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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Geek0zoid

  1. @@GingerJoy Blast smirked (I go by blast in these post-disaster RP's. In others, I go by Stephan.) "Well, it certainly isn't the best time to be alive. My name is Blast. I'm the fastest pony in the land! Well, on land that is." Blast handed the orange pony a biscuit. "Who are you, anyways?" (Changing. Don't respond yet.) Blast smirked and handed Leo a couple of biscuits and butter. "Well, yeah. When you're one of the fastest things in the land, you're pretty tough to catch."
  2. After the incident, the Spartacist branch was formed. One of it's few members was Stephan. But, no one calls him that anymore. These days, he goes by Blasted Nova. Ponies just call him "Blast" for short. Blast was the speed demon of the branch who leaves the faction every day to do a daily patrol of the now fallen world. Today, he was just walking through a ruined desert terrain Romula Grey was in , delivering supplies to the ponies who have set up tough lives for themselves.
  3. Stephan looked over the set up senarios and looked at Day. "My best bet would probably be going with Midnight and Grand. Since I've known Grand for a bit, we could probably set up a plan." Stephan then looked at Grand and Midnight. "You guy's alright with that?"
  4. Stephan smiled and left the room to the medical office. "Thanks, Chivalry. Get well soon." Stephan walked into the medical office and into the doctor's room. He lied out on the chair and took a deep breath. "Hello, doctor. I think I may have a few injuries in my head and side. I need you to take a quick look."
  5. "Well, of course Grand. I believe you can handle yourself well. I mean, look at you. You're a unicorn. You have magic on your side. You can pretty much do anything." Ghost said with a smile. Ghost then lied on the carpet. He was worried that he got off on the wrong hoof with Castor and Pollux. If he was going to go along with the group, he would have to make sure he could cooperate with all of them. He walked over to the food pile, got an orange, and turned to the two former thieves. "You guys should know that I don't want to be the only defender, right? You're just as capable and strong as I am."
  6. Ghost could tell that they were beginning to become a little mad. "Listen, you two. I know are very capable. I mean, look at what you achieved before the outbreak. You two may be criminals, but you are some of the most highly skilled criminals I've ever seen. Sorry if we're getting off on the wrong hoof. It's just that Zycrin is my worst enemy and I want to get my hooves on him for hurting Grand."
  7. (In that case, they can come inside, too. Don't wanna hold them back) "I need assistance." He walked to the injured warrior. "As in, I need training. Swordpoint proved to be a challenge. He told me after the fight that I was good, but I needed to train harder. So I came to you for guidance. Once we get all patched up and healed, I would like you to train me to hone my abilities."
  8. Stephan shakes Swordpoint's hoof, and smiles. "Thank you, Swordpoint. Hope you go on to win." He then walked out of the arena and back into the stadium. He sort of felt happy for himself. He might have lost, but at least he gave it his all. He decided that he needed some more training in his abilities, as well as find new ones. He went Chivalry's room door and knocked. "It's Stephan. Could I come in?"
  9. Ghost walked to Fire Horn and looked him in the eye. "Have you been living under a rock? Trottingham is one of the safest cities in the region right now. The safest is Canterlot. Besides, if the president of Trottingham needs help, I can't just stay and do nothing. Plus, you got me now. Zycrin will have to get through me before he hurts anypony."
  10. Stephan saw the colored doors open. "Let's do this!" He stepped inside of the red colored door. Since the color red was on his bracelet, he only assumed that going into the red colored door was the way to go. He assumed Midnight would be coming with him, since they were both roped into the same elevator.
  11. Yesterday, I picked up L.A. Noire from my local Gamestop. And I have to say... I like it. It's not like your typical Rockstar game. Instead of going around the city with an assault rifle and wreaking havoc, I had to focus on good, clean detective work. It was nice to see Rockstar step out of their ordinary game formula and try something a little different. While I was playing, a thought came into my head; Rockstar has been making a lot of good games recently. Whether it be about a European, a cowboy, or a detective, Rockstar always seems to manage to please the gaming community. So, tell me. From what you've seen come out of Rockstar, do you think they're one of the greatest game companies ever, or not quite? And why?
  12. Stephan suddenly felt a little worried. If he didn't win, it would probably cost him his life. On top of that, now he knows that these tiny bracelets were poison dispensers. He put his game face on and looked Zero in the eye. "No way, Zero. We'll get through this and show you just how much of a group of foals we really are. What are we playing first?"
  13. Ghost played around with the dials and switches on the radio for a while. The signal started to come clear after some work. "This is a recorded message from the president of Trottingham to The Ghost. You need to come to my city at your earliest convenience. Don't ask why. Just come." There was a click after a brief 3 second pause. "Well, I guess I know where I'm going. You guys up for Trottingham?"
