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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Torrent505

  1. @@Snowflake Frostflame Lets talk this out more in a PM, in the beginning I want to limit exactly what everyone knows, hit me with the other version of Snowflake there too.
  2. I can except the knowledge of other planes and a basic understanding of how other magics work in theory but actually actively using them all even on a basic level would be too OP. Your character may grow over the course of the RP but for now limit yourself to necromancy and simple magic. As for the knowledge be careful what claims you make since it is my story and I don't want you to accidental get something critical wrong and doom the party. You can always shoot me a pm to ask a question for knowledge. That all sound fine?
  3. Sorry for the delay, yesterday was my last final. @@Shadow Dancer @@Snowflake Frostflame The two of you have builds as assassins, and while your history's will need some slight tweaking would you be okay with being two of Twilight's inner guard? Any violence in your past would need to occur outside of Equestria with you perhaps coming to Equestria for the peace it offered and forget everything about the royal princesses just replace it with Queen Twilight. Your specialization powers would probably complement each other but no being too over powered, know your strength limits you in other more normal forms of magic. This okay with you both? @@Dji Approved! @@Alex Kennedy I'm okay with probably two prisoners, more would start being too much but right now you could be the second; hit me with your civilian and send a pm to talk about a prisoner position. @@Midnight_Aurora Your first OC wouldn't exactly fit, very interesting though if I did a sci-fy I would love them. Your second OC doesn't exactly fit the prisoner role, maybe she could be reworked to fit as a citizen if your still interested I'd be happy to work with you to figure it out. @@Gloomfury I'm actually going to approve you as a citizen; this might change your backstory a little bit but I find your backstory and potential in this story very interesting. Some restrictions on your necromancy abilities, that first rat you brought back has been the only thing you've ever brought back that seems to be sentient and have it's own soul. Also the only thing that has stayed stable and preserved, everything else the magic degrades or it rots. The bigger the creature is the hard it is to bring them back fleshy, small creatures can come back like zombies but by the time you get to Ponies you can only raise skeletons. Sound fair for now? Your power may develop as the game goes on. @@Scribblegroove First approved prisoner, get back to me on the little things I mentioned. But if you want that or not he's approved.
  4. Sooo... No other replies? Well in the meantime I'm going to see if I can run something new https://mlpforums.com/topic/128460-to-save-a-soul-searching-dark-adventure/#entry3753038 You guys are welcome to apply or I'd appreciate opinions.
  5. Save a Soul OOC [dark adventure] An epic journey through the prison of Tartarus, down into the fog of limbo to venture into the hellscape of The underworld itself to confront Hades. All for a chance to make the journey home, bringing a single soul back to the realm of life for each mortal to best him. *************************** The time of the show has long past, over a millennia or two since the battle against Tirek. Many important characters to us have faded from the scene, the names of Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Discord have been completely forgotten while the mane six are mostly whispers and legend. Except Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash; Twilight has become an Alicorn with magic unrivaled, she is the Queen of Equestria, during the troubled and turbulent times it was her strength and will that held the kingdom together. Twilight is celebrated and loved, her rule while strict has seen nearly a five hundred years of peace. Rainbow Dash ever loyal serves as the head of her guard, ageless by Twilight's magic she is unparalleled in flight and dedication to the ponies of Equestria. In these centuries of peace Equestria seemed to be a utopia until last night everything changed. A dark cloud swept forth from Tararus to the royal palace, Hades lord of the underworld came and plucked Twilight from her throne. Even with all her magic she was helpless before him and was dragged back to the nether realm. This is where you will be joining the story, the morning after with all of Equestria panicking and rioting, as hungry foreign eyes turn uncertain on the leaderless kingdom. Equestria needs it's leader back, and you are joining the party into hades to reclaim a soul, if you can. CHARACTER SUGGESTIONS • Guards, selfless royal guards seeking to save Twilight ready to sacrifice themselves, only one pony needs to see the journey through to the end to save all of Equestria • Citizen, personal reason to join, a lost loved one, the guilt of some horrible accident in your past? You feel responsible for a soul in the land of the dead, it's up to you to undo what happened... Survive no matter what, no one else could right your wrong. • Prisoner, locked in Tartarus for so long you have forgotten your crime and past. You can't escape on your own... This group and a trip through hell might be the only key to your freedom... Memory... and maybe even redemption? (Check with me if you are interested in this one) RULES • No Alicorns or God Modding • While it is the future Advanced Tech is not likely, do to troubled times the world has not advanced. (You may ask approval) • Romance is allowed, try to bond with the other players it might save your life; just keep it appropriate • Be active, try not to leave people waiting on you. Approved Characters - - -
  6. So I'm going to wait on people to show up for this RP still, I'll send Squirlz a message too. But I'm also thinking about running a new pony RP, figured I'd let you guys know. So what about all of you? What have you guys been up to? Anything fun?
