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Blog Entries posted by ghostfacekiller39

  1. ghostfacekiller39
    "Sonic Rainboom" is the most painful experience I've had to cope with since delivering a speech at my dad's funeral when I was 10 years old.
    Alright, maybe that's an over-exaggeration, but the episode was still something that made me feel absolutely nauseous, and the feelings refuse to go away because it's so well-liked and praised despite the laundry list of issues that essentially destroy entire characters during the second half of the episode. Every time someone says they like this episode two things happen to me: A little bit of my faith in the human race dies and a little part of me dies as well.
    I've been wanting to write a review on why the mere mention of this episode makes bile rise to my throat, but that'd require re-watching the atrocity and I remember absolutely hating as it progressed - and that's the only episode I've hated while watching it. Usually I have to let it marinate for a while before forming my own opinion on the matter. Think about things, what was said and done, what was accomplished, etc. This episode is one that almost killed the show for me entirely because it was such a damn atrocity that I honestly felt like someone shit on me as a fan of the product. I didn't want to finish it, but I did in hopes that it'd get better.
    It didn't.
    The first issue with the episode is how terribly stupid Fluttershy is, and I'm going to say what many people are either unwilling to say or unwilling to notice when it comes to her characterization in this episode. Whether it having a look of naivety while her friend is falling to her death or throwing incredibly obvious fears back into RD's face like it was no big deal, she was an idiot for almost the entire episode. Let me delve into this.
    Part I: The Element of Airheadedness or the Element of Mean-Spiritedness, take your pick.
    Stupid, nonchalant look while her friend was, in all likelhood, about to die.
    There's the almost iconic scene of the other 4 sitting on a cloud as Rarity falls from the sky after the cringe worthy Icarus reference. The other 3 look concerned while Fluttershy sits there with an empty and uncaring look on her face. While some will make the argument that she wasn't worried because she had faith in Rainbow Dash, I don't buy that for a second. The Sonic Rainboom was something so rare that the only person to do it was RD and she only did it one time. This is something so rare that it's been performed by one person only one time. So to say she was anticipating the Sonic Rainboom is either implying she has some sort of ability to see into the future that's unbeknowst to everyone else around her, or it's similar to claiming that Japan should be expecting to be bombed by the USA again just because it happened once before, in spite of years of peaceful relations since then. It doesn't make any sense for her to be expecting that from what we do know, though, because even if Murphy's Law does exist, it's impossible to expect everything and not be surprised, especially when the life of your "friend" is laid on the table.
    So to show no concern about her friend potentially dying is either saying she has an ability to see into the future and know what's going to happen before it happens (which I don't believe for a single second) or to say she just doesn't care if Rarity dies. There is no feasible way she could've expected this to happen and especially no reason for her not to show concern regardless. I know that if I had a friend that I went on an outing on every week and there was a good chance they'd lose their life, I wouldn't just sit there and look happy.
    So yeahh. That's bullshit, honestly. Element of Kindness showing no concern for her friend's life, and that's not even the start of issues with this one tiny fraction of problems in the second half of this episode.
    Throwing RD's fears back into her face like it was no biggie
    I understand that while Fluttershy may not be the most socially adept pony, this was just so incredibly stupid and insensitive for her to say and all it really did was show how little attention she's paying to someone she's known for practically her entire life. If they've known each other since they were that young then I'd like to think that she'd at least be able to pick up obvious signs from her friend. We're not talking about someone who's know this person for a few days, we're talking about, in a likelihood, someone who's known this person for the majority of her life. So not only have they known each other for an exceedingly long time but the signs were so obvious that there's no way Fluttershy shouldn't have been able to pick them up. Even her sentence itself is showing a bit of awareness of what she's saying as it both blatantly brings up RD's large number of attempts and 100% failure rate as well as how harsh and brutal sports fans can be. She even shows awareness of this herself, yet she says it anyway. So either she's an idiot or she's deliberately trying to hurt Rainbow Dash by playing on her fears. There isn't much of a middle ground.
    Like I stated before, she may not be the most socially adept pony, but she even her statement is showing a good degree of awareness.
    Many of her issues were an attempt to make her either be cute or to make her be funny, but really, when you think about it, they weren't cute and funny. They were kind of mean-spirited, honestly. I like Fluttershy and all, but I don't understand how people look past her behavior in this godforesaken 22 minutes of my life that I want back. What's even scarier is that she's just the tip of the iceburg when it comes to the myriad of problems in this episode.
    Part II: The appetizer before the main course
    Now, before I dive into the biggest problem with this episode, allow me to point out another gaping flaw and my only major issue with the first half of this episode.
    A Variation of the Breezies Effect
    If anyone recalls the main criticisms of the Season 4 episode "It Ain't Easy Being Breezy," then you should be able to recall the Deus Ex Machina of Twilight just finding the Breezies spell that made them all Breezies. While this one is still on a lesser scale, it's still worth noting.
    Twilight put the spell on Rarity that gave her these magical butterfly wings. It was apparently the only way she knew that'd allow them to go up to the weaksauce version of Bespin's Cloud City and support their friend Rainbow Dash. However, it was also very dangerous and could very likely have some very bad, possibly irreversible side effects. Very risky spell that could put someone in great danger. Rarity, who was apparently the only one who cared enough to even notice that Rainbow Dash was tearing herself apart over this despite the lack of subtlety on RD's part, volunteered herself despite the risk, which was honestly quite noble and showed that MA Larson isn't a total idiot when it comes to Rarity's character, despite what the rest of the episode says about his knowledge of her and what she's supposed to stand for.
    However, all of that risk is now meaningless as before they get up to Cloudsdale, Twilight very, very, very conveniently finds a spell that allows them to walk on the clouds without issue.
    Now, paint me blue and call me babe, but if you're going to talk about "this is the only way that I can" and how "there's a great, great risk involved" then shortly find a more convenient spell that has much less risk, why don't you just try to find something that doesn't have such a great potential for harm first? It was obviously there and not too difficult to find as she managed to find it, so why not just try to do what's safe and best for everyone by at least attempting to find a spell that is safe?
    Oh. Right. Because M.A. Larson was dead set on tearing down every thing Rarity's character was intended to stand for.
    That was just stupid of Twilight to do though, honestly. It couldn't have been that hard to find a safer and more convenient spell due to the fact she was able to find it before they headed up to Cloudsdale yet she didn't even attempt to look for one until after she put her friend in grave danger. One of the big sins committed against Rarity in this episode.
    Speaking of sins committed against Rarity...
    Part III: why
    I couldn't think of a more fitting title, honestly.
    To understand why this last part is so fundamentally terrible, you first must understand what Rarity's character is intended to stand for.
    When Faust was creating the show, Hasbro essentially demanded a character "absolutely obsessed with fashion." Essentially, all they wanted Rarity to be was this:

    So, in defiance of the archetype the execs wanted to see, Faust created Rarity; a fashion pony who did not follow trends, but set them. A fashion pony that didn't rely on money and others, but took care of herself completely on her own and relied on herself first and foremost. A fashion pony who is strong and ambitious, but one who is also kind, sweet, and caring.
    This is what Rarity was intended to be - she was intended to spit in the face of what characters like her are supposed to be. She was intended to prove to the younger girls who watched the show and cared about how they looked and what they wore and what others thought of them that just because this is what you love, it doesn't mean you have to be like...

