Good day my fellow people, today I was just thinking about some stuff that happened today, I been building a proyect about sci fi and surreal worlds and such, and I always loved to see youtube videos and music, and today I scrolled about documentaries, and you know the cycle, you find related videos and with every related videos you step away from the videos you are used to see, and I founded a couple of videos that, am not going to say what were those about, but made me lose a lot of hope and technically ruined my day and it gave me a punch of reality about how is the world nowadays, I been told you have to live with it, this is the real world and you have to learn to live with that, if you dont face the world, the world will face you.
While my life is not terrible or bad, I did had some experiences on the streets and I decided to live in a shell, a safe spot, a world with my characters, my rules my everything. Don't get me wrong, I am the most selfless person you can ever imagine, I develop my characters and my worlds without me as a character, something I will mention later. I been seeing people reacting to comments from "normal people" who likes to mess with people with low social skills, people saying "oh you are living in your own bubble" "you need to get laid" "That's not how the real world works" "your character don't exist" etc etc, And so I say if I don't want to face the world and live in my fantasy world, am I someone bad? Does it make me someone worthy of the people hate?
This is not new to me, in school I used to make drawings and write stories about my characters and I been through bully for that, because people couldnt concieve that some people simply dont like to be around others and because of that I was rejected from groups of friends, I was a freak for them. I really want to understand what's the phyche of those who mocks those who cannot defend themselves.. I mean do they want to help to make one tough? Do they feel low self steemed that they only feel good and superior taking advantage of others? I don't know really...
And, am not a bad person or someone with intentions to hurt anybody, I just want to build a world for my characters, these characters see me as Atlas, not as a god but as someone who is simply carrying their world on my back, not as king but as a worker helping them with their existance. I just don't want to face the real world because the real world is cruel, even without crimes which is another factor, but society is cruel, forcing you to adapt to its standards and only IF it decided to accept you, if you got rejected despite wanting to belong to society, act normal, try to make friends a love one you end up as a lolcow, an object of entertainment for those who are succesful members of society.
There was a time that I feared to be cancelled for expressing my ideas but I realized... am going to be cancelled anyways no matter what I do, if I am right or left one of the sides is going to reject me so I dediced not to be either right nor left just... be myself someone who just want to dedicate to myself, what do I think about racism? What do I think about inclusion? I couldn't care less, all I care are my world which is not earth and my characters who are not human. And don't get me wrong am not selfish or arrogant only thinking about myself, I do care to help others as much as I can, am not perfect though, I have made a lot of mistakes in my life that I deeply regret but I want to help people, mostly myself. I consider myself the exact oposite of a psychopath, while they feel pleasure hurting others, I feel pleasure and joy seeing others happy because of me.
I also don't want to be seen as a hikikomori, I do work, pay taxes and support my family but I been told, you cannot be locked up forever, you have to go out, meet friends, have some party and have a good time... then I realize that being introvert is indeed a thing. Saying you need to go out, meet friends and such to me is like saying a vegan that they need meat in their diet simply because you cannot concieve someone not eating meat. So introverted is indeed a thing and has to be taken more into consideration, you got left handed and right handed, you got vegans and carnivores, you have gays and straights (and all its variants) and you got extroverted and introverted.
My parents have felt worried that I will end up alone, no friends, no family just all by myself but... why is that a bad thing? I always enjoy my privacy and being lonely because my mind fulfills me, something I like to do is just lay on the bed with a smile just thinking about my characters and their adventures and write everything down, thats why am insisting to make something anything to make good use of my stories, I don't plan to change the world or send a message, I just want to make public my worlds and... who knows? maybe someone is interested, maybe I can inspire others or maybe it may get lost in time and becamse a future lost media, who knows? All I want is to make it public.
The other day I saw the life of some japanese people and how they preassure of job and social life force them to dedicate completly to anime and the internet and to be honest I couldn't felt more identified. Is a world that they dedicate to themselves, only my case I dedicate it to my own creations. I don't think is bad to live in a fantasy, I personally feel that as long as I help others, support my family, I contribute with my job and simply be kind I don't think is wrong to dedicate to my own fantasy once all my obligations are done succesfully but I don't know I don't consider myself an expert or someone you should learn, so what do you think?
Good day! How are you? I wish you a sweet bless day whoever who is reading. I would like to share some visions that I have, but first I would like to offer just a little context. I am Rethajni, formely known as Balareth so you may remember me for something good or something bad. I been having some history about making art and some other projects but I been having a problem... you see I never land into something good, I have the ideas and the tools but I never start a big project because my problem is that I lose interest so easly, over the last 10? 12 years I been trying to make a major proyect to bring on my characters, first an animation series but I have no voice actors or music composers and at the moment I can't afford talent then I thought to make videogames but even though I do try to learn programming language and with the good help of @Felis Amafeles who is very kind to share some tutorials... Is just too complicated.
So I thought to make somethign that involves my drawing skills and something that I can upload constant, like a constant drawings that tell a story... you following?? Comics! Something that do not require voice talent or music composers or programming languages, just drawings and stories. I decided to make make comics and use some plattforms like Webtoon and other plattforms, but I have a small twist: making a weekly comic takes a LOT of time, a webcomic, and am talking about a good webcomic has at least 20 - 30 drawings or panels if you like, so it takes time to make drawings and add the story and everything but, I have a plan. Unfortunatey am still working on it so I cant post it yet but is a 2D model that you can see all the views like front, side back and many more that I can reuse it to create a different pose and image on the comic.
So here is my plan, Am going to be working on these models, then I will add them features and face and everyhing and I can work with the 2 comics I have planned, mine which is a story that I will about something that I will keep in secret until the first issues are created, I don't want to spoil it and I don't want to compromise yet because is in a planning phase, but I do want to develop the characters to make a comic that I promised to my friend Emerald.
Am going then to work on this and who knows perhaps I can finally find my sanctuary so lets see what happens, cant promise anything because I dont have too much free time but I thought to work on something since I am having a couple extra days of for vacations.
The Kanogys game is a Inspired similar game like Pokemon where a character will have to "create" the monster instead of capture them. There is going to be some differences of course, I don't plan to make a copypaste of Pokemon but just make something more... mature so here is the plot:
This is a post apocaliptic world, after a war using heavy weapons and such, the war became so violent and so complex that the goverment were forced to use anti matter weapons, something that is not tested 100% and may bring extintion to human race, but something different happened, the power of those weapons were so powerful in so small areas that it created a crack on the fabric of space and time, in other words it brought another universe that had different rules than ours, This brought the first monsters, I dont know their name yet, I dont plan to call the Kanogys, I may think in something different. Anyways a huge amount of them entered the real world and the scientist made some test with some of those discovering the incredible potential they had to create elements and how their "essences" can rebuild the world far different than we ever had. And thus, a new world was made, the organization Called RTW or Rebuilding the World which is a new version of the United Nations first tried to contain the monsters but they were many of them and also not all of them were hostile and some hide in secluded areas, but after the proposal of a group of scientists the organization then encourage the people the reproduction of those monsters as they proved to be very useful in many functions.
But hundreds of years later, the world built an universal culture dedicated to the monsters just like the one you see with Pokemon, and it also this culture is product of the scientific, social, religious and political impact the fact that we are not alone after all and how many scientific theories were debunked or confirmed after this revelation. However the crack has begining to behave strangely, by now a research laboratory was built around that crack in order to study, it has starting to increase in size and begining to absorb everything on its path, but at a very slow rate, but the scientist community thinks that in no time the crack will be extremly big and it will be as powerful as a black hole, luckly the scientist build one of a kind experimental machine that can close the crack, many scientists oposed the use of that machine but never expected that the crack would become a black hole slowly. They decided to use other machines to slow the growing rate and just do that, but something else happened, the crack is now very big, the other machines contained the absorbtion power but then a huge monster emerged from the crack and the soldiers tried to defeat the monster and use other domesticated monster to defeat the beast but at the end they were able only to contain it in a huge storage area in lower floor.
No worries! Everything will be explained on its time in the game, at first it will show a scientist, Proffesor Julianna, giving you a basic speech about the monsters in the world of Kanogys and it will ask you for your gender now listen, instead of the traditional boy or girl choice, my game will have THREE genders: Male, Female and Non Binary. And another difference is that... they are not going to be children dreaming to become pokemon masters that's... well I respect the idea, the protagonist in the Kanogys game are going to be people in their 20's and instead of being just regular kids they will be biologists well, students of "Kanogys" Biology who have to do their research to raise and understand the behaviour of the monsters to get their Biologist title.
And of course during the game you are going to be involved to resolve the closing of the crack and to do that you have to defeat certain people, not gym trainers but politicians, people from the Elite in order to get a key (not a badge) and those keys will be used to activate the machine that will finally close the crack and you can imagine who is going to be the final boss waiting for you in the lower floors of the research laboratory.
About the types and categories of monsters I made their Types and abilities:
Life - Like Virus, healing, mutation and such
Mind - Like Telekinesis, Telepathy, ESP
Cut - Attacks such as blades, claws, and everything that has a cut damage
Dreams - Involve hypnosis, sleep, nightmares, song of charm
Fire - Self explanatory, ember, flames and fire thrower attacks
Water- Is water, Ice and steam attacks
Lightning - Self explanatory, lightning based attacks
Death - Curses, necromancy, instant death and Ghost based attaks
Strenght - Basic attacks like punches, kicks, suplex and more
Earth - Rocks, sand, and ground attack
Wind - Flying attack, tornados and hurricanes
Metal - Metallic attacks blunt and cut
Plants - Plant based attacks
Time - Timed attacks that increase speed, decrease enemy speed, regeneration
Dimension - teleportation, transform, shapeshift, Force attack, pocket dimensions
Heat - Freeze or heat based attacks
Light - Energy attacks, flash, lasers and rays
Darkness - Shadow attacks, invisibility, dark based attacks
Poison- Poison attacks, acid, sludge
Sound - Loud attacks, silence fields, charming songs, noise increase
So the game's star mechanics is not "gotta catch em' all" type of thing, Instead of pokeballs they are going to be flasks by several types that you can purchase, change or actually build to extract Essences, you get from battle, each flask is different and you need at least one of each of them to go to a Center and create your new monster, you need:
Essence of Form: This determine the body of the Kanogys
Essence of Color: The main color of the body
Essence of Power: The hardest to get, and is a secondary color that define type
Essence of Gender: there are 2 Male and female
Essence of Personality: choose the mood, changes stats and other perks
Essence of Inteligence: they develop different types of powers
You need to collect those 6 flasks to create a new monster, when a wild creature is weak you can use the flask and that will defeat them but you will extract one essence, but there is not going to be a "pc feature" yet that we can think of right now, so if you create a new monster you have to have space for now
So lets think about the in-game mechanics shall we?
Yes there are battle tournaments but these are not a big feature
There are beauty contest yes
This is going to be a dark humor and satire but will have some deep moments
We are going to include 3 type of evolutions so you know how much is going to be and the size of the game and the work we need to do. But wait! The flasks are not always for Kanogys creation! they can be used for other things!
-Use the Power Flask to make meat for consumption or sell it in restaurants! Good for you and your friend!
