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  1. If you're thinking that, no. I'm not a Nostalgiafag, hater, troll or anything else. I admit there are excellent movies such as Maleficent and How to train your dragon 1 and 2, master pieces undoubteldy (At least, for me). I really didn't think there were going to be an outstanding production among lots and lots of shitty remakes or non-original movies. There was no reason for producing Transformers 4, in fact I don't wanna talk about that. Really, I'm losing my hopes on cinema because most of the feature films are cliché, stereotyped and with nothing new. They almost destroyed my childhood with Godzilla's remake, and I say almost because the special effects, the new monsters and the current Godzilla design liked me at all. Rest of the movie, except the sporadic battles, is horrible. I mean, am I watching Godzilla or the MrGeneric's melancholy? It seems the director didn't bother in studying and analyzing what made Godzilla so popular (You can correct me if I'm wrong). Back to the topic, most of nowadays movies are boring and bad. I'm going to show you with a dramatization. Dramatization Chraracter one: Boss Character two: Employer 1 Character three: Employer 2 Situation 1: A guy sents a story written by him to Hollywood Boss: "Well, gentlemen. Any ideas for a new movie?" Emp.1: "Well, I propose a story which a 19 aged guy wrote sent to me. It's pretty awesome, it has content we've never seen before." Boss: "Does it has aliens?" Emp.1: "No" Boss: "Zombies?" Emp.1: "No" Boss: "Any vampires?" Emp.1: "No" Boss: "Then we have nothing to discuss..." Emp.2: "I read this book's prologue and my brother in law says it's good. We can adapt this book to current times and change the ending for make it more commerical" Boss: "Perfect!" Situation 2: Action movies Boss: "Any proposal for action movies?" Emp.1: "What if we make a movie where we explain every action scene giving it a why and a where?" Boss: "Don't like it" Emp.2: "I propose to make a movie where the plot has no importance, but the CG, the explosions, the shoots with the best actors included" Boss: "I really like it! Accepted!" Emp.2: "No wait! I think three movies for Ironman aren't enough" Boss: "Excellent, we have to do a fourth! You're in charge of creating a completely stupid and unnecessary plot" Situation 3: Romance movies Emp.1:"What if two persons have a crush each other but then a problem emerge and the girl decides to leave him?" Boss: "Good, not bad. Then?" Emp.1: "Then...nothing. The girls marries with another guy and the dude figures out that she's not the only woman worldwide." Boss: "Horrible. Don't like it. Another proposal?" Emp.2: "What if at the end he runs streets trying to reach her, he declares his love to her, she is delighted about this and decides to marry him and having a lotta children?" Boss: "That idea is better. Add a car and it's perfect" Situation 4: Comic superheroes Emp.1: "What about a DeadPool movie? People already know it and feel identified with the character. Besides, an anti-hero would be very attractive..." Emp.2: "I wanna produce the very first Superman movie but with CG" Boss: "Excellent, you gotta think like him (Emp.2)" Do you get my point? I don't know if Hollywood is out of ideas or if this became more commercial than ever being this the "Fanfiction Era"; a name I gave to the actual movies. Really, seeing a movie now is the equivalent of reading a fanfic in Internet. I've found fanfics which have more sense than actual movies. Anyway. What do you think?
  2. I found this quiz and considering MLP has fantastic elements I decided to apply it. Here's the link: http://www.gotoquiz.com/which_fantasy_archetype_are_you My result was "anti-hero", so in MLP FiM universe I'd be Discord. Yes, if you didn't know it, Discord is now an anti-hero: "The reformed villain". Try it.
  3. I never said globalization was something bad. I'm a supporter of it. Flight takes a lot of energy. And that energy would requiere natural sources. So, that means over-exploitation of oil, coal, etc. Imagine a Germany with high developed airships who can cross the Atlantic Ocean just as Hindenburg blimp did 17 times and it has bombs and turrets inside it with which could destroy half New York or Washington.
  4. The very first time I saw the pegasi in the series I recovered an old childhood's thought: How would be the world if we could fly? I'm still trying to construct that thought of mine being as realistic as possible, but I can expose some points. If we could fly: -The "New World" could be discovered before 1492. Maybe in 900 or 1100. -Globalization would be like the nowadays situation by the 19th century. -Navigation and automotive industries would be non-existent. There would be only aviation industry. -We would exploit resources twice that we'd do it without wings. -The world would be in real jeopardy for the World War I and II could be really cruel, bloody and destructive. That's what I still have clear, I can be wrong though. In short, our lives would be harder and dangerous turning our existences in an aunthetic "Hell on Earth" (Note: I'm not pesimistic, I'm just trying to be realistic) If you want to see another point about this "flying issue" then take a look on this link: http://listdose.com/top-10-things-fly/ Anyway, what do you think? Agree or disagree? What kind of fact would you add to this list?
  5. I liked the first MLP's three seasons, but the last one nor the movie. In one of my threads I said it (in a subjective way): http://mlpforums.com/topic/103058-season-4-was-not-good/ . As far as I could see it was a sin unto death I didn't like the aforesaid season; for most of the users who threw shit at me I became a Hitler+Stalin+Mao Zedong+Ivan the Terrble+Atile the Hun's mixture. Now I've figured out that if I don't like one episode/season I'm a criminal, a genocid...

