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private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Sanctified Absence The woman nodded, "Okay little one, up you go." She hefted him up so he rested against her waist and could look over the fruit and vegetable stands. Subconsciously Zaddion's mind still struggled with the inconsistencies, the woman seemed bright and warm but her touch was cold and her skin was clammy. The produce of the market all looked amazingly fresh and delicious, except the fruit and vegetables at the edge of sight and underneath were rotten and molded but wherever he examined or focused they were once again fresh and pristine. **************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer Zaddion's body continued to ignore, Tulla's calls and wandered further from the campsite. Finn gave Whisper's face a lick before he nudged a bit under her forehead to act as an impromptu warm pillow. **************************** @@Dji Helena pulled the THING lose from the debris and her mind went to war with itself. The thing was a human sized coin purse, the pale arms were its draw strings and huge teeth lining the bags opening with two eyes shining like gold coins from the darkness inside. But it wasn't any coin purse, it was her coin purse from when she was an orphan wandering the streets picking pockets to make a living, she could remember it clearly how she would hold it close full of ill gotten gains... But no she wasn't an orphan, she had Mother and Father. She wasn't a thief, she was a good well behaved girl. Her thoughts spun round and round as the TheifsPurse tightened it's grip on her arm. Hot breath smelling of metal and grime washed over her as it continued it's heavy gasping, now the sound was joined by gurgling and the grinding sound of rubbing two coins together. It's pale arms pulled her towards the opening; half her mind screamed at her that she had stolen so much in her life and this THING was revenge, it was here to steal her life. -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Sanctified Absence As Zaddion tried to stab at the corpse of this nightmarish place everything shifted once again... Only this time it was different, there was an air of finality about it and he could feel the shift had changed him as well. He now stood in the happy little town with a small hand outstretched and tugging on the woman skirt in front of him. His was a child of six, the Krystal mark not yet gracing his flesh and his connection and control to his magic barely awakened. The woman turned and smiled down at him, "oh little master Zaddion, I didn't see you there. Did you have a question? Want me to lift you for a better view of the fresh fruits? I'm sure your father would buy you any that you wanted." **************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer Back in camp Zaddion seemed to be the only one that would not wake through all the commotion. But suddenly his body sat bolt upright then slowly rose to his feet. He ignored the confrontation between Adrass and the others, his eyes were glazed and his face was vacant. He started a slow stiff legged walk in the direction of Ashcreek. **************************** @@Dji The heavy breathing seemed to be coming from where the room descended into total darkness, the shelves here where completely collapsed and the books had become piles of ash. The only light came from holes in the roof where instead of the first floor, there was a night sky and moonlight shining through. From the wreckage a pale hand reached out from the debris, puffs of the ash rising with each breath. -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Dji, As Helena wandered deeper into the basement the stacks of books seemed to look more and more dirty, beaten and unreadable. The air smelled of mildew and charcoal, was it a trick of the flickering torchlight or was the floor covered in ash? The sound of cracking wood and collapsing stone came from the stairwell. Heavy struggled breathing seems to come from deeper in the room, the firelight flickers and is dim there, the stacks seem to have collapsed into burnt ruins. Could it be Clarke back there trapped in the wreckage of the shelves? Deep in the shadows a small book bound in red leather seems to catch the light and shine for Helena. @, @@Shadow Dancer, @@Flying Ace, @@Alex Kennedy, @@RunsWithSquirlz, When the gun lined up with Whisper Serafinno let out a warning hiss, puffed up to spike his scales and bared his still toothless maw. He didn't understand what had happened but he certainly wasn't going to let anyone threaten Whisper for any reason, this obviously wasn't a game the humans were just plain going mad. (Dresden are you waking the others?) @@Sanctified Absence (Is Zaddion strong enough to wake himself up? If Dresden tries to wake him does he shake out of it or not? I need to know so I can write you as in the alternate Ashcreek or not.) -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Sanctified Absence The thing in the dark shadows moved out into the light, an abomination of a skeletal dwarf with the misshapen head, limbs of different lengths and deformed body. It looked as if the creature had been burned and still carried open sores and charred wounds, the ribs most have been broken and reset back together as possibly were the limbs. Despite all that