    This episode just shits all over what Rarity is meant to be and what she's meant to stand for. This episode shits all over what makes her character so great and so pure - this shits all over everything that makes Rarity unique, charming, deep, and just a great character in general.
    This episode takes the purity of her conception and origin and injects it with bile, germs, and whatever type of things you find to be disgusting. This episode quite literally makes her into everything she was intended to stand against - all the girly, bitchy types who only care about what they look and what they wear. The ones that treat everyone like snot and only care about themselves and what they want.
    This is saddening to type about, honestly. This takes the core of Rarity's meaning as a character what she represents and turns it on her head to make her into what she's meant to prove you don't have to be like if you're this kinda person. It only gets worse from there, unfortunately, as we see Rarity humiliated in front of a large crowd of people and turned into the villain of the episode, basically. She knocks the Wonderbolts unconscious and clogs up the cloud factory like a fool. She almost dies, even, and is made into an Icarus reference.
    This just can't sit well with me. The writer of this episode taking a character of such pure intentions and making her into this is just horrible to me, and I get a strong headache just thinking about this. I hate it. And regardless of if I sound petty, I hate it when people say they like this episode because Rainbow Dash farted Rainbows in the end because of how the episode itself only serves to destroy such a wonderful and stereotype defying character.
    What is only the icing on the cow patty is how Rarity apologizes in the end. Sadly, this doesn't mean much and not too much development is offered aside from the bare minimum it took to villainize her and then revert her back to the good side after it was all said and done. After this it just goes on to talk about how great Rainbow Dash is and how amazing she is and all that shit.
    I remember watching this episode and finishing it only out of hope it was going to get better, honestly. I don't usually hate episode until they've marinated a bit for me, so generally a fresh of the press review from me is about as useful as...nothing, really. Once things set and I have time to think I like to think I can form pretty solid opinions about the show itself, but rarely ever do I just want the episode to be over so I can try to forget about it.
    In the end, nothing that happened mattered much to me. I was just left asking "Was it worth it?"
    And really, was it? Was it worth destroying everything a character is meant to stand for just to play up a totally different character? Was any of it worth it?
    I can't say it was. It can't be undone. It can't be fixed. It can't be mended. All that can be done is try to rebuild her character and press forward, and Larson did a half ass job of that at the end and left it up to later episodes to try and fix the damage he caused.
    This episode has its good points - as a matter of fact, I'd say it's one of the best Rainbow Dash episodes out there in terms of just her. So much went wrong, though, and the crumbling and decay of everything Rarity was meant to stand for is the cardinal sin here.

    What they should've done was introduce either a Trixie-like foil for RD to play the role that Rarity did. Have the foil act in the same way that Rarity did in many areas with a personal twist to make the character unique, force them to compete at the same time slot due to time constraints like Rarity and Rainbow Dash had to do, and then, finally, have the other pony fall from grace and have Rainbow Dash save her using the Sonic Rainboom just like she did for Rarity.
    It would've saved Rarity's character from the horrors this episode would've wrought on her, and while the episode still would've been a bit flawed in my eyes, the sins it committed would've been forgivable for the great development it offered to Rainbow Dash.
    Hell, a potential foil was even offered - the bullies it showed earlier in the episode. What if they had a leader who was a bit of a jackass to RD and was a great flier in his own right? RD was outperforming him in their shared time slot and he got angry about that, flew too close to the sun, was blinded and began falling down backwards. His wings, while strong, weren't strong enough to compete with the force of gravity that was making him fall, and RD sees that and goes to save the day despite being nervous and despite how poorly he treated her, both in the past and the present.
    Boom. Same development and same outcome and you don't have to shit all over another mane character just to get that result.
    All in all, though, it just comes down to one thing about character-driven shows like FiM - if you have to destroy one character to build up another, then I think you're doing it wrong.
    And that's all I have to say about that.
  2. ghostfacekiller39
    So, I was browsing through Derpibooru, per usual, trying to find some good Rarity pictures to look at. I find their filter system to make finding the fanart that you personally want to see much easier than other mediums of fanart, such as DeviantArt, but I digress. What's important about me browsing through Derpibooru is that sometimes I find strips from the comics and whatnot that were recently released.
    Sometimes I find these amusing, but the majority of the time I find them to be on-par with what I've grown to expect from the comics. That's not a good thing, mind you, as that means I find them to be just plain stupid and leaving me to question as to why I took the time out of my day to read the comic block that I was presented with.
    When I was browsing today, however, I found the epitome of what I've grown to expect from the MLP comics. Naturally it had to do with Rarity otherwise it likely wouldn't have grabbed my attention, but it just summed everything up perfectly:

    I don't view myself as an analyst or a critic, to be honest. If I review something or share an opinion, I generally do it for fun. I do enjoy the majority of the television series, but I don't like everything it puts it out, of course. It's an unreasonable expectation to enjoy everything a medium of entertainment puts out, especially when one is as cynical as I am. I do find myself to grow attached with the characters that the show portrays, however. They have many redeeming and relatable qualities and the mane cast of characters I've grown to love and cherish is the main reason I tune into the show for every new episode to see what happens next. Perhaps it's my attachment to the characters that the TV show set up that drives me to dislike the comics, but if that's the case than I certainly can't find it within myself to view that as a bad thing.
    My main issue with this scene is the context. Rarity liking shopping wouldn't be surprising and I don't expect perfection. However, the context of this scene is what's so agitating, as I researched it a bit and found out that Ponyville had just been torn to pieces by the main villain of this particular comic. Families are now displaced and homeless, and the town they had not only lived in, but had grown to cherish, was now just a pile of debris and rubble.
    Someone stated that the scene of Ponyville crumbling was actually intense and very well executed. After that, however, it went downhill. RD initially just wanted to concede defeat and award victory to the villain, which is a start to where sardonic thoughts of "Oh yeahh, she totally would do that" begin seeping into my mind. Applejack mentions something about how the villain would just destroy the forests if they tried to use those to rebuild Ponyville, and then some things happen (I hope) that lead Rarity to get this airhead look on her face and spurt out the most cliche line for a girly character to spout out ever.
    Now, call me a cotton headed ninny muggins, but I'm pretty sure that one of the big reasons Rarity was created was to spit in the face of the cliche girly character. Not to brag, but I do know quite a bit about Rarity's character.
    Rarity wasn't really ever created to be the main sell, like Pinkie Pie or so - not by Faust, at least. Hasbro wanted a character that was obsessed with fashion, and Lauren was already wanting to create a show that defied the norm for a show that featured little girls as the target demographic due to her disdain for the shows targeted at the age group that she grew up with. Thus, instead of creating an airhead shopoholic like Hasbro wanted, she created Rarity - a girl who did not consume trends, but rather created them. A girl who did not rely on the support of others, but took care of herself and showed enough strength to manage her own successful business with no help whatsoever. A girl who was willing to put forth a lifetime of effort into being who she wanted to be, and wouldn't let anything change her when it came down to it.
    Thus, Rarity wasn't made to be a main sell in Faust's eyes - she was made to appeal to a niche audience, actually. The little girls who liked fashion and other "girly" things to prove that just because you're feminine doesn't mean you can't show strength, perseverance, and dedication. Rarity herself was also meant to prove that just because you associate yourself with stereotypically girly things doesn't mean you have to be like this:

    This is essentially a giant middle finger to everything that Rarity stands for. While it isn't really much to lose sleep over regardless, it's like this with all of the characters in the comic series from my experience. Rarity, who is symbolic of generosity and compassion in the show, has just witnessed the town she's lived in for the majority of her life crumble down around her. She has just witnessed the people she knew and loved become homeless and displaced. Pretty sure her own home and business is located in Ponyville, so that's probably just a pile of rubble and nothing as well.
    The only way she can respond in this moment, apparantly, is to get a stupid look on her face and say the most cliched dumb shopping girl line ever uttered. Even Spike thinks this is stupid, look at him. I bet he's rolling his eyes at whoever wrote this.
    This isn't just a problem with Rarity, though - it seems to stretch for all the characters, actually. Just a little bit before this scene, RD just wanted to give up. Give up, the bad guy had beaten them. That's it, it's all over. I don't really know about you, but I don't think I can see RD really ever...saying that. All apologies, as I don't understand RD as well as I do Rarity, but I'd like to think I understand her enough to know that she wouldn't give up before really even trying to defeat the villain. Or Twilight in the wild west arc, who apparently is more than willing to sit back and let her friends get their asses kicked by a group of criminals and not do anything because she doesn't want to use magic against citizens of equestria. This is a problem with all of the mane 6 throughout the comics, and I think, at least as a Rarity fan, that this particular block is just the pinnacle of the issues with the comics.
    Now, this all traces back to the point that I brought up earlier - I like the show for the characters. I am big on characterization for this reason, and unless they absolutely butcher characterization than I'm more than likely going to enjoy the episode. The comics have a brutal inconsistency in terms of characterization seen in the show and quite frankly it isn't for the better. It often dumbs down the characters to an extreme or will have them do things that they usually stand on the complete opposite side of the spectrum on in terms of personal viewpoints just for a cheap laugh, such as this scene right here. Most of the time I personally don't even find them funny, myself, but I don't want to delve into the subject of humor too much as it is far too subjective to form a concrete opinion on.
    I just see this and I think of how bad the comics screw up in this area, and it just bothers me to the point where I needed to rant about it for a bit. Say what you will about that, but I find this to be a serious problem with the comics and the main reason I can't find a lot of enjoyment in them
  3. ghostfacekiller39
    There's a very dedicated Rarijack artist in this fandom that is quite popular in my home away from home at the RFC, but I'm hoping to show her off to some new faces who haven't quite heard of her yet
    This is the work of WhiteDiamonds She runs a Rarijack Daily blog on Tumblr, and like the title indicates, we see new Rarijack every single day from her Sometimes it's even more than once.
    What I find especially incredible is that the lady, who has been a fan since G1 and has a full-time job, does this every day despite having a full time job and other crazy adult things. There isn't any "Had to work overtime!" - she promised us Rarijack every day and we get Rarijack every day I find that especially admirable.
    So, if you ever got the time, go check out the blog linked above or her DA page She is an established artist in the fandom as is, but she really should be Joseco tier at the very least
  4. ghostfacekiller39
    Tonight I was kinda bored and needed to think up ways to praise and worship the caring and giving goddess of fabulosity, when I remembered something I'd toyed around with doing a few months back, but because my computer at that time was likely what the founding fathers typed the Declaration of Independence on back in the day, it was unable to support a theme...yeahh...
    Here is my old thingy mabobber deal. Well, this screenshot was taken a couple of months ago and I decided to make this blog on a whim and I didn't take a screenshot of my old setup, but here ye go:

    Nothing very spectacular. Notice the BioShock Infinite background, because it is the greatest videogame of all time. But other than that, relatively dull.
    But after some experimenting...



    Notice the Fabulous Start Orb, Start Menu, and new look of the windows


    I love it already
    Sooo....yeahhh. Didn't plan out a speech or anything, but it just looks so amazing I wanted to share it kinda sorta
  5. ghostfacekiller39
    I just wanted to rant on something really quick. It'll be clean, nor is it of some pressing or urgent matter. It's actually just something a videogame did. Ubisoft, of course.
    Ubisoft is a company that really doesn't try to hide how little they care for anything besides money. Virtually every company is in it for money, that's no secret, but at least some put forth an effort to care in order to improve their reputation, thus earning more money because people think they care. Ubisoft doesn't care about consumers or workers, and they don't hide that.
    Of course, that isn't part of this rant. I just need to gripe about something they did in Assassin's Creed: Unity.

    This song is called "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears. Beautiful song. A work of art, really.
    Music is just as much art as a painting, depending on how you look at this song. I view this song as a bit like "Starry Starry Night" by Van Gogh - brightness in a dark spot. Beautiful, breathtaking even, when you get the gist of the message.
    The lyrics are rather dark, to begin with. My personal interpretation of it is being a depiction of totalitarianism in the verses. About the misery inflicted by lust for power. Very powerful lyrics. Very serious, very depressing.
    But if you listen to this song, you hear a happy, '80s new wave song. So why? Why is it sad?
    Sad, tragic songs being masked by a happy tune is not a new thing, but it's the seriousness of the subject matter, the time period, the contrast of the sound, and the composition of the chorus hitting you with lyrics such as

    "There's a room where the light won't find you,

    holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,

    when they do I'll be right behind you,


    So glad we've almost made it,

    So sad they had to fade it,

    Everybody Wants to Rule the World"

    Using this song in videogames is not a new concept, given the lyrics depict the brightness of friendship, even when you're surrounded by tragedy, in everything from the structure of the song to the sound it provides to just everything is.
    That's what makes this song beautiful. Everything about it depicts that bit of happiness in a dark spot. That's what makes this song special. It's happy even in tragedy - and it does so without ignoring the tragedy.
    BioShock Infinite was a good setting for this song, and the utilized it correctly, even in a time-adjusted style. I applaud that version, because it fits the setting, is stylized to fit the game, and stays true to what made the song great to begin with. You can find that version
    The version in Assassin's Creed: Unity, though, is terrible. It defiles this song that is a piece of art. It defaces it.
    A part of what makes this song beautiful is the happy sound. A big part of it. It's depicting happiness surrounded by tragedy, and it does so in imaginative ways - even the structure of the song's lyrics shows flashes of happiness surrounded by darkness.
    This version, however, betrays the artistic integrity of that song.


