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Everything posted by Torrent505

  1. OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/109457-searching-ooc-after-the-last-day-human-space-rp/ Players: @RunsWithSquirlz @Alex Kennedy @Flying Ace @Dji @Firehearted Eric had heard the rumors, everyone that was still bothering with government updates heard about it; most people didn't believe it though. He hadn't believed it, an alien ship equal to the size of the comet appears over the planet just before the comet crashes to Earth? It was just something to try and get people to stop panicking and face the end with dignity, he sighed and looked at the woman sprawled on the stretcher in the ambulance, it wasn't working. The riots across Chicago were only getting worse and worse as the end approached. He wished he could have driven home, his parents weren't far but road ways were clogged with abandoned cars and travel was impossible, even the phones were so overloaded with call that nothing was getting through. So he did the only thing he felt he could do to stay sane with the end bearing down on him, his job helping the injured. He focused on helping the women and pulled the emergency treatment kit from a cubby then removed a hemostatic patch to seal her wound and stem the bleeding. Before he could everything went blue and suddenly he was standing alone in a dark cold metal corridor with strange lightly glowing writing in some strange language on the wall. He swallowed a couple of times, his vision swam completely disorientated and his head throbbed. Whatever had just happened it wasn't pleasant. He collapsed to his knees holding his aching head before passing out.
  2. Of course! I actually encourage cheating and using yourself, that's what I'm doing (with a few changes) but yeah you'll still need a character sheet
  3. Not until later in the story, I want everyone to start out focused on one character but yeah when they show up I'd allow it.
  4. @@Dji Two people Guiseppe knows got picked by the ship, one is very close to him and the other a friend/acquaintance. This means nothing (except for fluff) right now, later it might. You can create them if you want, mostly I thought it might be nice that the OC's had some remnants of their old life survive too. @@RunsWithSquirlz That's still up in the air right now, most likely they will be in stasis but they might not be. That's one of the random things that could happen to your characters.
  5. @@Dji yes for your character it was pretty good, it's just fluff stuff and it may or may not end up in the RP. The ship picked up a bit less than 10% of the population, (700 million people, almost all went to stasis. Our characters are lucky exceptions, still that should give you an idea of how massive this ship is) your choice got factored by my rolls and two people you'd consider someone you know got picked up as well, and they were someone close to you (family member, intimate relationship, best friend) and a casual friend. @@RunsWithSquirlz you rolled only one person you knew ending up on the ship and they were a causal friend. I rolled two people, a causal friend and some one I dislike.
  6. @@RunsWithSquirlz, That first part was perfect. I'll give my own too, I'm going odd and low. The Ship In our language the Ship is named Reprieve. It is actually a massive collection of huge alien ships joined together, this means that inside the ship there are all different types of environments and styles.
  7. @@Dji, @@Alex Kennedy, @@Firehearted, You guys are all approved, Firehearted careful with the military background try not to be too much of a crack shot or super soldier (I don't think that will be a problem with only a two year service) I'm going to probably open up the actual RP tonight, accepting new players will remain open for maybe up to five more players, I haven't decided on the cap. People will wake up in different parts of the giant ship, though we will be starting relatively close to one another. Others to join will simply wake up a little later than others. Also for everybody right now, @@RunsWithSquirlz, I need you all to pick high or low and odd or even. Just a little pregame randomness I'm doing.
  8. The reason I support the Mighty Glacier is that is the character everyone on the field fears, he's the guy in heavy plate armor swinging the great sword that's slowly cleaving his way through the battle, he shrugs off hits like nothing and ends others in a single swing. On the other hand the fragile speedster is a threat only noticed with perspective which do to his flighty nature tends to go unnoticed, his weaving and dodging skill are great while he picks enemies a part with many glancing to average blows, but that takes too long to long to actually finish others and doesn't have the devastating psychological effect the sight of a Might Glacier does. Also there's the factor that an unnoticed arrow or unexpected blade could end the speedster in an instant. However if the Fragile Speedster is also a Glass Cannon that's considerably more bad ass and dangerous. One on one I'd say a serious Fragile Speedster with a weapon that can hurt the Mighty Glacier would win but we're talking about who kicks more ass not win in a fight. TL;DR Mighty Glacier kicks more ass overall and on a larger field, Fragile Speedster wins a one on one though less kick ass overall