it's watery eyes called for attention, they were a sparkling sapphire and beautiful. Zaddion's magic flowed from him in streams, out and down the monsters throat each time it opened its mouth as well as into its wounds. It spoke to him in a hoarse croaking voice, "you taste like Father but with more flavors. I like that, you could stay and be my brother." The thing lifted it's arms and the world around him began to flicker and warp, he could sense magics at work but they were too muted and he was to numb to tell what they were. He could see the other living corpses now, they were all about the town stumbling around. The town seemed to shimmer, for a moment the buildings were whole and every corpse was a person, it flickered back to a charred ruin full of undead. Except for one, Helena looking a bit pale but as alive as ever walked trance like down the center of the town toward a collapsed mansion. The world shifted, the night of the horrible ruins inverting again to become bright day light shining on the pristine town, in Helena's place a little girl of some resemblance was skipping along. The shifting back and forth between these realities seemed to pick up speed blurring the two, moans of the others changing to become voices and conversations. A horrible reality becoming a sick lie. The thing in front of him had sprouted golden curls and the broken body became more complete and beautiful by the second. Her voice had become like a twinkling bell, "Come play with me, Zaddion, play with me forever and ever and ever." He could feel it now, the heavy weight of some unseen force dragging him down. Zaddion knew that he had to find the strength to awaken or this place was going to claim him as it had Clarke and Helena. (Hope everyone could at least kinda follow the weird supernatural stuff happening in this part) **************************** @@Dji "Oh the studious little Clarke, hmmm I haven't seen him for quite a while now. I'm certain he's not here on the main floor, but perhaps he might be on the second floor or in the basement? If you wish I could go check one or both or would you rather look by yourself? If you looking to surprise him do try to not be too loud." The librarian kept her own voice to a whisper. -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer @@Sanctified Absence The boy claiming to be Clarke barely stopped himself from lunging forward towards Adrass's revolver and whined, "Hey! That's mine! Give it back I was making that toy for..." A puzzled look came over his face, "for... For someone?" He looked confused and then concerned as he started to look around nervously. "It's not done yet... But I never brought it out here... I don't have a cart..." He was starting to look more and more distraught, "this is all a trick! I-I shouldn't have come out here, there was a path in the fog and, and, Mother and Father say there's evil tricky things in the fog... You're some of the evil things messing with my head and wanting to steal me away!" The boy turned scrambling away towards the tree line. **************************** @@Dji The library was a rather dark and musty smelling building, it's first floor and basement being made of stone and lit with torches, the second floor was more brightly lit being made of wood with large glass windows to let light in. An elderly woman as skinny as bones and with snow white hair tied into a bun greeted Helena cheerfully, "Afternoon little mistress, here for some studies or is there something else I can help you with?" -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Dji Father furrowed his brows to glare at her, "because you know how dangerous it is, it's not safe, you need to stay here where you are protected, with a good home, people who love you and Abigail to play with of course. If I hear about you going out in that fog once more this week you will be grounded!" Mother patted Father on the shoulder to calm him, "Dear please, there's no reason to lose your temper. It's natural for a girl to get curious, but Helena darling you know how the saying ends about curious cats; so do listen to your father. Dark things lurk in those woods." Abigail pushed away from the table, only bones remained on her plate "I'm done! Helena I'm going to go play in the hedge maze, come find me when you're done!" She rushed from the room giggling. Mother finished the last of her pie and tutted, "that girl never clearing her plate. Oh Helena not to interrupt your play time when your done up if you could be a doll and include Clarke with you two? You might have to find him in the library." (You can of course go do whatever you want these are just requests from NPC's, the town is very open world) ******************************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer @@Sanctified Absence "Ummm my name is- aaah!" The boy jumped at the appearance of the new pretty women and small dragon over the cart. His face flushed and he stood, backing away a little, "How did you know my name? Serafinno had gotten up with Whisper to see what al this commotion was about, but as he watched he got more and more confused. Adrass had his metal slingshots drawn on nothing and everyone was talking to empty air. Just now Whisper had just called Clarke's name but he was still taking his long sleep on the cart next to her... Were they all playing some sort of