  7. @@Shadow Dancer @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Dji @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ @@Sanctified Absence *pick up the microphone taps it a few times* This thing still on? Still working? Can you hear me? Testing! *feed back screech* Aww damn my ears! So good to see a few old faces, glad you all are still around. Happy to be back, might not mean "we're" back though... We'll see
  8. I'm back baby

    1. Drago Ryder

      Drago Ryder

      Good to have you back

    2. Shadow Dancer
  9. I could use a little sol and a relaxing RP. This one still happening? If so how do you feel about a griffin joining?
  10. @@Sanctified Absence I'm really sorry to hear that, I'd hate to lose Zaddion as a character. If you can manage to play a little bit at least until we reach the next part of the story (out of the woods) then that would be good still. I'm sure Squirlz and I could work something out for you until you figure out if you want to stay.
  11. @@Shadow Dancer @@RunsWithSquirlz Indicus took off sprinting, he ran from the dead end and the dead creature taking turns at random in the hedge maze. He didn't even see it as the leaf maze but instead a blend of back alleys from past towns and jobs. This lasted until he came upon a new dead end with a young girl and a red lizard sitting in it; Ashford and the hedge maze reasserted itself to his vision and mind, he couldn't hear the creature behind him anymore. Instead they heard a yell, "Whisper if you want to catch up with us we're going to go hear stories at the tavern!" **************************** @@Dji Clarke nodded at Helena's thought, though he said, "but how is that possible? I don't understand... How could our entire lives be lies? I remember growing up with you, Abigail, Adrass and Indicus; I remember how much work Father and Mother spent raising us...." He stared at Helena's face focusing and looking hard at her, "... You said that thing looked like me, I recognized it as being my real dad... Helena, none of us look like Mother or Father, we're supposed to look like our parents right? They are really powerful mages, do you think they did this too us?" He slouched into his seat and stared at the books around them, "I wish there was some clues about Ashcreek and the fog but I've check so many books." ******************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ Abigail nodded at her little lordly sweetheart, "yeah I'm sure Whisper will be fine, but if you're so worried..." She turned back to the maze and cupped her hands to her mouth, shouting "Whisper if you want to catch up with us we're going to go hear stories at the tavern!" She smiled at Dresden, "there." She took ahold of Robert's elbow and practically dragged him through the mansion. They only stopped for a moment for her to curtsy to her Father who was at a desk teaching her eldest brother Adrass. "Father," she said respectfully, before trying to hurry past, truthfully she didn't like her eldest brother much. @@Sanctified Absence
  12. @ Father gave one of his hearty laughs and was beaming from ear to ear under his thick but well trimmed mustache. The ruffled Adrass's hair, "a fine beginning son, crude but effective!" He rapped the ice sleeve with a knuckle, to test the strength. "Never forget that simple tends to save more lives than flashy in a pinch." Father held his own hand forward with his palm up and gentle waves his fingers a globe of white light formed to brighten the room. "So now I, like you, have a base to work from. For elements like ours gathering it is the hardest part, a heavy drain on our magik; but that means this next part can be easier. You decide what you wish to do with it, see it in your minds eye and will the element to follow. You already have all the magik concentrated there in your ice, you need only the will to shape it. Believe that." The globe of light about father's hand turned to a glowing silver and stretched out to form a floating dagger as an example of this lesson. **************************** @@Shadow Dancer The gravestone rumbled and quivered as the name on it shifted to Indicus Vencule; a grown man pulled himself from the dirt with a self-fulfilled grin, he was rotting with his belly spilled open and some intestines hanging loose, his left arm half torn away with shattered bone exposed. A haggard husky voice spoke, "Did you think we were done, assassin? Think you can just keep burying me?" Thick black ichor bubble from