    Yes, it sounds epic and intense and whatnot. More fitting for the dark lyrics.
    That's the frustrating part. This song isn't supposed to be intense. That was the beauty of it, and they took it and defiled it by making it such. Some may think it sounds "better" and "more sleek and edgy" than the original, but the beauty of the original was found in the lack of sleekness and/or edginess. It was found in the happiness surrounded by tragedy. That bright spot in sadness. That little flicker of hope. It was beautiful.
    This isn't. This is nothing more than selling out a piece of artwork for a quick buck. I know this kinda thing happens all the time in corporations with no artistic integrity, such as Ubisoft, and it is a fact I need to get used to, but good lord, it's just frustrating to me how they essentially took "Starry Starry Night" and repainted it in a daylight setting. Ughh.
    I dunno what I was expecting, but this is just a bit saddening to me
  6. ghostfacekiller39
    Life is a precious, precious thing. The beating of your heart and the inhaling and exhaling of air through your lungs is the greatest gift one can possibly receive. It is something to treasure and cherish, whether it belongs to you or someone else.
    You may have seen me moping about the status updates section lately over the loss of one of my closest real-life friends. He was just a couple of months older than me and was going 12 rounds against Leukemia, I believe. He was a very close real life friend of mine and he has left a crater of an impact on me and many others.
    To say he'd be missed is an understatement. Ever since I received the news I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I can't focus in school and I've been coming home just to lay in bed with no desire to get up and do anything. I have become less active in both real life, on Skype, and on these forums. I desire little socialization right now, and the only person I've been talking to with any form of consistency is my best friend, Obsidian Sky.
    My schoolwork has been suffering and my notably bad performance on a test made it likely that I'm going to fail my math class this 6 weeks unless I can pull off a miracle, but that's highly unlikely. I can't help but drift towards thoughts of "I'll never go to his house and spend the night again" and other things like that. I have so many fond memories of the things we used to do together and the fact we will never do those again has me totally shattered to the point where I just don't want to be active anywhere. Normally I'd be fainting at the prospect of failing a class, but all I can do is just mourn to the sky with that to the back of my mind.
    I never thought he'd die when I heard he had cancer, either. Never once thought it, and I mean that sincerely. I just brushed it off as a battle he'd have to fight and overcome, and there were amazing rates of survival, last I checked. I thought he'd make it, and therefore I didn't think twice about sending him those "I'm busy, man. Maybe some other time?" messages when he wanted to go do something.
    Life is not to be taken lightly, though - especially for those you care about. As cliche as that sounds, there are no truer words out there. Just think about that, because when you get godsmacked over the loss of a loved one, you won't be able to help but think to yourself "Man, I wish I had them around."
    Because there is nothing I would like more than to turn back the clock and see my friend again - but that won't happen anymore. The knot of the mortal coil is one that can come unraveled very easily, so do everything you can to keep it tied together.
  7. ghostfacekiller39
    Emotions can be your best friend, or they can be your worst enemy.
    They're what makes you laugh, and they're what makes you cry. They're what make you love, and they're what make you hate. Whether we admit it or not, emotions all flow through or veins and are a very powerful part of our lives. Some wear their hearts upon their sleeves, while some keep themselves emotionally introverted, but it doesn't matter - we all feel.
    That's what makes us human, in a sense that's more than just blood, flesh, and bone.
    I never understood how video games worked. I played a few and just screwed around on them, because that's what they were to me - fun, and it was definitely a brand of fun I was willing to sacrifice, especially when the costs are sky-high and I can have just as much fun watching a playthrough on YouTube.
    I never once sat down and played a video game from start to finish, until earlier tonight.
    I never knew I could shed tears over a colorful pile of pixels that was supposed to resemble a human or something along those lines, either, until I played Chrono Trigger.

    It was a crazy little game, really. You were a boy who traveled throughout times thanks to these "gates" that you accidentally discovered when something went awry at your best friend's exhibition of her latest invention, and a girl you had just met got sucked into the time gate.
    Bravely, Crono, the protagonist, decides to go after her. In what initally seemed to be just another "save the princess" type game, it ended up being so much more. With so many twists and turns, it managed to keep me fully immersed throughout its entirety. It was executed in such a way that I often found myself in tears for these characters - hell, every time I've seen Frog recount his backstory, I still cry, and we're talking about a sword-wielding frog who speaks in a bastardized version of Shakespeare's English.
    That's the impact this game has. I found my hairs standing on end and my spine tingling several times because of how deep this game started getting.
    I'm honestly sad that the game is over - it left a huge impact on me, and really, I can't imagine it getting any better than this. It was a work of art - no, a masterpiece.
    I can honestly say I'll never forget this game.
    Score: 10/10

  8. ghostfacekiller39
    This isn't 100% accurate (Rainbow Falls is NOT 43 ) But it was really close so I thought I'd share it
    Rank Episode
    1 Rarity Takes Manehattan
    2 Sweet and Elite
    3 Suited for Success
    4 Magic Duel
    5 Sisterhooves Social
    6 Inspiration Manifestation
    7 A Dog and Pony Show
    8 Simple Ways
    9 Look Before You Sleep
    10 For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
    11 Power Ponies
    12 The Best Night Ever
    13 Maud Pie
    14 Boast Busters
    15 Filli Vanilli
    16 Owl's Well That Ends Well
    17 Green Isn't Your Color
    18 Secret of My Excess
    19 Castle Mane-ia
    20 The Crystal Empire
    21 The Mysterious Mare Do Well
    22 Dragon Quest
    23 Dragonshy
    24 Family Appreciation Day
    25 A Friend in Deed
    26 Bats!
    27 Stare Master
    28 Apple Family Reunion
    29 Equestria Girls - Movie
    30 Over a Barrel
    31 The Return of Harmony
    32 Somepony to Watch Over Me
    33 A Canterlot Wedding
    34 Three's a Crowd
    35 May the Best Pet Win!
    36 Applebuck Season
    37 Twilight Time
    38 Hurricane Fluttershy
    39 Testing Testing 1, 2, 3
    40 Call of the Cutie
    41 Leap of Faith
    42 Fall Weather Friends
    43 Pinkie Apple Pie
    43 Rainbow Falls
    45 Hearth's Warming Eve
    46 The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000
    47 Keep Calm and Flutter On
    48 A Bird in the Hoof
    49 Bridle Gossip
    50 It's About Time
    51 Equestria Games
    52 The Cutie Mark Chronicles
    52 The Cutie Pox
    54 Lesson Zero
    55 Swarm of the Century
    56 Twilight's Kingdom
    57 One Bad Apple
    58 The Ticket Master
    59 Pinkie Pride
    60 Trade Ya!
    61 Daring Don't
    62 Baby Cakes
    63 The Show Stoppers
    64 Princess Twilight Sparkle
    65 Ponyville Confidential
    65 MMMystery on the Friendship Express
    67 Hearts and Hooves Day
    68 Games Ponies Play
    69 The Last Roundup
    70 Winter Wrap Up
    71 Magical Mystery Cure
    72 Too Many Pinkie Pies
    73 Feeling Pinkie Keen
    73 Party of One
    75 Putting Your Hoof Down
    76 Luna Eclipsed
    77 Read It and Weep
    78 Griffon the Brush-Off
    79 Friendship is Magic
    80 Just For Sidekicks
    81 Wonderbolts Academy
    82 Spike at Your Service
    83 Flight to the Finish
    84 It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
    85 Sleepless in Ponyville
    86 Sonic Rainboom
  9. ghostfacekiller39
    Hey there! I saw do a blog like this, and I'm totally going to rip him off so I have an excuse to gush over Rarity!!