-You can also use it to make perfumes and sell it to perfume stores, it can be also used to your monster to enhance its perks like attack, defence and such
-Use the color one for designers to make colorful things
-Use the Inteligence one for medicines
Now the money you earn is related of what you normally purchase in the pokemon games: potions, power ups, rare candies and such, the story wise is pretty much a rabbithole, from point a to point b and from point b to point d only to have access to point c and e and so on
I love food! So we can describe each flavor of each type of meat as well as all other features:
Type/Color/Meat type/Perfume
Life / Blood Red / Flavorful meat// Aromatic Fragance
Mind / Pink / Umami meat// Relaxing Fragance
Cut / Gray / Greasy meat// Floral Fragance
Dreams / Purple / Sweet meat// Dreamy Fragance
Fire / Orange / Spicy meat// Spiced Fragance
Water / Turquoise / Fishy meat// Tropical Fragance
Lightning / Yellow / Tender meat// Citric Fragance
Death / Green / Flavorless meat // Neutral Fragance
Strenght / Cream / Hard meat// Intense Fragance
Earth / Brown / Crumbly meat// Natural Fragance
Wind / Lime Green / Fresh meat// Fruity Fragance
Metal / Silver / Juicy meat// Fancy Fragance
Plants / Olive / spiced meat// Herbal Fragance
Time / Blue / Dry meat// Ancient Fragance
Dimension / Light Blue / Salty meat// Mixed Fragance
Heat / Dark Blue / Smoked meat// two scented Fragance
Light / White / Minced meat// Morning Fragance
Darkness / Black / Bitter meat// Nocturne Fragance
Poison / Dark Pink / Sour meat// Sweet Fragance
Sound / Gold / Shredded meat// Lovely Fragance
We will add more uses, plus the monsters will have 2 dresses:
Black Trenchcoat (if we can add more we can add colored trenchcoat with the color based flasks is just an idea)
Armored: Is basically a leotard like armor
Am going to use RPG Maker MZ to make the game so the monsters will be characters that you can modify, and the battles are not going to be static, they are going to have animations and Final Fantasy like battles, I will remove the trainer (or student in this case) and place only battles with the monsters and also as you can see they will fight at the same time instead one by one
and if you are familiar with RPG Maker they are going to follow you everywhere in game and yes, am aware is going to be an insane amount of images to make all these variations, lets do the math shall we?
10 forms of monsters x 2 genders x 20 powers (secondary color) x 20 colors x 3 evolutions x 2 clothings (The Trenchcoat and the armor): 48,000 different variations! and if they are not using clothing we still have 24,000 variants of monsters that you can create, feel creative!
Sounds crazy but... actually it doesnt, I only have to worry about making the 10 forms, and 3 evolutions, the 2 gender variations and their sprite and battle animations and the rest is going to be just recolors
That is pretty much what I have so far, I still have to develop a couple of things, am planning to make a weekly update of the game and see how far I can get, I personally would like to be viral and make people do fan art and fan fictions and all that things that games like Pokemon gets, I know my game is very far away to be even compared to that franchise I grew up with but hey! Why not try? Am aware that I may get both fans and haters, it is unavoidable. No famous person will tell you they dont have haters, everyone do and am aware this project may be greatly praised and a bit hated or greatly hated and a bit praised. Whatever is the result, the most important thing is never leave anyone indifferent. If nobody likes it at least I will have something to entertain myself, and dont get me wrong am not going to say oh my work is going to be bad, nah, I will put all my effort to make it the way I like and if you think is the greatest game ever or the biggest pile of junk ever I respect your opinion, I'll just do it for fun and for experiment!
Also one last thing, if you want to ask me what Kanogys mean... I don't really know I just combined letters to make it sound funny, I may change the title for something more serious I dunno. you can always leave comments, or dont and just watch
So Lilibeth showed me one day a secret video of a meeting. There was Malbok, not as hideous as he was now and he was still able to speak clearly then, on the video he was showing the audience his Magnum Opus: The Mind Rebuilder. A machine that was capable of absorb the mind of a living being and place it into a machine, on the room there was 3 screens turned off, then he was giving an explanation how the system works as well as the machine taking all knowledge and experiences with previous sensations to make it realistic into his world, then he gave some gibberish about immortality, life after death and some other nonsense. Malbok has a god complex and this video was showing more of his delusions, things that a clear mind would think that he is insane but it was far from it.
Then on the video I see Julianna entering the room as beautiful as always, helping to bring a patient that he mentioned he had a terminal condition and he had a couple of months of life, to be fair that patient didnt looked as bad as Malbok himself. So he offered himself to be a volunteer because he was so scared to death and he always believed in Malbok's technology. Malbok then requested to brought an android, this figure was an exact replica of this dying patient, but stronger and not ugly, it was a work of art and it didnt look like a regular robot with cables and lights, this model seem to be done with synthetic skin, synthetic blood, synthetic bones, synthetic muscles and well everything like if they took the anatomy and composition of a being of his race and perfection it.
The patience then he was placed on the bed next to the android, Malbok turned on the 3 montiros that were on the room, all the audience were making comments and whispers, a small machine appeared and it was placed on the head of the patient, on the first monitor it was showing his vital signs but in a different way, it was showing a display of "phyisical stimulations" and they had a 100% number on it with several red bars displaying too many information I couldn't distinguish but it was scanning the mind of the patience. Then the second screen was turned on and this time it was showing a screen almost exactly the same as the first screen but this one had "Cyber stimulations" as a title.
Julianna then took a control and pressed a button and the machine started to work: after 5 minutes the patient started to shake a little, started to whisper something and breathe a bit heavily, he was slowly losing conciousness but he looks like he was trying to fight aganist it, like his senses were removed one by one and after an awkward 20 minutes of the patient trying to move snf breathe I could see how the red bars were begining to shrink more and more, he was losing all his stimulations from the outside world to start receiving stimulations from the virtual world, his conciousness was transfered into the cloud and by the time the red bars were gone, the patience was officially dead. But, at the same time the blue bars of the Cyber Stimulations were growing and the process was completed.
The third screen was turned on and it was showing a room exactly of the meeting but it was empty, the difference was that it was showing some speakers that are not on the real meeting room. When the process was completed the patient on the screen woke up violently, he looked nervous and looking his surroundings, all the people from the meeting were staring at the screen in silence. Malbok took a microphone and spoke to the patient, the sound of his voice could be heard on those speakers of the cyber world. The patience reacted and he was frightened, Malbok was asking him cuestions about how he felt, the patient on the monitor said that it was the worst experience of his life, he didnt felt ill because of his diseace but the experience of this transfer and rebuild of his mind on a cyberworld was terrible: a feeling of terror, dizziness and powerlessness invaded him while he was teared from his natural body, he confirmed that this is how death feels,to be taken from your body and losing all contact of the living world it was like falling into a void at high speed in terror, not sure what to expect at the end.
Malbok asked him if he would like to be alive again and the patient said yes, then Malbok took a tablet given by Julianna, he opened a keyboard on the tablet and typed a command and on the screen we could saw a door appeared from nowhere which freaked out the patient, a door in the middle of the room. I must point that the people watching the video thought it could be fake, could be a previous recording of the patient acting but people knew Malbok so well, they thought Malbok always hated those types of scams or even pranks and this time something told me that this wasn't fake, Malbok just took a life of someone and put it on his net.
The patient on the monitor then opened a door and as an act of magic there was pure light comming from that door, the patient slowly enter it and the door shut itself. In about 2 minutes everyone was surpriced to see that the android was moving now and was freaked as much as the patient, the people understood what happened, a transfition from a natural sick body into a new one. The patient was scared and was even more scared when he saw his own body now dead, but that didnt matter to the guests, they started to clap loudly, the patient slowly calm down and Julianna assisted him explaining that he doesnt have to worry about his terminal diseace, he could see his family group up, and he was just reborn and with new abilities, he stop being a mortal to become... something superior.
A lot of questions were asked "what happens if the process is interrupted at 50/50 ? " "how long will it take to the android to live?" "how the patient feel to reborn and his new body?" "Would Malbok do the same treatment for his condition?" Many other questions were asked at the same time and Julianna had to put some order, the people of the meeting took pictures and start talking loudly, some bodyguards took the corpse of the patient while the android was just staring to it, he looked exactly the same but handsome and stronger with a perfect body unlike his fleshy counterpart that suffered of overweight and falling skin. Julianna then invited the guests to the other area for a buffet service Malbok hired along with some drinks to celebrate his new invention. The bodyguards took Malbok on his wheelchair and everyone exit the room and the recording stopped
Lilibeth told me "I know the guy who transitioned into the android, I think he may know something useful, we got to find him to get all the information we can get before we go to the planet were Malbok and Julianna is.
In the next entry I will detail the interview we made to the android of the video as well as the ongoing war with Evarina and Olreph trying to cause chaos to Pholos
With all the information Lilibeth told me I was very scared now, all this knowledge, Malbok's plan to take over all planet, the same planet who enjoy the fruits of his creativity but disregard the roots.
Evarina has not giving and signs of life, she and Olreph have been causing some damage, Pholos's internet was not disconnected but the load times were just a bit slower than usual, we have a moon where Malbok installed a giant modem that will provide the internet on the entire planet and people were watching in telescopes and many devices who the robots that were controlling the moon were now being destroyed one by one in the moon by Evarina and her cousin using their powers.
Evarina's powers were not limited to just generate lightning like her Dominator ancestry, she also inherit the hability to use her flesh as a weapon, deform muscles and bones and produce more biological matter to create things like sharp weapons made of bone or skin mutation to resist high tempetatures, Olreph was not too different, he used also those mutant powers but Evarina can added lightning while Olreph used "lifeforce" the same spark, the same electrical impulse that made flesh alive and describe his creations would be too much morbid and grotesque to even imagine.
Lilibeth was living with me temporarly, she was also doing a bit of research about Malbok's whereabouts unlike me, she had much more delicate information, mind you. She revealed me many secrets of Malbok and his despicable sister, things that could make a huge scandal, as if try to make other races sterile wasnt enough, the girl herself had a huge history of crimes and scandals that I cannot describe each of them not only because this entry may not end but the act itself was too much. Things that involve her cruelty and lust into unimaginable levels, it still make me uneasy but after the stories I felt disgust and hate towards her but, we still needed her and that was the part I hated the most.
Lilibeth showed me the ship that Evarina gave to her with the coordinates of Malbok location, if only it was that easy, so, imagine we are in front of the leader, what do next? Destroy him? Have a word with him? Does it really matter? He has to be stopped one way or another. I wasnt sure if I need to go but at the same time I couldn't let Malbok to turn everyone into avatars in a simulation while they are killed on real life.
The ship looked fancy and is something you would expect from a rich evil ex politician, but we were not ready yet, we have to prepare ourself to see what we are gonna do.
This entry was very small but the next one I will detail a couple of preparations and more investigation that Lilibeth made.
It was already night while I was waiting for whatever Lilibeth was supposed to say, perhaps it was an error to remain quiet, I was in the living room of that cabin, a dusty couch, small table, and some other old furniture, Lilibeth brought to the table some heart shaped korosnian cookies, those were specially sweet with a scent of a flower that gives you a relaxing sentation, I could also smell the tea that Lilibeth was preparing. I didnt mentioned this but I forgot to bring any device for comunication and looks like Lilibeth knew it, what was all of this act? I felt nervous and the trust that I had of my friend was my only way to feel kinda safe from this place outside of all civilization.
Lilibeth came back and sit in front of me, she was looking a bit worried and finally I had a few more words that made sense to me
"Al" Lilibeth said worried. "We are in a terrible danger, the reason why I brought you here is because I was fired of my job. You see, I have been a secretary working for Lady Urania and her family for years, and I had access to many of the secrets of the political party since Staris Agmena party when it just started. As you know the goverment that was planned to have Notok as leader was taken by Lana a couple years ago, but I recently discovered a secret, a proyect that Malbok himself is trying to do to all the planet and then, the universe. I thought this was just a joke or a rumor, many important politicians were talking about a tangible heaven and how Malbok give them many promises... I feel one of the reasons I was fired is because I asked too many questions".
