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Everything posted by Torrent505

  1. @@Shadow Dancer, @@Sanctified Absence, @@Flying Ace, @@RunsWithSquirlz, Clarke took in their words, and ignoring the attitude of the mage in the fancy robes, he was greatful to final have a clear picture of everything that was happening and the fact that it fit his plans perfectly. He chose his words carefully, "Yes... yes I can help and I would need payment, but a Tinkerer is always paid after the work is completed and for a job such as this I'll accept a price based off your satisfaction and opinion of my work when the job is done." He took her hand gently, holding it delicately and inspecting it but neither shaking it or kissing it as he felt neither was appropraite. Instead he continued to speak while holding it, "I'm glad you find a new name acceptable Miss Whisp, because even without a name I was able to figure out who you are so you will need to change even more. If my job is to get you to the King alive then the best chance to evade the traitor is to not let anyone recognize you, my advice it to first cut your hair and possbily even dye it, black is the most common Illian hair color, a beautiful red is extraordinarily rare." He slowly let her hand go half expecting she would slap him for suggesting to cut her regal lockes, nobles could be so impetuous. @@Dji, Sarah stuggled a little in Helena's grasp, "NO! I was wrong, you're bad and your clothes are stupid! I'm not going to betray my friend." She stopped struggling cause it was getting her nowhere and she simply slumped looking a bit defeated, her face scrunched up in a frown and tears in her eyes, "He was really nice, Hunters aren't monsters don't go after him! He said he'd try and find my Daddy and send him home if he finds him and, and only Hunters can find mages so he's the only way. Please, please, he was nice."
  2. While the tinkerer could appreciate the guards bluntness, he felt like he had been punched in the gut and suddenly thought he understood why the princess was so sad; to go from a safe well protected noble girl meant to inherit a realm to being chased by a monster of legendary proportions with only this small grace of protection? His first fear was of what the Iron maiden could do to his cart, then what she could do to him and final the fear that he might not be able to make all the money that this little princess was worth. He closed his eye and started to hyperventilate a little, before settling into a few deep calming breaths. 'LOGIC CLARKE, STICK TO THE LOGIC NO EMOTIONS COME ON PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!' He mentally screamed at himself. That worked he opened his eyes again looking neutral and centered, he spoke to all the could hear him, "Well finally I'm hearing some truth from you... The Iron Maiden you say? The Kings murderous mercenary Iron Maiden? I'd heard you were coming here to heal the King, if that's not the case and it's just rumors of the royal agreement what are you really doing in Illia and why does the crown want you dead? Were are you going undercover like this? I might be able to help." @@Dji, Sarah felt her face redden, the women wasn't Mardrak's friend and see wasn't even a Hunter, that message was probably really important and secret Hunter information and she blurted it out to a stranger! And this women was asking so many questions, if the message didn't mean anything to her why did she want to know what the receiver was supposed to look like? Before Mardrak had left he'd said to be careful that some people might not like that she knew him, what if this women was lying she could be a spy or a person that hunted Hunters! Her imagination was running wild and it scared her, she swallowed visibly, "I-I... Sorry I nneed to go!" she spun as quick as she could to run off.
  3. Sarah blushed a bit, "I'd get in a lot more trouble than you if anyone found out..." she was uncertain about sharing but she wanted to impress this woman thief. Befriending a thief and Hunter in the same day was too much temptation for the little girl, "...the master of the farmlands all around the city comes into market every once in a while and he's loose with his coins so I started taking one coin each time he comes. I got a gold one last time he visited!" She giggle conspiratorially, "he didn't even notice!" She shrugged a bit, "I think they're really cool, I really like-" she touched the part of her costume covering Helena's hair and that could cover her mouth, unable to come up with a name she simply said, "-this. You kinda like the hunter did, are you a hunter? Are you the hunter following Mardrak? Is that why you're stealing those? Do you have the little writing things on your arrows? He says 'He's alive, but too close to the fire. He's as much of a hunter as you are now'". All the words came out in a rush. Sarah knew the woman didn't fit the description of a long coat and hat but how did Mardrak know she would be wearing that? And the possibility of completing her side of the job on the first day excited her too much and exciting people never came through town so why else might this woman be here?
