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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Sommar

  1. http://mlpforums.com/topic/123009-ask-misspurplebookworm-if-you-want-to/ This is my ask thread titled, "Ask MissPurpleBookworm". Check out this thread! (If you want to, that is).
  2. Hey guys! I created an ask thread titled "Ask MissPurpleBookworm". So if you have any questions to ask me, ask here:

  3. Hey guys! I created an "Ask MissPurpleBookworm" thread. If you have any questions you want me to answer, check the thread out here:

  4. Goodnight ponies! I won't be back on here for awhile due to school, so see you soon!!(:

    1. catnet


      Goodnight, and sweet dreams! ^_^ *hugs*

    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Noooooooooooooooooo..............Wait.....Have we met?

  5. Llamas are cool. That is all.

    1. Dewdlz


      *gives Llama badge*

    2. Sommar


      *Llama is ecstatic*

  6. I'm back!!(: I'm so glad the Patriots won! Who else rooted for the Patriots?

    1. ponylaces
    2. Frostgage


      I was so happy when they won <3

    3. lomk


      *replies to week old status*

      Yeah I was pretty stoked to see them win. I don't really like the Seahawks and my team (Dallas) wasn't in it so I was pulling for the Pats from the get go :D

  7. Luna fans! Do you agree that Luna looks great with glasses?? She looks so hipster! Hipster Luna should be a thing!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. catnet


      Have to agree with you there! ^_^

    3. CheeryFox
    4. lomk


      Seems to be the popular thing lol

  8. Hi everypony! Hope you guys are having a great day today!! :D

  9. Merry Christmas everypony!!

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Merry christmas *hugs* <3

    2. catnet


      Merry Christmas! ^_^

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