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open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@RunsWithSquirlz The Rick clone spotted the girl leaning against a tree a short way from the factory looked like she was talking with some other boy. 'Great, more meat shields trying to get in X.A.N.A.'s way,' he thought to himself. As he approached he let out a sharp whistle to get her attention, he ignored the other kid, "so you said you wanted to talk with me about something? Also you've got some cigarettes on you right? Let me bum one." He had no interest in the effects that the real Rick's smoking habits left on the mind. -
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@RunsWithSquirlz @Alex Kennedy Serafinno was having a wonderful time, he wished he hadn't wasted so much of the trip practicing his stalking. There was so many new people here to meet and so much fun he could have chasing and playing with the travelers. He was very glad he had decided to follow Whisper. His current mission was to seek all around the caravan's campsite and to find large rocks, well rocks the size of a persons head at least. When he found one he would trot around the camp like a dog with a bone, after enough flaunting he would show it to Whisper and then head over to the hole he had dug. The hole went straight down and was just next to the royal carriage, he had dug it as soon as they had called the stop for the night. The rocks he had arranged in a circle around the hole and had begun to slowly stack them up around it. He had a nice big red stone almost shaped like a log that he was bringing over to show Whisper but he let it drop as he sniffed the air. He watched Robert give a bowl of stew to Whisper and made bee line for him. As Robert sat down with his own stew Serafinno nosed his side hard with his snout then looked expectantly at the bowl, then to Whisper and her bowl, then Tulla and her bowl and made three deep rhythmic grunts and nosed him again. *************************** Eirikr sat on top of the royal carriage watching everyone eat and be merry, it was a sight he truly appreciated, surrounded like this Whisper was safe and it made him think this job might be easy and that the King and Queen had worried for nothing... But the world was full of surprises, he could feel one of them out there on the horizon far off but moving through the woods. A huge magical presence, it had to be a Beta class dragon maybe Psi even, and if his own sensitivity to it was any indication than it was probably a metal dragon. The feeling was intense, as if looking out to see a thunderstorm rolling across open fields towards you but instead of sight you felt it in you're very soul. These things were a part of the old world, a part of nature itself; not like the young playful drake that waited at the princess' heels or any of the stunted, miniaturized, or bastardized lesser dragons that city folk, nobles or beast tamer caught. He could tell it was more like an on coming storm, something that couldn't be tamed or stopped; but it still wouldn't be a threat, old things like that and alpha predators didn't need to waste their time on human prey... Too much work for too little reward after all. -
Eirikr Stahleisen Age: 18 Country: Now Andalasia/Refugee from Illia at a young age Occupation/Class: Fool of the Andalasia Court/Royal Guard Description: (18) The jester of a court may always be close at hand to the King or Queen and never raise any suspicion, he may be privy to sensitive information and ignored without a second thought, after all he's just a fool... A muscular but lean build, he has the body of a gymnast and acrobat. Blue grey eye and dirty blonde curly hair, often has a crooked smile or a genuine and contagious kindhearted grin. He wears a jesters garment of deep green and black, though the clothing is finely crafted dragon skin, six solid metal balls the size of golf balls hang about his mid section from cloth strips starting on his shoulders and two more of these balls hang on his either side of his head from his hat. Personality: Eirikr plays the fool, while he is genuinely good natured and easy going, he must sometimes force himself to act as a joker or idiot. Truthfully he is very perceptive, a quick thinker and fiercely loyal. Bio: Eirikr came to Andalasia young and with his mother, they were poor refugees but quickly found a home in a traveling theater group. The group mostly consist of gypsies and Eirikr quickly learned their tricks and skills, he also learn to act the role of the fool in many of their performances, but most importantly he learned in greater detail about the old gods. Knowledge about the old gods allowed for him to try and learn magic; it turned out he did have magic within him and a rather strong magick at that, magick over metal. Word of his power spread through the troupe and with his unique abilities and at age 10 they attempted an audience with the King and Queen to preform and wow them. The Rulers were not interested in the theater group but they were interested in Eirikr's combination of skills. A deal was struck and the theater group performs at the castle for a very hefty fee four times a year and Eirikr remains constantly as a court fool with at this time 8 years of magick and physical training to serve as a Royal Guard. Currently he has been sent with Whisper's caravan to keep her entertained as well as added protection secret from even her. Allegiance: Solely to the King and Queen of Andalasia Weapon/Equipment: His magick with Metals Powers (Metal): Eirikr's focuses for his magic are the eight golf ball sized metal spheres he travels with on his costume. He often uses these balls for juggling, false magic tricks and other tricks that fools are know for. Four of the spheres are steel, one is iron, one is copper, one is silver and the final one is gold. He usually manipulates and form things with these, though forming them into bracers on each forearm allows him to somewhat manipulate other metal objects.