  4. Oh no it's not a problem to have a character like that, I meant no offense of course, I can't imagine it being easy to stick true to his character like when you want to be able to post so it's kudos for sticking to it. Go ahead, I'm curious how you're going to do that
  5. Eh, I think it happens sometimes when an RP tells it's players to do their own thing, especially when we're all gathering to head out... Like Helena went and did something very useful but now we need to wait for her to come back to leave. Things always seem smoother and quicker when there's a goal, destination or some action going on. :/ but yes it is too quiet. Lol watch my last post grow and grow as I try to create some interaction It doesn't help that Indicus is a quiet introspective type, quietly thinking to himself Shadow dancer has no real reason to post again, other to think some more since Indicus isn't interested in talking to the others
  6. Clarke was still loosely holding Tugg's paw, he looked away from Tulla and back at the creature, "Oh, um yes. I accept your apology chimera..." he hesitated straining to remember overhearing its name, "... Tugg? Correct? ...And... I apologize for rushing into you I most certainly didn't mean to." He felt astoundingly foolish for doing this, sure chimeras could be trained, could learn comands and mimic their masters teachings but actually comprehending language manners? Really how much did this bestie understand what he was saying? **************************** Serafinno had been right, Whisper was ignoring him like he was ignoring her, so she had to be mad still. He gave Dresden a long soft series of grumbles and mumbles that didn't really mean to much and blew a little strangely fluffly looking puff of smoke lazily into his face. It was a dragons equivalent of a shrugged and cold shoulder, he gave a snicker as he rolled onto his back stretching over the warm boulder. His claws stuck straight up and his curled his wings over his belly; he breathed more puffy little smoke clouds over his stomach trapping them with his air magic and playing with and shaping them with his feet and flaps of his wings. Truthfully he was more interested in what Whisper was saying, he hadn't really paid this stuff much attention leading up to when the caravan was departing, so what Whisper was doing for the King was news to him; he did his best to not let it show but his ears where turned towards her and he keep stealing glances at the two. @@Dji, (thread needs more adorable little girl) A young bright eyed girl with shoulder length unwashed black hair stood at the end of the alleyway, Sarah swayed and played with the loose burlap sundress trying to not look too nervous and ready to run if this woman was mad she had been seen. When their eyed met for a moment she managed a quiet, "Stealing is wrong..." then gave a shy smile, "...I did it once too." She tapped her two forefingers together want to say something more, "your clothes are really cool." she finished lamely though in truth it was why she had started following the woman. After Mardrak the Hunter had left the woman had come by and feeling brave Sarah had followed merely want to ask about her interesting clothes. She felt very foolish and had an urge to run off but resisted it for now. Clarke let the chimera's paws drop as he spotted something back behind it coming from town. He flipped a couple of lenses on his goggles to view it from the distance better and it only confirmed his fears. "Oh that is most certainly not good." He turned his back on Tugg rushing over towards the princess. He ignored the dragon as it turned it's eyes on him and gave a growl, he addressed the mopey noble directly. "Uh apologies for the intrusion, but your party wouldn't happen to be undercover to avoid a witch hunter would it? Cause there is one rapidly approaching but he is on foot and I know a path that can be used to avoid pursuit but to stay ahead of him we would need to leave now."
  7. I'll post Clarke noticing Adrass approaching if you want, he's the only one that doesn't know Adrass is with the group and seeing what obivously look like a witch hunter approaching a bunch of witch protectors and a mage princess would set off some alarm bells in his head. Unless you had some other way or things you wanted Adrass to do on his walk over.