Lilibeth took my hand to tell me:
"Al, are you familiar with AI?"
I was very nervous now, AI? Artificial Inteligence? What has to do with the plan of Malbok? I told Lilibeth that I was not too familiar, despite all the technology of the planet and solar system was using Malbok's AI technology I wasn't sure what Lilibeth mean with the question.
"Recently I discovered a secret, I went to the hidden files of the company and took some secret information, I must say that the security of Malbok is almost impossible to evade and he always uses many ways to keep his files protected. The rumors and plots about Malbok whereabouts were making me more nervous, him and Julianna, they both have a plan that could change the world as we know it. The grandfather of Malbok, not Bios but the father of Lady Urania, Kair, he has been developing a technology for generations and Malbok seems to finally finish it, he created something much worst than AI, he discovered a way to transfer the mind of a living being into a machine permanently, all the thoughts, the memories, the experiences and knowledge of the mind of the individual was feeding a computer simulation making it more realistic, the knowledge became a series of conditions and information to power this simulation.
"If your mind is taken by this computer simulation all the contents of your mind and knowledge will be used as information to improve the simulation, you understand what I mean?" Lilibeth asked and I just nodded.
"But he is the creator of that simulation, he can create entire universes inside this simulation in no time, he can create whatever he likes in a blink of an eye inside this simulation. He is looking to separate his dying body into this simulation forever and become a god inside of it, but this universe will be empty, he can create NPCs here and there based only on his personality and mind, but that would be very repetitive wouldnt it? Imagine if an entire population feed this simulation and all the minds of the people become the source of the physics of this cyber world do you realize how powerful and realistic would be? A machine cannot understand how flowers smells, a living being does, the machine needs the information about the smell and can only be updated if a living mind can provide that information. A machine doesn't know how food taste like, it needs the information from a third party source, a mind to be able to reproduce it on the cyberworld, same with the emotions. Malbok's mind is not enough... that's why I brought you here, if Malbok knows that I have this knowledge he will go after me, all his devices and vehicles.. all his technology have microphones, all of them"
Lilibeth continued standing up and become more severe on her words:
"Malbok is planning to take the entire population of the planets of the solar system and force them to absorb their minds and access to all their thoughts, all their skills, all their knowledge and experiences and their entire conciousness inside that simulation to make it the most powerful simulation, a true... tangible ... heaven..."
Lilibeth just sit down clearly concerned, Malbok was somewhere in the universe planning to create a powerful simulation and use the minds of other living beings to power up his simulation and became realistic, outside of the simulation and he didnt planned to ask others for their thoughts... I was now with my heart pumping fast.
But yet the worst has to come, a huge thunder can be heared and a powerful light enter in the window, Lilibeth instead of closing the windows she ran to them and stare what was outside, like if the flash was not bothering her at all, from what I could distinguish outside there was a figure that fell down from the sky and a lot of thunder in the ambience, this figure stand up and on top of it there was a line of mist meaning this figure really fell from the sky very fast.
The figure rise up and revealed to be none other than Evarina, Malbok sister.
She was wearing a long plastic black trench coat and she was walking to the cabin. Lilibeth ran to the door to open it and let the criminal to enter, she slowly went inside the house and the first thing she said while entering using a bit deep but femenine voice
"what's to eat?"
Lilibeth pointed at the cookies and Evarina took off her trench coat to sit in front of me, she stared at me with silence like trying to devore me with the eyes, she was indeed very beautiful but not when she is staring at you motionless.
"Did you informed Al about the plan?" Evarina asked
"He knows enough" Liliibeth responded
Evarina took one heart shaped cookie and smiled maliciously
"You know, this shape means love for certain civilizations like humans and inocence in many others" She said holding the cookie only to take a big loud bite showing her teeth tearing it in crumbs.
"Evarina" I said. "Lilibeth warned me about your brother's plan to take all races and put their minds in the machines. What you want to do?"
"Am looking to stop him" Evarina responded while Lilibeth brought three cups with tea "What my brother is looking for is completly nuts, I was supporting his cause until I found out that he planned to take our race the zelians and the humans too, I must say, humans are the most juicy ones in terms of experiences and skills. Their capacity to learn and feel surpass many other species like the reticunans who are just a 0 on the equation of the universe." She stopped to drink her tea.
"I should have known." I said. "It is only another of your plans to wipe out the rest of the species like you have planned during your goverment, do you really think I would forgot your crimes?"
"Al, stop" Said Lilibeth trying to stop my point but I continued.
"I know that during your goverment you systematically tried to make all the races you didnt like sterile, you ruin the life of entire famlies, all the races but humans and zelians were unable to procreate and even the ones from other planets visiting Pholos had to take a treatment to "avoid the consequences of the climate change of Pholos" you give the visitors some medicines with your laws and then you went to the extreme to create diseaces targeting only those minorities you thought they were unworthy of Pholos, the later you spread a false virus only to give those minorities a treatment to make them sterile, you gave humans and zelians some variants to make them more fertile and produce more babies, you alone increased the zelian and human population fifty percent while the other specie reduce systematically, you ruin the life of million of children across the world with those treatments in their schools with your medicines and lunch so they will not be able to have babies when they grow older and trying to make it seem like a consequence of this virus that spread by an unknown source... people hate you Evarina, you used thousands of excurses to drug the world and manipulate the birth rates... if that is not evil I don't know what it is, you destroyed the lives of millions of beings and also you attempted to do the same on their planets only to wipe them out of existence, you are no different than your brother, why we should trust you?"
Lilibeth was holding me, not to protect Evarina, but to protect me, Evarina only responded with an evil smile that made me feel scared, with that grin I knew she was not only proud but also planning something else.
"Oh Alcitates" She said "You are such a nice zelian, so virtuous..."
"what virtues do you have?" I asked her not fearing anything.
"I despise all virtue" She said standing up, staring at me like a predator getting close to its prey "Evil, selfishness is all I know, there is no good in the universe, just evil in various levels, the roots of evil is based on being selfish and everyone is selfish, looking to feed their ego one way or another, those who claim to be good and right are nothing but hypocrites who only care for their reputation and ego, Evil is just the Good without filters, the true form of kindness towards what is best for you, even the gods of ancient religions who claim to be all goodness they put their finger on the sinners and give them the worst eternal pain, you should give yourself to evil and let your deepest desires to flow but that is just for the smartest ones, maybe honesty is my only virtue but I would be lying" She finish winking her green eye.
"please, calm down both of you" Lilibeth said with a fearful tone. "Evarina offered her ship and she knows where to find Malbok, we can still stop him before his transition into a digital form is completed. Al, please do this for me, don't argue with Evarina"
"I will be brief" Evarina said "there is a planet very far from our solar system, a lonely planet with nothing but water and some islands, I been there, is a place where only family and the trustworthy goes. Recently Malbok and Julianna built a fortress next to his most iconic building that is comming out of the sea, not even I have access but I been told my cousin Olreph that Malbok and Julianna remain there, I don't know how they can survive or what they are doing on that dark place, there is no many lights, everything is almost complete darkness just for a few small lights here and there, Julianna is helping my dying brother to become a god in his small simulated world, and he is planning to take all civilians with him, me? I couldnt give two cents for them but what would I do with a lonely planet ruled by machines? That wouldn't be fun isn't it? No toys to play with... Am giving you my ship to go there and stop him, you both need to go there and stop that deform being who is my brother."
"What you gonna do in the meantime?" I asked. "You have superpowers, you can create lightning, you can alter your body, you should be helping us more than giving us the ship and the location if you really want to stop him"
"I have other business to do, consider this my first and only sign of goodness you will see for me, Olreph contacted me and he found some other space stations that control most of the technology of Pholos, we are gonna sabotage the system, ruining the base that provide internet to the entire planet is gonna be not only a pleasure to do but also it will make him weaker."
"You cannot do that" I said nervously "many business depend on the internet, if you disconnect the entire planet then is gonna be a chaos!"
"I must agree with Al" said Lilibeth "if you destroy the base that gives internet signal to the entire planet many hospitals, banks and offices in general will be ruined!"
"you may thank me later, but regardless, I wouldn't care less" Evarina said as she weared her trench coat and walked outside the cabin and with a big jump impulsed by lightning she dissapeared in the sky.
In the Next Entry I will detail more about the plan of Lilibeth and I to visit Malbok's planet, also more events and chaos made by Evarina.
It's been a couple of years since Lana took by force the entire planet, a lot of things happened, and we do not know the whereabouts of Evarina and Olreph, I been having this strange feeling that something very bad is gonna happen, all the changes on the media, all the new laws by Lana herself, all these new things of her goverment I can't just... escape. Lana made this new law of everyone registrer on a new digital database in order to purchase food or get the most basic attentions like hospital and school, but something was a bit odd you see, she was looking for everyone without exception to registrer to "ensure our safety and fairness to your fellow group". The attempt to fulfill this data base to make EVERYONE registrered regardless of country or status was very suspicious enough, what was she looking for?
Of course, like me there were many species complaining, manifesting on the streets thinking their privacy was being invaded, on the internet there were groups aganist Lana's goverment saying that is a very very passive dictatorship. How did it work? Simple. You have to fill a form, then they take photos of you, record your voice and also finger print, after that they put you a seal on your wrist, if you don't have it you don't have access to basic services such as welfare, school, medic attention, food for poor ones, even their churches of some species who still believe in religion, the goverment slowly took the control of religious organizations, specially foreign planets, literally telling them "if you want to preach on my planet and my country you have to have the Seal of Malbok" if they refuse the goverment would encourage the people to sabotage the religious meetings and vandalize temples and houses of pray, and there were many religions who were literally in a war each other and that was like a golden pass to destroy each other, reptilians hate grays, human hate reptilians and so on.
The authorities were also brutal, most of them were robots who assisted Lana without question, crime was low between civilians but the officers, generals and guards looks like they became the criminals now, a reptilian who tried to rob a female zelian with her child during the night, the guards track him down and so far he dissapeared along with the relatives who blame the goverment one by one. A priest from the ancient human religion vanished from all Pholos apparently for giving a speach aganist the seal of the goverment. People has never became more scared and depressed.
There were also some rumors that the goverment of Lana was using it's funds to purchase part of the products of private services to enhance it's own institutions, you like the fruits and meat of certain brand? Well you can now purchase it in the goverment stores, want to put a fast food franchise on Pholos from your planet? The taxes that allow your franchise to exists was cut but the other half have to be your food for the goverment's fast food joints and so on, so that way the goverment was slowly taking over each business and making it's own version including little by little the fancy products, don't purchase the Zneliorak fragance! You can now have the Perfume of the Town by the Lana Party! Of course, despite the prices the people prefer to spend more to private products than the goverment ones. This dicatorship was so disgusting they even hired spies to steal recipes for many consumables and also buy the main providers of those franchises, purchase the factories of floating ships and vehicles, the construction materials for buildings, everything had now the logo of Lana's party.
The comercials on the screens and holograms were normal, but the only difference is that annoying goverment logo on the corner of the ad, in the schools the kids of many species learned not only the basics education but also they were receiving lessons about how to be a good citizen, how Lana's party was superior in the whole solar system, how the rest of the planets are destined to perish unlike Pholos and also to worship Malbok not like a hero or a symbol but like a god, how he will rise from the death to show us a tangible heaven along with many other nonsense and many parents, zelians, grays, reptilians, korosnians they were not agree with some of this propaganda but, they had no other choice if they want a proper education and documents for the future of their kids. Funny enough, people were not taught to worship Lana, she was just like a prophet of the town, a messenger but also the one who will prepare the carpet for the arrival of Malbok, that bluish living melting flesh being...