his mouth with each word. "Now look at you, you don't even remember who you are and you're in a place were the past can kill you... Just a helpless little boy, this time you die and I'll live for sure." The living corpse reached out its one good arm for him meaning to drag him down into the grave too. **************************** @@Dji "Of course you aren't the only one thinking that Helena..." Clarke turned his glare to stare at the table now that the librarian had gone, as if it might give him answers. "... That, that was really fucked up okay." His voice cracking at the end as he tried to wrap his mind around what had happened. "The adults in town are lying to us Helena. When I was out in the fog I met people that thought they knew me and... And I felt like I knew them too. Then that t-thing... I recognized it... Helena, I don't think Father is our dad cause that thing I saw, it, it made me remember my dad's face." He was clutching his temple like he was having an intense headache. "I don't know what's going on, what else is lies?" **************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz The girl in Whisper's dream grinned widely, "Thank you. I'm glad you agree." The girl was upon her now, a hug that was too tight, it was crushing and draining at the same time. She whispered into the princesses ear, "We can save everyone, but it takes sacrifice and I've sacrificed so much already. Now you have to sacrifice and I am taking everything. Thank you for understanding." The girls grasp got tighter and tighter, Whisper couldn't breath, her vision was fading and full of sparkles; all she could think of was the image of a snake coiled around a mouse and squeezing it before swallowing it whole. ******************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace Abigail started to hum happily as she led them to the exit of the maze, the smell of cookies was in the air. "Oh! Mother must have made ginger snaps! They're my favorite. We'll have to get some when they're done, but first the tavern... Oh too bad we didn't see your sister Whisper, maybe she's lost in the maze? I'm sure she'll find away out sooner or later though." She gave her bell like laughter. @@RunsWithSquirlz Whisper woke in the maze, she was groggy and felt weak... had she fainted? Memories came back to her lowly, sluggish and muddled as if they didn't want to. She was in Ashcreek for a visit, the oldest of three siblings... But she wasn't special... She was shy, quiet and hated creating a fuss... She wasn't very interesting and she knew this... But she was happy being a normal boring little girl. A hiccup stirred Whisper from these strange overwhelmingly bland thoughts, a little red winged lizard laid in the grass close by. Well maybe little wasn't the right word for it, the thing was the length of her forearm but it's head as too big for its body and wobbled as it tried to look about. It stood only to lean unsteadily back and forth before siting back down, it hiccuped again and let out a little puff of smoke. The strange sight awakened the rest of Whisper's senses, she could smell fresh baked cookies in the air and she swore she could hear her brothers just around the hedges. The little lizard thing let out a little meep like cry. @@Sanctified Absence
  13. @ Father sighed shaking his head before resting a heavy hand on Adrass' shoulder and kneel down so he was face to face with the boy. "Son you know Mother and I only push you so hard because we want the most for you. Both of us were Venerators and their is no more noble a calling for a Mage. You have to prove to the hunters you are pure and controlled, incorruptible. A focus of defense punctuated by cold precise assaults. They have high expectations and will only train you if you meet them." He squeezed Adrass' shoulder reassuringly, as he stood then gathered his magic and with a gesture suddenly five of him were in the room. All their lips moved but the voice came from the one in the middle. "As a master light Venerator I can manipulate what you see, an excellent defense for the middle of a battle... With Mother's mastery of Sound and my illusions in battle our enemies never even knew what was reality." He allowed the others to fade away, "You on the other hand have to use your ice for a more direct defense. Try and focus, water is in the air use it, something simple like an ice wrist guard." Through all the coaching by Father something tugged at Adrass, some foggy memory of the