  8. Serafinno ate the bit of food Whisper offered him, he knew he was getting off easy this time. He was a bit confused though, Whisper had forgiven him for harming the people that harmed the caravan but was mad at him for trying to harm this 'Clarke'; the man had been going to harm Tugg! Maybe human logic was it was okay to harm someone but only if they caused harm first? Hmmm, but then bad people would always hurt someone before being stopped, he didn't like that idea. He was disturbed from his deep thoughts by the sound of Whisper crying, that wasn't right, Whisper didn't usually cry from an accident, usually she might stay angry a while but later she would smile and laugh again, even try to make light of the accident with little jokes and mocking with him... If something made Whisper cry it was usually very bad. He slowly slinked his way over to the boulder, giving Clarke a dirty look as he passed. He skittered up on the rock and started to pretend to be interested in sunning himself, he didn't look directly at her and focused on trying to look regal and uninterested cause despite the food she gave him they were probably still fighting so she might send him away if he tried to comfort her directly. He didn't acknowledge Dresden either he just lazily spread out his wings and shaded Dresden and Whisper from the nearing noon sun, under the pretense of sunning himself of course. *************** Clarke stared at Tugg's paw not certain what to do, it was pretty clear the chimera didn't really want to make peace and the owner, who was also the alcoholic he had noticed before, was forcing it. Given the glare the dragon had given him in passing, the concept that all animals hate tinkerers was becoming more and more real to him. If he wanted to live through this journey to collect on the princess he'd need to steer clear of the beasties, maybe convince the others to send them away? Well first he had to convince the group to accept and follow him. Still the creatures paw hung before him, maybe he wanted Clarke to shake it? That's how some 'people' end disputes right? He reached gripping the paw and slowly moving up and down. He looked uncertainly at Tulla, "uh, I accept his apology... thank you?"
  9. @@RunsWithSquirlz, When the Princess's response was to yell stop in his face he literally slammed on the brake and the cart jerked to a stop. He observed her little tantrum with a nuetral face, better not to accidentally provoke her. It didn't amuse him, actually he found it rather sad that the princess was like any other stuck up noble child he had met, demanding things, throwing her title around and even threatening to tattle on him to their powerful relative. She had seemed like maybe someone better at the inn, apparently she was a better actor than the rest of her guards. He tapped a compartment open, might as well act like a submissive subservent commoner if he wanted to make any money off this girl's position and power; given her apparent personality he was looking foward to that. He bowed his head, "Of course I understand my Lady, though perhaps the Crown should know that your entourage is not up to par in keeping you identity secret." He gestured toward the opened compartment, "If you're hungry I have honeyed bread and a rather fine beef jerky that satiates me duing my travels, accompanied with your handler's boar stew it should be a suitible breakfast. I apologize for an wounds my cart caused you, it was beyond my control." As if in response to this a thud sounded as a dragon landed rather ungracefully a ways distant from the cart, it hung its head, hiding it behind a wing and out of sight from thegroup. It gave a little bellow and refused to come any closer, between this groups Chimera and now a dragon too large to be a proper pet Clarke began to feel nervous again. ************************************************************ Finn made the trip down from the clouds in many many lazy circles, he really didn't want to come down right now. He didn't want to get scolded in front of all the new human friends he had made and especially not the strange man whose fault it was to begin with! But she had yelled his full name, she only did that when she really meant something. Finally he came to ground a little ways from the group. He hid his face, looking at a bloody Whisper always made him feel worse and guilty even when he wasn't involved. He gave a quiet sad call to show he was sorry, but he wasn't going to go over there; it hadn't been his fault, Whisper hadn't been out the window when he flapped and it only should have knocked the strange man flat. He didn't deserve to get yelled at he was trying to do good, he didn't mean it to happen. He gave a little whimper at too low of a frequency for any humans to hear. @, Sarah nodded her head as she repeated the words to herself. She gave a smile, "I can keep the coins?" she gave a little happy whoop tying the bag back to her neck. "I can do that. Hunters haven't come through here since I was real little, I think that was when my mom told them to find my dad too. You're the first one I've met but if I see her I WILL tell her." She looked a little sad as he let go of her to leave, "I won't trust it, but send my daddy home if you can. Please." Once he was a few feet away she ran up beside him and took hold of his three fingered hand between her smaller ones, "And if you can't find him right away that's okay... but come back and visit again, not all adults are nice like you. Can-can I ask your name? I want to tell the other kids that I have friend who's a hunter and they won't believe it if I just call you Mister Hunter." Given the way village folk nearby were staring untrustingly at the hunter talking to the local girl, who they most likely know had been fathered by a mage, it was unlikely that anyone wouldn't believe her later.