  9. Clarke shook his head, "I wouldn't do that... Not all of that at least." Guilt wracked him now, he didn't believe it but maybe his mind was the one that had made this twisted rotten world. He tried to justify himself, "All of Illia wanted you, your mission was doomed from the beginning. What was I supposed to do, fight an entire country for you? Smuggle you under the noses of madmen and the noble elite? It was impossible, any contacts I would usually rely on would betray us. Selling you to Jaiden was the the best solution." He looked away from her, he couldn't stand to keep eye contact. "He's crime lord and possibly mad but he wouldn't have mistreated you and you would have ended up liking him, everyone ends up liking him. He's the only one in Illia that I could think of powerful enough to protect you from the whoever is high enough in the capital to send the Iron Maiden. Don't you think I've had second thoughts? Especially now that I..." Clarke glance back at Whisper his eyes had started to tear with the thought that he did this to her, but he forced the emotions down, "...It was the only way I could protect you, it started out being about the money, but that's just a side benefit now. Jaiden is the only way I get to see you end up at least a little safe." He approached the cage she was in focusing his gaze on the machinery and anywhere but her face. He rested a hand against the glass, "And if somehow I had a way to buy you back from him, if I could even convince you to leave him and the danger had passed... It wouldn't have ended up like this, I couldn't do this to you and get everything I want."
  10. Thanks guys, glad you like it I'm looking forward to your characters
  11. I'm starting up a new RP unrelated to the FoA series. (Sci-fi infact) You guys are great so I figured I'd let you know. http://mlpforums.com/topic/109457-ooc-after-the-last-day-human-space-rp/
  12. After the Last Day (A Human Space RP) RP Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/109534-after-the-last-day-space-adventure-human-rp/ Rules: • All forum rules • No Godmodding • No OP characters • Post minimum of once per day • Violence and Romance is all part of the story. So go ahead. • This is supposed to be a rather campy RP so have fun and enjoy yourself. No choice is a wrong choice. (But it might kill you) Plot: It came too quick for us to stop it, a comet large enough to kill Earth and we were powerless before it. The governments tried and failed; we were forced to watch as it grew larger, visible to the naked eye, moving at an incredible speed but to us who were so small by comparison it was slow and terrifyingly beautiful. The Earth died covered in riots, murders, suicides, love making, child comforting, prayer, screams, silent acceptance, hate and even peace. All of humanity displayed in shocking clarity its best and worst aspects. Someone out there must have seen something worth saving because humanity didn't die with its planet. A ship came in the last hour of life on Earth, a massive ship that worked quickly to pluck at what our home had to offer. At a blinding pace it summoned humans at what seemed to be random happenstance to its labyrinthine insides and when the Earth was finally burning in molten slag it moved on. You are one of the survivors plucked from wherever you had been in the final moments; suddenly now you stand in the empty alien halls of this strange inhuman and automated craft. Earth has seen its last day, you and others have outlived it, the galaxy and so many unanswered questions remain after Earth has faded to nothing but a pin of light. What comes next for you? ********************** This is going to be a sci-fi RP with a focus on character growth and a flexible story line. I'd prefer that characters be mostly average people, as an example my main character is going to be as closely based on myself as I can manage with the one exception that he has completed training as a paramedic and as a result has a basic medical background. Characters in the RP are going to grow and change based on their actions, personality and random luck (some things will depend on a roll of the dice). There will be a lot of possibilities and chances for your characters to advance. To apply fill out a character sheet. Character sheet: (my character as a sample) Name: Eric Herrmann Age: 24 Profession: Paramedic Description: Caucasian, blues eyes, brown hair, average build, wears glasses. Personality: Rather nerdy, a bit focused on himself and sometimes oblivious but he has a good heart. Bio: Eric had some trouble in college figuring himself out and worrying about his future. He found fulfillment in working as paramedic loving the opportunity to help people. His greatest regret is he never got to say goodbye to his family. Last moment on Earth: In an ambulance trying to deal with the abundance of people injured during the riots of that final day. Equipment: first aid medical kit and medical emergency field kit. ****************** As for the alien species; humanity apparently has some latent psychic abilities and many of the things and creatures we've dreamed up over the millennia are actual representations of alien races. So don't be surprised if there are things you recognize from other stories but they aren't exactly the same.
  13. A family wanted to record their dog going to sleep on their iPad, the hospital obliged them and had me film for them. Such a sad strange experience...

