I apolagise for the long MultiQuote, but wished to talk to those who commented and maybe for you to skim over these replies quickly. You all make valid point, even some i foolishly forgot to consider and probably should have gone into depth about and would've as a responds to all this but reading all these replies i saw a 'Pattern'.
It would seem that as bronies we accept that Love and tolerance is the 'creed' (if you will) of who we've chosen to be but none of us seem to believe strongly in the Love part. Perhaps this comes from a better understanding of how delicate and unique that particular emotion can be as it is, from my understanding, being the only emotion that appears to spawn the other emotions we know as resultant of its own conception.
Ill put this briefly, It appears we can all agree that Love is too strong of a word and tolerance is common among'st bronies anyway and should be part of a descent human being so therefor it becomes a hollow statement that we would follow regardless of its existance.
This brings a small dilemma: Do we stick with this empty shell of a code? or do we find. in agreement with an understanding of not just loyalty to the show but the wish of putting hope back into humanity, a new more suited code?
Or as a third choice and in my opinion the more difficult: do we drop the phrase of Love and Tolerate and not live by words but by morality and common sense, allowing our actions speak for us instead of leading in to the world with words we do not truly believe in ourselves?
On a less serious not, I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read this article, I hope it has brought some, even if small, enlightenment.