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Everything posted by UltimateGhost3

  1. whats with the leaving of the admins chat room? if it is because of the of topic things then i understand, or do you not want to be a admin anymore?

  2. whats with the fourms? i'm off for a week and it gets all screwed up.

  3. can i get some hugs, Ive had a hard and painful week

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. UltimateGhost3


      well on Sunday, when i was remodeling my house i found a broken dresser and i dragged it out of the room and tossed it to the garbage, when i went back inside i stepped on a piece of one of the drawer's sliding racks that had broken off, it was stabbed into my right foot, when i pulled it out i had a hole with a good quarter size opening to it, i put butterfly band-aids, some big band-aids to hold it in place,

    3. UltimateGhost3


      and some mole-skin to keep my foot off the ground so when i stepped it wouldn't be very painful.It healed on Thursday.

    4. UltimateGhost3


      today, as was rushing out the door i tripped on the new carpet that was on the edge of the top stair, i fell face first down the 12 stairs of my top floor and my left leg twisted a full 45 degrees backwards and i was/am still in sever pain, i got my mom who was a nurse before i was born to look at it, luckily ill be fine i just bruised it. yea so that's basically what happened

  4. by the way.. did anybody recal in the season 4 opening's last min. that twlight made that flash of light? well guess what it is called? it is a (and i quote) "Twilight Sparkleboom". really hasbro, do you have no creativity for names?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Blue Moon

      Blue Moon

      Luckily, the description isn't made by the people who write the show, so it isn't necessarily canon.

    3. UltimateGhost3


      but Hasbro pays the tv people write it on the description.

    4. UltimateGhost3


      Hasbro has corrected the wiki and t.v. description so it would not say the twilight sparkleboom anymore, so now we have no name to call it.

  5. ok, i see this is getting a little annoying, i asked if you were anypony that is cannon in the franchise, so i am saying this: no ocs allowed.
  6. thats was a awesome season opening.

  7. *kills everyone,* game over. * creation restarts* *insert evil dog poo*
  8. *i blow up the machine* *i kill artic fox, and send the courpse to heaven* *puts in new vending machine* you revieve potato soup *inserts gold*
  9. you get a bomb! *bomb explodes* *inserts remains*
  10. you recieve a puppy *inserts broken magic sword* recieves fixed magic sword *inserts golden puppy*
  11. here is whats coming up for season 4 look at episode 3/4 they are very interesting! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Little_Pony:_Friendship_Is_Magic_(season_4)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UltimateGhost3


      why not brony, worried it will ruin everything? it wont not much is on the link

    3. UltimateGhost3
    4. UltimateGhost3


      plus, Spoilers, we get to see nightmare moon and pinkie pie's family this season YEA!!!!!

  12. ok, there is alot of great posts! if i was a girl i would be rainbow (danger) dash, or applejack. but, sadly i am not, so ll stick with my choices.
  13. wow, you guys really have mostly the same answer, if i couldn't be big mac i would be flash sentry or prince shining armor
  14. a screamer, it has anne.jpg in the link. Like this comment so others can see. youtube staff

    1. Skullbuster


      umm, this isnt youtube

    2. UltimateGhost3


      yea but people on there watch youtube, and this is an very serious thing.

  15. --LISTEN! REALLY IMPORTANT- DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINKS! There is a screamer going around that may induce a seizure on anyone with epilepsy, or a heart attack on anyone with a weak heart. There are also pornography and virus links going around that could destroy your childhood and-or your computer. Until Google+ fixes the comments, click on the drop-down box next to a comment with any link and click report abuse. this should hide the comment from public eye. The way to tell if a link is...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. UltimateGhost3
    3. Blacklight


      What is google thinking

    4. UltimateGhost3


      well i think they are rebelling the youtubers in the war to make them stop making us use our google + accounts instead our youtube accounts.

  16. ooc. yea we have a system now stuff like that should not happen again with the rules or the admins of the R.P. (me, absel (silversword), and kappa (hank)) will get angry and will kick people if needed. anyway, (red shadow) twilight, fluttershy, rareity, hank what are you doing here! never mind, lets take this guy down!!!!!
  17. rainbow danger dash!

  18. oh, i didn't tell you that, well i guess that's because i thought you knew. ok, now i don't know what you are talking about, but i am not a shadow hunter.
  19. i do know what shadowhunters are but i am not one. you must know i am just an adventurer right?
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