Like any goverment, it had it's fans and haters, the few fans, most of them zelians, mind you, were saying that the goverment were making accesible many of the benefits only rich people can afford and Malbok was a genius for making everything for everyone. There is a word for this type of ideology in the human tongue, I don't remember what it is though, I only know is that it has failed within their planets over and over. This goverment was scary because it took over birthdays, funerals, weddings and even holidays in general, if you want to make a celebration or even an event the goverment has to be notified and they will support you financially with the promise you will pay them back either with money or any favor the goverment will ask you to do to benefit the Lana's party.
It has been like this like I said from years, I was returning from some groceries, I didn't felt like watching the television again, my apartment had at least one Malbok seal and my wrist had that horrible mark too, l put the ingredients to the fridge and shelves when I heard my ... let's call it telephone... is easier that way. I received a call from a very old friend of mine, her name was Lilibeth and she was a korosnian who was my partner when we used to work by Lady Urania many years ago. Let me give you a brief history:
Long time ago before the goverment of Evarina we used to work for her mother Gladys, the famous "Lady Urania" she recruited 7 members to ride in a space ship called Khalis Bishuda, we were called The Seekers. It was a ship designed to take resources from other planets to benefit Pholos, our team traveled for many years to planets rich on resources that can be used as a giant treasure box, we went to volcanic planets and with proper equipment we took tons and tons of materials for Pholos, we went to diamond planets, methane worlds, water worlds and planets with primitive civilizations that only knew how to survive and wouldn't mean a challenge to our crew, we even made some friends and some enemies, we had a lot of adventures together, and years later more ships were create to explore the cosmos to search more resources for many purposes. Some of us retired and live by a check of the goverment like me, and some got some other jobs.
The youngest of our crew, a little korosnian alien called Lilibeth worked for Lady Urania, then Evarina and then Lana Valdakio as a secretary. Her nature, loyalty, inocence, experience and wisdom made her escalate through the years in a very high position and got access to many priviledges many would do anything to have. We haven't spoke since those Seeker days and my surprice was big when I receive a call from her. But something was not right, I picked the phone and I received a "meet me outside" that sounded very unlikely of her, like she was in a rush but I thought "maybe she can't wait to see her old friend".
I walked outside my home and I smiles almost from ear to ear when I saw her, she was smiling weakly like if something was bothering her but I didn't care, I ran to her and I give her a big hug, I mentioned how happy I was to see her, how different she looked from last time I saw her, I invited her to my house and she accepted. I prepared a couple of drinks and a zelian pie slices she took a seat on the living room with a very faint smile like, she was happy to see me but something bigger was invading her mind, like she was worried or something.
We talk about our experiences, I showed her an album, we remembered the rest of the crew and how we been after all these years but then I couldn't help but asking her what happened, she pretended to be happy and I shouldn't be worried, she told me that she was fine, but I knew her from many years ago and I know she used to be a sweet inocent and cheerful little alien and this was not because of the age but it was something else. Lilibeth was always aware of her surroundings and like if she was lost she told me to go outside, I was confused but she was almost begging me to go outside so I nod and went outside my apartment. Lilibeth then told me to go with her to a special place, she wanted to tell me something there, I started to get worried so If I can get an answer for her behaviour I would do anything she tells me as long as I know that is bothering her.
We get on a ground vehicle, something strange because the air traffic was clear, not many ship flying around but she insisted, and the vehicle we were while Lilibeth was driving was a classic one, a vehicle that is not being produced anymore and the new updates had now Malbok's technology for safe driving. During the travel there was and awkward slience, I saw Lilibeth and she was looking her surroundings like she was being chased or something. The streets were almost empty and peaceful, no officials were on the streets or on the air, she was sweating a bit, and I didnt' want to insist what she had because I may make things worst, I just wanted to wherever she wanted me to be.
She was driving a long time, it was a sunset, we were starting to get out of the city to go on the countryside, the buildings started to be replaced by gas stations, restaurants, cheap hotels and some small shops, we were in the middle of nowhere now, there were no air traffic either, Lilibeth gave a turn to move the vehicle out of the high way to move on the soil path. When we finally arrive she woke me up, the sun was very faint and the moons begin to glow in the sky, she didnt gave me the time to stretch, we walked and walked until we found an abandoned cabin, one of those you would found in a horror movie, small house in the middle of nowhere. We entered and the place looked old and antique, some old furniture and dusty walls and there not only she explained to me the reason of her fear but also a huge revelation that made me shake in terror and the horrors that are gonna happen...
In the next entry I will detail the revelation of Lilibeth as well as other guest on the house, please be patient. Also I will soon enter a summary of the characters here and a quick and easy reference to avoid confusion.
Today has been a relaxing day, the sky was as blue as it can be with some clouds, the air was cold and pure and many people were walking through the street minding their business. Just looking at them, Reptilians, zeta reticunians, zelians, korosnians, humans and many other races, all living together, not too much problem and very distant from what it was several years ago during the hate groups era and supremacy of all races, the so called pure areas which means places where there was a dominant race were slowly vanished and the races realized that they were doing exactly the same on their planet of origin they decided to put their differences away. Am not gonna say that it began an era of peace, the crimes were simply more controlled.
Lana looked so pretty on the television and holograms, people was happy with having a korosnian president because of their dedication and good heart. as for Notok, Evarina and Olreph there has not been any news but everyone knows that Malbok would end up releasing her and give her a home or something, Evarina thought she has immunity of the system but, Malbok was starting to lose patience and hope to her and the help has been reduced, and to give you a clear example, she is still under arrest, normally at this time she should be walking away from prison with a smile as several people just whisper poison and hate on their words aganist her and Olreph.
I haven't mentioned about the main part of this entry; Malbok and Julianna. The weakest yet smartest of the descendants of the Dominators. These cousins would make a connection of ideas, in the family, the cousins and brothers separated: The powerful ones but with a lack of virtue Evarina and Olreph and on the other hand the smart ones but powerless Julianna and Malbok. The girls were pretty and the boys is difficult, Olreph was very attractive, always using high class brands for literally everyhing on his life. The power of Bios would allow his grandson to always look young and androginous, a natural red head with a strong red tone like blood,green eyes. very soft white skin and gestures and face features that would make you think easly that is a woman with deep voice and expensive suit.
But Malbok... he didn't look very good, for zelian people like me there is a very rare diseace that doesn't happen very often, in fact we thought it was an extinct diseace. This condition is called "tegu" and is a very horrible condition that I don't wish it to my worst enemy, the people who worked with him on his old office were saying that Malbok looked like melted icecream and... I cannot say they are exagerating. I will avoid all nasty images you can imagine but his sickness was a problem since he was born.
Evarina was a cruel greedy monster even before she was born, you see, I mentioned that she and Malbok are twins but they look completly different: Evarina as we mention she had big green eyes, black long hair and delicate features like her father while Malbok born with red eyes and severe look like his mother Urania. So when both babies were in the mother's womb the baby that will be called Evarina would absorb something from her brother. Like, the health itself, the life force and Urania could feel that, something was wrong with her baby, they both started healthy but Evarina was getting a bit more bigger and Malbok more and more skinny, Urania feared that she was absorbing him.
Malbok's childhood was sad. His sister grew up as athlete, had many boyfriends and had a lot of charisma and knew how to handle the words that she went into politics just to feel the love and fame from her people, and on the shadows, Malbok couldn't eat certain types of meat, sometimes he would woke up his parents with his convultions and screams, his life depends on certain pills and with the time he would not be able to walk anymore and his appereance was deforming day after day. His parents did their best to give him support and love to both, but Urania was helping him more because she knew that his son wouldn't live too long and she wanted to offer a decent life to her son. Urania and Malbok would have several conversations while Tubal and Evarina were playing sports but using their bullet speed superpowers.
But later on after Tubal and Urania went to retirement Malbok's mind would impress his school and later on various companies, his inventions and visions would help an entire planet to make a total revolution, his visions regarding the use of AI and machines would bring a new era of changes that would benefit not only Pholos but many other planets in space. He founded his company and slowly was taking over all the competence. All other companies prefer to being sold than competing with a colossus of technology, it was just ridiculous at this point and there has to be a complex on Malbok because the biggest his successes the worst he got on his health, not only became unrecognizable but now he needed an electric wheelchair and needed more pills for the pain and to keep him alive.
And what about Julianna, Olreph's sister? Well as the daughter of Lucile and grandaughter of Bios she would keep the perfect facial features along with a very attractive body, more than Evarina herself who was skinnier than her. Blue gorgeous eyes, white skin with blush, just a bit tanned and very tall and thick body type. But unlike her cousin who took advantage of that, Julianna was looking only to be recognized for her achivements, something that only Malbok recognized and thus, this strong partnership would begin. Her childhood was pretty much normal, and despite not having any type of illness, Julianna is usuallybald, she originally had a beautiful long black hair like her father but she would cut her hair to become bald only because she had an love for using wigs, specially the complex ones. That was another thing, Julianna had a huge wardrobe of colorful dresses with flowers or stars or some design but it has to be very colorful.
So Malbok and Julianna would work on his laboratory, she recenlty developed a top secret nanomachine: particles and can take orders and alter the shape of a pre existing item, but even more secret was something that was not very clear but it she would finish it, it would mean the end of civilization as we know it or at least is what some scientist say. Julianna was always proud of her invention, and Malbok would be proud as well for changing so many lifes to be more conected and with all luxuries and tools wherever people go.
I would like to finish my entry to mention something... I'm currently investigating this but, neither Julianna and Malbok's whereabouts are known, they are still operating yes, but they would be far far away from planet Pholos in a secret place. Many say Malbok is ready to die, others say they went to a semi retirement and others simply think that they just opened a new factory somewhere else but there is something that I feel suspicious about this behaviour, something I need to check, because if my investigation is right... the whole solar system is in big danger...
In the universe it exists an endless amount of creatures and races, most of them are the product of billions of years of evolution from the atmosphere and conditions of their planet, but very few were created by a superior inteligence. In our last entry I detailed how a group of beings called The Dominators created various civilizations hoping to find a home away from their chaotic universe. The leader of this group was called Bios whose name means life, an artist, and architect, a father. He used his flesh and life powers to create the first civilizations of a new race, this new race didn't had a name and after a while they all agree to call the planet Korosnoth, Koros prefix means "Everyone" and Noth is literally world, or very large area, so Korosnoth was the world of everyone.
Rather than be called by his own name, Bios let them choose the name he would be recognized in Korosnoth. Everyone decided to call him Niogol Rahk and to simplify what this term means, it's "Niogol" meaning "Kind" or "nice" and "Rahk" meaning a very powerful being, or someone who can do anything. And given the name everyone would refer him as Niogol Rahk from now on, and thanks to him the korosnians learned the values of grow together, share everything together, be kind to others, no corruption, no ego, no unique ideals, if someone had a proyect the rest would support him and the owner of the project should give a fair reward for their assistance and most important, remain incorruptible no matter the influence of other beings or false deities who promises something in exchange of submission. I told you their system was weird but functional.
Bios or should I say, Niogol Rahk would leave but not without having a chosen one, someone who could guide the korosnians when they need help, he took his most dedicated follower and gave him his genes, the very essence of Life from a chaotic universe where laws do not exist. This chosen one's name is Habek and somehow, not sure what Bios did to him that he has survived all these years since the foundation of the planet until now, he goes into thousands of years of slumber only to wake up and make sure the generations are not corrupted. Something about this character is that the normal korosnians had their skin in warm tones: Red blood, deep orange, pale tan color and very light brown but Habek... he is green, and many people claim that is not the same Habek from thousands of years, that is pretty much someone pretending to be him but surpricingly am not convinced of that theory.
