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Th3 Chaos Theory

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Everything posted by Th3 Chaos Theory

  1. It was a long story.... I chose this name Conviction gaming because I played a game called Splinter Cell: Conviction. It was so long.
  2. I'd go with games. I read My Little Dashie before and it seems ponies won't fit in our social circle. I'd rather be in their world than ours. BUT I'LL MISS MAH GAMES
  3. I'm with ya Anyways, welcome to the herd mate. I hope you have a good time here (which you will ._.)
  4. I'm a huge fan of Splinter Cell. You can't seem to notice 3 glowing circles right it in front of you, can you? Spies are awesome so I picked a spy (Not the TF2 spy)
  5. When I play multplayer games like CoD , I'm a complete try hard. I would rarely support my team in any objective what so ever. I prefer PvP compared to PvE. I feel PvP is always competetive due to the fact that there are other hardcore gamers out there. The only games I would like to support other people would be tactical shooters and RPGs. I mean, it's good enough when you play the right objective but strategy is most important to these certain type of games. You can't just bum rush like CoD (which is possible in CoD) and earn a nuclear in like 5 minutes. I feel people are more aware and smarter in these games, making it easier to talk to them.
  6. Most certainly the most popular and purely epic win in my opinion. This movie scene makes me laugh every single time I watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZeYVIWz99I
  7. Your thinking of Splinter Cell: Conviction is correct, meaning I love the series.
  8. Splinter Cell fan so I go with this soundtrack. I love the intro with the violin and it's later part. Preferably my favorite because it's the multiplayer soundtrack. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YkwMKGCAhA
  9. Happy to see a newcomer join! Welcome to the herd and I hope you enjoy this website.
  10. Clearly to my name, I'm ConvictionGaming. I'd hoped to find some social interaction to my somewhat bored but yet entertaining life!(I may be using Twilight's grammar right now ) I hope I'm not a disturbance what so ever since I'm partially a Pinkie Pie type. Anyways, I'm glad to be here!
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