game? -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Dji Abigail grinned, "I thought it seemed like you kept trying to hide! But the fog is supposed to be out of bounds when we're playing hide n' seek." She reached on to the table tearing off a chicken leg then piling her plate with mashed potatoes. Father's spoke from over his plate of salad with his 'you better listen' tone, "The fog should be off limits for all games. This town has lost far too many little ones to careless wandering out there." His tone softened and he reached across the table to pat Helena's hand, "I worry about you being out there, I'm glad you got back but you know me and your Mother have lost others from them wandering too deep and we're lucky to have been blessed with as many children as we've had. To lose you or Abby or Clarke to the forest would be devastating." Mother had already started on an apple pie and spoke between mouthfuls, "Speaking of Clarke where is that boy? I swear he refuses to come out of the library, half the time I think he wishes he could live there. The food Meredith slaved over will be ice cold. I'll have to have Jeeves fetch him... You didn't see him out near the fog when you were coming in did you Helena?" -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Dji As Helena moved through the front gates to the town she was greeted by a town that wasn't busy or bustling with life but for a village in the middle of a forest it was surprisingly lively. Near the barracks armored men sparred while decorated officers discussed tightening defenses and further taming the forest once the fog cleared; in the market place women gossiped and debated over fresh veggies and herbs; teens were seen taking care of chores such as gathering water from the well in the bathhouse or being studious near the library and temple; the loud sounds of travelers sharing stories drifted from the tavern. And at the end of the cobbled main road was an immense Mansion, outside it stood a rather well dressed man who appeared to be waiting for her. "Miss Helena, so good that you arrived before lunch cooled or the rest of the family has finished. I was worried any longer and I would be sent out to search for you, then you most certainly would have been grounded and punished. I'll escort you to the table." The man, whose name came to her mind as Jeeves, took her hand and lead her to the dining room. Making a comment to himself about "hoping young master Clarke would return soon as well". Pushing open the door they were greeted by a heavenly smell of lunch, a feast, buttered corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and gravy, freshly roasted chicken, fresh fruits and on a small table to the side several types of desserts. A young girl with golden curls sprang up from the table, running over and clasping Helena in a tight hug. "I was so worried! You have to be more careful when we play tag near the fog!" Helena remembered this was her sister Abigail and there at the table were two other familiar faces, a kind rotund woman with short cut hair, Mother, and a stern faced man with sharp trimmed beard and mustache though underneath laid an easy good humored smile, Father. Abigail tugged on her arm towards the table, "come on sit down and eat, then we can go play some more!" ******************************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer The little boy scrambled back away from Adrass and Dresden, he tumbled landing hard on his bottom throwing his hands in the air as tears welled in his eyes. The tinkerers mug remained near the cart and Adrass' feet. "I-I'm not a w-wretch! My family is really wealthy!" One hand slid down to rub his bruised tail bone, "I just am really thirsty... so I wanted some of my hot chocolate... I didn't mean to bother you, I don't want to be bad." He looked genuinely sorrowful and guiltily couldn't look the two men in their eyes. "I would have been done and gone already but it won't work and I can't fix it... But I can always fix everything! That why they want to send me away... I can't figure it out though, I made the drink but I can't drink it, it just keeps spilling. I-I don't understand..." He covered his face with his hands and began to cry into them. ************************* @@Sanctified Absence Zaddion dreamed of an unending death, where his body became a corpse and began to rot but was never allowed to rest, a spirit blocked from passing on and locked into its body. He wandered a burnout husk of a town, he could hear the moans and stumbles of other souls suffering like his. Something stalked him from the shadows, a pair of bright but misaligned eyes tracking his slow movement, the head deformed with a slash of a mouth revealing a worm like tongue licking over black stumps of teeth as if in hunger. -
Okay, so for Helena, she can start to explore the town or go to the manor like the man suggested. She might not realize she's in the town of Askcreek but anyone she asks will tell her it is Ashcreek and it's written on the library and tavern. Here is a map of the town. As for the thing where she is a child, when she gets a good look at herself she can realize she looks exactly as she did back when she was seven years old. I just went ahead and put the rest of the group to sleep for the night and started on the stuff happening that night, so I hope that's okay with everyone. ********************* @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Sanctified Absence @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer @@Dji Since I'm back and derping around on the site again I will now shamelessly plug support Luna for most attractive Pony Vs. Rarity. Go vote for Luna! Or you can vote for Rarity if she's your choice... But still go Luna! http://mlpforums.com/topic/117121-the-most-attractive-pony-tournament-2015-magic-bowl-ii/page-46