    Let's get started
    1. She's Stylish - Pretty self explantory We've seen time and time again how she's pulled off chic, unique, and magnifique styles that most other ponies wouldn't be able to make work. Why? Because she has an in-depth knowledge of fashion and style, which brings me to my next point
    2. She's Passionate - She wouldn't be able to possess such a great knowledge of style and fashion if she wasn't so passionate about it. That's something that everyone would benefit from having - passion. She puts love into every stitch of her designs, and leaves a bit of herself in all of her ensembles. While it may seem petty to some, fashion is her passion and the amount of passion she has for it is something I'm a tad bit jealous of
    3. She's Mature -Sure, she can be a bit whiny at times, but when her emotions aren't getting the better of her, she's extremely level headed and a good thinker She'll always do what's best for everyone in the end, and that requires a degree of maturity. Remember in Sweet & Elite? She could've denounced her friends and stayed with the Canterlot crowd she had dreamed of fitting in with her whole life, but in the end, she knew the best choice was with her friends back home in country 'ol Ponyville. If she didn't possess maturity, she would've easily ditched her friends and done what she had always wanted to do - and that's not only immature in the fact it's not thinking things through in the slightest, but it'd be selfish. Something that she's not.
    Which, again, brings me to my next point
    4. She's genuinely generous - I'm pretty sure everyone here has seen me spam my list of everything generous she's done in the show, but I'll just go ahead and throw the "genuine" part out there She's proven time and time again that whenever she does something kind for somepony else, she doesn't expect anything in return - whether or not she gets something in return is an entirely different question, but she'll do things from making her friends dresses free of charge to helping out a stranger she's never seen before fix a wheel on his cab
    5. When she fangirls, it's adorable - As much as I hate Trenderdouche, her fangirling over him in that episode made my heart flutter I'll just show you guys photographical evidence here

    6. She's a good sister - Despite what some people say, she's a VERY good sister Look at all of "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and the ending of "Sisterhooves Social" She does a lot for Sweetie Belle, whether her younger sibling deserves it (Sisterhooves Social) or not (For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils) She'll put her hoof down, though, because as caring as she is, she won't just let her little sister run rampant - which is the ultimate form of caring
    7. Despite being a lady, she can still hold her own in a fight - Again, I'll just show pictures of this one Better yet, I'll just show one .gif that sums everything up

    8. She's clever - Sure, she can hold her own in a fight, but she's also very witty and is able to think on her hooves. When confronted with a potentially harmful situation in "A Dog and Pony Show" with the Diamond Dogs (one that even Rainbow Dash might not have been able to fight her way out of) she used her wits into becoming the Queen of the Diamond Dogs, pretty much So, despite being beautiful, girly, and a good fighter to boot, she's also able to think of her hooves and use her wits to fight her battles when needed
    9. She Defies Stereotypes - Most prim and proper ladies who have a career in fashion and a desire to fit in with the sweet and elite are just like you'd expect - self-centered, selfish, and snobby. She's never either one of the first two, and the last one I will admit she can succumb to at times, but she always does what's right in the end and overcomes her flaws, which is something most characters like Rarity wouldn't bother doing.
    Rarity is in her own class when it comes to this sort of thing, because most girls like her would be the antagonists - the snotty, rude, pretty one who's really mean to the main characters. But she isn't - she loves fashion, but she's also giving and friendly, unlike the rest of the cold industry she works in. She like to be comfortable and looks out for herself, but will always put others first, and when she doesn't, she'll go to the ends of Equestria to redeem her sins. In a world where it feels like you have to be one or the other, Rarity is proof that you can be both.

    Well, there's 9 I might do more of these later, but I just wanted to write a blog about my waifu
    Stay fabulous!

  10. ghostfacekiller39
    Rejoice, for the cretin they call "ghostfacekiller39" is going to be taking a temporary break from this website.

    Not a long one, but I'm going block this site using StayFocused or something, so I'm effectively suspending myself for a few days. I'll start at 24 hours and see how I'm feeling from there.
    I have my reasons, of course. Just for clarification's sake, this is nothing to do with any specific member of this site. Simply put, I'm tired.
    I don't know how long I'll be off of this site, but I'll still be on Skype and a couple of other pony sites. If you care enough to contact me off-site, Skype is on my profile. Give it anywhere from a day to a week. Could be longer, though. I'd say 3 - 5 days. I'll still be around 30 or so minutes in the event that this blog gets any comments.
    ghostie just needs a spa break or something.

  11. ghostfacekiller39




    "Beer With Jesus"

    If I could have a beer with Jesus
    Heaven knows I’d sip it nice and slow
    I’d try to pick a place that ain’t too crowded
    Or gladly go wherever he wants to go
    You can bet I’d order up a couple tall ones
    Tell the waitress put ‘em on my tab
    I’d be sure to let him do the talkin’
    Careful when I got the chance to ask
    How’d you turn the other cheek
    To save a sorry soul like me
    Do you hear the prayers I send
    What happens when life ends
    And when you think you’re comin’ back again
    I’d tell everyone, but no one would believe it
    If I could have a beer with Jesus
    If I could have a beer with Jesus
    I’d put my whole paycheck in that jukebox
    Fill it up with nothing but the good stuff
    Sit somewhere we couldn’t see a clock
    Ask him how’d you turn the other cheek
    To save a sorry soul like me
    Have you been there from the start
    How’d you change a sinner’s heart
    And is heaven really just beyond the stars
    I’d tell everyone, but no one would believe it
    If I could have a beer with Jesus
    He can probably only stay, for just a couple rounds
    But I hope and pray he’s stayin’ till we shut the whole place down
    Ask him how’d you turn the other cheek
    To save a sorry soul like me
    What’s on the other side?
    Is mom and daddy alright?
    And if it ain’t no trouble tell them I said hi
    I’d tell everyone but no one would believe it
    If I could have a beer with Jesus
    I’d tell everyone but no one would believe it
    If I could have a beer with Jesus

  12. ghostfacekiller39
    I went on an online merch shopping spree today, with a 50 dollar budget, so I thought I'd blog about it
    Rarity will always be my number 1 (and only) waifu, but one of the things I need to do more of is branch out and learn to appreciate other ponies, because I don't do that. So I actually bought some merch of other ponies today (Keep in mind I "Bought" it, haven't received it. I'll post pictures when I do, though!)
    This was the best piece of merch I threw money at today:

    Limited Edition Collectible Vinyl Trixie figure Stands 5.4 inches tall and 4 inches wide - and, as a plus, they're only doing two shipments of the product. One at the end of July (which is when my shipment will arrive) and one at the end of October This figurine is going to be pretty valuable one day
    Furthermore, and I doubt most people know this (or they may, I don't know) but Trixie is actually my third favorite character in the entire series. As in, the only two I like more, obviously, are Rarity ( ) and Applejack So it was a nice pick-up to show one of my favorite characters some love
    Since I'm saving money to invest in the comics through the Comixology app on my phone, I decided to go the cheap route with the rest of my shopping spree today and pick up some stickers on Redbubble
    Of course, I had to get Rarity

    I also decided to pick up a couple of Applejack stickers, since she's second best pony

    (Of course, didn't see the fact that Applejack looks fat in the second one until after I complete my order. Just my luck )
    And, last, but not least, I picked up a couple stickers of the Great and Powerful Trixie, to round out my 3 favorite characters

    I actually keep my computer in a cabinet rather than on a desk, so I have two doors I open to access my computer I have a bunch of these Redbubble stickers of Rarity on the door closest to me (which, my two Rarity ones are going on that door ) but I also have a door farther away from me with nothing on it - that's where I plan on placing my Trixie and AJ stickers
    I spent about $9.50 on the stickers with shipping and handling, because if you buy 6, they cut the price in half, and I paid $28 even on the collectable Trixie figuring, including shipping
    Anyway, I have 12 dollars left over that I plan on investing into ze comics, since that's something I'd like to get back into I'm not going to buy anything of what comixology has available at the moment, though, because the only one that interested me was the Rarity micro-series, which, I've already read. I'll just wait until something else comes along (Friends Forever #8 is high on my list due to the Rarijack effect and the fact that the cover is a reference to one of my favorite movies, "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" )
    So, yeahh. That's pretty much it.