After Bios left the korosnians decided to keep his precence alive by following his values. Lana and Notok are perfect examples of the influence of the planet you born: while Lana is literally a native from the planet Korosnoth, Notok born in Pholos and the influence and education was very different, one was peacefull and wanted to turn the population into one powerful being that grows with progress and justice, the other was looking to conquest and feed that powerful being with wars and conquers.
Let's talk about years ago... The planet itself, Korosnoth was a chain of islands across the globe, mostly desert and few dark purple and pink vegetation big enough to feed the animals and include in some meals but is just desert, you will not find a forest nor a jungle or even a field with grass, you will only expect golden deserts, a couple of trees and plants, some waterfalls and sand under a purple sky with colorful stars and pink fluffly clouds. The fresh water surpricingly was abundant, they were in caves, waterfalls, rivers and lakes, some islands decided to make a pipeline system under the sand of big deserts where you can have access to water through points in the case you get lost, public capsules where you can drink, take a shower and clean up stuff, the korosnians would never make any abuse.
As for the people and the civilized areas well, the korosnians were pure, kind hearted. Very progressive and tolerant, one korosnian achivement is the achivement from the entire planet or that's what they say. The korosnians would like to make buildings using large columns, statues, stained glass on every building describing each business and even the floor of the cities was decorated with abstract art and fountains everywhere, the streets were the cleanest you can find and the vehicles were just flying a bit above the ground. And this is where it gets interesting.
Malbok would discover the planet and he sent astronauts to explore the planet, and as curiosity, I was one of them along with a crew of 6 more explorers of different races, this decition was not random, we had different reactions on different planets, but this was well... the most friendly place in general including its atmosphere. Rather than fear or even curiosity, as soon as we landed on a village near the city the people instantly greet us with a smile, they received us with hugs, we perfect strangers who could do any harm to them they were hugging us and inviting us to their homes. We were invited to dinner and spend the night on one of the houses of the village. I remember that we were all confused by this hospitality, everyone but one: One of my partners was a korosnian herself but was born in planet Pholos, her name was Lilibeth and she would understand why the korosnians were behaving like this.
After we explore the planet and its people we returned back home and Malbok was surpriced when we mentioned that there were no leaders, no presidents, no ambassadors nothing when we made our report. Malbok admired the photos and videos we took from the area, the happy people, the amazing views and the food. Looks like Bios didn't mentioned this oasis to his own grandson but Malbok was determined to take the planet and make it part of his collections. He liked to offer technology and ensure the relationship, influence and resources of these planets and Korosnoth seemed to be a jackpot of everything he was looking for. But later on he would discover that he would make a mistake and ruin peace they had.
Malbok himself arrived on Korosnoth, by that time he wasn't that deformed and he was using a stick before depend on the wheelchair nowadays but he was coughing a lot. He and the korosnians made a deal and the korosnians were pleased to open the doors for other civilizations to visit them, the planet itself became a resort planet, the aliens of other planets were visiting Korosnoth as vacations, they begin to build luxurious hotels, spa, restaurants, casinos, pretty much they made an effort to please and give the other species a wonderful experience. And it worked wonders for a while but here is the problem: the korosnians were pure, inocent, happy and naive but some other species not. With all the species visiting the planet for vacations or some other business, certain faces took advantage of the korosnian's good will and begin the corruption of the planet.
Intimidation, extort and deceiving were just the tip of the iceberg, the korosnians rarely fight back and the influence of other species made them more defensive and some groups begin to become aggresive aganist the visitors, these groups blamed Malbok for bring too much attention of their home and it was normal to them to burn the devices that Malbok left them in big piles of electronics. The abuse and decadence of these abusive aliens made the group to tech other people to defend themselves aganist criminals from other planets but those groups were still a minority and the impact they caused was close to zero. The last organization named The Pioneers of Glory was interesting, the leader Bentranym Kiosidaris or Ben believes that is ok to bring pain to those who cause pain but leave the other inocent people alone, make true justice and get along with the visitors. And most important one of the biggest key members of this organization of justice was none other than Lana Valdakio.
In the next Entry I will detail more of my investigation, this time going to present day and the continue of events, most important, about Malbok and his cousin Julianna, the weaker but smarter descendants of the Dominators what they are planning to do, Malbok and Julianna versus each brother, Olreph and Evarina, two faces of the same coin, Evarina and Olreph would be arrested after the attack to Notok but it may not be the last time we hear from them, and soon enough I will detail why.
This entry is gonna be short. According to the old books and ancient religions they were a group of beings who came from another universe, they simply call it Universe 28, if you believe in theories of multiverses this may be of your interest. In this universe that breaks completly everything law we have known about and had a complete chaos they born two supreme beings, one was representing Creation, and the other one Destruction, the being who represented Creation lived in peace and have descendants, the being who represented Destruction was looking to become just one being with the Creation to be considered a perfect being with both Creation and Destruction on their hands, and one of these conflicts, the Creation being known as Megoleret was heavily damaged and somehow managed to escape from the conflict aganist the Destruction itself known are Ronidirus.
So, Megoleret gathered a group of followers including his own grandson and before the fatal wound would kill him, he divided himself, his essence in 16 pieces, each follower absorb an element and the leadership of that group was in charge of Megoleret's granson, Bios Catalido and thus the Dominators group was born. To give you a brief description I will give you names, elements and a particular feature.
Bios - The Dominator of Life, leader of the Dominators and the hability to mutate his body at will and blows the breath of life on everything he created
Edabar - The Dominator of Mind, a bearded giant with the power of Telekinesis, Telepathy and mind control, loves art and artistic creativity
Lotus - The Dominator of Numbers, a skinny pale being with an infinite knowledge of everything related to numbers like math, his powers were simply shape shift every object at will
Void - The Dominator of Dreams, a powerful magician and the most powerful Dominator, to name all of his abilities would be a waste of time, he is considered "OP"
Kaladas Fanchon - The Dominator of Death, A pale, gothic woman almost as powerful as Void, she can create her own realms to take beings with her. She doesn't like the Reptilian race for some reason
Martain - The Dominator of Fire, Red head giant, her powers are obvious, originally the niece of Edabar, she likes the human race.
Blizzard - The Dominator of Water, very gentle but very violent if she is provocked, she also find the human race interesting and the zelians like me she feels a conection
Sarja - The Dominator of Lightning, she has an interesting personality, very wise but some aspects of her behaviour may confuse you.
The other Dominators were considered second and third class, their abilities were wind, earth, plants, sound, time, strenght and so on. According to the files in the libraries of Pholos it says they went into this universe to escape from Ronidirus, once they were saved they decided to create their own planets and civilizations to make a home. Almost all civilizations are extinct now. But let's talk about the descendants and surpricingly not many Dominators had them. But keep in mind we are talking about a myth, something that is like a stain on the skin of a inteligent civilization, later on I will explain what am talking about.
Bios and Fanchon had a son called Angel who later on called himself Zaroth, a warrior converted to king with a son called Alkseph, that's all I know.
Later Bios and Fanchon split up, Bios decided to create a daughter to be with him all the time unlike Angel, that girl was called Lucile, is a strange name to be as much as "angel"
Later Sarja and Bios got married and had another son called Tubal and later on I will explain why this baby is relevant.
So Lucile many years later would marry an old enemy of the family who was reformed, they had two children: Julianna and Olreph... yes the same Olreph who orderer the hit aganist Notok. Julianna was the first daughter of the couple, Olreph came next, but do you remember when I mentioned that Bios's power included mutations? Well, Lucile and Olreph would master that ability to shape shift themselves as well as create monster versions of them, Julianna on the other hand not only she was a humanoid (despite looking almost exactly as a human, later on I will detail her differences) Julianna didn't had any awesome super powers, but in exchange she got a very priviledged mind who gave her a powerful and unique invention capable of surpass the Dominators themselves.
And Tubal, well he is the father of Evarina and Malbok, and the history repeats, one brother inherits the powers of multidimensional beings and the other is simply ... there, the only compensation was a priviledged mind like Julianna. So Evarina obtained a lesser version of Bios's mutation but got the electric powers of Sarja as well as her father who participated in the military of Pholos when he married the president and former ruler of Pholos Urania, Malbok and Evarina's mother.
The chemistry between cousins was obvious but bizzarre at the same time, as I mentioned before, Evarina and Olreph dedicated to politics working together, dressing with style and being technically the elite class of the planet, everything on them stinks to highest class: the clothes, the hairstyles, the brands they used, the places they visit, the manerisms everything. As for Julianna and Malbok, they have worked together and according to the last articles of Malbok on his website, He was making big technology while her cousin was focusing on small technology, either way their inventions have changed forever the life of aliens who were living literally in caverns and villages.
As for the original Dominators well, they had a last conflict aganist Ronidirus and they took different ways, being irrelevant and spend the rest of their immortality on eternal slumber or living as mortals or simply travel far and far away from their comrades. In our next entry I will talk about the Magnum Opus of Bios, the race that was designed by him only and dedicated a full time with love and wisedom teaching the values to be kind and help others up until these days: The Korosnians.
It has been a couple of weeks since the incident of Notok, he was very scared and at the same time, he didn't know what to think, the soldier that was placed in custody was interrogated, and looks like loyalty wasn't one of his virtues because he told everything, turns out that my suspicions were true, Olreph sent the soldier to make the hit, and pretty much everything that Olreph does, yes, Evarina was involved somehow, The soldier mentioned that the two cousins wouldn't accept defeat, the korosnians are known to help each other... Lana and Notok were korosnians yes, but Lana had the old values of her planet, she spend most of her life in Korosnoth and recently she has move out to Pholos because of this oportunity to bring changes to her own planet, changes that I will detail later on.
Evarina and Olreph were not just aliens, they had some strange abilities that defies all logic. They are the last descedants of a powerful lineage of beings capable to manipulate any type of element known as The Dominators, it's been told that they were the ones creating several planets and civilizations like flowers on the garden and many of the alien races couldn't exist any way without their will and thus, their mere presence is an anomaly. The cousins were the most powerful species not only in planet Pholos but also on the universe itself, the people from Pholos including myself have the believe that if it exists there should be an explanation on the other side of the universe, we have knowning the treasures of the galaxies but these two jewels are such a rarity.
Our regular media would be like any other a device that broadcast the events of distant places, sometimes we use the old screens to watch the news and the rich ones could affor a small plattform where they can see a cubic hologram of the events of the day. In my particular case I just needed my trusty television to observe all of the events that have been happening after the victory of Notok and it looks like his glory wouldn't last too much. It looks like Notok was not a shiny warrior ready to lead his people to victory and domination over the solar system. He was a coward who fell into the most disgraceful acts and Lana, after she was healed will not be taking kindly any of his acts.
It was a nice weather, very fresh and windy. The sun was looking beautiful ready to sleep, the sky was giving us those gentle tones between orange and blue, the stars were present and the moon of Tokeia was like a beautiful sapphire on the sky, I was in my home carrying a cup of ... let's call it coffee altough it was not really the classic beverage from several planets, and I was looking at the city on my large window, I decided to turn on my television with a hand gesture and the very first thing that I see truly made me shiver: The Congress, the same boring place where politicians of all races from reptilians to humans and from zelians to zeta reticulians gathered to repeat the same laws and sometimes express their opinions with phisical fight was now under attack.