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Dji Stumbling in the fog towards the sound of the town Helena soon found a path that made walking easier. The fog started to thin somewhat, enough to see the shapes of trees and a large shadow of a building ahead. The whacks of an axe on wood coming from close by. Suddenly she stepped out of the fog into a clearing, looking back she could see the fog remaining still and stretching up into the sky like a wall, it curved around the settlement before her. A huge man stood wielding an axe to work on an oversized Ash tree, but after only two swings he seems to sense someone watching and turned to her. "Ah! Little Helena wandering out in the fog! Missy you shouldn't keep exploring out there, if you lose you're way you'll be lost forever." His tone was familiar and gentle chiding, "Now I'm sure mother and father must be worried sick about you, be a good girl and run along to the manor. I bet they have lunch all ready and waitin too." The man acted she should know who he was and seemed to think she knew him, though something tickled her mind that she did know him. His rebuke and treatment of her though prompted Helena to look at herself and she realized she didn't have any of her possessions, she was dressed in a simple white dress and the most disturbing was her hands were small and not as they should be, so was the rest of her body. The realization that the man and town wasn't huge but instead she was a child hit her hard. ***************************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Sanctified Absence @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer The group had gone to sleep around ten, Finn curled protectively in Whisper's grasp, and the first four hours passed uneventfully. Unknown to most something swirled around Zaddion's Krystal marks, it was not dark magic the hunter might have sensed a dark magic, instead this was an absence of magic, a void that seemed to settle in and feed on the mans own natural connection. It was during the fifth hour when Dresden was on watch and Adrass was still awake that their was a disturbance. Clarke's cart sputtered, gears seemed to turn and their were several clanks and beeps as something messed with the Tinkerers private compartments and the carts systems. Finn stirred slightly at the noise and gave a curious squeak, sniffing the air he couldn't smell anything out of ordinary so he settled back down thinking it might only be something the strange machine might do. On the far side of the cart out of sight until someone investigated crouched a young boy that seemed to be getting increasingly frustrated while messing with one of the tinkerers mugs. -
@@Flying Ace Well I'd suggest guard duty in shifts so everyone can sleep, but however you guys want to do it is fine. Like for example I'm sure Adrass won't let Whisper take a shift because she's his main concern. But yeah maybe fill out a list? Guarding Hour 1 - Hour 2 - Hour 3 - Hour 4 - Hour 5 - Hour 6 - Hour 7 - Hour 8 - And take whichever and as many hours as you want...
Well given Rarity's obsession for being seen as attractive being such a big part of her personality I think it's pretty understandable that her biggest fans also are rather concerned with the concept of her being attractive. I'd say other favorites are less likely to be concerned with their pony actually winning the title, so they are more likely to be more flexible in their considerations.
- 1,135 replies
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@@Dji Well Helena doesn't really know what just happened to her, she's woken up in a crazy thick fog bank and hears sounds of a town nearby. Also the mood has completely changed from the Forest, everything kind of gives off a comforting warmth and a sense of familiarity like you've come home. Maybe she's dead and this is a rewarding afterlife, maybe the spirit has done something to her, maybe it's all a hallucination or a spell. Have her do stuff a more will be revealed of course Deeeeeeeep Disssssssh Pizzzzaaaaaaa (Ah NO Squirlz! Not the face!)
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Sanctified Absence @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer @@Shadow Dancer All this talk about Coppershine and characters from The Needle, heh heh heh, everyone getting a bit cocky? Who's to say everyone's characters will be leaving Ashcreek? Anyways I'm back and still aching all over from the beating that Squirlz gave me (black eye, dislocated jaw, cauliflower ear, ect) She was brutal, so yeah I'd rather avoid that happening again and I know that it's going to happen again if I get my act together and she'll just hunt me down if I disappear again. (Seriously help, she's scary ) So I'm here to stay, let's make this thing epic again. And really thanks for the pep talk and pushing me back in gear for this Squirlz, you're the best.