  6. First let see what's a patriarchy. We can resume patriarchy as a system in which the male is the center of every political, economic and social issues. Now, its counterpart, the matriarchy is a system where the same things above-mentioned apply to the female being this the head of everything. Thus, we can say the Equestria's government is logic for the equines are a species where there's a lead mare, not a stallion. This could be logic as well if the series had the name of "My Little Hyena" (applied to spotted hyenas). Throughout the human history we could appreciate most of leaders were men and women were considered an object, rather than a person in past times. Even with the growing respect the women have been gaining, we can see the men's wage in the enterprises is bigger than the women's wage. So, taking into account the fact that horses/ponies and spotted are natural matriarcal-organized organisms. Could we affirm we are a species where the male, by natural rule, is the absolute boss of everything? Or, with the current social advances, had we become a both sexes species? (No, I'm not male chauvinist nor sexist if you're wondering about that).
  7. 1. I didn't say I wanted gore. I said I wanted it to have more intrigue now that Twilicorn is princess/mandatary with topics that (I liked Twilicorn, by the way). 2.Yeah, parents sue...but sue for everything. They sue GTA, Final Fantasy, etc. 3. No thanks, I'd prefer to write a book rather writing a fanfic.
  8. Well, Avatar the last airbender had a war as the main topic of its plot, there were scenes of violence, destruction (villages burning up) and, obviously, there were deaths without showing them in screen. Besides, King Sombra was killed with the crystal heart, we saw him exploding in pieces and that's violent.
  9. No, I'm not a troll. Would you please leave that extremism? I just wanna discuss with all of you. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I don't wanna troll anybody.
  10. When I said "If you agree good, if you don't I don't care" I wasn't trying to troll anybody. I just wanted to express my standpoint. I was saying this:"If you disagree it's OK, dude. No problem. Excellent if you liked it. Relax, no problem."
  11. I'm glad some of you tolerate my standpoint. It seems you got me wrong. I liked the Twilicorns idea, but not the way like Hasbro developed it. I mean, if you are one of the few who rule Equestria then you have to treat topics like poverty, war, political tensions, etc. Even if you think this is for kids it doesn't mean you can't take it to new horizons. The chid is innocent, but that doesn't mean he's stupid for not understanding real life problems; and those problems could be shown and exploted in this show. No, I don't like writing fanfics. Moreover, I'd prefer writing a book than a fanfiction.
  12. When I though the series couldn't be get worse with Equestria Girls, appeared a mediocre season 4. Let me explain myself: I didn't care the Twilicorn issue, because if it was hasty it could be used to increase series' potential. How? Well, now that Twilight is another mandatary her first work as a princess could be trying to negotiate with another country, who could be the hypothetical Equestria's archnemesis (Like the relation USA-USSR). In the first two episodes could be schemed an scenario like this: an extremist colonel/general from that Equestria's archnemesis country sends spies for stealing the elements of harmony and threat the Equestrian government announcing that if they don't hand over Manehattan, the Crystal Empire, Yanhoover and their outskirts to them, they shall use these elements of harmony and other weapons to turn Equestria in a desert. Thus, the rest of the season would be about Twilight gaining time while her friends and Discord try to recover the elements and with them kill that extremist colonel/general and the soldiers who share with him that warmongering nature. Princesses Celestia, Cadence and Luna would see if there's no informants inside Equestria's borders. Even with the end of this problem, there would be material for using in the 5th season Sounds like a good story, isn't it? But no, we had to stand a two-part flashback where anormal seeds- not the Everfree Forest- grow and try to expand and appear an unnecesary tree which is the origin of elements, a bunch of bored Slice of Life episodes where you can see the word fanservice everywhere (Episode Power Ponies) and a finale which we can affirm it's a pseudo-plagiarism of some Dragon Ball episiodes. Love triangles, bat ponies, a colt who wants to compete with Pinkie Pie for determinate who organize the best party, an event which is a cheap copy of the Olympic Games....wee...yay....What's next? A plagiarism from the FIFA World Cup? See what's my point? Since Magical Mystery Cure and Equestria Girls we're observing how this series is decaying slowly for turning, probably in the long-term, in another Spongebob. If you agree with me good, if not I don't care for it's your standpoint after all. All I can say is: enjoy this series now that you can, for it will become completely forgettable in the next decades.
  13. Space travel is one of the mankind's greatest ambitions. Many of us have dreamed on traveling thorugh the vaccum of space and meet other sapient species (you know: aliens with advenced technology). But, what would happen if mankind meet a sapient species who's, let's see, in its 15th or 17th century? I saw the James Cameron's movie: Avatar. 'Twas a cool movie with an interesting plot, but with the great flaw of "love story". The human falls in love with alien princess and subsequent stuff (this is my standpoint, by the way). Since I saw that film I though in the question previously written, then I remembered the fact that the Jupiter's sixth moon, Europa, has live that, possibly, could evolve into sapient beings. By the time that happens, we could be a more advanced civilization (maybe one of Type III). So, if it was up to you: what option would you stick for our relations with these sapient beings less advanced than us?
  14. Constructed world or real world? Anthro or human inhabitants? Which one you'd stick with in a story?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/95964-constructed-world-or-real-world-anthro-or-human-inhabitants/?mode=show

  15. Many of us have different likes when it comes to reading a story or watching series/movie, ones stick with imagination, others stick with reality. Of course, I'm referring to the issue Constructed world vs. Real world, from whose also the Anthro inhabitants vs. Human inhabitants. Contructed world: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ConstructedWorld Anthros: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FurryConfusion Some say real story based stories are better than those which take place on an invented world created by a "person with a lot of free time" and others say that constructed worlds' stories are amazing and more intriguing, for they consider real world's stories are "boring". And of course it can shunt in a furry and no-furry debate about which one is better. Things like story's complexity and the action of the characters influence on the reader or viewer's opinion, but at the end he/she will take in account these two factors: Constructed world vs. Real world, and anthro inhabitants vs. human inhabitants. So, which ones you stick with? Which ones make, for you, an excellent story?
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