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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by UltimateGhost3

  1. I've got the Coronavirus...Just letting everyone know.

    1. UltimateGhost3


      I know you'll fight it off old friend!

      Just take it easy :mlp_wink:

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. hops on to check how many notifications there are

    notices over 1000 notifications


    Decides to update profile.

    1. UltimateGhost3


      id say the last time i checked on here was probably late march/early april.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. How are you, I hope things are good, if not i hope things get better Lady Luna ^^

    1. UltimateGhost3


      Good night, May your dreams be good lady Luna :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. By the Sunbutt, I have been away for a long time! 250+ notifications?! How has everyone been doing?

    1. UltimateGhost3


      Alot of things my dude, alot of things

  5. When ya take the last cookie...


  6. Good morning lovelies ^w^ :P how's everyone's day going? Me? I'm just running a concession stand at a basketball game :muffins:

    Tell me wonderfuls, how're you all doing? Having a good day? :3 

    1. UltimateGhost3


      It's still rather early so I cannot say :), I hope things aren't too bad, I know how bad stands can get, especially when it's fast food stands >-> (Insert me working at McDonald's flashback), ugh.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hello again my sweet, considerate friends :adorkable: I'm sorry that I've worried you by being gone and silent over this past week, I've just been dealing with some issues that have strangled all my attention and thoughts away from anywhere but the situation itself.

    Last Sunday, one of the uncle's I'm the closest with had a severe heart attack that almost killed him- it's a miracle that he made it to the hospital at all. After them seeing the seriousness of the situation, that hospital sent him on to the hospital in the capital.

    My entire family's been sucked into this hole- my folks have been living in the waiting room up there everyday since, and I've just been here going through the motions at work whist trying to keep a handle on what I can do to help as well as watching this house.

     They took him into surgery yesterday to try and perform a quadruple bypass, but after getting into his chest cavity, they found his heart to be so diseased that they couldn't do anything for him.

    Only a third of his heart is alive, so after he's recovered from the surgery, he"ll be coming here so we can take care of him 

    I'm sorry to drop such grave news on you all, but I feel as close to you as any friends I've ever had- I value you, so I feel you should know what's been going on with me and why I've been gone. 

    I'll be getting more active again like I was- having been reached out to by my royal sister @Alexshy over discord, I was reminded of how positive and good this community and my friends here are, and how those thoughts and those people are the ones I need to be trying to spend my time with, especially during these trying times 

    It's easy to get sucked into a well of bad emotions and thoughts with this kind of thing, especially when I've had to deal with it before, so thank you all for being you, and don't ever stop being the wonderful ponies you are ❤

  8. TV ad: "You have been thinking about Lasic eye surgery for a while now." Your assumption is very incorrect, commercial.

  9. If you got the time I strongly suggest you go over to @Alexshy's and @Valencia's pages, these lovely sisters need some love. ^^

    1. UltimateGhost3


      @Fluttershy Friend Just doing what I join the fandom to do, I don't think about it really. Surely if "Love and Tolerance" is what this fandom calls It's Golden Rule, then there must be some to bring into light those who need it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hello again my sweet, considerate friends :adorkable: I'm sorry that I've worried you by being gone and silent over this past week, I've just been dealing with some issues that have strangled all my attention and thoughts away from anywhere but the situation itself.

    Last Sunday, one of the uncle's I'm the closest with had a severe heart attack that almost killed him- it's a miracle that he made it to the hospital at all. After them seeing the seriousness of the situation, that hospital sent him on to the hospital in the capital.

    My entire family's been sucked into this hole- my folks have been living in the waiting room up there everyday since, and I've just been here going through the motions at work whist trying to keep a handle on what I can do to help as well as watching this house.

     They took him into surgery yesterday to try and perform a quadruple bypass, but after getting into his chest cavity, they found his heart to be so diseased that they couldn't do anything for him.

    Only a third of his heart is alive, so after he's recovered from the surgery, he"ll be coming here so we can take care of him 

    I'm sorry to drop such grave news on you all, but I feel as close to you as any friends I've ever had- I value you, so I feel you should know what's been going on with me and why I've been gone. 

