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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by DubWolf

  1. How do I know your name isn't just a fancey way to say "oh really" :okiedokieloki:?


  2. Yesss embrace your battiness: eat a mango.

    1. Nitobit


      *opens a fridge and gets buried under a huge wave of mangoes*

    2. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      Ahhhh @DubWolfI HOPE YOU'VE BEEN WELL <3 
      Nitobit is awesome. Just wanted to toss that out there *poofs*

  3. "If only there was a way to know you were in the good ole days before you actually leave them."


    Well, looking at my fish tank, I wish it was better :wacko: .

  4. A PT poner :o 

  5. No way! Back in my day it was $7.99 for a large 3 topping at Domino’s :stressed:! What a jump!





    Note you still save. You just pay extra for every other topping.

  6. Is that a bat pone I see :o ?

    1. Nitobit


      It is a bat pone, indeed :P

    2. DubWolf



  7. Spooky avatar :o . Alistor is Aliscary D:

    1. Clawdeen


      Actually It’s Prince Snatcher from A Hat In Time lol. It’s a mod someone made of him

    2. DubWolf


      Oh.... wow. That looks so much like Alastor :wacko: .

    3. Splashee


      I thought it was some Helluva/Hazbin character as well :please:

  8. Cats: 90% soft and fluff, 10% sharp.

  9. Silverstream is working on a big construction project: hard hats in the work zone!!!

  10. Not even on facebook for more than... 30 seconds and I already felt triggered and left. I feel like I need to purge a lot... #SBG

    1. Goofyg27


      Sorry to hear that hope things will get better for you soon 🐱

    2. DubWolf


      They sure won't. Soon was years ago.

    3. Goofyg27


      I still feel bad for you though. 

  11. Who wants to go to Mazercise :ooh: ?

  12. I do not want to drink...

  13. I miss the dislike bar on youtube; it's NICE knowing if a tutorial is mostly helpful or mostly NOT helpful....

  14. Darth Maul: “it’s over Obi Wan! I have the high ground!”

    Obi wan: …..

  15. Don’t you know, about the bird, WELL EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT THE BIRD IS THE WORD!

  16. The weather for another 6 weeks has been predicted by a shadow.

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Why don't they ever ask the groundhog to take off its sleep mask? :P



  17. It’s a bluuue, horse :ooh: .

    1. Skylight Scintillate
    2. DubWolf


      Your OC is a blue horse :P 

      looks nicely done

    3. Skylight Scintillate

      Skylight Scintillate

      Oh thanks, but I didn't draw it. This was done by my friend Pandora.

  18. ICU


    1. Retro*Derpy


      Congratulations for being the first person to visit my profile since last year :) ❤️

    2. DubWolf


      I get it :orly:

      How’s your Derpo

    3. Retro*Derpy


      She's old but hanging in there well :derp:

  19. What a looooooong day. Tired af

  20. What does Marconi play :ticking:?

    1. Sparklefan1234


      I read this as "What does Macaroni play?". I thought you were telling a joke. :twismile:

    2. DubWolf


      Nooo, I mean, what does the one known as Marconi play :wacko: ?

  21. one of my favorite radio stations is the BAT, eeeeeeeeeeeeee :love: 

  22. Happy feet is a good movie :wacko:

  23. Also I just realized you too are a bat pony screeeeeee

  24. There are happy mediums, and then there’s sad mediums.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DubWolf



      I suppose :huh: .

      I was.. just realizing you could be in the middle, but what if we divide it into 4ths instead of 3?

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Then the mediums start becoming equations. :wacko: 

    4. DubWolf


      I'd say it's more philosophical than mathematical but ehhh :wau:.

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