  10. Eh, like Squirlz said you can always just jump back in can skimp on some details. Or we can always have Adrass come back to get you and you both just go following his magick seeking senses to Whisper, then most of what has happened won't really matter. Or if it's cause you feel like you lost touch with your character you can always decide he doesn't want to follow them and make a new one, though like I've said the doctor has a lot of potential... then again most of the character you create have lots of potential and depth. All up to you man and how you want to get back into it, if you even want to get back in it too. How was your trip by the way?
  11. So we decide everyone is in the same town. The doctor was left by Adrass to sleep in a safe secluded little alleyway while he went to get supplies. The group spent the night in the inn only to be kicked out in the morning by the crotchety Innkeeper for being suspicious when Indicus paid far too much for a musical group that was attacked by bandits. Meanwhile, Tulla, Helena and Robert went and got Tugg. Clarke (my steampunk type PC) had a run in with Tugg that lead to a stand off, Finn watching from the clouds above decided to try and end it with a blast of wind to knock over Clarke, unfortunately Whisper leaned out the window in it's path and fell a story onto a very unconformable metal cart. So the group is hightailing it out of town under the guise of getting her to the nearest LOCAL doctor, but she's healing fine. So everyone is supposed to try and find their way out of town to meet up again. I think that sums it up, a lot more fun and character relations building with the details though, if you have time to go back and read through Also Squirlz and I are going to be launching a side RP to explore other parts of the world and its different aspects. The planning thread is here http://mlpforums.com/topic/105710-thread-and-needle-oocnon-ponyfantasypirateadventuredarkbetrayalromance/
  12. @Shadow Dancer @Flying Ace Clarke sighed at the armored fellow and the water Mage, "hmmm, so you're group prefers the barest attempts of subtle intrigue even when so blatantly confronted? That might serve you well in the future, though maybe silence would serve even more so if your lady's true identity does not become less obvious and the additional hints cannot be avoided." He gave a meaningful glance at the princess's blood spewing and still healing body. He slowed the cart but did not stop it. He leaned over to her, "Lady... No that's no good. Whisp? Yes that will do for now." He muttered to himself before refocusing on her, "Miss Whisp, if you want this cart to stop I am going to need you to tell me aloud that you have the wounds under control, I can't have someone of such importance dying on my cart you see. It would be terribly damaging to my reputation to not give any additional aide to a pretty girl like yourself and it's quite obvious that your traveling musicians would NEVER be hired again should you die on them." ************** Finn hung about in the clouds over the traveling cart, he could see Whisper was recovering now; Dresden and Indicus weren't attacking the strange man so he couldn't be a threat to her at least right now. So he waited for Whisper to heal completely and for her to calm things down as well as to relax herself. He had seen Whisper take more damage or at least similar wounds before, she would be find but when she was healed she would be CRANKY, she still felt the pain of the wounds and the energy to heal always left her starvingly hungry. He didn't look forward to the scolding he was in for, though seeing her snap on the strange little man and their new friends might just be worth it... *********** Sarah sagged looking almost to tears when he said he was sorry expecting to be completely rejected but at Adrass's smile and request for his name she began bouncing up and down "You'll take the job! You'll take the JOB! You can find my Daddy! And, And we'll, We'll-" she jumped onto Adrass's chest hugging him tightly shivering from excitement and joy, she smelled of sweat, earth and strangely a touch of lilac. She pulled away a touch of blush on her face, tears in her eyes and two fresh slightly cleaner streaks on her face. Her voice still quavered as she tried to get keep it under control, "s-ssorry M-Mister Hunter, I..." She took a breath, "my daddy's name is Jaiden, my mom says he was a handsome man, with grey eyes, black hair, a smile that could light up a room and a touch to put tingles in your heart... Is that enough to find him?" She seemed to think for a moment, "Oh and he's an el-el-elec-elelec..." She huffed in frustration as the word, "he's an lightning Mage! But momma says he's really weak and couldn't really do anything with it."
