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private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Alex Kennedy @@Flying Ace @@Shadow Dancer Clarke's mind was racing and the world seemed to be slowed as he worked at picking his lock. It clicked and in his head so did what needed to happen. First Robert needed through the basement door and wasting force bashing up against it like that wouldn't be enough, second Indicus needed an assist and a weapon at least slightly better than a pair of metal spikes. He used his now free hand to throw the curved dagger at Lance and toward Indicus, "Indicus ready!" The knife whipped by Lance as he slid out of its path and continued right to Indicus. Clarke yelled to Robert, "The hinges! Break the hinges!" Clarke could only ball his free fist and prepare as one of the women closed on him, the second a large well muscled woman with a jagged sword turned on Dresden, obviously displeased by his 'wimpy maid' comment. Clarke prayed he'd be able to delay his own opponent long enough for someone to prevent a killing blow, he was no fighter and one of his hands was still securely shackled. -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@ Adrass heard a heavy blow against the other side of the basement door. @@Shadow Dancer @@Alex Kennedy @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Flying Ace The door to basement/dungeon was thick sturdy ashwood that opened inward and as such Robert bounced ineffectively off with a resounding thud. However next to him on the wall the doors neglected and rusted hinges rattled and shook at the strain. Lance giggled at Robert's attempt, though his eyes never left Indicus. "Sorry charmer, that door's made to handle a pounding considerably greater than your limp frame can offer. Why don't you try smooth talking it to open for you?" He looked down to the weapons in his hands and decided he could take Indicus with only the foil, he whipped the parrying dagger at Robert aiming for the heart. He used the momentum of the throw to lead into his assault on Indicus. Flow Dancers are not an opponent to take lightly, their ability to read movement and elite sword skills make them some of the worlds finest duelist and Lance was proving that. Using the greater reach of his foil the maneuverability the now wide open room provided he unleashed a flurry of swipes that could leave bleeding but only skin deep slashes in combination with lighting fast precision thrusts which would be mortally wounding, all the while never closing the distance enough to allow Indicus' smaller weapons to be a threat. "See every move you make before you make it, no man can stand alone before the eternal dance. Bare your heart to me and I will make this quick." He taunted. **************** Clarke was still restrained with no way to slow the women advancing on him, so he tensed while merely glaring and waiting. She paused in front of him the short curved tortures scalpel readied, "at least one of you has the sense to die like he's supposed to." He used the minimal amount of movement he had to launch himself forward when she struck at him. There was a sickening wet crunch as his brass goggles smashed hard against the women's nose, and she toppled backwards to the ground. Clarke gasped at the fire burning in his chest where her knife was lodged and pulling out serrated blade was agony, but he turning it quickly on his shackles trying to pick the locks. It didn't seem likely to matter, three more women had gotten to their feet and two of them were heading for him while the third joined the one advancing on Dresden. The situation was only slightly less grim than being defenseless and tortured to death. -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Shadow Dancer, @@Flying Ace, @@Alex Kennedy, Lance had re-centered himself, and his hands were a blur from his coat and out towards Indicus. The finger sized needles sank deep into the door and its frame in a neat line effectively jamming it. "Did you really think you could just walk out of here?..." He started towards the larger man trading his needles for a small parrying dagger with sword breaker hilt and a foil. "Were you just going to walk out of here? Leave your... I'd say friends but I don't think you have any of those... so group? Yeah. Leave your group behind and save yourself? Got to say you really don't have emotions do you. All the bluntness of a brick." Lance moved past Robert and took a readied stance. "Well then I've had enough short jabs and foreplay, no matter how satisfying my shot to your eye was, let's move on to the little death and believe me, my opponents always come to it first." He smirked clearly enjoying his upper hand. Two of the female staff had also gotten to their feet brandishing the short torture daggers, they advanced toward Clarke and Dresden. -
@@Shadow Dancer, The blast was not strong enough to actually knock down any walls, it threw around debris and loose objects, was able to break some glass windows from the force. But I really had to keep the strenght of it under control or it would have killed Serafinno at the blast center. Even as weak as I made it he's going to be out of comission, have a concussion and blew out all his teeth. He's a young dragon and only half air so it was more of a stun grenade than outright explosion. Your shackles can be loosened but not detached, with a bit of force you can pull them out to a simlar effect. @@Shadow Dancer, @@Flying Ace, @@Sanctified Absence, @, Umm, the magic nulifying runes were on the shackles... One shackle is still on you, so I'd say you're still blocked or at least some what effected. Of course Squirlz could counter any of this if she want's this is her scene after all. Just going to say while I did this and gave us prisoners some freedom to do things and buy us time, we're still really out matched and screwed without some assistance... Zaddion, Adrass hopefully this gives you guys enough time to join/help the girls and then come get us. I can't imagine Madame taking the damage to her Inn well and once prisoners are escaping the staff might not hold back to try and kill us slow.