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Dji With a giggle the girl was in front of Helena, there was no flash or slow fade into reality, one second the air ahead was empty the next the spirit's long golden curls shimmered while framing her grinning porcelain face and mischievous eyes, right arm outstretched. Mid jump It was impossible for Helena to fight her momentum, her chest colliding with the ghostly right hand. They seemed to stop like that in the open air, Helena experiencing a weightless surreal floating feeling. "These woods are mine, I'm everywhere in them; I don't need to be fast to catch you. I just enjoy the game..." She gave a bit more of her light bell tinkling laughter, as her hand began to sink into Helena's flesh. It was wasn't violent or physical, it simply merged into her and felt like she had broken through ice into arctic waters face first. "But you're IT now, Helena," the girl's eyes shined with unnatural light, "I WIN." The hand in her chest twisting and clenching on to something at the very core of her being. The two of them where drifting towards the ground now, the malevolent spirit slowly starting to pull it's hand back out; it seemed to be holding on to something shimmery and dragging it out of Helena. As it pulled the shimmer further from her body Helena sight dimmed more and the feeling of freezing became more intense. By the time their feet touched the ground she didn't even feel it and the last light of the world faded to black.... .... She awoke in pure whiteness breathing warm humid air, the reassuring feeling of rich warm earth fresh with morning dew beneath her body and comforting smells that reminded her of her childhood wafted past. Distant sounds of a lively village reached her ears, if not for this fog that was so thick she couldn't she her own hands then she certainly would have been able to see the clock tower that's bell chimed noon. **************************** @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Sanctified Absence @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer The group was cold and hungry, but especially tired. They'd been setting camp for a nights rest when the werewolves had attacked so they'd had no sleep as they'd ran from the howls of wolves all night; to cover the distance to get so close to the town they had traveled a full day, though it hadn't felt like such the closer to the town they got the more time seemed to distort and lose meaning. As they set to make camp the sun had just disappeared once again beyond the horizon. (I'm going to need to know what you guys do for tonight, if you choose to sleep I need to know who takes guard duty and such. It's also possible to say screw sleep and take the rest of the four hour trek into Ashcreek, if you choose that though the exhaustion of your characters will be pretty damn bad.) -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Dji "Hey! You're really fast!" The spirit swung herself right-side-up and dropped down to start after Helena. The girl followed Helena's path through the trees, she was unnaturally fast and seemed to float or drift exactly the distance to the next branch with ease. The branches didn't shift or bend under her weight but they creaked and crackled turning black and dead. The spirit kept her hand outstretched in Helena's general direction. "You're cheating! I said I wanted to play tag; not hide N' go seek tag! I can sense you though, I'm even better at hide N' seek than tag!" She wasn't gaining on Helena but she wasn't losing ground either as they bounded through the tress. Her outstretched hand began making a beckoning motion in Helena's direction. Helena could feel a tingle running down her back and she began to feel weaker; the leaves all around her began to change from green to autumn colors then to brown drying up and dying. The ghost could suck the life and energy right out of the air. -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Alex Kennedy @@Sanctified Absence @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer Lance scowled at Adrass removing the rapier from his neck to sheath it, "so you blatantly admit that you would sacrifice any of us? You're purposefully putting EVERYONE but you and your ward in danger of being not only being killed but infected and turned into a monster? AND you have the gall to question me as an ally?!" He shook his head, "I expected more of you hunter, some type of nobility or honor, but I guess that only belongs in tales of fiction and romantic lies to sway others to your order." Lance began to move away from the group, "all my warnings are ignored, all my attempts to save you fools are taken as insults or threats; I'm not welcome here I was a fool to think this would work." He pointed deeper into the woods, speaking to Tulla "you wish to walk into Ashcreek, Rough? You want to walk into hell? Be my guest it's a day to two days travel that direction, even from here I can sense it's dark power. But WE are done." He turned at the edge of sight, half in shadows, "Go ahead lead the wolf pack into the demon's den, I have done nothing to offend either, I have earned the lycan's respect before. With you distracting the spirits and the attracting the wolves you'll serve your for me purpose anyways. Guide yourselves, I'm finding my own way. Goodbye." The dancer gracefully slipped completely into the darkness. ******************************* @@Dji Suddenly as Helena prepared to make her next jump a young girl with beautiful long golden hair swung to stare into her face, "Hi! Wanna play?!" The girl's face was upside down and she hung with her knees clinging tight to a branch above. The longer Helena looked the more obviously translucent the girl became. "I never really get to climb tree's but it is a lot of fun." Something about the girl's wide grin was made sinister, perhaps it was that upside down it looked more like a snarling frown. "Let's play tag up here! I'm it!" the girl giggled as she reached a pale corporeal arm out towards Helena's face. -
