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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Skylar

  1. This music is just... Godly...

  2. Feeling in a weird, excited, happy mood... But none of my group are on... anyone want a chat :)

    1. Mr F

      Mr F

      buhu, I feel ignored :'c

    2. Skylar


      oh... hello :)

    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      hellu, do you like goats?

  3. Ahh nothing like being Squeaky clean again ^_^ *Feels totally relaxed*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skylar
    3. Skylar


      *Hugs Silverstar* ^_^

    4. 123


      This moment is somewhat touching

  4. 'These Chewable omega 3 tablets are a great way to build up testosterone and provide amazing immune benefits' 'They are also chewable and come in a delicious orange flavour' ..... BLEHHHH *Spits out* >_<

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Skylar


      loooool :D xD

    3. SkyStorm


      *spits out milk and busts into laughter*

    4. Lunatic Cake

      Lunatic Cake

      I am NOT going to clean that.

  5. Feeling slightly euphoric... hmmm 0_0

    1. Sylvester


      That good to hear!!

      I'm also feeling elated for some reason :P

    2. Skylar


      *Licks his nose* ... Thats great :D *Bear hugs* Missed you buddy :D Lets talk in the group chat :)

  6. It's time I ran my emotions, not the other way around :P

  7. 5 minutes later and the new layout is making him uncontrollably facehoof

    1. Lightning Bliss

      Lightning Bliss

      Hmm...kinda getting used to it, then again im faceplant tired so I could change my mind tomrrow lol

    2. SkyStorm


      You can change it back to the old one, go to the bottom of screen and press 'change theme'

  8. I need to lie down... BRB! >_<'

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sylvester


      I was a bit longer than an hour, I showered and now I'm back!!!


    3. Skylar


      Squeaky clean ? :D

    4. Sylvester


      You betcha!! :P

  9. Uhhh... I feel so light headed, out of it and really tired the last few days... not sure why >_> *Facehoof*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skylar


      I am just a bit upset over what some ponies have said to me here.. well.. one pony >_> ... Just me being a baby... you are probably right about the sleep, i have been getting 4 - 5 hours sleep the last week or so >_>

    3. Sylvester


      Whenever somepony tries to convince you that you are an awful pony.

      Remember this, and remember this well:

      You are a wonderful pony. You are special in your own way. Don't let anypony ever tell you otherwise!!


      People will do anything to break you down emotionally, and you have to resist.

      Their words are like sand paper.

      They may scratch you, hurt you, make you feel worthless. But in the end, YOU will be the one that ends up shining, and they will b...

    4. Skylar


      :( I love you Silverstar *Hugs, refusing to let go* you are amazing :)
  10. Is not winning the battle with his profile page >_< '

  11. Got a new music mix up..... if anyone is interested... : https://soundcloud.com/silver-light-5/long-epic-music-mix

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Skylar


      :( *Strokes her mane* you should try to get some more *nuzzle*
    3. SkyStorm


      If I don't stay up, I won't ever talk to you! So I stay up *hug*

    4. Skylar


      Awww *Blushes and hugs here softly* ... I'm so glad you want to talk to me, and im glad I can talk to you... but dont push yourself to far... it will make you to slow to keep up with me ! 8)

  12. *Sighs* I really need a break...... :'(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sylvester


      Just know that if you need help, I'll be there, and if I'm not, I'll wake up in the middle of the night to listen :)


    3. Skylar


      oh okay... thanks :)

    4. Skylar


      *Hugs Silverstar* ... How did I get a friend like you ? :)

  13. Waking up to

    is good!
    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. SkyStorm


      /) bro hoof every pony

    3. Skylar


      Baaaaaaw I LOVE YOU GUYS ! ^_^

    4. SkyStorm


      *laughs and prances around the sky*

  14. SKYSTORM YOUR BACK!!!!!!! *SQUEEEEEE* *Spins around chasing his tail like a dog* .... :D

    1. SkyStorm


      I AM BACK!!!!!!! *SQUEEEEEEE* *jumps on top of skylar, and gets pulled around in circles* XD