  13. Add another women Name: Mary-Anne (Goes only by Anne now) Age: 27 (stopped aging a year ago) Country: An'eport (pronounced Any-port ) Ka'taan Occupation/Class: Sailor, Adventurer, Thief Description: Wavy blonde hair cut short, deeply tanned skin, athletic body, white and easy smile, seafoam green eyes with a dead dispassionate stare. Personality: Madness defines Anne. When caffeinated she is tolerable, even sometimes bubbly; otherwise she seems to have a deep angry rage against many things. She has a tendency to stare or to drift off into silence during conversation, she talks to her weapon (usually a dagger) often. Bio: Mary-Anne hasn't had an easy life, being raised in a Ka'taan port is never easy but she survived. Eventually she even got out of the port and took to the sea like she had always belonged there, at age 12 she ended up on Captain London's ship Needle and served as the cabin girl to Captain London until she was 18. When she was 18 she meet Milo, a charismatic a Air Mage who could literally steal her breathe away and won her heart. For over 8 years they sailed the ocean first on a ship they shared and then on one they managed with a small crew, they travel the world plundering unexplored lands and raiding ancient ruins. It all ended after a particularly profitable haul... He took the gold and ship, he stranded her on an abandoned jungle island with absolutely nothing. But in the temple she found something they had missed, hidden in a sealed room behind stone walls she had beaten for months in mindless hate of the temple that had taken everything. It was an ancient rusted short sword, and when took it as a sign to end it all she opened her wrist with it; what she could never have known was the weapon held a sealed MALEVIAN. (A race regarded a myth, this world's devils. Legends are common but remain legends. Please don't recognize the weapon as anything more than unnatural). She sold the thing her eternal service for the guarantee that she might kill her once lover with her bare hands. Just over a year later here she is looking for work and the chance to find the man that spurned her. Weapon/Equipment: Malevian Weapon, an intelligent pure evil spirit trapped in an inanimate object. It can shapeshift into any weapon (mimicry based off Anne's knowledge), most often a dagger for connivence. Powers: Her powers come from the Malevian she made her deal with and sealed as it is she can only benefit from them when the weapon is on her person. It can give her an unnatural strength and speed, can numb her pains to nothing, can rapidly heal her wounds but the Malevian is cruel and lazy so it responds only as much as it wishes. Essentially however as long as she has the weapon she is ageless and deathless, so is Milo the air Mage because the deal is he must die by her bare hands. Without the weapon she is nothing more than a skilled sailor and fighter, skilled but human in all ways.
  14. Sarah had a rather sad look in her eyes, "that wasn't very nice of them... but magick always makes things complicated, my mom says that a lot when I ask her. But maybe they'll magick it back for you later." She sounded doubtful. "That's why I came to talk to you..." she shifted a little uncomfortably, "my dad was a Mage and he ran away when I was little... Mom says it was because she and him had fight and it was her fault, and she misses him all the time. I don't really remember him but I dream about him sometimes." She had started slow but it all came out as a blurt at the end. To cover her embarrassment she yanked the leather string around her neck to pull out a little sack of coins. "I've been saving money from chores and that I... found." She opened the little purse and inside was a bit of copper, pences and a single gold coin. "Can I pay you to find him and send him home? Please!"