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Alex Kennedy, @@RunsWithSquirlz, @@Shadow Dancer, @@Flying Ace, When the box and bag came off of Serafinno the young dragon laid completely still, unbreathing and without even a heartbeat to betray the ruse. Clarke stared at the mixed breed dragon and something came suddenly to his mind; he had been researching Air dragons since Whisper had mentioned possibly using their bones for his invention. Air dragons are the most elusive dragons, no one had ever managed to capture one. This wasn't for a lack of trying but rather a defeated or captured air dragon tends to suddenly die and soon after they die an explosion of air wipes out the site of their death and the remains are rarely found... Clarke's eyes went wide, had they trigger that in the half air half fire wyrmling? Was it about unleash some sort of insinctual last resort? Suddenly Finn's body trembled, Clarke clenched his eyes shut and braced themself. ******************************************* Finn's body was still on auto pilot but it suddenly kicked all the systems back on; he trembled and his heart started beating again, he wretched and gagged as if choking or vomiting. His magic was at work and with strange belching sigh he spit up a bubble. The bubble floated there between Finn and the Madame, its outer ring shimmering and rainbow colored with magic, inside was a white swirling mist. Serafinno finally had control of his body again and felt refreshed and relieved after spitting out the bubble, if not rather sleepy. He felt rather mesmerized by the bubble watching it bob gently before him; he didn’t know that it was all the compressed air he had been breathing in or that it was pure explosive wind. He just felt the need to pop it, so he snapped forward and bit it. The bubble burst. A compressive burst tore through the main room, the box Serafinno had been in crashed to pieces against the wall, Serafinno himself followed directly behind it and hit the wall so hard he was knocked unconscious, anyone standing was blasted off their feet, Lance trying to flow with the wind was sent summersaulting back only to slam head first into one of the mirrors, chairs toppled, tables shifted, the windows shattered outward. Thump burst could be heard throughout the inn and a strong gust swept through the halls. One of Dresden’s hands was free, the shackle cut by pure luck from one of Finn’s teeth being blown clear out from biting the bubble. A long shard of glass lay near Robert, close enough he might be able to shift and grab it. ***************************************** Lance let out a moan, his ears were ringing as he struggled to rise. He looked to his mistress the Madame, “What the hell was that? I thought it was a fire dragon?!” -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Shadow Dancer, Lance's arm seemed to make the perfect rolling gesture at just the right time so that Indicus's magic missed him. Lance's fist clenched a needle tighter as he stared at the bound man before him. He leaned in close to scowl in Idicus's face, "Did you just try to attack me!? You bastard, do you even know what I was? I was a Flow Dancer, killers trained to sense the flow of the universe itself and move to avoid or change paths. You think you could even touch me unless I wanted you to? We don't even see the same world." He took the needle in his hand and drove it into Indicus's left eye. He smirked as he said, "And now you see even less of the same world." @@RunsWithSquirlz, @@Alex Kennedy, @@Flying Ace, Clarke was trying to come to terms with the fact that he was about to die, and that his death was only going to come after brutal torture. Seeing the only man pop Indicus's eyeball helped him along that path to acceptance, so did the woman who stepped forward with the small wickedly curved blade. He clenched his eyes shut and was surprised to find he only wished he could see Whisper one last time. The pain of the blade designed to catch and tear against his cheek was excruciating, but suddenly the thumping and screeching from the other side of the room made it and everyone stop. It was coming from the box Serafinno had been put in and suddenly the noise and stuggle in there stopped completely. Clarke looked to Madame uncertainly and strangely furious that she had done something to Whisper's pet, "What did you do to him?!" ******************************************************** Serafinno could smell the blood from Indicus's wounds, he could taste Clarke, Robert and Dresden's fear and panic in the air, and upstairs he could hear Whisper scream; but none of that could stir him from the self defense instincts that being captured had triggered in him. His nostrils continued mercilessly vacuuming in air and finally his body told him it had gathered enough; under the box in the fireproof sack he began to thrash as hard as he could and let out shrieks and cries as if he was one of the ones being throttled and tortured to death. Then as suddenly as he had started he stopped going dead still and limp; he stopped breathing and even his heart stopped beating. For all intents and purposes Finn was dead; still the dragons natural air magic kept the oxygen in his blood moving, forcing his blood to circulate from his pressurized lungs, but no one else could know that. -
