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Posts posted by GameytheGeemer

  1. @@Doc. Volt,

    "No, the guards can be like 1 man armies. I am a war machine. A living machine that was made into a force capable of killing thousands in a day." He explained, his own surreal logic showing through. "After all, any army can be beaten by a better army. Machines just keep on going until they die, and even then it's damn near impossible to win if a good enough machine's been used against you." He started to ramble about machines and war.


    "And why am I talking? I'm ready to kill some terrorists." He said after a minute.

  2. "Why would I want to be off the battle field." Chain Mail asked as though his answer were obvious from the get go. "The most likely to work plan, in my 2 years of having nothing better to do than thinking about how ti kill and impress have told me," He said, taking a slightly reminiscent tone, "Is to have me go in and kill as many ponies as I can as a diversion while everypony else goes in as infiltration. After all, why risk your lives when you have a war machine." He added with a laugh.

  3. @@Doc. Volt,

    "Now that you're all done with that coffee break. I'll tell you. I'm the greatest Soldier to ever live, Chan Mail, otherwise known as a sociopath." He said with a chuckle as he pulled out one of his 2 six shooters. He unloaded all but 1 bullet, and spun the chamber. He was playing Russian Roulette.

    "Having me on the field, is a bit of a gamble. You could get the crazy man obsessed with gambling."-click- " You could get the war hardened veteren." -Click- " You could get the sadistic war master" -Click- "The mean drunk." -Click- "Or rarest of all, the spy." He said, the gun finally firing the one bullet in the chamber.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. @@Doc. Volt,

    Chain Mail was sitting in the chapel, waiting for the meeting to take place. He heard the zeppelin come up. "Well, it looks like I'll have some ponies to scare." He muttered to himself. He bounded from ledge to ledge in the church until he was at the top of the building.


    "No, I don't think that it would be wise to break for coffee." He said, jumping 20 feet in the air, and activating the enchantment that he had placed on his kimono, which was so elegantly named 'Moonlight'. He appeared in front of the moon, and pulled his blade, Sonata if you'll remember, and dove down for what any specialist would tell you would be a perfectly executed kill blow.


    Except, he wasn't aiming at anypony. When he landed down, his 'Moonlight Sonata' strike cleaved through the stone at his hooves.


    "We have work to do. There is a terrorist uprising going on, if you haven't noticed." He finished, making sure that his entry stuck in their mind.

  5. @@Pat.Rio.T.,

    Well, later today (in about 8:30 minutes when I get home from school) I'll send a PM to all of the writers and we'll start working out the set in stone plot line. From there we'll start working on the script, making sure we have roughly an hour of material. 

    Alright, I'm going to be trying to send out the PM to all of the writers.

  6. Can I sign up as an Elder Scroll hero with Chain Mail?

    Name: Chain Mail

    Race: Imperial

    World: Elder Scrolls

    Abilities/Weapons: Chain Mail is average at magic (I/E, he can cook more than a few mudcrabs alive) but his real talent lies in the blade. He has on him no less than 5 blades at all times, most of them enchanted to have elemental attributes to them.

    Backstory: While it's not in a world filled with ponies, his backstory is the same. Over active as a child, taken to the Alik'r Desert to be trained into an unstoppable killing machine. He was, however, too good at learning how to kill, and escaped. Since than he's lived low.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. @@Wayzer,

    Because, Gunpowder is REALLY easy to come by. And if you have some trouble buying the final product, he can just make more. And after 3 years of being inert, it's much less potent than a fresh batch.


    Also, Cartridges. Those were around in the 1800's.


    Especially for pistols. After all, what would a cowboy (1820's and on) be without his trusty six shooter.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. @@Doc. Volt,

    Well, I don't think my weapons will be as 'standard' as all that. After all, my signature blade (not my 3 back up guns) is a gunblade that's nigh indestructible. It's not like FF VIII, but instead a blade that when you pull the switch opens the front half of the blade and then it shoots back, and the handle turns so that the sword is at an angle. The trigger is always visible though.  

  9. Chain Mail was hanging from his hind legs, bound to the ceiling with chains and held by chains and a strait jacket, when the guard came to put him 'back in service'.


    "Well, finally realized that the Black Cloud is too great for you to take on with your AVERAGE soldiers. Come back to get the best there ever was eigh?" He goaded as he the door was open.


    "What, how did you know about the-"


    "Please did you think I would be uninformed. Even in this hell hole I can view what's going on on the surface. I know that you're dying out there. Now, the big question is. Why should I help Celestia, the one that had me put up in this chamber because I'm 'an unstable menace to society who would kill all of us if he was let loose into the streets.' He said, imitating Celestia's voice rather well do to his years of practice.


    The guard sighed and gave a look of defeat. "I was told... You could have your freedom." He said, knowing that no good could ever come of this.


    "Well than,"- Chain Mail ripped through the strait jacket- "Let's get to work" -Chain Mail uses his magic to unravel the tangled chains- "And get me my stuff so I can kill these insubordinate psychopaths off the street." He finished, chuckling at his own hypocritical joke.


    "Well, here is your armor. You'll have to come to the entrance to get you're sword back." The guard said, nervously handing the deranged psychopath a package wrapped in brown paper and string.


    "Sonata isn't just a sword." He said, putting on the contents of the box, starting with the geared exo-leg on his right front leg. It was purely decoration though as the hydraulics line was cut. Realizing this, he took off the arm and continued talking "I had her made at a specialty gun shop. With the pull of a switch she transforms into a bolt action rifle with hydraulics. She's damn near unbreakable too." He gloated as he put on the kimono that his uniform came with. "Now, let's go get my Sheila back."


    "Alright sir, here are you're belongings. 1 Kg of gunpowder, 3 Pistols, 1 Bolt Action Rifle, and 1 sword with the inscription 'Sonata, may you be ever good to me' on the cross guard." The guard at the front said.


    "Bah, you can keep the blasting powder." Chain said, putting his two pistols in the front of his kimono and his riffle on his back, but under the kimono. From the outside it would be damn near impossible to tell he was packing heat. And then, he put his sword on his back, over the kimono, cross the direction to the bolt action rifle. "Now, let's go kill some ass."


    (For those who are curious, Sonata is the name of his child hood sweetheart.)

    • Brohoof 1
  10. So we have the personal protege of a god, who could probably ask for enough money to get by, in the form of Twilight


    The aristocratic Pinkamena Diane Pie, who spends a lot of money on nonstop partying


    The local family monopoly owner that spends all of her money on making more money with Applejack


    The local business owner that makes more than just chump change with Rarity


    and now, the rich, though we don't know how or why or what she spends it on, master of weather with Rainbow Dash.


    And while it isn't confirmed, Fluttershy is kind of loaded to be able to care for all of the animals that she does.




    • Brohoof 1
  11. @,

    Well all of the continuum are rather androgynous. Literally anyone can get the part if they sound about right for the part. But like I put up there, Voice Acting won't be for a good while to come, It will likely go on about when the animation gets started.


    Also, you can register your OCs as Extras and do the voice for them in the crowd scenes. Granted, those will take the most work. 

  12. For the time being, I am announcing that we need more Writers. I'll still be approving other positions, but we need the writers over everything else because everything rides on having a completed script.

    In the words of somebody (If this isn't a thing than myself)

    "You can have the best script and poor actors and have a fairly average movie, but if you have a poor script and good actors than you will have a poor movie."

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