I saw that all the politicians where gathered in the middle of the room, all of them were facing down with their hands covering their heads and around them they were several armed guards, they were clearly holding them hostages I noticed that the the leader of these armed guards was none other than Lana herself. However what truly surpriced me was that these soldiers carrying high powered lasers were robots and I knew by the badges displayed on their chest who was the owner of those robots.
Evarina has a brother, a living tragedy mind you, the true mastermind from we owe the high technology we enjoy these days, if it wasn't for him the planet itself would be a complete chaos as well as some others, am talking about the great inventor, businessman and the true ruler of the solar system Malbok Catalido. Malbok and Evarina were born twins but due some problems that I will detail later he was born very weak and fragile but in contrast, he born with an inteligence superior of any regular zelian, and we are considered one of the most advanced races in the universe. I will not entertain you with his profile and background, we will have the proper time and entry to do so, all you need to know is that Malbok or should I say the robots of Malbok were assisting Lana in this assault.
Lana took the microphone of the podium and made sure the camera was pointing at her and the aliens being hostage, the robots brought at the front and by force the president Notok as well as the politicians who assisted Lana during her campaign that later abandoned her as soon as she lost the elections. The robots were pointing their lasers to them but just to prevent any false movement. How it was possible that the same girl who saved Notok when he won the elections was holding him hostage? What happened during the weeks of her recovery? Please, keep reading.
Lana was explaining what happened: In Korosnoth there is no politicians, is a peaceful anarchy where people were just living in peace and respecting each other and sharing all goods of the companies equally distributed to all the habitants in a system that is a bit confusing to me but somehow it works, could be due the kind and peaceful nature of the korosnians. One of the main features of this system includes to add propositions that can benefit the entire planet, Lana's ideas were so attractive and interesting that some politicians from planet Pholos visited her and they were interested to apply the same values to planet Pholos, they took her from her home planet, they made her take a quick therapy to be able to adapt to Pholos's atmosphere and then they gave her a temporary home and a place in their offices to become the leader of the planet and get some benefits. After Notok was announced as the new president, as soon as Lana went to save him, these so called "supporters of the Korosnian party" abandoned her, they close the offices and make sure the home she was living was closed and the owner would not let her in, not to mention they didn't even offer a flight to her home planet, they just leave her on her own.
Somehow Lana knew about the hit, someone told her that Notok's life was in danger, a Korosnian always cares of other lives and when we are talking about a fellow korosnian she couldn't let this happened, according to what she was explaining that night in the podium, she tried to warn Notok about Olreph's goons ready to take him out as soon as he went to the public but she was ignored, Notok thought she was only trying to intimidate him because back then she was still a candidate for the presidency. After the events, Lana was taken to the hospital and after a couple of days she healed very well, Notok brought her flowers and apologize for not believe in her words.
Lana would eventually find out the betrayal of her supporters and Notok decided to take her to his home and give her a job on his party, during the next days Lana assited Notok and help him to find peaceful solutions to his propositions but Notok was always stubborn and insisting that the true gold of sucess was red and needed to spill it out from his enemies however, Notok was a gentleman with Lana, he was taking her to dinner in fancy restaurants, give her nice and expensive dresses, one would say he had other intentions with her but who knows? Perhaps he felt a genuine guilt over her ignored warnings.
During one of the nights that Notok was giving a speech he gave Lana a day off, Lana was working constantly to help him and he felt that she needed to relax and not stress to much over work. According to her words she was relaxing on her bed looking at the computer, eating some snacks and the activity of the computer was suddenly interrupted, Can you imagine being on your computer and suddenly all the screen goes black and a creepy voice is heard? Well, Lana was scared, she thought it was a hacker from Evarina but it was something much more interesting. Malbok himself interrupt her activity online, he had a raspy voice like an old man despite being on the middle of his life.
He told her that he has been looking at her on every device she used and the news and everything that has happened to her, Lana herself would found good reasons to believe in that because his influence is total on the planet and even Korosnoth, as I mentioned his devices and inventions made a huge technological revolution that give several planets the futuristic appereance that you may be imaginating. He told her that he was moved for all these events, he wanted to help her and offered a deal... Let me interrupt this moving moment to tell you that Malbok loves to make deals with people and the people who accepts his deals have two types of destinies: absolute glory and wealth or complete misery, either you end up extremly good or extremly bad and any wise men would escape his deals like a black hole.
This deal however had a simple and a complex option: He would be prepare a ship to take her back home with her people and leave things on the past, forget about this politic fiasco and be whatever she want to be, there are no homelesss people on Korosnoth, this complex system would prevent anyone to end up in the streets. The second option however was to become loyal to him, work for him and his plans in exchange for making her president and give her and I quote "a place on his cyber paradise".
As you can imagine, Lana took the second option, Malbok gave her total control over his soldiers as well as the best of his machines and of course, various access to priviledged places we will detail later on. Malbok's first order was to punish the wicked ones... turns out that he detected several devices on Lana's room, Guess what? Malbok told all places where Notok was hiding cameras and voice recordings. Notok was spying on her, and am talking about her room, bathroom, kitchen, studio you name it. I sincerly don't know how things work in your planet, but in Pholos that is one of the most despicable things you can do, your privacy means nothing to him.
She played inocent to Notok and didn't make any mention until this day where she made the assault with Malbok soldiers. A smart vehicle with no drivers was awaiting for her on the next days, she weared her signature spandex suit, her long coat with golden chains and her military style hat matching the copper colors of her entire outfit, she was also keeping a small laser gun more to intimidate than harm, behind her there were several vehicles with soldiers following her, the robots entered first, they took out the guards by knocking them so there were no casualties that day. Lana entered last once the robots secured the area, they were kind enough to open the doors for her and cover her against any harm.
So Lana's words on the podium were clear: Notok was a liar, a coward and a hypocrite, one of the robots gave her a bag where she pulled out every small camera and audio recorder in front of him, not only that, another robot gave her a document proving that his disgusting practices were taken to important places: spying on private meetings, spying on exclusive offices from other countries, the guy wanted to be a giant eye where he can control other countries and terrtories threatening them with reveal the audios and videos of corrupted leaders, leaders like Evarina and her dark secrets. Notok wouldnt last anyway, if he will not be taken out by the people in general, the politicians will surely make sure to vanish him. Lana decided to take Notok into custody for his own protection, as for the people of her party, they were also found out by the robots and brought here, they were also taken under arrest, they weren't too different than Notok.
And finally a third robot gave Lana a computer, they connected the audio to make sure everyone can hear... Malbok himself was speaking, giving Lana the authority to become the new president of Pholos and follow HIS instructions mixed with her visions, they politicians and all the people who were watching the news like me were inmediatly convinced, Malbok was a passive ruler of the entire planet and the solar system, he is the law himself and the presidents are only free tools organizing their agendas. Lana was then considered the new president and the politicians stand up and the most important kissed her hand while she sit on the main chair of the room, it was more like throne than a chair. The robots let the politicians go home, the cameras were shut and they left us with a trend on the internet, on the next days the news were covering only this assault, celebrities and experts were broadcasting their opinions and all other planets were having all type of reaction, Korosnoth was the one who most praised her, not because of her korosnian race, but because she will not take trash from nobody and stand out and most important the korosnian values made Malbok himself to empathize with her.
In the end, I turned off the television, took a deep breath and finished my coffee drink... it was cold now...
Right now things are not going ok on planet Pholos, is your typical futuristic planet where you would expect tall and abstract looking buildings, lines of ships flying and technology you would expect to see in sci fi movies, but also it's very friendly with nature, within the cities is normal to see a lot of trees and nature fully merged with the cold structures of the city, and some reserves dedicated only as sanctuary for certain species brought from many other planets. My name is Alcitates or Al. I belong to a race of aliens known as Zelian, originally from planet Zelianorek, my skin is turquoise, some of us like me born bald and others born with hair, they are usually the result of mixing races, the bald ones are considered more pure but not better than others. I grew up on this planet from Zelian immigrants who came to planet Pholos because just like every planet with inteligent life, Zelianorek's resources begin to dissapear.
Planet Pholos seemed like a paradise, it's technology has allow to bring resources from other wild planets and of course, rescue dying civilizations like mine. My parents may be the last zelians on planet Pholos, regarding my education... schools are different than other planets, on this one you receive the lessons on your head in the form of devices and lights. In 3 minutes you have learn the entire history of the planet, advanced astronomy and some basic cooking lessons, a whole package that you receive in minutes. This amazing technology was created by a family of Zelians like me, we are known to be very brillant but this family that was currently ruling Pholos, I must say they are very smart even than the rest of us.
Going back to my first sentence, these are election times, we had 3 candidates: We have Evarina, the Zelian president who was on charge over the last decades, she was very philosophical, her kindness came always with hidden intentions, used virtues to her own purposes, and there are rumors that she is involved in... secret activities. She is very beautiful, and she knew how to take advantage of that, green eyes, long black hair, turquoise skin and a calm look which has fooled thousands, She believed that all certain alien species were more powerful and smart than others and these others, like humans and Zeta Reticulian only worth to consume and serve what other alien races produce and thus, they are the race that made them rich. The aliens didn't appreciate her posture and there were some attempts aganist her that she has managed to survive, later on future entries I will detail these attempts.
Next we have the two aliens from planet Korosnoth: Mirklana Valdakio and Notok Zulath. While Mirklana or Lana for short believed that what the people produce belong to the people and the goverment is responsible only to distribute those goods equally and fair to grow up all together, Notok believed that the power of the economy relies on what he called "heavy business" and by that I mean wars, conquers, and the constant development of the entire planet Pholos even if he has to substract all resources of his home planet Korosnoth by force if necesary. Korosnoth is a peaceful planet, the korosnians, are extremly friendly, they share everything and trustworthy, Notok was a korosnian that born in Pholos and the education he received was not from his parents but from radicals and other politicians.
And Notok won the elections, people were convinced that he would take them to a period of glory and power, his charisma, the words he uses, his gestures and they way he convinced an entire planet that they were the chosen ones of the universe to be dominant over other planets truly gave them some confidence and make them felt important, even me I almost fell for it, but I am a pacifict Zelian, violence is the last of my last resources, I am weak and I try to find a peaceful solution to everything. But you know what they say here: if you play with fire, you are gonna get burn...
And so It happened... Evarina prepared something if he won the elections, she had a cousin who was working on her office and her main assistant and person of full trust. He looked perfectly human but later on I will describe why he was either above the human beings or lower... Humans do not exist only on planet Earth, there are other variants from similar planets with enough chemicals and conditions to assimilate that same type of life, but her cousin... is another story. His name was Olreph, he planned bring to send one of his soldiers dressed as Notok's followers with a laser, when the results were shown and the aliens were celebrating Notok's victory, he went to give a speech in the square of the city where everyone was waiting for him.
The sounds of the claps and cheers was too loud, he took the microphone which was a small device that allowed him to spead his word around the square, then he mentioned a thousand promises and challenges to endure, the soldier come from nowhere, he pointed the laser to him but as a surprice, Lana came from nowhere, she was wearing a disguise and she jump over Notok receiving the laser blast on her back. She was wounded but Notok was saved. The bodyguards were able to catch and disarm the soldier and take him under arrest, Lana was taken to the hospital, the people were running in horror and Notok was inmediatly taken by several bodyguards into his vehicle. To this day I wonder how and why Lana did what she did... but later on we'll ask if Notok was really worth to be saved.