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Dji @@Alex Kennedy @@Sanctified Absence @@Flying Ace @ @@Shadow Dancer So breath of life back into this RP, figured I'd call everyone out and make sure people noticed. I'd like to apologize I went on one of my week long breaks from the site. Sorry I promise to try and not let it happen again or to at least give some warning like I should before I do it. I hope everyone is ready to jump back into things, I know I am
If they both get to prepare for the fight then Twilight wins, let's face it she would read everything she possibly could on Superman and then either magically create kryptonite or teleport it in. If she views the fight as a test she's going to come in with every intention to win and multiple solutions to win. Superman on the other hand is unlikely to take a challenge like that seriously and will hold back right off the bat for fear of hurting her, it will be too late for him to go hard enough to win. In a surprise fight where they bump into each other and start fighting for some reason then Superman wins but does get a bit beaten up because he holds back. In a fight were Superman isn't a boy scout and actually goes all out then she has a broken horn or a lobotomy in an instant. Superman almost never goes all out and is OP to the most OP when he does depending on the author. Since I can only see a fight in which they battle to a winner occurring in that first instance I say Twilight is the winner.
Had one of my sudden breaks from the site again, I apologize for my absence. I hate when I do that, I hope I can get back into things without too much trouble. Also tradition demands I should now get a new avatar.
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Once Serafinno was out of sight under the box he breathing changed again, it shift from just breathing in and skipping the exhale to a steady constant inhale. The young dragon was sucking in air like a silent vacuum and even though his lungs were full it didn't stop him; he just stored more and more and more air in him with his body naturally using air magic to compress the incoming air making his lungs very pressurized. @Shadow Dancer Lance was sitting and looking rather bored, he respected the Madame she owned him and had technically saved his life when he had made the mistake of entering Lady Valentines District in Ka'taan, but still her style of business didn't fit a warrior of flowing steel like himself. There was never enough struggle, he had to find fun where he could and tuned out the man the women had been fussing over as he spotted the assassin awakening; here was some fun to be had! The girls and him had been waiting for Indicus to a wake so they could kill him first. Lance moved in his graceful gait to sudden be before Indicus, "I see you're awake big guy, did think I was going to let you ignore me again did you?" He winked at him and produced a long metal needle as thick as a tinkerers pencil, "As soon as I saw you avoiding the girls I knew their would be some penetration between us..." He drove the needle into Indicus' chest the strike was precise to avoid any vitals, "... one way or another that is!" He produced another three needles from his cloak, he carried nearly a hundred and planned to use every single one before he let this asshole die. @@Alex Kennedy @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Flying Ace Clarke felt his spirits rising, despite Dresden's childish insults the Madame seemed to be listening to Robert, they might actual just talk their way out of this! That was until the focus was stolen away from the conversation to the one male staff member becoming sadistic with some sickening twisted beliefs toward Indicus and stabbing him. Clarke could feel the murderous shift in the air... This was not good for negotiations. He had to try and turn focus back to talking, his words were rush and desperate to be shared before the staff joined in tortures, "We don't matter to Mr. hades! But we mean everything to Jaiden and he matters to Hades. Killing us won't help Hades in the slightest, in fact it letting us live might hurt him if what we deliver makes Jaiden too confident and thinking he can leave Hades' service they might go to war with each other! Kill us and Jaiden in his rage will involve Hades, who will track the blame to here and then blame whoever your District Lord is and seek retribution! Think for a moment of the damage you will cause! You are doing no service to your Lord here!" He was panting at the end off it, (did the air seem a little thinner?) out of breath from the outburst but he hoped it had been convincing enough... It was all possibly true, though his focus had been more away from the route of greater good Robert had spoken of and more of personal and criminal well being. -
searching [Searching] OOC After the Last Day (Human Space RP)
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@Firehearted, No problem, I would have told you earlier if I had known. Yes, he has one free hand; the optic is in the very end of it and it's about hose/hot dog thickness there; the optic eye is the size of a quarter. @, @@dashian500, @@Flying Ace, @@RunsWithSquirlz, I am having too much fun sending the aliens after you guys... -