  13. ghostfacekiller39
    You know, every person has a breaking point - a point where they have to stand up for themselves and say "Hey, I can't do this anymore, man."

    Well, this is that point for me.
    As much as I hate saying this, I've disabled my messenger because of the sheer number of PMs I have to reply to.
    When I joined these forums, I really only wanted a place where I could fanboy over Rarity and possibly make a few new friends. I never expected it to escalate to this level, and I really just can't get back to everyone and still enjoy my time as a member of MLP Forums.
    So, inb4 firestorm of "WTF GHOSTIE" I'm just going let you know that this doesn't mean I'm cutting off contact with anyone. If you want to reach me, leave a comment on my profile, or if you want to talk privately, my Skype is listed in my profile, and is under the same thing I go by on these forums, "ghostfacekiller39"
    While I anticipate backlash, just know that this is something I've been trying to work on until just now. If you wish to contact me, there's Skype and comments on my profile - if you feel that it's necessary enough to talk to me privately and you don't have a Skype, put a comment on my profile saying so and I will reactivate my inbox solely to talk to you
    Thanks for understanding!
  14. ghostfacekiller39
    My Junior year is coming to a close, and at the end of every year in my Video Production class, we play the "Game of Life"

    It's basically where the teacher walks around the room with a bag that simulates events that can happen in life, called "Chances." You also have to find a house, go to a college if the career you drew depends on it, etc. It's a really fun game, and we just reached the end of day 1, which, is laying the foundation for your game in the future.
    Here's my life so far, with my username in place of my real name

    (ghostfacekiller39's) Game of Life
    · Public Relations
    · $48,000/yr
    · University of California San Diego
    · Tuition - $4,907.53/yr
    · Total cost over 4 years – $19,630.12 [ ]
    · 70th StW?, San Diego, CA 92115
    · $625/mo
    · Bedrooms:2 beds
    · Bathrooms:2 baths
    · Apartment:900 sq ft
    · Pets:Cats
    · Laundry:In Unit
    · Parking:Off street
    · 2001 Volkswagen Beetle
    · $15,900 [ ]
    · Snowboarding Accident - $5,000 [ ]
    · Parking Tickets - $1,000 [x]
    · School Supplies $1,000/kid [x]

    So, if you didn't catch all of that, I'm a student at the University of California in San Diego at the moment, who drives a 2001 Volkswagen Beetle and I've had a Snowboarding Accident and $1,000 worth of parking tickets
    So...yeahh. Life sucks right now
    I might keep a log of this in my blog It's kind of dorky, I admit, but I find it to be fun

  15. ghostfacekiller39
    Hi there!
    Just so you know, this is another one of my music blogs, where I discuss songs that leave an impression on me.
    Tonight's focus:
    Mardy Bum
    by The Arctic Monkeys


    Now then Mardy Bum
    I've seen your frown and it's like looking down the barrel of a gun
    And it goes off
    And out come all these words
    Oh there's a very pleasant side to you
    A side I much prefer
    It's one that laughs and jokes around
    Remember cuddles in the kitchen yeah
    To get things off the ground
    And it was, up up and away
    Oh, but it's right hard to remember that
    On a day like today
    When you're all argumentative
    And you've got the face on
    Now then Mardy Bum
    Oh I'm in trouble again, aren't I?
    I thought as much
    Cause you turned over there
    Pulling that silent disappointment face
    The one that I can't bear
    Why can't we just laugh and joke around...?
    Remember cuddles in the kitchen yeah
    To get things off the ground
    And it was, up up and away
    Oh, but it's right hard to remember that
    On a day like today
    When you're all argumentative
    And you've got the face on
    Yeah, I'm sorry I was late
    But I missed the train
    And then the traffic was a state
    And I can't be arsed to carry on in this debate
    That reoccurs, oh when you say I don't care
    But of course I do, I clearly I do!
    Just laugh and joke around
    Remember cuddles in the kitchen yeah
    To get things off the ground
    And it was, up up and away
    Oh, but it's right hard to remember that
    On a day like today
    When you're all argumentative
    And you've got the face on

    Now, I don't like a lot of alternative rock out there today, and when I think of bands who I perceive to be true talents that haven't been big for a long time, there's only two that immediately come to mind: Muse and the Arctic Monkeys.
    The Arctic Monkeys, if you don't know them, are an indie rock band hailing from Sheffield, England - they've released 5 studio albums, if I can recall, with their debut album, "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" being the fastest selling debut album in British music history - it's a really damn good one, and I'd recommend it to anyone look for a rock-solid album that's through and through good - one that you can listen to without skipping tracks on, per se
    In any case, their best song on that album, and their best song overall, in my opinion, is "Mardy Bum." Mardy Bum is slang in Northern England for someone who complains a lot - which, is fitting the meaning of the song quite well.
    It depicts a couple who quarrel quite a bit - their peace, love and harmony is disrupted by the female's argumentative nature and the constantly disappointed look in her eyes, that the male in the relationship hates to see because it's intimidating, as well as painful for him to see.
    There's something romantic about this song, however, as the narrator - the male in the marriage - is reminiscent of the early days of their relationship.

    Oh there's a very pleasant side to you
    A side I much prefer
    It's one that laughs and jokes around
    Remember cuddles in the kitchen yeah
    To get things off the ground
    And it was, up up and away

    That screams sweetness to me - she's arguing with him constantly, but he wants things to be like they were back in the days when they first started off. That's being a good husband, and, honestly, that makes me smile to talk about - that's the way people SHOULD be.
    But, one of my favorite things about this song is that it isn't just a sweet romance song about how he wants things to be like they were when they were young, nor is it just expressing disappointment in a failing relationship - it's both, as shown here:

    Yeah, I'm sorry I was late
    But I missed the train
    And then the traffic was a state
    And I can't be arsed to carry on in this debate
    That reoccurs, oh when you say I don't care
    But of course I do, I clearly I do!

    Oh, but it's right hard to remember that
    On a day like today
    When you're all argumentative
    And you've got the face on

    It's real - he doesn't want to sit there and take her crap, even though he still cares for her like he did back when they were still madly in love at the start of this relationship. That's something that's real - a department that the music industry today is lacking in.
    One of my favorite things about this song, though, apart from the romantic realism, is the fact it's a narrative story. He's not speaking from personal experience, he's telling the story of this couple, and how this man feels about his "Mardy Bum" of a wife, and that's something that, when executed in this manner, is just flooringly beautiful, and that's a reason to love this song - it executes the storytelling element that doesn't work out all the time
    Dear god, I love this song!
    The guitar is very clean - it adds to the element. I like how the two guitars you hear in this song are playing similar, yet different, parts simultaneously - it really creates a nice vibe, and the simple but supreme bass you hear at the same volume is refreshing - it's an indie rock song you can turn the bass up on and you can actually hear a difference in the sound of the song's bassline!