    I'll be getting more active again like I was- having been reached out to by my royal sister @Alexshy over discord, I was reminded of how positive and good this community and my friends here are, and how those thoughts and those people are the ones I need to be trying to spend my time with, especially during these trying times 

    It's easy to get sucked into a well of bad emotions and thoughts with this kind of thing, especially when I've had to deal with it before, so thank you all for being you, and don't ever stop being the wonderful ponies you are ❤

    1. UltimateGhost3


      I understand completely Val! ^^, I hope things will get better for you and your family, and I hope your uncle can pull through this, maybe if hes a stubborn ol coot (hehe I kid, I kid, can blame a guy for trying to lighten up the mood :)). I severely hope you remember to come back to us if you ever need some love and support, not all of us have sticks up our bums you know >w> 

      Also I'm pretty  sure you need this way more than I do ^^ Hugs Tightly 


    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. To whom it may concern:

    Mine condition hath reached the stage with high temperatures, pyrexia and weakness. Thither is a fair chance I shan't be online on morrow or a couple days more. Don't worry ye all, I shall be fine...



    Don't fret, Moony is still kicking. Mine sibling may be strange a zilch, but shan't give up on Equestria. winking_luna_by_nero_narmeril-d5niwei.png.5be4fc11305f6554f6e5da5943ad54f4.png

    1. UltimateGhost3


      @Alexshy Never fret dearest sister, thou must rest in thy bed, thou's older sister will take care of ye and thy kingdom, for thou have care forth my ill self before sister, I shall return thy loving kindness. @Valencia (got thy covered)


    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  12. March 9th.

    I will be fully back on march 9th.

  13. While I get why many people are so harsh on the Hobbit films by Peter Jackson (and I don't blame Tolkien purists for that, honestly), I still think the trilogy gets a tad over-hated. I finished watching them last night again and I still really enjoy the finished product. Yeah, the movies stray probably a bit too much from the book, but considering what they did with the deadlines they had to deal with (that they didn't have to deal with during the LotR production) while incorporating what they did from the book while melding that it quite well with material from the appendices & such WHILE connecting it to the Lords of the Rings movies; it's amazing we got what we got.

    Yeah, the Hobbit films are inferior in a lot of ways to the LotR trilogy, BUT at least in my eyes, that doesn't make them bad. A lot of things work well for me, though again I know that is subjective. For what it's worth; I love the Hobbit trilogy. <3

    1. UltimateGhost3


      never watched either.....so i cant really say.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hoping for a nice storm tonight. :3 I love a good thunderstorm.

    1. UltimateGhost3


      oh yeah, especially with the 1 and a half foot blanket of snow, when the mist hit the snow it made steam, so it was really creepy


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hoping for a nice storm tonight. :3 I love a good thunderstorm.

  16. I have now been slimed, thanks to @The_Gobo!


    1. UltimateGhost3


      @Trottermare Gallamane what's with the weird frickin eye from the "blue" one, thats creepy!

      @Northern Light Flyer Run, Run for your solid life! I'll cover you!

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  17. I have now been slimed, thanks to @The_Gobo!


  18. Okay, something positive! Today is Valentine's Day and I want to mention my super ultra mega amazing perfect wonderful boyfriend and how lucky I am to have him in my life. I truly am lucky and I could never ask for someone more amazing than you. ^-^ @Eccojams Vol. 1

    1. UltimateGhost3


      :rarity: It's rather simple, I'm comparing life to MLPF's private chat, especially when your with your special somepony, because people online cannot hear you say things to him unless you record it or type it so life's like a big ol private chat, with both of them being monitored by the FBI.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. Three weeks. Just give me three weeks.

    1. UltimateGhost3


      Hey, I respect that, if your leaving again than we will miss you otherwise welcome back firepone


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Okay, something positive! Today is Valentine's Day and I want to mention my super ultra mega amazing perfect wonderful boyfriend and how lucky I am to have him in my life. I truly am lucky and I could never ask for someone more amazing than you. ^-^ @Eccojams Vol. 1

  21. Okay, something positive! Today is Valentine's Day and I want to mention my super ultra mega amazing perfect wonderful boyfriend and how lucky I am to have him in my life. I truly am lucky and I could never ask for someone more amazing than you. ^-^ @Eccojams Vol. 1

    1. UltimateGhost3


      When you psychically see them it's private to us so we don't know what you talk about, just like private chat on the internet, only thing is the FBI is always watching :P 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  22. Okay, something positive! Today is Valentine's Day and I want to mention my super ultra mega amazing perfect wonderful boyfriend and how lucky I am to have him in my life. I truly am lucky and I could never ask for someone more amazing than you. ^-^ @Eccojams Vol. 1

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