open After the Last Day (Space Adventure Human RP)
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, @@dashian500, @@Flying Ace, @@RunsWithSquirlz, L337 gave a grunt like sound but he did shut up. C473 on the other hand started off bobbing down the hallway humming, it spun around to look back while floating backwards. It called back, "Dylan come on I want to go meet more new friends!" F473 turned to Bruce, "You probably won't listen to me but that language has been identified, you're species named them Xenomorphs or simply Aliens. They are very dangerous, I advise against stayin-". Suddenly their was a loud air horn like sound from L337, "NO! I will not sit by while you directly give advi-". "PREY FOR DEATH!!!" that was the translation that everyone heard, but really it was a loud hissing screech that cut off L337's rant. The scream came from the hallway that Bruce and Connor had left and there moving just into the edge of view on the ceiling was a large crimson shining shelled head with with the huge iconic razor toothed maw wide open to reveal the smaller jaw snapping wildly. From the hallway that Dylan and Tanya had left came the distant echo of, "Prey" then the closer one, "Prey" then overlapping calls of "Prey, Prey"; a multitude of crying hisses. L337 turned it's optic lenses on Tanya, "I believe I have made a mistake and interfered..." -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Alex Kennedy Clarke just smiled at the maid, "Yes I'm sure you hear it every time, but how often often does it ring true? Listen to our words and you can tell that that they are true. My acquaintance is Jaiden Itz of Coppershine. Thee premier crimelord of both kingdoms and we have a delivery for him, one so important he'll burn down all of Ashcreek to find it. So important he'll shut down Coppershine port for a kingdom wide search... You know what that will do right? Coppershine is one of the main supply ports for a certain district of a certain far away land, a place that doesn't like when a single delivery is late. Mr. Hades will want to know why his luxuries are arriving and he'll find out, it will all lead back to here and you. You'll wish for the kindness of being fed to pigs. We are the pebble holding back a boulder of unstoppable horrors, you don't want to break us." It was all the truth... Maybe an exaggeration of the truth, but all of that could happen... He looked over to Robert; bards could put magic in sounds, some could speak with a magical influence. Clarke didn't know if the bard could do something like that but it was worth a shot. "Robert quit joking around and tell them how important our mission is. Make them hear reason and how much of a mistake this would be." He hoped the bard would understand the stresses in his words. ****************************** Serafinno didn't struggle or fight back, he knew he was caught and any thing he did now would only make things worse. Instead he started breathing in, it was a compulsive action, he just breathed in and in and in. It wasn't a noticeable thing, he just stopped letting air out; it was an instinctual air dragons defense, storing air to be used later. -
I don't think the problem was ever thinking Disney couldn't manage the franchise, look at how well they've done with Marvel. The problem goes back to Lucas refusing to ever acknowledge anything not created by him as cannon, they approved whatever they wanted but Lucas could always wave a hand and it was overwritten. So from his point of view Starkiller was never cannon, Boba Fett never escaped the sarlaac, Han and Leia never got married and Luke never trained new jedi, none of the games or books or extended universe that wasn't tv or movie released was not cannon. Fan's hated him for this and his rewrites for a long time, funny thing was that the hate bugged him but he never seemed to understand why fans thought he was a dick. You mentioned Korriban becoming Moraband that was just because Lucas liked the name better for the Clone Wars cartoon and since it's TV and from his mouth it was cannon. I blame his fetish for taking descriptive words and barely changing them to make names: http://i.word.com/idictionary/moribund Disney picked up where he left off, and used the fact Lucas had never admitted anything as cannon to give freedom to their writers and avoid getting caught in the tangled mess of events that was the extended universe. This is not to say everything is lost, deeply ingrained ideas like, Darth Bane, Boba Fett surviving, ect. will most likely be continued. The extended universe is supposedly put in the hands of their staff and told if you want something you can write your own version of it. So anything or one could survive the purge but the story will probably be a bit different. I think Rebel sounds like a fantastic start for Disney, mostly because I've always thought Unleashed's plot was rather stupid. Don't get me wrong the gameplay was great and being able to abuse the force like that was fantastic, but Starkiller was a Garysue. While Nihilus and some other force users were stronger Starkiller was super strong for no reason, that makes him OP. The way the rebellion started in that was so sloppy, I'm sure Disney can do better. I will be watching Rebels, I've got to judge how Disney might handle it.