    Shocking, right?
    The drumline is executed just as well as the rest of the parts of the song, creating a nice, soft rhythm during the slower parts, but a hard hitting rhythm in the faster parts - overall, the instruments backing the story the lyrics are telling really help add to the beauty this story provides.
    They have a lot of other songs, but I doubt any capture any sort of feelings as this song does - I listen to a LOT of music every day, and this is easily one of the best songs I've ever heard. It fits a romantic, yet realistic story and has backing music that captures the essence of the feelings the story is portraying, from somber, to anger, to happiness - all in 2 minutes and 55 seconds.
    This song is a small epic, and one that you will NOT be disappointed in once you hear it One of the best songs I've ever heard, from one of the best bands - and, in my opinion, one of the last true talents of the music industry - you'll hear in your life.
    Don't stop at this song, though - the whole album is amazing. Easily top 10 albums I've ever listened to; right now, I'd probably place it at #7, and, as I've said earlier, I listen to a lot of music
    Anyway, hope you liked this blog, and leave a comment telling me what you think!

  16. ghostfacekiller39
    I was scrolling through some videos of a Let's Player I've been keeping up with for over a year now. Looking through at his older stuff from back when I first got into him...then I realized something.
    I've come a long way in the past year.
    No, really, I have.

    Fine, don't take me srsly, I'll only cry 4 about 20 minutes or so
    I'm just going to drop a big wall of text about this

    It all started with this video. It's the let's player I mentioned above playing (and failing pretty humorously) at the second case of the first Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney game.
    I was intrigued by the series. I wanted to know what happened, why Gumshoe was such a tool, who the murderer was, etc. I looked it up, and stumbled across the wikia for it. Through that, I found my way back to a dude playing through the whole series minus the commentary and watched it
    I was still new to the internet, but I had found my first fandom

    At the beginning of my time in the Ace Attorney fandom, I was frequently bored. I had little to do, honestly. I didn't even know what a "forum" was, and I didn't bother to look one up. I usually just read through wikia articles about each character, each case, etc.
    I was reading through Ema Skye's profile when it started talking about her and Klavier Gavin's playfully volatile relationship; I immediately thought "what a cute couple" and Googled that stuffz.
    I stumbled across a small fanfiction group on fanfiction.net that was filled with one-shots and what not of the two; I didn't know what in the blue hell a fanfic was, so I clicked on one of the 10 stories the group had to see what exactly was being held behind the blue link.
    I read and read and read and read; Ace Attorney was the only fandom I was in, and, I must say, they don't really belt out stuff like this fandom does, and there's years between releases of the games. Fanfics were my saving grace in that fandom, and I read and read and read and FINALLY, I wrote my own
    It ended up being a slashfic between two female characters of the show; one the domineering Franziska von Karma and the other the meek Adrian Andrews. Not going to go into detail given the circumstances surrounding it, but I had a lot of fun writing it. I threw references to my favorite bands in there, what drinks I enjoyed drinking, and just building up a relationship that I felt I did a good job of writing smut with a story (for whatever that's worth.)
    I developed Franziska's relationship with her adopted brother, Miles Edgeworth as a side-story, but that ended up taking control of the story and I immediately began working on an Edgeziska fic after I finished up my very first foray into the fanfiction universe.
    The Edgeziska fic, titled "The Road Paved in Blood and Tears," was met with near instant success and remains one of the most popular reads in the Ace Attorney section of fanfiction.net.
    Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9387354/1/The-Road-Paved-by-Blood-and-Tears
    After the success of that one, I began belting out fic after fic after fic...and finally, I was tired.
    I was tired of Ace Attorney. I had over exerted myself, and managed to burn myself out before I could even witness any new canon content from the series.
    I ditched my fanfics I was working on and ditched that fandom.
    It wasn't for a while until I discovered MLP. Afterwards, a member of these forums who just came back today and changed his username into something funky that I can't remember how to type out, cheating himself out of a mention, and a friend of mine in real life, had a My Little Pony notebook.
    I had seen bronies getting thrashed on the interwebz, namely Youtube, and was well aware of their strange little culture. I had always found it somewhat fascinating, and I had the opportunity to watch MLP episodes/fan vids several times towards the end of my fandom of Ace Attorney, but, I ultimately shyed away from those videos out of fear it'd kill my current fandom (which, of course, should let you see the shape it was in.)
    After seeing that notebook, I finally threw my arms in the air and decided "What the hell? I'll give it a shot."
    And that was the end of my activity in the Ace Attorney fandom.
    Meet the Waifu:

    I remember watching "Hurricane Fluttershy" as my first MLP episode. It was a pretty powerful episode and a great way to introduce me to the fandom. Of course, the thing was, no Rarity
    I didn't have a set best pony yet, but I was leaning towards Fluttershy.
    After watching that, I went to a party and got mega-smashed. I still had a bit of popularity in my school (which is gone now), I wasn't very mature and threw caution to the wind when it came to my heart defect (which I'll delve into later), and, quite frankly, I had nothing better to do.
    I got home much, much later, slightly hungover. I had been gone from my house nearly 12 hours and damn, did I feel sick.
    As ill-advised as it is, I wasn't in the best state of mind for a 16 year old and decided to dive right in and watch Equestria Girls.
    That's where I first saw her:
    It feels so awkward posting an EQG pic, but whatever; I was introduced to her through that movie, so I'll just drop this here
    I was instantly captivated by her. Love at first line, so to speak; I remember just waiting, watching, lusting after her to re-appear in the movie, and, when she did, I was not disappointed; she was everything I thought she would be.
    I had to have more of this goddess of all things fashionable! Rarity had me trapped inside of her little white hooves, and I had no intention of escaping her clutches
    I ended up powering through episode after episode, keeping note of which ones didn't have Rarity because I refused to watch those (silly, I know.) and just finding a lot of enjoyment and groveling beneath her. She was perfect, and the passion I feel towards her character has been unlike anything before it.
    Rarity, Rarity, Rarity. Rarity was always on my mind, and damn, do I love it But why? Why do I love her so much?
    I actually see a lot of myself in Rarity. I'm an extrovert by nature and can come across as a bit arrogant at times (something I'm striving to improve on) as well as the fact that I take a lot of pride in how I look and dress and, to top it off, I can be overly-dramatic (ask my friends from my Skype group) and I'm an artist of sorts (although, admittedly, not in the same way as her) as well as the fact that I have big dreams that I wish to achieve.
    She's flawed in many ways like I am, but she manages to overcome it. She always tries her best, and when she fails, she gets right back up and goes to the end of Equestria to rectify her mistakes.
    If she can do it, so I can I.
    She gives me strength, in a sense. Strength to grow in ways I never thought possible. I began thinking of her more and more until it grew into a comfortable obsession, one that I still carry to this day, and one that I still turn to for strength in tough situations.
    That's the kicker, though. The strength she's given me has extended beyond an emotional standpoint, but it's grown to help me physically, too.
    I suffer from a familial form of dilated cardiomyopathy, which, you can best be described in the picture below:

    My blood flow is really affected by it, to the point where I'm prescribed blood thinners. It also gives me a bit of trouble dealing with stress.
    When someone gets stressed, a natural reaction is that the heart begins beating faster in an attempt to push blood through the body. Since my heart is larger than the regular heart, bloodflow is slower due to the heart beating having trouble beating and pumping blood through the body effectively, and when my heart starts beating faster, it tries to catch up and beat like a regular heart, which, isn't good and causes me a great deal of physical pain.
    It follows me and has been a continuous source of frustration for me throughout my days, but Rarity just makes it easier to deal with.
    I can come home and look at the pictures of her all over my room and just feel...strangely fine. Like, everything's going to be alright, you know? I question whether or not it actually will be alright, but she's my placebo, essentially, and helps me deal with the curveballs life has thrown at me.
    That's why I love her so much.
    When I walked into the fandom, however, she was constantly having dung slung at her for no good reason, and this bothered me. I care about Rarity a lot, and I was like her in many ways. To see her be treated this way bothered me quite a bit.