Venerators. **************************** @@Shadow Dancer Wandering toward the noise in the maze Indicus moved deeper and became more lost; rounding a corner he came upon a dead end. Dead end being more literal than possible for the hedge maze as a grave sat before him. The name on the tombstone was a man's with Indicus' last name, it stirred memories of someone raising him other than Father and Mother. The rustling was coming from here, the grave's soil turning and rolling as if something was struggling underneath. @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace Abigail glared a little at Dresden, "don't ever imply that I'm not a noble, I don't 'play' noble, Tulla does. I PLAY that SHE is noble." She humphed before turning and batting her eyelashes at Robert, "so the tavern it is!" She lead them into the maze, she seemed absolutely confident that she knew where she was going. It was almost as if the hedges moved for her. @@Dji The librarian rushed to Helena's side and insisted on resting Clarke on the nearest table, which unfortunately was inside the basement. Clarke seemed to regain consciousness as they moved him and began to glare at the Librarian. The old woman seemed unnerved, "Oh umm are you alright lord Clarke? You seem perturbed..." Clarke said nothing merely continuing to glare at the woman. She squirmed a little nervously, looking to Helena, "umm well I'll go get the apothecary, keep an eye on him please my lady I'll be right back..." She backed out of the room looking anxious to escape Clarke's stare. @@Sanctified Absence @@RunsWithSquirlz
  14. @@RunsWithSquirlz The girls voice giggled at her, "Stop? No, I'm not going to stop. I'm going to make the world better, and I my world they'll all love me and everything will be perfect. Mmmmhmmm". Whisper could feel the hand rub up and down her side lovingly but not see the owner. "So much life in you, so much power. With your magic fueling mine we can change the entire country; we can save them all Whisper. Help me save them all, this entire hateful country." The sinking and draining feeling entered Whisper's dream, if felt like being slowly pulled down a long dark hole. @@Shadow Dancer Indicus came to a fork in the hedge maze, in one direction he could hear rustling of something and in the other he smelled fresh baking cookies wafting through the air.
  15. @ The heavy ruler slapped down on Adrass' wrist, snapping him to instant alertness. In front of him was a book with a bit of drool dampening the page and next to him Father glared down holding the ruler. "You're almost twelve Adrass, I won't have you falling asleep in your studies. To be a proper Mage you have to learn and be in control; you have to be able to prove you are just and good. You don't want the world to fear you do you? Don't want hunters knocking at our door in search of a dangerous Mage?" He tapped the ruler on the desk in expectantly awaiting his reply. **************************** @@Shadow Dancer Indicus came to in the hedge maze, he was ten and Abigail's older brother, only Adrass was older in the family. He had gotten mixed up in the maze and feeling lost he had tried to cheat by climbing a hedge; he must have slipped and knock himself out in the fall. He wondered how long he had lain there, he was supposed to be meeting Abigail and making friends with the visiting nobles. Where were they? What was the proper way out of this place again? @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace Abigail smiled, "I'm glad you're so ready to see my city. Don't listen to Tulla, she dreams of the wild forest as excitement and hates that the fog keeps us here; she'd rather be with the animals." She giggled at her teasing, she couldn't help but continue her gossip, "But don't let that fool you, she'd never say it but the only other thing that gets her attention is the thought of being a princess! Sometimes we play that she's the noble, and she's really pretty good at it!" Abigail stuck her tongue out at her best friend playfully. "Now you know so we can all play nobles together too." "Umm as for where we can go, there's the saw mill to show off, Ashwood is amazing and our best... umm I forget the word, but we sell it out of the woods; then there's our soldiers barracks, they are the best around; the apothecary makes tasty drinks for us sometimes, he calls one a root beer and it's sweet and only for kids! The tavern has all sorts of visitors with stories and the bath house has runes that give hot water