open After the Last Day (Space Adventure Human RP)
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Flying Ace @@dashian500 @ Back in the darkness there was a growling hiss but the SIRI's manipulated the sound so all the humans could hear and understand it. The translation was simple, "Prey". Something shifted and clanged coming from the hall Tanya and Dylan had left. The sound was muffled as the second creature was somehow above the thick metal roof of the hall, still the translation also carried through to the human. It mixed with the lingering hiss of the first, "Prey". Bruce's SIRI bobbed nervously self preservation protocols running through it's head, "I sense the next closest group of humans is down that path(@Dji @Alex Kennedy @Wind Chaser)". It desperately hoped the humans would take the hint and head down the one hallway that didn't have threatening hisses coming from it. L337, Tanya's SIRI spoke up again scolding Bruce's SIRI, "F473! That was not information that was requested! First C473 is malfunctioning and now you, I'm beginning to believe the 473 series programing is flawed. When this observation assignment is over I will be escorting you both to maintenance for corrective repairs and calling the other 24 of your series for assessment!" -
searching [Searching] OOC After the Last Day (Human Space RP)
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Umm, well are you going to respond to the metal tentacle that's currently choking my character, squeezing your arm and just mentioned taking one of us as a host? I can just continue but I thought you might want a chance to say or do something haha Also I posted this earlier, incase you missed it. -
planning Planning A Changerous Game (RP Changeling Game)
Torrent505 posted a topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
So I want some opinions on this game concept I came up with. I was thinking it could put some tension, mystery and challenge into a versus RP. Any comments are appreciated. (It's late and I'm not even sure if I characterized my idea well enough but I'm posting anyways) A Changerous Game concepts: • The game can have two parts, The Hunt and The War. • The Hunt plays almost like a Slice of Life • Players are in an isolated place with a small population. The population knows that dangerous changelings are on the loose and most ponies are keeping an eye out but life must carry on. • Players are changelings or undercover hunters for the crown. The hunters are stronger than changelings but are always out numbered three to one. • The reason for the large number of changeling drones is a member of the normal population has a "HiveHeart", the changeling that devours this pony will change into the monarch of a new hive. • In the hunt players should do their best not to indicate what they are, you are supposed to be a normal pony. However your character should try to constantly be interacting and figuring out who everyone else is. This is so changelings can gang up on hunters or hunters can eliminate single changelings. • Why don't hunter know other hunters? Because changelings can assume the form of another hunter, so appearance means little and being able to identify another hunter could get them killed if a changeling somehow got the information out of you. • Why can't changelings instantly recognize one another? Being so close to the "HiveHeart" blasts your senses and effects your shapeshifting magic. The only way to sense someone for sure is to leave town with them; similar to change forms you must leave town. Leaving often might give you away as a changeling but staying firmly in town might identify you as a hunter. • Also because of the "HiveHeart" every other night a changeling drone needs to feed to a lethal level, this could leave clues as to who the attacker was but feeding will also make the changeling stronger and if they feed on the "HiveHeart" pony they'll become a monarch. A changeling can feed once everyday if it chooses. • Attacking players, a hunter or changeling can choose to attack another OC. The changeling can do this to feed and eliminate a hunter but if the player they attack is also a changeling the victim can choose to automatically kill them both, fight back or sacrifice itself to give an extra boost to the attacker. Hunters are powerful and can attack other players on intuition but if a hunter kills another hunter it will instantly identify him and he most likely won't survive the swarm of remaining changelings descending on him. • The hunt ends one of two ways, either the hunters kill all the changelings or a changeling eats the "HiveHeart" pony and starts to change. If the first happens then hunters win but if the second happens then the next part if the game begins. • The war starts as soon as the "HiveHeart" pony is dead, the changeling that got the "HiveHeart" cocoons where it fed. The effects it had on the changelings are lifted, they may now shapeshift at will, they instantly identify each other and receive a major magic boost as they are now the praetorian guards of the potential new monarch and hive. Their goal is to protect the cocoon for one day. • Hunters can also feel the shift in magic and a seal bound to them by Celestia breaks delivering them a letter granting emergency powers and magic. They are now permitted to identify themselves as an extension of the crown itself and can martial the population. Their magic auras turn the most harmless of ponies into trained soldiers. That's about as far as I have gotten so far. I have an idea on how I would run the first part but I'm uncertain on the second part. I really need to figure out how to balance fighting and clues, I want outcomes decided by a chance system so it's fair. Also of course I want to know if anyone would be interested in playing a game like this. -