    1. Alex Kennedy

      Alex Kennedy

      To be honest, I never could decide if it was lucky or unlucky that my dog went on his own before we had to put him to sleep. It's a horrible choice to have to make. I can't imagine wanting to go back and watch it happen, but to each their own I guess.

  14. "I am beyond stressed and far beyond grouchy." Clarke peered back the way he had came and saw he was looking into the same room and could see his own back; he thought for a moment about crossing the room and taking the elevator but decided whether going up or down the metal box would simply enter the room from the other direction. (Now you're thinking with portals ) He sigh in exasperation and reluctant defeat, he as stuck in this impossible room with it's impossible people; this whole world seemed to be a trap and one he was being forced to spring. He finally forced himself to meet Whisper's eyes, "I don't know why I am here. But why are you here?" He felt like both answers were important.
  15. Indicus talking to the version of himself that wants to be his own man is rather depressing I imagine them singing different verses of this song at each other http://youtu.be/rLS3wV0KpNM
  16. Clarke stared in utter disbelief and didn't even realize he spoke aloud, "so this is the price?" Whatever charm and desire this world held for him was gone now. His fists clenched, "This is the price?!" This world had shown him a family he he'd do ANYTHING to keep, it had made him feel that, maybe he would have even continued this horribleness... But there was something he hadn't known before, what he was willing to do to HAVE the family to begin with, that did have its limits. This was far beyond those limits. He looked at the children that were at once forever and never his, he both loved and despised them for their acceptance of what he had obviously and mercilessly done to excel so far in the Order with his family. He now spoke to them, his outrage from before had turned cold "I'd never pay this price to have you, I'm sorry." It felt right to apologize to them, they'd never exist because of him. "I'm a bad man and I'll do bad things to become the Grand Inventor but to have a family as well... I'd have to become a monster and I will never become a monster." Clarke turned away from the nonexistent children in front of the cage that would also never exist and the women he refused to acknowledge. He went to leave the chamber at a side door, he still had his scatter gun and chainsword they were always at his back even this false reality hadn't changed that. He was going to find whoever made this world so twisted, whoever had forced him to acknowledge and forsake his desire for an impossible family; he was going to kill them for tempting him with this sick but wonderful lie.
  17. Why thank you, when a character is made out to have obtained a Demi-God level of power (you know ageless ruler for over a 1000 years speaks for itself) things tend to become rather boring if they don't go batshit crazy like Discord, I imagine it's why she took on a student and hands everything off on her, makes things exciting if there's a threat of failure.
  18. Clarke wondered at why he had answered the children as he had, it had for whatever reason been an easy answer to give. Now he was curious just what he had given permission for, "I'll go down with them and make sure there's no trouble. You know it never is a problem love, but I know it worries you." He had managed to eat several mouthfuls and cross the room to joining the children at the elevator right as it arrived. He was still chewing thoughtfully though he paused to make faces at his kids. He loved to hear their laughter. ************** Lance had accompanied the buyers and stood waiting with them making sure everything was perfect and to their liking. He did his best to soothe any of their concerns and answer their questions. **************** Serafinno was in a very different situation than the others, he woke up in a very very foul mood. The smells of the inn struggled to calm him but that just made him more upset. This place had seemed so nice, everyone had oooh'ed and aaah'ed while fawning over him, it had been such fun and he felt so close to his new friends and the staff; then they had all forgotten about and abandoned him!! It was all a big lie! Everyone here was just pretending to like him and they just left him to sleep on the cold, smelly, and wet with sticky ale and alcohol! He was going to find Whisper and give her a piece of his mind! He wandered out into the hall following her scent.