Scary and freaky stuff is flowing and share with you some of the best material is my duty to keep youon the edge of your seat. Commercials, they exists to offer us a service or a product, some of them are very fun and entertaining and some are annoying that you are just waiting to they remove them. However in this case in our theme i will include the darkest section of them, the ones that were removed from the tv not for the product itself but for the content of the commercial. I will not include Little Baby's Ice cream ad, it's too famous, also i wont include the scary highway comercial because it goes aganist my politics to not involve any screamers in the videos i share, now you tell me, Would you purchase their products after watching these ads? let me know in the comments, i prepared a special list with the most unknown ads for maximum inconfort. take a sit, grabs some snacks ands sodas, gather your friends and abandon the idea of sleeping tonight. Enjoy!
1) Afri Cola
Africola was a soda drink from Germany, the comercial with the actors doing strange things and the music makes this ad a weird and bizarre experience, Cheers!
2) Pickle Surprice
The company of Hellmanns make a special edition of mayonaise specially for sandwiches. The commercial is old as you can see and it actuallly helps to the creepy feelings, Rumor says that the comercial has subliminal messages, i personally don't know but the sensation i had is chilling.
3) Gainomax
Gainomax is a drink made with a curious purpose none the less, "stop eating bananas for monkeys" whoever that makes the commercials or the product itself surely has a deep love for animals. This place has 2 entries, both of them with monkeys, first one is not necesary creepy but "curious" nonetheless, second one well the reference is obvious but is kinda weird first time you see it, take a look
4) Stolen Cellphones Campaign
We go to Colombia to see a campaign that goes aganist the purchase of stolen cellphones for being much cheaper instead of purchasing on authorized stores. This comercial tells us that whenever we have a stolen cellphone, is like having a dead man's phone, the performance is great yet creepy
5) Doritos
Doritos are one of my personal snacks, the flavors and presentations are awesome and original, and this originality arrived even on it's ads. This Commercial from México is the proof of it
Yup this entry has a subcategory, i divided the comercials from Japan of the rest of the world simply because they are so original and so unique that they deserve their own category, these are another 5 videos with creepy and weird content
1) Consome Panchi
Something that is remarkable of the Japanese, is that they are radical in everything, and whenever they want to impersonate a anthropomorfic animal, they do it amazingly. however looking a anthro animal is not always cute. And this compilation of comercials of biscuits is proof of it
2) Chocoballs
Chocoballs are a candy made of chocolate (duh!) and the product was known for the comercials
3) Creepy McDonald ads
This is a compilation of McDonald ads in japan, whoever who did those videos didn't know how to make a friendly comercial of a fast food franchise, and the fact that the star is the clown Ronald McDonald doesn't help it
4) Cursed Kleenex ad
This entry is special, whoever who love horror stuff like me surely have heard of this material, in the 80s Kleenex did a comercial in japan where we see a japanese girl and what it seems to be a baby ogre or goblin. The music is sweet but it playing it with the comercial surely gives chills. Also, there's a Rumor that if you watch this ad exactly at 00:00 strange things will happen, some says that you'll be cursed and bad things will happen to you, or even death in a near future, this of course is false but, do you dare to watch it at 00:00?
As an extra. the user Shrouded Hand recreate the myth and it all seemed so perfect that i wanted to share it with you
5) All Arnold Schwarzenegger comercials
Finally we end this entry with a compilation of japanese videos starring with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the comercials are not creppy or weird but curious indeed
Another entry, another theme, this time we are going to cover music videos, yup, those videos explaining the content of the song in the artist/band 's vision. Is more than possible that you already seen these but i just compliate them to make you remember or in case you havent seen them show you a good collection of freaky material. Although may scare you or not, the truth is that this entry do not necesary contains scary stuff, but weird, strange, bizzarre content that either make you freak out, give you a good laugh or simply say "wtf?" with that being said, enjoy!
This entry contains 6 videos
1) Pearl Jam - Do the evolution
This video traumatized me when i was a kid, as you see the content of the video your vision about humanity may either chance or confirm it, judge by yourslef
2) Molotov - El mundo
Mexican group Molotov has been known for their controversy, and in 2000 due numerous rumors that the world will end, the band make a music video talking about how the world will end, and the video caused a lot of controvery for provoque fear to the catastrofic date that the video almost dissapeared from the media and this is the only material it exists today
3) Tool - Schism
Tool is a american band that has been known for their psychedellic videos, and when they released Schism the video provoques various reactions to the audience, i can post more videos about this amazing group but this video is one that personally contains most of the essence of the band with "parabola"
4) Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy
British group Aphex Twin released this video that is worth to watch in complete dark with earphones
5) Antihoney - Constant Flow
This video is special, very special indeed, because even if the music is relaxing and sweet the video on the other hand is unsettling, like if something doesn't seem right, please post your reactions about this piece
6) Cardiacs - To go off and things
This video is not necesary disturbing but bizzarre, weird, exageratted and crazy in a unique way, what you will see is madness in a pure state, you will either love or hate the band
Fellow Bronies! today i we still are going to cover the audio, but this time instead of heard disturbing audio we are going to cover music, we all know that music is a important factor for emotions, so today ill show you the 7 most weird, disturbing music. these do not need further explanation, they are just songs made by artist with the purpose of give you a chilling ambience Cheers!
Hamburger Lady
Karl Meyer
Jupiter and Beyond
Diamanda Galas - Gloomy Sunday
Jocelyn Pook - Masked Ball
send your reactions and smash that brohoof buttom for more of this saga!
Hello! this saga is back! ill share some of the most weird videos i been founding on Youtube hoping i can give you some weird nights. This time the theme are Channels. These Channels are done by artists/lunatics on Youtube, again, i want to clarify that none of those videos have screamers and you can watch them at your own risk
2h32 is a youtuber that makes creepy content, to be honest i haven't watch all the videos but i thought that i may share this with you
La pasion is a psychedelic video that i don't recomend to watch it if you have epilepsy
Brian is a username that makes amazing animations on 3d, but i reccomend discretion watching some of his jobs
Possibly in Michigan is a shortfilm made by Cecelia Condit in 1983, is surreal and is kinda disturbing, i present you a excerpt
Scorpion Party is a video where's our antihero Scorpion, is not a scary video but kinda curious
Hello again! thanks for stopping by! it's time for some.. *put my palm around my ear* WEIRD VIDEOS!!
now the theme of the videos are Sounds, yep, these are not videos as such but strange sounds that will do make your skin chills if you heard them alone in the dark. remember, there's no screamers and you are free to use your earphones for maximum scare experience just remember! if you are too sensitive to spooky audio i reccomend to not hear them but since you are a brave person have a nice trip to horror ^^
If you find a creepy or weird video/audio, please feel free to share it with us and make larger our collection and post your reactions too. Also if some videos are fake or not is irrelevant, the purpose is to freak you out. Cheers!
1) creepy Radio recording
This video was posted by Sir Fortesque76, and he says he is works as a security guard of a bank and he was listening to a radio something strange,he grabs his phone and record the audio, this is what he got
2) The WKCR incident
In 1995 a mysterious interruption cut the signal of the 88.9FM station and what it is heard next are screams and whispers with voices naming deceased persons.
3) Operation Wandering Souls
During Vietnam war the US used an audio to frighten the Vietcong because of their religious beliefs, the vietnamese people believed that if someone dies without being buried the soul of the deceased will wander in pain for all eternity. The audio recordings can be an important factor in the battlefield? You be the judge.
4) The unexplainable Phone Call
This audio was recorded by someone's friend who tried to call his mom but instead of being his mom a strange sound was instead heard, So far we cannot tell what it is, feel free to post your thoughts
5) The sound of Saturn
The NASA has been detecting radio emissions from the Saturn planet, and they compress those waves into audio sound and this is what's found
Tell us what was the audio that scared you the most. keep up the brohooves to continue this saga! n.n //
Aghast - Sacrifice
Aghast is a group composed by 2 witches of Norway that began to make atmospheric music specially for black magic rituals. It's been said that when they began recording their firsts albums strange things happened in the studio like poltergeist and stuff, is not recommended to listen to it alone and the music is charged with negative feelings and depression
Creepiest call voicemail.
Finally the most scary audio i found, the woman on the video found that someone left a message on her voice mail. The sounds aren't proved to be an animal, whoever who made that sound is not either human or animal, seems like something unknown, something or someone who is able to make calls and leave this, the audio hasn't been debunked so far and no further explanation exists to this day. I warn you, this sound is specially scary if you have a voice mail recorded, if you are going to listen to it, you are at your own risk and i do not be responsible for any shock or trauma.
My dear bronies, this is it, i decided to leave the forums forever, due certain events i'm no use here, i won't make a circus about this, nor i looks any attention. My reasons is that my shop is closed, i been acused of plagiarism, something i depise so much. I'm a person that dedicates his efforts to make content 100% original but this time the fact is, that my shop is been closed and personally i felt offended beyond forgiveness.
I leave with a smile though, i knew my special somepony here, i made awesome friends who are amazing persons and i have the very best of the site here with me. There was a time that i consider this page much better than facebook because my final impression is, that his awesome fandom is a ever happy place where all help each other and care about others. I have no hard feelings aganist nobody despite certain persons who i called friends desapointed me horribly. I have nothing to say about them. Equestria.. if only becames a metaphorical country it would be prosper and powerful because we are all the same, following the same passion.
I made a promise that i would never feel depressed again, but this is a challenge i must confront with all my strenght. To all moderators, Administrators and the creator of this website, you got yourself a 10/10 with this place, i have a good impression, but now, is time to say goodbye. I really wish this site grows stronger and stronger. I really enjoyed to be part of your family and help you with my contributions of my art. There will be much awesomer artist than me, and most of the artists of the comission area are amazing artists and i do encourage to visit their shops and adquire a fantastic piece of them, they deserve it.
Perhaps people think that i'm taking this very personal or i'm taking a very extreme decition, but is a decition nonetheless. my decition to part ways and start somewhere else. I'm listening right now Smile by Pinkie, which is a very important song, always smile, and be happy so i leave happy and smiling, i wish my eyes could share same feeling and if may i say it yes, i'm crying now because part of me doesn't want to leave you guys but i have to do it, i wouldn't have same sensation to be here like i used to, because things are not the way they suposed to be. I enjoyed the AMA section with my OC chatterbox making interviews and giving ponies a smile from time to time, to all those who this little mare interviewed, thank you so much guys, i really appreciate the moments we share because i wanted you to feel your OC alive as much as me.
As for the final word i just want to say Thank you, all of you, to share some of your magic with me and i do hope i did the same thing with you, if you feel depressed for any reason in your life, fight, found your cutie mark, the reason of your existance, a mission, start over if you think your life is a mess, you are an amazing person, unique and different, raise your hoof when you feel in the mud, and be who you are... i really don't want to go, but is time to say goodbye
Hello My fellow bronies! Today while i was searching some stuff in my closet i found something i used to play when i was lil.
I found my old Atari 2600 with my collection of games, it fully works and all games are good.
So i thought that i may sell it to true gamers and collectors for a decent amount of money.
is my collection, i thought they may worth something for game collectors or something, all of them work, the Atari works too logically but the controls and the power cable aren't original so.. maybe the cartidges may have some value along with the console.
Now i would like to talk about a special cartidge i have:
As far as i investigated this is a rare one, it has 6 switches that allows you to play a specific game depending on their positions. so is a multigame cartidge. It fully works and i would like to see how much would i get if i sell it. now i know this isn't ebay or something don't misunderstand me, i'm only asking for your opinion about how much would i get for one of these and also how much would i get if i sell it to a game collector.
I hope i can get a nice price or someone who's willing to adquire this game for a good amount, later in the future i will show a video of the game to prove you it works along with all the other games in the next update.
