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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Flaedr

  1. Guys, DJ MHM really needs votes to win this PewDewPie music contest, help make bronies win 2/2 of these contests! https://apps.facebook.com/opinionpolls/poll?pid=ACAHnJ_5pBY

  2. Hopefully I can release this Art of the Dress remix by tomorrow or Monday (No school), but these vocals are soooo annnoyyyyingggg

  3. My 80 hour livestream has already started, you guys should come watch. http://www.livestream.com/flaedr

  4. I was mentioned in this video... whaaatttt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwJ-Oagt4eY

    1. Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Prince Lightning Da Cute

      Congrats! you've became famous before anyone else on the forums!

  5. I am still surprised that I actually finished something.

    1. Toothless the Night Fury

      Toothless the Night Fury

      Oh, you have no idea how much that describes me... -_-

  6. Whoa, when did so many people get here? I remember when there were just 200.

    1. Crispy


      Yep, didn't take long, did it?

    2. L-PinkVsD-Pink327


      Well I'm sure most of that 1,200 just came, made an account, made one post, then forgot about this site.

  7. Asdf, why do I still have to be in Wisconsin where I have to use.... ABLETON LIVE *dies*

    1. Crispy


      Wisconsin rules.


  9. *Taking Biology Final* Mind: OH RAINBOW MY DEAR, I CANNOT EXPRESS MY DELIGHT....

    1. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      something something the pet that will suit you just right!

  10. Just figured out how amazingly versatile Massive can be...

  11. My friend just said that electronic music takes no skill to make, now excuse me as I get my knife.

    1. ProjectRKA


      What is this, I don't even--- your friend clearly don't know what he/she's talking about xD

  12. If someone here does this and films it, I will seriously give you $50. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZfFIJ_1SgQ

  13. Just got Mic The Microphone added to my Skype contacts list...

  14. Just got Skyrime... well there goes my weekend...

  15. I am now on my new computer! ^_^

    1. Klopp


      Awesome! New computers are always epic :)

    2. TomokoKuroki
    3. Ezynell
  16. And this is why I hate shipping... *sad that he is still on a crap computer*

    1. Finesthour


      Lol, you should define "shipping" when you are on this site :P

  17. I would make a donation... but the password on my dad's Paypal account isn't working. :c

  18. Honestly, I feel that Skyrim is getting WAY overhyped lately. I mean, don't get me wrong, it looks like a good game, and I might get it, but I am looking much more forward to Skyward Sword.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goodra
    3. Rainbow    Dash1
    4. Tom The Diamond

      Tom The Diamond

      Is it a shame I have no idea why everypony thinks Skyrim is gonna be the game to end all games?

  19. I may start working on Project Luna again...

  20. So tired... but I still have work to do...

  21. Getting my new computer, should be completely ready by tomorrow afternoon. Has 6GB of RAM (6 times this computer's)! Can't wait!

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