Sterling smiled at Sterling when he mentioned Blue Note's name. He heard of her in the music department and how she was going to be in his piano class this semester. He would definitely be able to have a look at her while he taught the class. But for now, Sterling wanted to be taught, and Dr. Thorrington knew that time was short. It was now time for him to teach Sterling.
The piano lesson went rather smoothly. Dr. Thorrington, as usual, was very picky with Sterling, since he knew that Sterling had much potential to become a concert pianist should his plans with medicine not pan out the way he should. Deep down, he was slightly disappointed that Sterling didn't become a concert musician instead, but he could still see just how fitting it was for him to be involved with medicine, especially given his intelligence and attention to detail.
But with music, it was very hard to catch every detail in Clopin's Scherzo, given its length and grandeur. Sterling was struggling to catch on with all the details, even after all the practice he put into the piece. Dr. Thorrington was pleased with the progress he made, but still... the details needed to be there!
"Nope! Try that phrase again! I need to hear the bass!"
"Be softer at the middle section! You need to be more delicate!"
"I need to hear all those notes!"
Those were just some of the things Dr. Thorrington would say to Sterling throughout the lesson. After all was said and done, Sterling looked fatigued. When Dr. Thorrington noticed, he chuckled.
"That's how you practice Sterling! Now remember everything I've said!" Dr. Thorrington responded with his ever usual booming voice. Sterling chuckled awkwardly before giving him a good bye wave... He couldn't wait to see Blue Note at lunch... they wouldn't talk much given her dining room duties, but just seeing her already made his day...