like hot springs! We have all sorts of things and can always play games too." Something looked dark and hungry about her for a moment, "I especially like hide and seek, or tag." @@RunsWithSquirlz In Whisper's dreams the girl had stopped singing and spoke, "why are you still outside my town? How come you can resist me? Are your powers like mine? Can I use you?" @@Dji Clarke managed to shift the door back in front of himself as the hand shot out at him. It slammed into the door hard sending him sprawling back into Helena so they both fell on to the stairs helplessly staring up at the monster. The door bounced off the wall so hard it swung back slamming the door in the creatures face, but the lock didn't catch and it slowly opened again to reveal that the gear monster was gone and the pristine library basement shelves sat perfectly normal in the torchlight. Clarke began to weep, "Dad?... Why? Why did it have dads face?" He looked at Helena through confused teary eyes, "it had my dads face... But no... Father? Not Father, Dad? Why?" Clarke's eyes suddenly rolled back into his head and he passed out into Helena's lap. She knew that whatever Clarke had been trying to say, that monster certainly didn't have Father's face, it looked more like an older Clarke. It didn't make sense. @@Sanctified Absence
  16. Yeah I was hoping @@Sanctified Absence would show up but we need to keep moving :/ If/when we enter the town proper and are around the market please just don't notice the woman choking Zaddion; he'll remain paused until he shows back up.
  17. @ @@Shadow Dancer Rage lit up in the girl's eyes, her spirit didn't even bother with the illusion of walking as she flew face to face with Adrass, "DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME THAT! NEVER SAY THAT AGAIN OR YOU WILL PAY FOR IT!!" She screamed at him. She was now close enough that they were inside the strange distortion that surrounded her. The magic was more overwhelming than any they had sensed before, it was like the Iron Maiden's presence but as if condensed down and trapped in a marble. The magic raged over their bodies and it was like time had become fluid on their physical form their bodies aged and reversed becoming young at random and in streaks; such as withered wrinkled brows over babies cheeks or gnarled fingers on a child's palm. Her eyes flicked to Indicus, "I want to save you. I want to save everyone, no more pain or sorrow or fighting. Just peace and play. Why do so many adults fight it? Like they seek misery and hate... I want what's best for you." **************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @@Alex Kennedy Abigail exited the tree fort looking radiant, her golden hair in prefect curls down her head and neck. She was still humming the song, but stopped as she reached the others A and jumped to hug Robert tightly. "I'm ready! Let's go see the town! I'm sure we'll find Whisper and the others shortly too!" @@RunsWithSquirlz The sounds of a little girl singing began to intrude upon Whisper's dreams. @@Dji Clarke nodded at Helena and took comfort in her hand ready to pull him back. He turned the knob and slammed against the door wanting to throw it open and catch enemies off-guard; instead he bounced off the door and blushed. "Oh right, it pulls open..." He looked sheepishly at Helena. Then yanked it open as hard as he could. His plan backfired as the monster at the door was ready and caught them off-guard. Two arms constructed of gears and springs shot out one reaching for Clarke, the other for Helena's red book. Behind them was a steamwork horror of metal and flesh, the steel rods and piping lead up to a haggard face similar to adult Clark. It screeched strange clicks at them as it made the assault. @@Sanctified Absence
  18. Sorry had a bad week followed by a family trip to northern nowhere Wisconsin and had no connection. Also here is what Abigail is singing in the tree fort. @@Alex Kennedy Did you read Dresden and Tulla's part? Sorry if it was confusing, you think Dresden is your brother a year younger than you and that Whisper is your sister a year older. You have a false memory that Tulla is Abigail's best friend and was helping show you around. Everyone should have conflicting memories of their real childhood for their character, it's what warns you that this place is a lie and makes you uneasy. I like making players think out their characters histories and like Helena if it's history I know and is in your background I'll use it in the story to make the RP more personal to your characters! So it's awesome to hear about Robert's brothers