  14. @@Grand_Finale, Ghost talked with Grand as he was patching up her open wounds. He didn't know much about first aid, but he tried his best. "Well, he was right about Zycrin coming here. Too bad I couldn't get him. Sorry for letting you get hurt like that." Ghost finished patching up the last of the cut. "And... there we go."
  15. Ghost started to run back to the hospital with his ham radio and his battle equipment. This new signal seemed very out-of-the-ordinary, and he couldn't make it out. He thought that maybe on of the others knew what it meant. In about two minutes, he was back at the hospital. "There's an odd signal coming from my radio. Can any of you make it out?" He then saw Grand awake on the ground. "Well, look who's up. I brought some medical supplies from my shack. Let me patch you up." Ghost begins to patch up Grand's wounds. He tried to be careful, as he didn't want to hurt her. "How do you feel?"
  16. Ghost walked up to her while she was on the ground. "It was Zycrin. I told you he was coming. He left a note saying that he would be coming back to finish you all off. So, I'm coming with all of you so I can make sure you carry on safely." Ghost knew that he didn't have much of a choice. He had to go with them if he wanted to stop Zycrin and keep him from killing the group. He helped Grand back up to her feet. "Minor injuries. Nothing that can hold you back." Ghost jumped and got back to his hooves. "Let me just grab some stuff from my shack. I'll be back in a minute." Ghost ran out the door and went back to his shack. If he was going to go along with this group, he'll need his battle equipment. As he was gathering his stuff, a signal mysteriously came on his ham radio. The signal seemed unfamiliar to Ghost. What could it be. (This is where your idea is coming into play, Shadow alicorn)
  17. @@Grand_Finale, @@Midnight Blade, "Huh." Stephan had a puzzled look on his face. He wasn't so sure about the pony on the monitor. He must have had multiple personality disorder. One minute, he's as calm as a mouse. The next, he's as crazy as Discord. "So, what your saying is that in order to win your little game, one color has to pair up with another?"
  18. Stephan folded his arms and smirked. "Alright, Zero. I think we'll play your little game. I like games, anyways. Where do we start?" Stephan felt as confident as ever. He's manipulated many of his enemies tricks and mind games. He didn't think that this time would be any different.
  19. I'm a closet brony (Sort of). The only people who know I'm a brony are my other brony friend and my brother. I was almost caught on this site by my dad, but I switched to another tab just before he looked at the computer screen.
  20. Stephan rolls his eyes and speaks up. "I take it that it means a self-destruct countdown, and if we press the buttons, it'll activate. Once it goes off, it'll cause catastrophic destruction?" Stephan asks. (Random wording to fill up the remaining characters)
  21. Stephan smirked and let out a 'heh' "Sounds like fun. Alright, Zero. I'll play your little game." Stephan walked to the screen through the bare building he was in. The facility they seemed to be in resembled some sort of lab industry. Eventually, he made it to giant monitor.
  22. "It should be. I've known Zycrin since outbreak began, and I know almost everything about him. After he strikes, he leaves a note with his signature." Ghost picks up the note and begins to read it out loud. "The mare should count herself lucky that I didn't take her life. Now, hello Ghost, old friend. I know you're with this group and they have quite a price on their heads. I suggest you tag along with this lot and protect them with your life from me. You may or may not want to go with them, but you must. It's a matter of life and death. ~Zycrin" Ghost put down the note. "Well, I guess I don't have many options." Ghost turned to Fire and Caramel. "I'm coming with you guys to protect you from that lunatic. Looks like you have a new member to your lot."
  23. In late June, the Deadpool video game came out. Being a huge Marvel superhero fan, I was hyped up and excited when Deadpool finally got his own game. When I finally played it, I was... unimpressed, to say the least. I don't really remember too much from the game. It had some good stuff in there, but it just wasn't enough to satisfy me. For those who have played the game, tell me. Do you think it was over-hyped?
  24. I'd probably have to say Banjo and Kazooie. I loved their first two platformers on the N64. I have mixed feelings on Nuts and Bolts, though. There's also Silver from Sonic the Hedgehog. He barely gets any attention whatsoever. First, he appeared in 06, where he looked like a gullible dumbass who swallows what anyone says. Then, after that, he's barely used for anything. What a way to waste some money, SEGA.
  25. "Zycrin would. Killing and hurting other ponies is what keeps him going through times like these. If he doesn't do that... he'll take his own life if he has to." Ghost puts his hoof on Caramel's shoulder. He could tell she was super upset. "She'll be fine, Caramel. She'll wake up, eventually. Next time he comes, I'll give him what for."
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