stuff! :flutterhat:

    Gift stuff is finished for me, now I just wanna go back to sleep, haha~ :-P

  4. Yo how do people just chat with other people like it's nothing. Like what type of sorcery ... ? I can't speak to someone without going over my response like fifty times over, and I may not even click send! Hahaha~ :twismile:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randimaxis


      Words are fleeting things; best to share before they slip away.  :mlp_smug:

    3. Jackleberry


      ... Is it possible to learn this power?

      Yeah I get it, lately I've been trying to tell myself pretty much just that, but for somebody who's mostly avoided people and social interaction for years, even the simplest of interactions can seem pretty daunting sometimes. ^^;

    4. Snow


      Socialising is a skill, and one that is learned as part of our day to day lives, what to and to not say, when and when not to say it, what you can and cant joke about and around which people, all comes in time, even if you haven't been all that social in the past :P

  5. http://i.imgur.com/dnyU8dv.png - Me, half of the time I wanna play. :|
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jackleberry


      Indeed. I used to play on multiple different servers, but I guess I became sort of attached to this particular one. Perhaps I should take a break from it ...

    3. Smarts


      Branching out is helpful.

    4. Fleur-De-Lis


      That is pretty much me whenever I wait for my near and dear friends to come online.

  6. http://i.imgur.com/KAkWIa8.png - I have discovered the ability to sell Steam trading cards. :3
    1. Jackleberry


      *Well, I knew the function existed, but I never really bothered until now.

    2. DaReaper


      Sell them cards, sell them cards, 1 2 3 4

  7. Was just casually checking out MLPF on my phone after I woke up ... http://i.imgur.com/OAzKkNw.png :P Happy New Year though!

  8. >Playing CoD:AW. >Gets in some guy's way for less than a second (or so). >Guy starts cussing and giving me shit. 11/10, would run into someone again.

  9. Steam Sales. Am I doing it right? :P - http://i.imgur.com/5YpFSec.png

    1. Mirrory


      Depends if you still have money in your wallet

  10. Only in X-COM can an alien casually walk out of a door and gun down Mahatma Ghandi and Muhammad Ali. xP

    1. Miles


      Meanwhile in the corner, Dave Chapelle and Dane Cook light up their cigarettes, listening to some Jimi Hendrix.

      Wait... that's not right... nvm LOL. ^_^

    2. Inactive_Now


      Dave Chapelle show is the best ^^

  11. Got a bit bored of the old, so I'm bringing in the new. :P

  12. My manga arrived! ... However one of the books got freaking stuck to the glue on the side, so I had to 'pry' it off. -_-

    1. Deae Rising Shine~
    2. Jackleberry


      Indeed. But, at least it's still readable. :3

    3. Fhaolan


      That's annoying, and happens far too often to me.

  13. I didn't get older ... I just levelled up ... :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jackleberry


      I know right? >.<

    3. Inactive_Now


      I'm level !#$!%!&/#(#)/%$#%#&

    4. Tasuni


      I'm level 2222222222222222222222222222222222

  14. I couldn't help it.

  15. Yeah Germany! :D

    1. Retired Commissar

      Retired Commissar




    2. K.K. Slider

      K.K. Slider

      In Bremen (Germany), everybody has been flipping out in the streets for hours. Not enough cops to clear the intersection, lol.

  16. Krebs' fish were wrong, it would seem. :P

  17. Started up a new anime, 'Hataraku Maou-sama'. Two episodes in, and I'm quite enjoying it. :D

    1. Noire Panzer

      Noire Panzer

      Welcome to Mc Ronalds! How may I be of service?

  18. Ah, I almost forgot. I joined this forum, on this date, one year ago. Became a brony just two days before as well. Yay! ^_^

  19. *Feeling too lazy to do anything* *Turns on my fan* *No longer too lazy to do anything* :S

  20. Ooh yay, 1000 brohoofs! ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kawaii Besu

      Kawaii Besu

      Same here. Looks like the 'Count to one million' thread can be renamed to 'Free brohoofs here' thread. :P Congratulations, BTW. *brohoofs*

    3. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      would explain my over 3.600 brohoofs XD

    4. Jackleberry
  21. *Rising-Shine brohoofed a post you made in Count to One Million* Me: "It begins ..." xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. equerio


      Indubitably! :D

    3. equerio


      Indubitably! :D

    4. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      Heck, I found that status update now? Hey, I don't have an "-" anymore in name :P

  22. That moment when you're just feeling straight-up random. :P

    1. DaReaper


      Abd then we will drink tea

    2. Jackleberry


      *Adjusts monocle* Hmm yes, I do enjoy some good tea. ^_^

  23. Ooh yay, so many interesting threads popping up lately. ^_^

  24. How to tell if/when I'm dreaming: I'm not in my room. Dead giveaway right there. :P

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