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Pencil Hoof

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Everything posted by Pencil Hoof

  1. I need to talk to a mod.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Pencil Hoof
    3. Zoop


      This thread contains a more complete guide to using the support system: http://mlpforums.com/topic/37734-read-before-posting-the-support-ticket-system/

    4. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof


      Please don't make me wait 15 days for a reply.


  2. *sigh* have to do a project on evolution despite being Christian. Hypocritical atheists are hypocritical D:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fluttershyfan94


      Yeah, sometimes that happens. Best is to just respect their opinions while not changing yours. I just try respecting them and hopefully they respect your opinions back.

    3. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      LOL I don't care what they think, I hate how arrogant and stuck up they are about it...

    4. OEG5789


      Jeez, im sick of these bs religion fights... As a agnostic person, it soo tiresome to see all of these fights...

  3. Just went 17/6/26 with AP Nidalee. Most fun i've ever had playing league, and DANG Nid was beautiful to watch that fed :')

  4. My newest song is coming along so well! If I can just get part a and part B to transition smoothly... O3O

    1. OEG5789


      Did you fix the error?

    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Yes actually, I did! :D

      I was SOOOO happy! :D :D :D

      But this is a different song I'm talking about btw :P

    3. OEG5789



  5. My newest song is coming along so well! If I can just get part a and part B to transition smoothly... O3O

  6. YES. YES! I fixed it! I found the frinking problem and frinking fixed it. YES!!!11!!!!!11!

    1. Tia Is Best Pony

      Tia Is Best Pony

      YAY!!!!!! PINKIE PIR PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      what did you fix XD


    2. Ezio Auditore

      Ezio Auditore


    3. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      There was a song I've been working on for weeks, and just as I was almost finished with it, it started elongating this one note, completely ruining the end of the song. Basically, because my mouse will randomly double click things, it added a note in a different pattern and now after like a week of depression, I finally found it and fixed it :D :D :D

  7. I never know anything about brony drama until someone specifically mentions it...

  8. Starting to prepare my leaving speech as it doesn't seem I'll be around much longer.

    1. Chigens and Kay
    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      I have two reasons that are just ruining the forum for me.

      I'm still not positive about the second, but it seems like I'm right about it for now so I might as well start preparing :/

      I'll go into more detail if it happens :P

    3. OEG5789



      :( that sucks, guess if u leave , i"ll leave too

  9. So apparently music decided to go ahead and frinking shaft me twice in a frinking day.

  10. Does anyone know how to fix retarded FL Studio automation glitches. thuis program just ruined a song I've been working on for weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      I don't know what to google. It's such a weirdly specific problem...

    3. OEG5789


      Did you try rebooting?

    4. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      I don't think it'll help. :/

      FL Studio is notorious for Automation problems, and most of them seem to have no definite solve. :/

  11. Anyone listen to progressive/melodic/scandanvian and maybe a litte elctro house that would be willing to listen to test run one of my songs? :S

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. OEG5789


      you dont mind if i download it, right?

    3. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      LOL ofc not

      but just so you know, it isn't finished

    4. OEG5789


      Lol, no prob, ok :D cant wait!! Sounds good enough already imo :D

  12. It's been twenty-frinking-four days. This mod dispute is starting to get on my nerves.

    1. OEG5789


      You told me this site was all love and peace D:

    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      I didn't say ALL love and peace

      I did say a lit of love and peace, and it is.

      A mod dispute is kind of like an official complaint about a warning. I've been waiting for a reply for forever.

    3. OEG5789


      *sigh* oh...

  13. the sad moment went you don't play league for months, but still get MVP ._.

  14. Meghan McCarthy is answering questions about MLP on twitter and I can't think of anything D:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      @BronyHeart and GEO

      One of the writer's for the show

    3. Pencil Hoof
    4. Radiance64


      Asked her if we'll ever find out where Spike came from, we'll see what happens...

  15. It has been almost a month since this wild Pencil Hoof's last post. Continuously blocked by a mod dispute, he still attempts to hold on to the little he has left to live for.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Meh, I wish. More boring than adventurous.

      I rarely ever want to post on a thread but when i do, it's cause I REALLY want.

      Strangely enough in the past month I've wanted to post much more than usual >.<

      So here's me, scrolling excitedly to the bottom of the page, ready to post, only to see "You have been given a warning..." >_>

    3. Clarity


      Well, you can start posting again as soon as you acknowledge the warning...or you don't want to?

    4. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Nah, not acknowledging a warning for doing nothing wrong :P

  16. Japanese MLP opening is pre coo. Pre coo.

  17. How long on average dies it take for a mod dispute to be resolved? :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. duidamasterXD


      Things have been kind of crazy lately. Don't worry, they're not going to blow you off.

    3. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      LOL I know, just getting anxious not being able to post >.<

    4. duidamasterXD


      Yeah, that does stink. Hope they get to you soon!

  18. Whoo! This adrenaline rush is intense :DDD

  19. First league game in about 6-8 months. 9/9/15. Not TOO bad if you ask me :P

    1. Just some guy

      Just some guy

      Which lane brah?

    2. Pencil Hoof

      Pencil Hoof

      Bot as AP nid :3

  20. I forgot how intense and fun league of legends is :D

  21. heaven knows why i ant to do this to myself, but i'm about to play #LeagueOfLegends for the first time in months. :P

  22. Sim Gretina's Remix of Celestia's ballad... <3

  23. Woohoo! Completely finished a track today minus mixing ^_^ *pats self on back*

  24. In love with this song I just made, and I haven't even mixed it yet. My future waifu <3

  25. Huh. So apparently, once I get to a certain point, i can make a song in like two days ^_^

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