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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Inactive01

  1. This fandom has changed my entire life. A little more than two years ago, when I first joined the forums, I thought the fandom was just a group of people who had similar likes and were able to make good art. They were like all the other fandoms like Phineas and Ferb, and other TV shows in that regard. There were lots of fans, but they for me weren't people I'd talk with much. When I joined the forums, I thought that I was going to just make a few posts about ponies and life in general and eventually leave the forums someday without having made much of an impact at all and vice versa. I was fresh off being addicted to an F2P MMORPG, so I knew I didn't want to be too attached to a forum at the time. But boy was I wrong. I encountered people of all kinds on the forums, people who were open to talking about themselves and people who trusted each other and build each other together. Even though I didn't experience that until the 2nd year I was on the forums, it was certainly one of those moments where it's better to be late than never. I went through so much transformation even since I underwent a renaissance after coming back from a forum hiatus. There were three things in particular that the fandom taught me: organization and openess, writing skills, and love. First, there was the World Cup that took place two months ago. The fandom taught me organization skills as I prepared a tournament for the entire forums to enjoy. I had to organize the event with countless other people to make sure the World Cup ran smoothly and efficiently for everyone else to enjoy. There was artwork of all kinds, music of all kinds, and voters of all kinds who came together to vote for their favourite pony. During the event, I witnessed people who loved so many ponies and just how many fans there were on the forum. It encouraged me to be more open towards people who were different from me, and it taught me to appreciate the unity we had on the forums despite how diverse we were as a community. Then there was roleplaying in general. If it weren't for the fandom, I would never have been introduced to roleplaying. I would have missed out on a world where I could use my imagination and express my ideas through writing. It's been very useful for me since effective communication nowadays requires typing/writing your messages, and that is much harder than saying your ideas. It also let me create characters who I could play with and have control over, a wonderful feeling to have when you need a break over the things you can't control. Doesn't mean you can abuse your OCs though! Now this last point ties in really well with my second point since it involves love and friendships. In actuality, my closest friends were the people I roleplayed with. I actually have two people in particular who are very close to my heart (You know who you are if you're reading this! ), and for both of them, our friendships grew through roleplaying. We collaborated on ideas and played them out, and we laughed and cried over all the moments they experienced. Those feelings eventually transferred to our lives, and I managed to learn a lot of lessons about love from the people I've asked advice for. When I was in a rut about my failed attempts to get a girlfriend earlier this year, the fandom was there to cheer me up with the rest of my friends. In fact, I can argue that it's my forum friends who have picked me up a lot more than the friends I've met face to face. I just wanted to add as well that I met my closest online friend here, and that I'm excited about keeping in touch for the long haul! So in short, The fandom's completely transformed my life for the better. I will certainly miss the place once I come here less often when graduate school starts in two weeks. Nevertheless, it's not like I'm leaing anytime soon, so that's not an issue is it?
  2. Why hasn't Half Life 3 been confirmed yet?!
  3. I can't believe that an NBA executive actually told this writer to watch Space Jam! xD http://grantland.com/the-triangle/an-all-too-serious-breakdown-of-space-jam/

  4. Sterling noticed the pause and wondered whether they had roamed into a bad subject to end their conversation so abruptly. Sterling then tried hard to think of another topic that they could discuss so that he could lift Blue Note's spirits... "So Blue Note... how... how was the rest of your Hearth's Warming holiday?" Sterling asked awkwardly, having feared that he said something that put Blue Note in an awkward position...
  5. One thing I realized yesterday was that love doesn't have to be romantic. You can find love even in friendships. And that fact I hope to remember long into the future... Because I feel loved today... :3

  6. Sterling continued laughing when as he completed his Cheesy impression. He then looked around to make sure that Cheesy wasn't around before he took on a more neutral face. He then pondered about Cheesy's progress, realizing that he still didn't give up on the musical yet... "You know, I'm surprised Cheesy's still in the musical! Why hasn't he quit or been kicked out yet? The director must have a lot of faith in him... either that, or he sees something we don't..."
  7. Sterling chuckled again when Blue Note mentioned Cheesy and his lines. He remembered the director grilling on him for not completely memorizing his lines and how he wanted him to get practicing on his lines and his voice. Sterling then replied, pretending to stutter like Cheesy did and making some funny faces in the process in hopes of making Blue Note laugh some more...
  8. My biggest pet peeve of all is when people go online to chat with you, but when you give a message to them, they never reply. Why are you online when you can't reply?
  9. Happy birthday! Also, I have to say, you're on the same b-day as my country's!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Inactive01


      August 17, 1945... just at the end of WWII... Indonesia declared independence with the help of Soekarno... It's an amazing history they have!

    3. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord

      August 17, 1991 . . . Bernadette Clay had her first son in a Philadelphia hospital. Not as exciting, but there it is. XD (Seriously though, everything having to do with WWII is amazing.)