  19. @ @@Shadow Dancer The little ghost girl looked a bit confused at the two of them, "you're just going to ignore me? Pay attention to me!" She stamped her foot angrily and the fog swirled around her with the void of draining magic and life surrounding her. "Pay attention or I'll make you pay!" She whined. The rest of the bodies had now risen an where not head towards Ashcreek in their staggered walk. All except whisper's who still dreamed peacefully and Clarke who's body was to weak to rise. **************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @@Alex Kennedy Robert entered into the ground floor of the rather lavish tree fort but found the stairs were locked. The singing from the other side stopped and Abigail sounded rather upset from the other side. "Don't just try to barge in! I'm... I'm combing my hair and getting ready to show you and your brother and sister the town! I'll be down in a second, wait with them please!... My sweet Robert..." She resumed singing. Dresden and Tulla awoke in the garden at the center of the hedge maze, they could hear Abigail's singing and see Robert through the window of the tree fort. Dresden was a little lordling of 7 and the younger brother of Robert. He had come to Ashcreek with his brother and his sister Whisper to help cement the friendship between their own noble father and the Lord of Ashcreek. He didn't know where his older sister Whisper was, maybe she had wandered into the maze. Tulla on the other hand had also grown up here in Ashcreek, the 8 year old daughter of the manors maid and a soldier. She was Abigail's best friend, and had found a knack taking care of the lords rare animals; currently a little fuzz ball chimera cub was nudging her nervously. She remembered Abigail telling her to play with these other new children and show off Tugg but they must have fallen asleep. (Whisper is not yet in Ashcreek, merely stuck exhausted and somewhere on the edge of dreams, nightmares and being awake.) @@Dji Clarke stared at Helena, nothing she had just said made any sense. "Are-are you trying to play a prank on me? Cause it doesn't sound funny..." He thought about it for a second and shook his head, Helena had never looked this scared before and then there was what happened to him on the woods. "And I had something really scary happen to me out in the fog... I... Let's take a look..." He began back toward the basement door, but hesitated, "can you hold my hand? If something is there pull me back? And if this is a joke and Abigail jumps out then I'm going to tell mother and father!" @@Sanctified Absence "Little lord?". Before Zaddion's terrified eyes the woman holding him slowly changed to the horrible corpse like things he had seen before. No one else around him seemed to notice, one of her hands had slipped up around his neck and began to choke him, the life slowly being drained away.
  20. @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer Robert was the first to collapse, he had been following the group half asleep for a while already; he simply tripped and fell and didn't rise but instead fell into the deep sleep like the other unfortunate victims. The ghostly girl also chose this moment to step out of the fog ahead of the group, she grinned at them. "You all look so sleepy! I can help I know where you can stay in these dark spooky woods, but You're heading the wrong way though! Ashcreek is that way and we have plenty of nice comfy beds!" Her voice was sing song in tone. **************************** @@Alex Kennedy Robert woke up in a beautiful garden surrounded by hedges, and with a spectacular tree fort on one side. He remembered falling asleep here, under the warm sunlight listening to comforting bird calls and beautiful singing. He was the son of a lord in Illia, in a town outside the forest, but he was visiting Ashcreek because he had an arranged marriage to the daughter of this towns lord. He could hear his sweet betrothed Abigail singing from inside the tree fort behind him, she was 7 and he was 8. @@Dji "Helena what's wrong? Settle down you're okay, you're okay! You're not a thief, I've never seen you steal anything your whole life!" Clarke hugged his sister, as they were stuck in a heap, trying to calm her down. "What happened?" @@Sanctified Absence The woman stared at the boy zoning out in her arms "young lord are you alright?"