    I started off by taking my anger out on the Rainbow Dash fans. They seemed to be a constant source of Rarity hatred, and I was pissed about it, to put it kindly.
    I kept putting Rainbow's head to the chopping block and saying awful things about her, when, in reality, the violent thoughts were just directed at her fans rather than her.
    After a while, however, I realized how silly I was being; it wasn't her fault as much as it was the fact that Rarity hate was due to a flat-out misunderstanding of her character.
    So, what could I do?
    Well, I could get up and try to do something about it, of course.
    I was sick of it; something needed to be done, and dammit, if I couldn't change the whole fandom, I'd at least strive for accessibility in this corner of the fandom.
    I started off by following every single topic with potential for Rarity hate. I quoted and quoted and worked and worked at dispelling all of the hatred of her. A lot of it was stuff that could be disproved by facts or outweighed by her good deeds, I noted, and I capitalized on every single opportunity. It wasn't about discussion. It was about change; I was tired of feeling like I wasn't as good as the rest of the fandom because I didn't like one of the popular ponies like Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy. I was sick of it. Hell, I remember getting my fimfic inbox spammed with Loli and pics of Rarity being killed by a Rarity hate group just for being a Rarity fan.
    I was beginning to make a bit of a change; piece by piece, bit by bit, brick by brick, I was doing my best to stitch together the burden in my hand. I was fighting for Rarity and myself, and no one else, and damn, did people hate me for it.
    I knew I was hated, and my Skype inbox from back in the early days of defending Rarity would agree with this sentiment. It was a troubling time, but people started to take notice of my work.
    Finally, I started getting messages from Rarity fans, whether they were open about it or not, that showed appreciation for me. That's when I realized that there was so much more to be fighting for than just my love for my waifu and myself. I could help make a difference in this whole fanbase, because it bothered the majority of us, it seemed.
    I started posting in the Rarity fan club as much as I could, to drum up support. People began flocking to her. We grew strong, and our fan club shows how far we've come.
    You know, I can't help but feel there's been a huge shift in momentum with the Rarity fans, and, I gotta say, I'm glad to know I've helped in making it what it is; I can't do it alone, of course, but I no longer feel like rotten fruit is being hurled at me because of my best pony. I contributed to a change,a and dammit, I'm proud of that

    Hard to believe all of that stems from one 13-minute long video of a dude getting slightly irritated with a videogame about lawyers, eh?
    I don't know why I felt compelled to right a tl;dr essay about my journey on the internet, but meh
    Stay fabulous, friends
  17. ghostfacekiller39
    Ah. My school year is coming to a close, and I'm pretty excited to get back into my summer routine
    What's my summer routine, you ask?

    Well, I treat summertime differently than I do the school year, and my schedule is much different I thought it'd be an interesting thing to blog about

    Daily schedule, you ask? Let's do it

    I wake up at 2 a.m. every morning.
    I cook myself breakfast; it's usually just eggs and black coffee, though. I'm done at about 2:45 a.m.
    At about 3 a.m. I sit down at my computer and begin writing; I've been a writer since as long as I could remember, and whether it be a journal entry or fanfic, I write it all down there. You might see some of my early morning blogs this summer
    I'm done writing at 7 a.m.
    I change out of my comfortable pajamas and put on some old clothes. At 7:30 a.m. I'm outside painting the fence surrounding our land; I get paid $3.50 a panel.
    I'm done painting at 10:30 a.m.
    After I'm done painting, I take a nice long bubble bath (I'm feminine, shoot me.) I'm done with that by 11:30 a.m.
    After that, it's my freetime. I'll take a nap, plan out what I write, watch a baseball game, or just screw around on my computer; I'm done with life and I wind down the day by 8:30 p.m. and start all over again in the morning.


    Now, this schedule may seem a bit far fetch'd, but it's part of the reason I find summers so enjoyable I do break away from it and cut down on my writing time in favor of sleep as the summer nears it's end, but overall, this summertime schedule is a tradition I've done every year since I was 14 Call it what you will, I find it to be rather enjoyable and a big part of why I love the summertime so much
    Anyway, I thought this would be an interesting blog, considering I haven't written a blog in who knows how long
    Until next time!
  18. ghostfacekiller39
    Hey there
    I've heard it more than once over the past couple of days, and it actually kinda worried me.
    What is it, you ask?
    Well, that people don't know anything about me other than that I'm a largely obsessive Rarity fan
    So, I'm making this blog in an attempt to remedy that, and hopefully it won't go in vain
    So, where should we start?

    I'm 17 years old.
    I generally don't disclose my actual name directly, but I will say I share a first name with the most notable character off of The Boondocks.
    I'm a Junior in High School.
    I live in Leonard, Texas; a small town up by the Red River with a little less than 2,000 people in it.
    I work part-time in an autoshop, usually sweeping floors and keeping the tools and what not in order; I get to do an occasional oil-change or tire-rotation, though
    My Political Views are Left-Wing or Liberal, whichever you prefer to call it.
    I'm an athiest.
    I'm asexual (but I'm also a clopper, yes; long story short, I don't clop as much as you think and when I do, it's because of the spiritual connection I have with the pony in the picture, not because of the picture itself, which, overall, I find unappealing. No interest in dating or sexual advances whatsoever.)
    I'm weird, I know
    I drink Pepsi like it's going out of style.
    Waffles are my favorite thing to eat.
    My favorite TV show is FiM, no question, but I also like to watch Friends, How I Met Your Mother, and whatever sport is in season.
    I'm a bit of a sports nut; I like my hometown (state?) Texas Rangers in baseball, which, is no doubt my favorite sport; but I also like the Jacksonville Jaguars in (American) Football, the Edmonton Oilers in Hockey, the Brooklyn Nets in Basketball, and my favorite college teams are TCU (Texas Christian University)
    My favorite movies are Wes Anderson films. I own every one of his movies that has been released to DVD; Bottle Rocket, his first film, is my favorite, but The Royal Tenenbaums makes a strong case in its own right.
    My favorite band is U2; my favorite song of theirs is "Sunday Bloody Sunday" off of my favorite album of theirs, "War."
    I'm an only child.
    I live with my grandparents.
    I suffer from a familial form of dilated cardiomyopathy; it pretty much means I inherited an enlarged heart genetically. It drastically affects my emotions, so I try my hardest to keep myself composed. (If I didn't, and said what was really on my mind, I'd be banned by this point, no doubt.)
    Rarity has been therapeutic to me and my physical and emotional problems, which is one of the many reasons I love her so much. That's probably why my personal motto is "Obsessive fanboying is good for the soul "
    I don't play videogames. Just never really enjoyed them.
    Anything else you want to know about me, just ask

    Well, I hope that you now know there is indeed a person behind the obsessive fanboy you see online, and with that...erm...later? I guess?

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