  15. "You're not monster at all!" She exclaimed with a giggle, his good humor had put her at ease, she reached out to play with the glove on his three fingered hand, "where did your other fingers go though?!" She suddenly became a bit shy again remembering her manners, she pulled back and did her best imitation of a curtsy with her burlap dress. "My name's Sarah. I-I heard hunters always find the Mage they're looking for, is that not true too?" She looked uncertain but hopeful as clutched something near her neck under her dress, giving the slight grinding sound of metal squeezed against metal as her few coins shifted.
  16. Clarke could feel her bones grinding and knitting back together in his grasp, he stared as bones moved under her skin and gashes became cuts. "Marvelous," he adjusted his goggles to better observe, "simply astounding." This was the little princess and she was going to make him a rich man. He looked at the armored man and 'hmm' a water Mage that were jogging to keep up with his cart. "It would seem she is healing at an alarming rate and doesn't wish to go to the doctor. I obviously can make my own conclusions from this but I might as well give you chance to be honest with me and explain what exactly is happening here." ************** A small girl with a bit of dirt on her her face and unwashed hair stopped to curiously watch Adrass work on his guns. She stood swaying and swirling a sundress made of burlap until he looked at her, that made her stop and look a little nervous but she gathered the courage to speak. "My mommy says hunters are all monsters and everyone is whispering that you're a hunter but you look like a normal person." She gave a nervous smile, "are you really a hunter? Are you hiding it? Can I see your claws?"
  17. Yup seems like they are okay away from each other but get them together and they become super accident prone The fact that it's a young dragon and a practically invincible girl I imagine they had to get into all sorts of crazy adventures with ridiculous ideas and dangerous games haha the they might have gotten away with the dragon riding and falling into the royal garden incident if several Ladies of the realm hadn't been gathered for a picnic... and if Whisper hadn't landed on a prized white rose bush... and if Serfinno hadn't been scared she might have hurt herself too much this time and tore through the picnic for help... Or torn apart the bush to get her out... Yeah dragon riding expressly forbidden after that lol Finn was banned from the royal garden for awhile too.
  18. Clarke raised a brow at the armored man, though it was hardly visible behind his goggle; he then gestured at the lumbering metal machine, "Sir I am a genius and visionary, surely you are no fool but I hardly would consider you well armed versus me in a battle of wits. Please banish the thought of such a debate from your mind." He kick a lever and the machine jumped in acceleration speeding up the cobblestone road toward the Master of these farmlands personal estate. The others didn't seem to be rushing to stop him, at least not yet... ... Maybe his theory on the girls identity was wrong, maybe she was just an unlucky traveling girl with just enough luck to survive that horrible fall. If that was so the gods had granted miracle that she might still live and while he might not make any profit if she was just a girl sometimes the gods sent him good deeds to do so that he might try to balance out his very many wicked ones. This one given what the doctor might cost could be a costly deed indeed. He reached over and took the girls soft delicate hand in his rough calloused one and held as they raced up the path starting to leave the city, "Stay awake and with me if you can, okay girl? Focus on my voice. Can you hear me? My name is Clarke, you've had a bad fall and I'm getting you to a doctor. Can you speak? Speak if you can, stay alert, what's your name?"
  19. Clarke had been suddenly assaulted by a blast of wind and was sent tumbling aside, at the same time he heard a loud crash. When he looked up again the Andalasian princess or her look alike was sprawled out over his cart, she looked like a broken discarded toy. He had always heard stories about the princess having life magic but could life magic heal something like this? Well he would probably find out if she was the princess one way or another... A armored fool came over after looking at the body and putting a bandaid on it and ask him what had happened. Clarke stared at the man, "did you just treat a two-story fall on to solid metal with a simple bandage!" He rushed to the girls side, checking her pulse, oddly it was there and she even seemed responsive... Signs of life magic? "She's alive but she'll need treatment now to make it. The only competent doctor should be at the villages Landlord's Manor. My cart can transport her." He carefully positioned her to lay on the cart and pressing a button it started chugging and gears began turning. "Your group can follow if you wish, but keep your animals away they're far too dangerous." ******************** Finn hid in the clouds and watched, everyone down there was mad at him now, they thought Whisper was dead. Why didn't she get up like she always did? He was beginning to worry as the strange man started to straighten Whisper and take her away! Maybe it was something that weird metal cart was doing! He growled and moved to follow darting from cloud to cloud.