ooc [CLOSED] Equestria: 28 Days Later
Torrent505 replied to Wardaddy's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Oh I think I forgot to mention that CeeCee is a carrier of the virus like in 28 weeks later, so she is infected but won't show any symptoms other than one bloodshot eye with the infected iris, she'll never turn but a down side of it is the infected are extra aggressive (if crazy rage zombies can be more aggressive) towards carriers. At least it was like that in the movie but I haven't confirmed any details with firebolt yet. I did get his approval to make her a carrier though, just so everyone knows. So do you guys listen to music while you write? I always do and I listened to Bastille's 'Bad Blood' while thinking about this RP and it really fits when you just listen to it and think of an infection end of the world story. The 'Bad Blood' being the feuds and problems between group members, the blood in the infected and personally overcoming the things you have to do to survive. I don't know, I tend to over analyze but I felt it was worth sharing, take a listen if you want. -
open After the Last Day (Space Adventure Human RP)
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Flying Ace @@dashian500 @ Bruce's SIRI stopped and answered, "nothing good I'm sure..." It rotated in a circle emitting a spectacular series of different colored lights and thin barely visible scanning lasers. When it came to a stop it spoke, "rapidly approaching from our front is two other humans and two SIRI drones... Oh great it's THOSE two. Behind us I detected movement but no recognizable emission that indicate life or species type, though some species don't give off emissions, particularly nasty ones usually." C473, Dylan's SIRI, rounded a corner ahead of them and was now visible; Tanya and Dylan however were still around the corner and out of sight, "Oh! Hello!" it exclaimed. -
searching [Searching] OOC After the Last Day (Human Space RP)
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@Dji @@Alex Kennedy @@RunsWithSquirlz @@Flying Ace @@dashian500 @ @@Wind Chaser @@Firehearted So I know we had the trouble with the server and then a weekend and people can get pretty busy during the weekend so I can't fault people for that. But the new week has started and I need to know if people are still playing, and if you are please show it by making a post. -
private [CLOSED] Equestria: 28 Days Later
Torrent505 replied to Wardaddy's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Crystal was huffing heavily as she ran, her right backleg was quivering and threatening to give out with each step because of her wound. Still she managed to dive into an alleyway and to squeeze herself behind a dumpster. Not that it helped, one of the infected had managed to follow her and where one of them was others would come. If she waited they would surround the dumpster, shift it, and then it would be over for her. So CeeCee made the increasingly hard decision to try and run for it again, only this time she had the option to go up and she chose it. As quick as she could CeeCee bounded up on top of the dumpster and leaped for a nearby fire escape ladder, she barely caught it and pulled herself up. She started clanging up the metal scaffolding, her heart sinking as looking back she saw the infected earth pony had easily grasped the ladder as well and continued to follow her. She sped up her climb up the stairs only to start panicking a little as an infected Pegasus began coming down the fire escape, she was trapped between the two of them. She'd have to make her own way out, she'd stopped on the third story, looking at the building's wall she lit up her horn testing the wall and finding it's weakest spot. She hit with her magic and a small portion of the wall cracked and crumbled away but strangely this wall was stronger than most and she didn't even make it all the way through, "Oh come on! Come on! That's not fair..." The blast of magic left her woozy, but she focused and sent another shot; this time a bit of darkness appeared just large enough. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room, it seemed she was in a kitchen with her hole in the wall matching up with a gap between a refrigerator and an oven. Voices seemed to be coming from another room, 'Oh no, survivors. I can't let them find me.' she thought to herself. She stayed nestled in the gap between the oven and refrigerator, but suddenly the infected earth pony's huge head came snapping through the hole, it was all he could fit. CeeCee barely suppressed a scream and blasted the stallions face, her magic, specialized for cracking rocks, collapsed his skull. CeeCee nearly vomited are the gore, but swallowed it back down. Outside she could hear the infected Pegasus but it seemed the earth pony was wedged and blocking the small hole. Her head swam with exhaustion from using her magic so much so quickly. She couldn't even bring herself to stand again, instead she merely curled up in the fetal position and hoping the crevice would keep her hidden passed out. -
