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Boop Beepington

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Status Updates posted by Boop Beepington

  1. Boop your nose! Hello!

    1. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      *nose scrunches* o.O Oh..my...

  2. Working on some art!.. Can't wait to post it! (Doctor Whooves yay!)

  3. Hey! Judt posted new art thread! I'll try and stick with this on me posting, so fallow and chack out my new art! http://mlpforums.com/topic/69803-boop-beepingtons-art-thread/

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      That's so cute! I wanted to post on your thread, but too short

  4. Sorry I haven't been on today! But I'm back1 (again)

    1. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      It's okay,welcome back!

  5. I'm back online! Hello everypony!!

  6. Would it be cool if Fluttershy got a horn?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boop Beepington
    3. ~StatesTheOblivious~


      Thanks. It's just that there are enough princesses already.

    4. Boop Beepington

      Boop Beepington

      Can't have enough ponies bro.

  7. I'm back! Hahaha! I've been wondering where Fluttershy has gone off to, hmm, oh well!

  8. Ok, g-night everypony, Rarity is getting really upset and she wants me in bed pronto, nighty night!

  9. I like how you can edit your profile like you can, so coolz!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boop Beepington

      Boop Beepington

      Oh! Sorry, I was talking about backround stuff, the about me was made by me, I never copied it

    3. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense
    4. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves



      Wise words brah, wise words.

  10. I'm board, anyone have smexy pony images for me to look at? Gotta waste time somehow...

  11. Wait.. if Rarity comes up to me asking for.. ya' know... then do I say yes or no?

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      If I were in your footsteps, of course I would say YES!!!

      She's my all time favorite.

    2. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      If "ya' know" is what I am thinking of, this isn't really appropriate...

  12. I'm back Doon-coughes! :3

  13. Comming back in a hour or so, leave me a brohoof while I'm gone ^~^

  14. Anypony else here think Brain The Red Pony is a rip-off from Big Macintosh?

    1. Gabriel Smith

      Gabriel Smith

      Who the what now? O_O

    2. Boop Beepington

      Boop Beepington

      Yeaaa um... don't look it up... plz

  15. Haha.. well this got me.. hungry...

  16. Haha.. well this got me.. hungry...

  17. My first art upload (Derpy cutie) seems to be catching everyponies attention! (yay!) I'll try and do more of these but I AM a begginer so plz be patient thank you everypony!

    1. Spiritual Nightmare

      Spiritual Nightmare

      It's ok, take your time~

    2. LonesomeTomb773


      It was adorable. Also, you shouldn't feel rushed to do these things. Do them at your own pace.

  18. Anypony else here watch Jacksfilms? I've found myself to be constantly watching him... then found this.. now constantly watching this *cough*

  19. Just got through with uploading some Derpy fan-art! Check out the post here!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69435-derpy-snuggle/

  20. I'm back online! Hello everypony!!

  21. Well G-night everypony! Hope to see you all soon!

    1. LonesomeTomb773
    2. Pulcinella


      Hmm, sleep. That's a good idea.

    3. Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Sir Cal Stonehoof

      Night Jack. May Luna walk your dreams

  22. Hmm ponies make me both, with a very magical and rainbowlichious evening!

  23. Hmm I wonder.. if pony + mind + clop, then what does clop + mind mean?

    1. LonesomeTomb773


      It either means horny or disgusted. Take your pick.

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