  19. The implications were clear, the familiarity he felt for them finally justified. They were his family, his wife and two adorable children and he loved more than anything in the world; but they were also impossible. Tinkerers very rarely started a family and those that did commit to another experienced the equivalent of professional suicide, they would never advance in the Order and were shunned by all other Tinkerers; for him to be High Tinkerer and have a family... Impossible. His mind began to fight against the lie and the same time would do everything to stay; it was impossible but they were his family and he loved them so much, he had his job and them it was all he could have ever wanted, a want he could never admit or have. He HAD to stay he HAD to be with them, his head had begun to ache but he ignored it. "Of course son you can feed her just be gentle, and only what your mother lets you. Not all sweets." He chuckled. He moved his chair close to his wife's and took her hand kissing it, "you are looking magnificent today love, you know that?" He needed to let her know how much she meant to him before whatever was wrong happened, before whatever was fated to end this wonderfully impossible world came to pass.
  20. Clarke stared at this family before him and again his mind was insisting things that didn't make any sense. Insisting he knew things that he didn't, making these people he had never met familiar. He spoke to them calmly and sweetly because his mind told him that's how he was supposed to behave and still subconsciously he sought information, "I'm glad to be out of there myself, one can only work for so long before the mind fatigues. Lunch with all of you reenergizes me more than the strongest coffee." He pulled up a seat to join them and pull a plate towards himself, "I heard something about landing? How closes are we? Is it the last stop? Are we finally there?" For some reason he chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair looking at the beautiful woman and her little girl, "You know you're very lucky, most Tinkerers would never let a family inside anything in the Order." ************************** Lance pushed his way through the staff and the buyers; he took a knee and bowed his head before Madame as she was performing her art. "Mistress what can I do for you?"
  21. Clarke stared at the boy, he was familiar looking something about him called to Clarke's memory, his mind was screaming at him that he knew this boy. His dreaming mind twisted the moment and made it make sense to him; his mind was tried he'd spent the entire morning working on his projects, he hadn't eaten breakfast or had any water, he had a bit of a headache and all that together left him somewhat disorientated. Lunch would do him good, he should go with the boy and eat lunch. Clarke lifted up his goggles and set them on his forehead, he knuckled his fists at his tired aching eyes, "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you. I hadn't realized it had gotten so late in the day. Who would I be eating lunch with? Sorry my thoughts are a bit jumbled and stuck on the designs, I'm a bit slow refocusing on reality sometimes." He chuckled and rubbed his temple to help relieve the ache in his head.
  22. Looking at great quotes for to post something meaningful, I hope one day I'll make something other people quote.

  23. Clarke paused staring at the designs in front of him, taking them in; they were wondrous things far beyond his knowledge, thing he had only dreamed of but the notes and schematic's all made sense they were correct. Of course they were correct he had designed them and he understood how all the notes made the machines work... at least his sleeping mind told him it did. He had no way of knowing it was just his brain filling in details and forcing him to see it as truth. He looked to the door, someone had been knocking; so he rose to walk to it and cracked it open slightly to peer outside, no Tinkerer was foolish enough to invite someone in while their designs and schematics were exposed. "Who's disturbing my drafting hours?!" He questioned as he peer out of the crack in the door, Clarke had never had time devoted to designing inventions before but for some reason the question felt appropriate.
  24. Stuck hanging out as the third wheel, never experienced it from this side... It sucks.

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