ooc [CLOSED] Equestria: 28 Days Later
Torrent505 replied to Wardaddy's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@Damonater @Shadowking58 @dusk shade @Gloomfury So I checked with to see if I could still make an application for this RP and he said it was cool so yeah hopeful this is good and I get to play with you guys. Everything so far seems awesome, I'm surprises I hadn't seen this RP earlier. Here's my character Name: Crystal Cracker Nickname: CeeCee Age: 10 Race: Unicorn Crystal pony Appearance: Light blue coat that crystallizes when she's happy, deep blue short curly mane and tail, emerald eyes, cutie mark of a pink heart that is cracked all over. Bio: Crystal is a filly who was having the vacation of a lifetime with her family in Canterlot when the outbreak destroyed everything. Her parents were rock farmers from the Crystal Empire that obviously specialize in crystals. She discovered her special talent and got her cutie mark almost a year ago and it fit her families work perfectly, she can identify weak spots in anything and used her magic to crack it. She's always just used it on stones and crystals until the outbreak, now she's found it's perfect for make crevices in walls to crawl through and the more traumatic discovery that pony skulls are very similar to the large geodes she grew up splitting. Personality: She's a strong independent little filly raised on the farm to be resourceful, but today she's seen her family fight for its life and die. She's been chased constantly by monsters and had ponies that seemed normal and nice turn on her and try to kill her because of the wound on her leg; she no longer trusts any pony and is on the edge of giving up and breaking down like any little filly should have hours ago. Right now she just wants to curl up, cry, and wait for the end but her last promise to her daddy stops those thoughts and keeps here fighting for another breath. First day encounter: Crystal was with her parents when a crowd of infected attacked Canterlot's famous Canter Park. It was horrible, with confusion and gore descending on all the peaceful ponies; the infected tore away her mother while she and her father barely escaped. It didn't last long as they came upon a drain pipe to small for her father, he made her promise to 'stay alive and get out of all this madness' before he started bucking the pipe shut so no pony could follow. Similar to 28 Weeks Later for some reason her father retained some intelligence and hunted her. Later with a group of Pegasus survivors on a rooftop her father lead a small group of infected to attack her and bite her on the leg before she was forced to buck him off of her and the roof. After that every survivor group would notice her bit and either turned her away, drove her off or flat out tried to kill her. Now she's just trying to seek shelter and avoid all ponies whether infected or not. -
open After the Last Day (Space Adventure Human RP)
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@RunsWithSquirlz @@Flying Ace A slight whispery voice came into Dylan's and Tanya's minds, "Hell-Help. Someone's there I can feel your mind... Are the minds of your species strong enough to speak? I need help, please if you understand bring hell-" the voice faded away. C473, Dylan's SIRI, didn't hear the telekinetic voice in their minds so it was focused on the conversation the humans had been having. It seemed to snicker at Tanya, "No names? My databanks suggest at least two names, Tanya Locke, is that wrong or did you forget?! Oh! I know where we can go, there are several humans starting to form groups in this section of ship. Lets go find them!" L337 admonished the other SIRI, "C473! Please cease releasing unrequested information and unauthorized advice! My human showed all signs of wanting to maintain anonymity, not forgetfulness, run you behavior analyzer before responding. Your interference is unacceptable, please report to maintenance and deactivate yourself!" But C473 was already floating away humming while traveling in the direction of Connor and Bruce. @@dashian500 @ Bruce's SIRI responded, "I can lead you to the nearest human but you probably won't like it, they've already met up with another human which doubles the chances they'll be dangerous. You'll probably just go there anyway, sigh." It started to lead them towards Tanya and Dylan. Somewhere behind them well out of sight and the reach of the SIRI's lights but still just barely on the edge of hearing something pulled itself out of the ventilation shaft. The scrapes of its claws sinking into the metal hallways ceiling echoed eerily as it followed the prey trying to observe for a potential moment of ambush. @@Firehearted It was Eric's SIRI that answered, scrap seemed to be busy scanning the metal device, "Eric Herrmann of medical background and behavior indicates an inclination to curiosity but a response of flight under stress. Jackson Boyd alias 'Atlas', slightly older, of a military background though present pursuit leans to knowledge belonging to his species home planets past and behavior indicates an inclination to caution but a response of confrontation under stress. I must suggest neither as your host as it may interfere with G.A. observations."