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Dji @@Alex Kennedy @@Sanctified Absence @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer Hey guys, so I went through a period of absolute writers block and wasn't really writing anything since my last post... Well that's not true I tired the next post rewriting and rewriting and deleting and editing it over and over; nothing I was doing seemed right and I ended up really frustrated. I think I've finally gotten past it and am ready to continue, so anyone still around? I hope you guys are still interested, I had this section and the next all planned out, but like I said I just couldn't write it. Apologies and I hope the party comes back together, sorry for the poor GM'ing on my part lately
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Dji @@Alex Kennedy @@Sanctified Absence @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer Lance kept the blade near Adrass's throat, addressing Dresden, "it is the time and the place, kid, you all are so worried about the werewolves but their territory is pretty spread out across the entire forest. The next hunting pack close enough to help could be anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours off, the woods carry the howls and play tricks with sound. Believe me we aren't going to have a hundred wolves on us at once, it will be another hunting pack of five, then maybe two or three hunting packs, then probably four or five hunting packs then finally the core pack and all the others. They're spread all over some will still take a days travel to reach us. But if I'm right the hunter here has Wolvesbane and has been keeping it to himself, only now deciding to share with the princess. If we all wear it we can hopeful avoid them all together." Lance stared into Adrass's eyes, "and that's not the only supposed use of wolvesbane, is it? Did you really think that myth would save you hunter? I can sense the new magic in you." -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Dji @@Alex Kennedy @@Sanctified Absence @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer Lance had started along with the others but he was busy glaring at Adrass as he tried to figure out exactly what he was sensing from the hunter. Still he responded to Helena's question from moments before, "can't point you in the direction of the nearest shelter honey, the only town in these woods is Ashcreek and the only other shelter to be found here are the caves that the pack uses. They are a huge group split into smaller packs, we just destroyed the hunting pack for this territory so they are calling for help. There won't be many at first but the numbers will build as more and more of the hunting packs come, the longer those howls go on the larger numbers of them we'll see." He drew his rapier twirling it expertly for a moment, held his other hand up in gesture to hold toward Robert, "something like that might work Tiger, but it would alert them to exactly where we are and draw them to the edges of comfortable hearing all around us. It would keep us safe for a time but the moment you stopped playing they would come at us from all sides and we have at least three days constant travel before we could get out, I don't believe you can play around 72 hours straight can you? But perhaps we need not fret as much as we have been..." He quickened his pace and swung his blade so came to rest suddenly almost against Adrass's neck, "Hunter, what was that potion there? You've been hiding things from us and something is wrong inside you. (Just so no one is confused Lance senses the new ice magic Adrass is gaining but thinks it is the werewolf's curse). Maybe you don't understand what you're doing but I won't let you jeopardize me getting through this forest, so you better talk quickly while you still can." -
@@RunsWithSquirlz, @@Flying Ace, @@Sanctified Absence, @@Dji, @, @@Alex Kennedy, Sorry guys obviously I made my last post with the best intentions but my school and work hasn't let up. It seems like every time a final project is completed two more spring up to take it's place. It should come to an end within the next week, I just have to complete the last assignments and take the tests. I'm so sorry about my absence but I've been so mentally exhausted at the end of each day that believe me you wouldn't have wanted me posting non-sense anyways.
This is a Public Service Announcement brought to you by 'Still Alive Inc.' "Life can be a busy pain in the ass but as long as you keep soldiering on through it you can get back to the finer more enjoyable things." We will be returning to your regularly scheduled program shortly (Still pretty busy but I'll be sure to post today)