  20. JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS FINN IS NOT IN TOWN ON THE GROUND, HE'S UP IN THE CLOUDS STILL HIS BLAST OF WIND KNOCKED HER LOOSE WHEN SHE LEANED OUT THE WINDOW. ... There's no way he's going down there, it's like that time he she tried to ride on his back and fell off into the royal garden all over again...
  21. Haha there is a reason pure blood dragon his size are usually considered illegal... It doesn't help that he knows if he roughhouses she'll still be okay cause of her powers
  22. Clarke was insulted, "Me?! Hurt him?! He's the one that wants to kill me!" He yelled back into the tavern, "I haven't done anything to him, last I check bumping into something does not justify murdering ME!" he tightened his grip on the gun, "you better not breathe that beastie, or I promise you this gun will send that fire and lead back down your throat." He wouldn't hesitate to do so, he didn't want to but if that thing let out a fireball it would probably be the only way to save himself. ************* Up among the clouds Serafinno was moving about tufts of vapor with his air dragon inherited cloud-walking magic, building crude shapes out of the clouds was much more fun than shaping his flame breathe, less scary too. His fun came to an end as he heard yelling that he recognized and Tugg's growl, looking over the edge of the cloud he saw the man from the strange machine pointing something at Tugg. Finn didn't like Tulla's words, he wouldn't let any strangers hurt anyone else! He had known he didn't like the strange man and now he was going to stop him. Finn gave as mighty of a flap as his wings could manage, filled with air magic the gust grew more and more powerful as it descended. The powerful focused wind would smash the man flat and then Tugg would take care of him; Finn didn't even have to raise a claw and the wind was much faster than if he had dived down himself. The only downside of the attack was if Finn had been diving he could have slowed or stopped entirely if he had wanted, this attack however had no control once released it would travel along its path no matter what. So Serafinno could only give a surprised warning cry when Whisper leaned out the window directly in its path.
  23. @@Alex Kennedy, @@RunsWithSquirlz, @@Dji, Apparently the cripple had felt throwing a knife and yelling might somehow help the situation, it really hadn't. He rolled away as the beast lurched forward, he might have been able to draw and shoot but still the creature would have collapsed on him. Instead he came up to his knees just a foot from its side aiming the scatter gun towards its face. He spoke in a quiet soft tone, "Okay creature, if you have a mind know that swing at me makes anything I do now legal defense. Lets not make something bad happen..." He waited finger on the trigger, he prayed to the god of knowledge to give the beast reason and to the god of inspiration to give the crippled woman a better plan than throwing more daggers.
  24. @@Alex Kennedy, @@RunsWithSquirlz, @@Dji, Clarke smirked, he wasn't a man of humor but when a bard, a cripple and an alcoholic walked into the tavern he half expected to be told a punchline. This morning just continued to get more and more intriguing, he didn't want to miss a single detail due his lack of attentiveness so he quickly rushed out to his cart for more coffee. However he was unfortunately looking back toward the strange trio and not were he was going; the tinkerer walked head first into the chimera with quite a bit of force. The sudden impediment knocked him off his feet and he found himself on his ass looking up at the large beast. Clarke's mind went blank as he stared into its armored face, the fact that most creatures seemed to despise tinkerers was not lost on him. His breathing became a little stressed and he slowly started reaching back for his scatter gun in fear.
  25. Most likely we won't be dealing in small change so pences don't matter too much, (especially the way the party seems to throw money around lol) I think we might as well refer to larger coin as just copper, silver and gold it will make the side RP and traveling to other countries easier too.
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