    2. Skylar


      *They crash to the ground, a tangle of hooves and manes* W-What the?! *Laughs uncontrollably* :D

    3. SkyStorm


      *struggles to breath from laughter*

      Ahh I'm choking on your tail!! :D


  15. It has been a BIZARRE day / night... but now it must end... Good night my fellow ponies, Love you all ! Especially my special six! *Winks*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skylar


      *Back flips off Silverstar and lands on top of Strike* ... and you... you cute little devil ! *Pinches his cheeks playfully* ... who could forget you! *Licks his mane gently* ... Hopefully we will :D

    3. rainbowdashbrony1


      Sleep well my friend Skylar!

    4. King Sejong

      King Sejong

      Have a good night.

  16. So tired... but must finish... watching this again.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU7SGn0MeP0... Sky would kick my ass if she knew I wasn't getting my sleep xD *Blushes*

    1. Sylvester


      Until she does, allow me to do so :P *kicks him softly in the flank*

      Now, sleep deprivation is bad, therefore, whatever you're doing can wait, there is always tomorr... *looks at clock* later today!! *he finishes lamely*


    2. Skylar


      YELP! Why you little *Whips him with his electric tail* Take that ! :D ... Hey.. I will be gone soon... but I can't mice ... mice... (Meant to be miss xD) this RP scene :)

    3. SkyStorm


      Skylar? have you been staying up far too late again?! *stalks up to Skylar starting at him directly with a playfully stern look*

  17. *Sighs* I miss you so much Skystorm. :( I hope your well and having fun!

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Skylar


      Pfff... you lazy old pare! *Poeks her nose and laughs*

    3. Skylar


      pare? MARE* xD

    4. SkyStorm


      Hmm pare ;)

      *pokes skylars head*

      Lazy is ma thing B)

  18. ...Just... AMAZING.... !!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Skylar
    3. 123


      jee I thought this one erases memory. *looks at father's spell book* aw dang that was nightmare sleep spell. *runs away*

    4. 123


      I better not ask him what he thought about when he slept. Snow storms are pretty dangerous.

  19. Ugh Some ponies... *Rolls his eyes and snorts*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rainbowdashbrony1


      HAAAAA! right I Rainbow Dash forgot your tail is electrified hmmmm I wonder what would happened if my Rainboom power when thermonuclear on your hide then maybe 100% cooler I'd be Wonder Bolts champion of Clouds Dale!

    3. Skylar


      *Licks her nose again* awww you wouldnt do that to little old me would you? :D

    4. rainbowdashbrony1


      come on I'm just playing with you skylar! We're friendship is magic in this game by the way do know where Queen Chrysalis is hiding theses days maybe we should play a prank on her lol !

  20. Good morning Equestria!!! *Opens curtains, rain, fog and cold outside* .... Oh.... >_< *Goes back to bed* xD

  21. *Snorts Angrily* Hmph! ... Good night! >_<'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jackleberry


      Hm? o_O

      Well, good night again! *Hugs again*

    3. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Good night *hugs* and take care, we will talk tomorrow ^^ or is it today already? ^^ Whatever!

  22. Good night every pony... Thanks to my close friends and to Sajtan for making my day so much better, love you guys! :) *Hugs*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jackleberry


      Have a good night Skylar! *Hugs* :)

    3. Skylar


      *Hugs trixieshy* ... Oh you ... you adorable little pegasi strikey! *Jumps on him and licks him wildly* ... Grrrr! :D

    4. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Now I feel special ^^ xD *hugs*

  23. So tired but... must... get through all... 461 pages of.... Post your picture... topic.... argh... *Collapses on his back, legs twitching in the air, tail wagging slightly* >_<'

  24. Please ... someone save me... from....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Dude... Wisconsin's state music is polka. It's pretty groovy.

    3. Skylar


      Ehhh.. Okay? xD

    4. Skylar


      I cant stop watching it......

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