    4. Inactive01


      Well it's still important for you! And me! :P

  10. When Blue Note asked why they were doing this in the first place, Sterling just recalled what had happened on the day they were singing to each other just for fun, "Apparently the director had enough belief in us that we were good singers to hand-pick us. At first, I thought it was really exciting to go through this musical as Emile, but the more time goes, the more I realize it's hard to be involved with a show of this magnitude. Singing's a hard thing to do, but I realize that I've been letting off a lot of energy doing it, and that it's helped me sleep better at night. It sounds really strange, but even though it was tough, it's been... relieving." Sterling liked singing, but it was a lot of hard work he realized. At least it wouldn't be long before it was over... Still, he liked Sweetie Belle and Applebloom... They were the most memorable of the cast, especially after what happened on their last rehearsal before Hearth's Warming... Sure it was annoying at the time, but looking back at it, he thought it was pretty cute...
  11. *Sigh* I hate my sister... -_-

  12. Who's on the amazing banner?! :o

    1. Lightwing


      If my memory doesn't fail,those are the Equestrian Empire staff's OCs

      Troblems,Kay Dreamer,Skycoaster,Fhaolan and Khajit

  13. Can I count myself as famous too? I've become my university's poster boy, so to speak (well, I used to attend there before I graduated )
  14. One of these days, we need to start an MLPF panel talking about outreach to our community as bronies in our disciplines.

  15. Good morning, Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!

    1. FadedSkies
    2. Inactive01


      Hello! How are ya?! Also, did you catch the reference? :3

  16. Dude, are you seriously back?! :o We've got to get chatting again! :o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inactive01


      So, where should we chat? :P I have Skype and you already have me on Facebook! :P

    3. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Well, I'm on Skype more often than Facebook, so Skype would probably be best. Do you have a Steam account? If you do, that would work too, as I'm usually online on Steam.

    4. Inactive01


      I have both Skype and Steam. Just added you on Steam. What's your Skype id? Mine's on me profile

  17. Sterling had completely forgotten about the South Pacific rehearsal the past few days. He had practiced through the holidays, but he spent most of his time just relaxing with his piano and doing some medical research. Back to the conversation however, Sterling jumped slightly at the thought of another rehearsal the first week back from holiday. It was ok given the fact his labs didn't start until next week, but it was still a surprise to him... "I think I'll stick with the violin after this as well... Singing's got my voice raspy whenever I finish practicing! I honestly can't wait until this is over... Singing is so hard..." Sterling sighed lightly afterwards. it wasn't a tired sigh, but he couldn't wait to finish this musical production...
  18. Sterling chuckled again when Blue Note made a funny face that mimicked Stick Clicks. He certainly was even more eccentric than even he was, and that said something! Sterling then replied again, this time to Blue Note's question about Adagio, "I guess you could say that! Adagio will certainly not be thinking of cutting more ponies off, given that almost all of them already left after Theory I! Still, we've got to be on guard!" Sterling chuckled again before he continued munching on his favourite salad.
  19. Sterling could see that Blue Note had her own concerns to deal with when it came to the piano teaching itself. Sterling calmly reminded her, "Yes there's a lot to consider when you're dealing with younger ponies because they lack discipline. But at the same time, if you can find some way to grow the foal's love for playing the piano, it will do wonders for their practicing." With regards to Stick Clicks, Sterling chuckled awkwardly before continuing... "Stick Clicks... he's a strange one for sure! But he seems nice enough... I guess..." Sterling then noticed that he was stuttering... his mind began to wander as to whether Blue Note's "study buddy" could transfer into something deeper... with his mind leaning towards that direction, Sterling quickly shooed them away in his mind so that he could concentrate again on Blue Note.
  20. Sterling chuckled lightly when Blue Note mentioned that she would have to ponysit a student for a month. After hearing that it was linked with piano lessons, Sterling realized that it probably was Dr. Thorrington's doing, "You're taking the class with Dr. Thorrington right? He's really passionate about teaching, and I'm not surprised to hear that he gave such a project for his students! It's going to be tough, but it's not like you have to teach them a really hard piece in a month! Plus, you only have to have piano lessons once a week to check on progress, and since your student's from elementary school, they probably only have the capacity for a half hour lesson each time." Sterling explained to Blue Note, having learned from his own experiences when being taught.
  21. Sterling looked at Blue Note with a confused look. She had mentioned earlier that Cheesy was following her, but that wasn't the twist... It was his apology and his desire to change for the better that really surprised him. Perhaps Cheesy was really sincere with his willingness to change and become a proper gentecolt and friend towards Blue Note. Perhaps it was that Cheesy was faking his apology and trying to deceive Blue Note into another trap... One thing he knew though... trusting somepony required a risk and a vulnerable heart... and it did not seem that Blue Note had such a heart at the moment... "I wish I knew what other ponies were thinking too.. but at the same time... maybe it's best that some thoughts are kept a mystery to us..." Sterling scratched his head before he continued... "Cheesy's actions are certainly strange, but at the same time, there must be a reason for it... Be careful Blue Note, but if he's sincere, I guess give him a chance..." Sterling didn't like Cheesy, but maybe he turned a new leaf... only time would tell he opined...
  22. Sterling nodded back at Blue Note. At this point, Blue Note was probably right, even though all it really looked like was just awkward glances from the ponies. "I'll definitely keep an eye on Chemm. I never really liked Chemm... she's always so mad at me... and I have no idea why..." Sterling looked back at Blue Note with a pondering mind. She was certainly a mean pony, but Sterling always believed that there were reasons for their actions that he had no idea about... Sterling then took out his packet of cabbage salad he made for himself and began to munch on it... He munched on it more slowly, learning from Blue Note how to eat more politely in front of other ponies... He had the urge to eat faster since he was really hungry, but he told himself that he was in no rush, which certainly helped.
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