  21. @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer As the group moved out into dark forest away from Ashcreek the fog began to grow thicker and thicker swirling around them until they had to press in tight to keep each other in sight. Something moved around them in the fog, light airy laugher came every so often with the sounds of a snapping twig or rustling leaves, it always came from a new direction as if they were being circled. Despite their brief rest none of them seemed to have recovered any energy, they felt weak and tired. Each step ached and offered temptation to collapse and sleep. This was beyond normal fatigue something was draining them. **************************** @@Dji @@Sanctified Absence The woman holding Zaddion looked at him quizzically, "Well young master, see anything you want? Or should I set you down?" Clarke moved past the market place lost in thought, not looking about or really even seeing most of the world around him. He continued on and entered the library trying to think of where he should search next for the knowledge he needed. The elderly librarian stirred him from his thoughts calling to him, "Oh Clarke, there you are! Your sister Helena was just here looking for you. I think she went down to the basement, you might want to go see what she had wanted." Clarke brightened at the news, he thought his older sister Helena was very cool. She knew how to fight and no one in town ever called her nerdy. Maybe she'd listen to his story an help him look too! "Okay I'll go find her, thanks Ms. Hendricks!" He started toward the stairs. Helena used all her might to smack the hands gripping her arm. They released her sending her stumbling back away from it; it shook out it's hands before placing them on the ground and crawling after her with a thump, thump, thump as the bag like body tried to spring itself forward in hops. The fang lined opening now snapped open and shut urgently, giving up on swallowing her whole and merely wishing to bite off any pieces it could catch.
  22. @@Sanctified Absence Clarke walked slowly back through the town gates and down the cobble road, his eyes were downcast and his features were glum as he tried to think over what had just happened out in the fog. He just couldn't understand, it had to be the evils of whatever lurks out beyond and around the town. He needed to know more about it, and why he was having these flashes of some other... Clarke. He decided his best course of action would be to search the library again so some sort of book on the fog or the super natural. There had to be an answer. **************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer Zaddion's body didn't struggle against Dresden or Indicus as they moved him back to the cart, he resisted slightly still trying to rise or push in the direction of Ashcreek. As Adrass urged them to break camp and get moving a fog began to settle in around them. **************************** @@Dji The TheifsPurse kept its on the little girls slightly struggling arm, pulling toward the open maw meaning to swallow her whole. Among the heavy breathing, grinding coins there was a hundred whispers in hundreds of different voices... "Thief." "Thief." "Somebody stop her." "Thief." "You little Thief." "Wait, where'd my coins go?" "Thief." "Brat when I get my hands on you." "Pickpocket." "Thief." "Come back here." "Hey you have to pay for that." "Thief." It dragged itself forward toward Helena between the weak half broken shelves around them, the surface of the bag squirming like it was already half full of small bodies. It wasn't quite strong enough to pull her in but soon it would be upon her.
  23. Haha well I can't really tell if that means you like it or not Also it's not entirely an illusion, it is trying to kill Helena right now. No worries, the conditioned mind is kind of what I was playing at in the post; Zaddion's mind is strong enough that things are going to be strange and he'll see through stuff more easily than anyone else (except maybe Adrass) but he's not strong enough to simply fight it off completely not without some sort of help anyways. Forgot to answer this earlier, what happens to those stuck in Ashcreek binds their souls/lifeforce to the town; to walk out into the fog is to fight that connection keeping you tethered to the real world and basically choose to let your soul move on. Clarke was able to go into the fog because his body is still out there and alive so he could walk to it, Zaddion could do this now too. Helena's possessed body has wandered into Ashcreek by now so going out into the fog too far would somehow put her back at town but once her body dies going to far would free her soul. (This is at least the concept I came up with, I hope that makes some sense to you guys) ************************* I figure I should probably tell you flat out so you guys don't get the wrong idea on how to deal with Ashcreek, it's not really supposed to be a fight or a battle but a mystery. You CAN fight it and you could win but that way is going to be pretty hard and dangerous, you'll also miss out on the explanation as to why this all happened, but it's your characters paths after all so I'm not going to restrict them of course!
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