Heeeey! wassup ponies and fillies! welcome to a new chapter of the saga The 5 most WTF videos i ever watched, today i got some quality works and like always i suggest discretion since some if not most of them are kinda creepy now before we move to the videos i want to mention that none of the videos i share has screamers, i hate them as much as you do so you can relax, have nice trip!
Shaye Saint John, maybe some of you already know her but if you don't have a nice dose of weirdness
a old video, very surrealistic highly recomendable to watch
is basically a children's show Why is it here then? see for yourself and comment what you see wrong with the show
something very strange indeed along with the music, i just say... WTF
last but not least, short video about.. ahm... no words just watch it
when we reach the #5 entry of WTF videos i'll make a special
What's up Pony fans! it's been a while since i did a new video and the reason is because writting blogs is not really my stuff.. really i been watching videos, and sink in the bottomless pit called internet. And yeah i spend a lot of time on the internet because i haven't seen anything interesting in real life. But anyways as i said i been a long long long long time on internet and Youtube has been helpful to watch anything the world has to offer, and like all fandom and groups, if you are stick with something is inevitable you will find the darkest side of it
So i present 5 of the most wtf videos i seen so far, some of them you may already watched if not, allow me to corrupt your minds for a bit.
A CALLOUT FOR ALL LADIES by Hughmonclo In this video we see a guy trying to get a gf.. in his.. own way.. ahm.... watch it?
This is a creepy video full of special effects and sounds, is kinda disturbing but it has certain artistic aspect in my opinion
Ahhh.. our good old friend Cyriak.. probably watched by most users here but here's a little remainder of a awesome genius of animation
Freax,,, i don't know if this has to be considered music... i don't reccomend hear it with hearphones for the sake of your pony ears, it doesn't have a screamer but the sounds of this video are more than enough to turn it off
Ads are good to offer products and it seems that Japan has the weirdest ads, Who knows how successful they are?
anyways, is too much fuel for your eyes in the weirdest side of youtube, if you liked this blog please let me know, if you want me to continue sharing wtf videos let me know in the comments. Peace
First of all, if you are lazy even to read this you can found a soundcloud link where you can hear the article voiced by me, i won't apologize for my acent because im proud of it.
It's been now three years when i meet My Little Pony: Friendship is magic and liking the show, i remember that i meet ponies for the first time when i saw a video from the spanish Youtuber Itowngameplay, he makes videos narrating creepypastas, playing games and making videoreactions, that atracted me: Is in spanish, you should try to undersand it and learn some words, is good for you. Anyways, i meet later the .Mov series and Ask Murdershy Tumblr posts, my interest was being bigger until i found the core of it, the original Show My little Pony: Friendship is Magic
and like anyone who saw this the very first time i was like: ...Are you Serious? but later i begin to watch more and more and make me a brony since then. A new phase of life had begun and i meet friends and even my now ex girfriend in this very same page when "Finding Your Special Somepony" existed Magical Mare. i been in RPs Contests, and even created my OC Chatterbox to make interviews to bronies or another OCs. The point is that i navigated the Brony Sea, even sink into the dark wated which i know most of you know; then i discovered a theory i had: My Little Pony and all it's fandom is a paradise, why? because it is your comfort zone, your sanctuary, a happy place where exists cute ponies sometimes as they are and sometimes mixed with your own personal touches.
I was in my own Personal Heaven like everyone here feel, i been through lots of things that doesn't worth to talk here simply because they are irrelevant to this entry, i will only limit myself saying that i been in some serious business and My Little Pony was involved in them. After a break up with my ex, some friends who i been fight for ridiculous reasons i ended up alone in some way, am not gonna play victim and say the same thing we all heard on the internet: "i am alone" "nobody love me" "i am depressed" and all that crap we usually ignore right Brony friend?
Anyways, in this year 2016 the internet and the videogames has became part of our lives to the point that you cannot imagine a live without them, and Bronies have made all that internet has to offer: Drawings, Crappypastas, fictions, animations, videogames, music, plushies and more stuff you can imagine
The Brony Fandom has been one of the most successful fandoms of all times, and the one thing that make you all special is how the bronies are together, helping each other like a brotherhood must be. it is important to mention at this part that i don't have anything aganist you or your likings, you are free to enjoy what you like and be who you are and thanks to that thought i realize that being a brony is not what i like to be now this it the part you must been waiting, the reason itself.
There was a time when i was feeling rather lost in this colorful world, there was certain people and certain circles that i didn't felt confortable, the level of obsession with this fandom was huge, there's people who have Waifus and Husbandos; also people who claim to pray to Celestia and cry for not having a character like Fluttershy to hug when you feel lonely, but those weren't the reason i felt unconfortable, it was the act of forcing me to listen to them and their "random" quotes The Brony group that ignore you if you don't talk about ponies, the Overly Dramatic RPs and certain annyoing people we always meet on Skype and even on the web. That annoyed me pretty much, but is not fault of the ponies, or the fandom am sure that all fandom has one of those "people". In the middle of this travel to the Equestrian Nowhere i felt that i didn't felt.... How should i say it? Original i guess. I thought then that everything i was doing wasn't original, i wasn't having Original Characters! They were just re-colored pony bases with a fictional pesonalty/backstory, Wow! How original! Notice the sarcasm.
Why is so important to be original? you should ask yourself that question, whenever you create your OC you want to make your ponysona, but some people doesn't limit to put themselves as ponies but also you create more characters because you want to make your own story, your own world, your rules eh? what about animations? fictions or any kind of art? Pardon me but all am seeing are attempts to be original inside something that is not, this is the reason why is important to be original,to not be another number in the list of fans, because you like all healthy human kind wants to be popular and get noticed. There's two ways to be noticed: one is showing your talents, and i mean all kinds of talents you can imagine, and the other one is to be hated, being a troll, insult people, say something controvertial and prove how rotten your moral is, but everyone wants to be noticed liking it or not even being a troll or an artist but everyone wants to be noticed
My case is to be remembed by something made by me only, i do not want to be a troll, but an artist, am sure Brony artists wants to get noticed besides showing her/his love for the fandom, the truth is that i am not a skilled artist like some people i meet, take a look around webpages like DeviantArt you'll see crappy arts and works that surely deserve to be placed in your wall. My Goal is not be the best artist, my only priority is simply place all my ideas in the internet have my own fanbase and show internet what i am capable to do, the media i choosed is animation, such an art to bring to life the characters you created and see talk, walk and much more the sky is the limit. I made my own original characters 100% made by me, no need a silly DeviantArt game, just time and effort and love, that is not too much ask for someone who wants an avatar, a true symbol of my own precence, the ponies i was creating were not original, just an inspiration from a franchise, something i cant use to be famous and noticed people will tell me "another pony? wow! i couldn't imagine something more original and perfect, you must be proud of your no fake creation"
When i started to Work in my project Adventures of Kiki/Felidon's Tales there were literally thousands of ideas that came in my head! So much i had to writte them down, and i still have a lot of them, you can't just say "but no everyone has the creativity to make that" because i have the firm theory that anyone can make anything with a little bit of will so you got no excuse, well except of lazyness of course, but that doesn't make me better, or worse i am just a echo of my own world who puts all the ideas in a monitor.
I will tell you why everyone can make anything, first of all let me introduce a person most of you know but in the case you don't know her, let me show you:
Meet Bonnie Zacherle, she had a vision about creating a world about ponies in the first place, she is the core, the true reason why MLP exist, the one who started all, her creations are the ones who truly deserve to be called Original Characters. By the time she created My Little Pony there was another fandoms, internet wasn't so powerful as today so it was more harder to get noticed by the idea that would revolutionate a generation years later, so My Little Pony world, begun
With that in mind, i thought that it is now my chance, the person who can bring a new fandom in the future, the chance is there, for all of you, don't let those comments like "meh, good luck with that" "hahaha your character is [insert insulting observation here]" because these people are good only saying that, true losers that no pleasure of life satisfy them, the ones who can't trully stand to see a brillant mind like yours and try to bring it down, your chance is there to make a new superhero, a new videogame character, a new villain, but in order to do so you must be 100% original, you shouldn't copy another franchises, are they who should copy your work. Of course is not my obligation to convince you, if you still wanna sit up to twelve hours playing videogames and chatting about "being random" is your problem, not mine. I will take the chance and make something original and powerful, i expect people to make Fan art, Fan Fiction, even make tributes like animations and songs, have same impact of what My Little Pony has bring to us, if a person could, why not me? There's people who say "you can still be a Brony and continue with your work" and i say no, i simply don't feel like brony anymore, i dont watch the show and i try to avoid it at all costs, not because i dislike it, is because the show has become the equivalent to see a another program on tv, and i dont watch tv either, my own personal heaven is not on Equestrian Territory but mine, Felidae.
I would like to add some final words of this entry: of course, you may feel confused or angry at my decition, but is not my problem, you are free to writte whatever you want on the comments or not comment at all, which brings me no difference, i simply wanted to writte this to the lucky people who will be able to watch it and understand my reasons plus to relief some of my stress here. Do you have a insult or a critique for me? Make possible a smart one because i don't receive them often.
Good day Ponies! today i saw a video i wanted to share with you, dont worry i wont steal the work of this youtuber but since its on spanish ill explain here on english.
there was a prophet named Nostradamus that is very popular since he has predicted a lot of historical events through time and with metaphorical views. There was also another prophet in Bulgaria, she died in 1996 and her prediccions has been proven, her name was Baba Vanga her predictions were so accurate that even the atheist URSS heard her and respect her.
When she was young she predict the start and the end of the World War II, then the lost of a russian nuclear submarine and the horrible events of 9/11. She announced the world war III is gonna start at 2010 and end in 2014 but for each failed prediccion there was a lot that come true. The important thing is not the predictions that happened during the life of Baba Vanga, but the 21th century predictions and even if they are not 100% accurate, there was very near to be exact. Now im gonna show her most important predictions:
2018 - China becomes the biggest mundial potency
2025 - Europe is gonna have problems of super population
2028 - 2033 - the worlds famine is gonna become the most important problem along with water lever due the overheat of the earth (we must remark that in that time Baba Vanga lived the theory of the overheat wast an approved theory )
2043 - World's economy is gonna rise very high, in Europe the muslims are the biggest population
2046 - It happen a great advance in medicine, there are organs that can be produced in mass so the organ transplants are thing of the past
2076 - Baba Vanga explains that the world is gonna be ruled by a ideology similar to comunism
2088 - there's gonna be a diseace described as getting old very fast that is gonna be treatable 12 years later
2111 - People became robots, maybe Baba Vanga refers to something we know as "transhumanization"
2167 - there's gonna be a new religion is gonna trascend
2221 - Baba Vanga says that in the research of alien life forms they are gonna find something she describes as something terrible
2273 - Original races are gonna disappear, due so many mixtues of human races the white, black and asian races are gonna be replaced by new decends of all in one
2288 - Baba Vanga assures that time travel is gonna be posible and for that we are gonna be in contact with aliens
2302 - the most important secrets of the universe are revealed
2371 - the biggest famine age is gonna start
3797 - the planet Earth is gonna die but humans are gonna set up in a new
3805 - there's gonna be a war so big that gonna make humans, men and women live like beasts
After the war, human kind finally finds reach true peace and progress
Some of us feel relieved that we are not gonna live in those times but at the same time we feel bad for not be witness of the great progress in the human kind. this is very amazing and it was of a video i wanted to share since its awesome, link of the video where i saw the dates (is on spanish but i translate the dates on english, i put the video so i dont look like i steal the job of the Youtuber)