Hey everybody sorry I'm late to the party I've been working on this RP with @RunsWithSquirlz and basically just bouncing ideas off each other so I've got some characters that I'm going to control as well. I guess I'm kind of a supplement GM? Anyways I'll have a character post for the jester in a second and the dragon is something you're characters can talk to the princess about if you want to learn about it, if the party doesn't just murder it right away that is
private The Fall of Andalasia ~Book 1~
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Serafinn watched curiously from the clouds above the caravan, he didn't understand why the princess was being moved like this, but he had decided to follow her. So far he had avoided being spotted as he flew the shortest possible distance from cloud to cloud so he could cloud-walk after the caravan without being spotted. Though the day had started getting late and the clouds had become fewer and smaller; it was only a matter of time before he was seen. But that was fine with him, he had had enough of practicing stalking, now he wanted to play. When he reached the end of the cloud he jumped, diving out of the sky he angled himself for the royal carriage and threw out his wings just before colliding with it. The young dragon still landed rather roughly on the roof and sent out a breeze of hot air in every direction. The drake was just on the edge of legal size (a very large dog), and his scales were colored a fiery ruby red mixed with swirls of creamy ivory, his wings seemed abnormally long and streamer like while flying, but became flat against his back when landed, they tightened looking like a jagged ridge along his back. Serafinn twisted his neck to look between Whisper and the man she was speaking with and gave a mix between a bird cry and a dogs bark, it came our harsh but somewhat musical, anyone familiar with dragons would recognize it as a friendly call of a tame dragon for play. It seemed he had come down just a the right moment, Whisper had come out as well! (Oops wrote this without seeing your post the carriage is would be pretty big so Serafinn just lands directly next to you, so I guess enjoy that moment of 'oh shit a dragon almost landed on me' ) •••• Eirikir Stahleisen, otherwise known as Andalasia's court fool was juggling four steel balls when the magic rolled over him. He was staying close to the princess' carriage just as he had been ordered, he flinched at the wave of magic and for a moment the four balls hung in the air suspended by his magic as he searched for a threat. He recognized the princess exiting her carriage and accepting that she was the source of the change the balls suddenly continued on the path they had been traveling, he hopes no one had noticed. But luckily he was still on edge when the dragon landed, the metal balls elongated and sharpened, in two acrobatic bounds he was atop the wagon next to the princess'. About to send the now daggers at whatever threatened the princess he barely stopped himself a he recognized the beast and the call it gave. He tried to play of the daggers as part of his act of being the fool juggling the four of them as he called out using his loud theatric voice in a sing song manner hoping he could avoid panic with his antics, "No cause for alarm, it means no harm! It seems the princess brought a pet,-" then let his voice turn gently mocking, "-a surprise even to her I'd bet!" Of course his little act did nothing to slow the instinctual responses of anyone in the caravan, he prayed it would ease the minds of everyone seconds after. -
Torrent505 replied to Inactive01's topic in Sugarcube Corner
I'd just like to see the mane six lose, I understand why they should win of course, I mean I probably won't be able to resist voting for Fluttershy now that Scootaloo is eliminated but I just love to vote for the underdogs and it would be cool to see the background and less plot driven characters advance further into the tourney. That's my two cents. GO DERPY -
open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
The Rick clone was absolutely beaming, this had gone wonderfully; if this lot was all that stood in X.A.N.A.'s way this time around it was only a matter of time before victory would be certain. He looked at Tempest who looked about to collapse, he spoke quietly but anyone who listened could still hear him, "You've got no real plan, you want to do what's right but you rush forward not thinking about what the consequences will be. X.A.N.A. will take advantage of that, you don't know enough to stop it yet, it will use what you don't know to kill you. And if you keep being the loudest one here you'll get everyone else killed too and their blood will be on your hands. So why don't you sit back and just relax things will go easier that way." Then he spoke up again addressing everyone in the room, "As for returning to the past, you need someone in Lyoko to give the code to a tower and with her cutting that cord... Well good luck." He smirked at Dan on his way out after Genesis and when his eyes met Whispers he gave her a wink and a shark like grin. Then entered the elevator and flicked the up button, he gave a mocking salute, "later chumps, you won't listen to me so try not to die messing with anything, you're more useful alive." -
open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Oath let the barrier around Tempest disappear and sighed shaking his head. He looked a bit harshly at Shadow Shield, "Go back inside maintain a high alert and keep everyone on guard, Celestia may still try to make a show of force today." He turned back to Tempest and then walked past him, "come for a walk with me. You have some power and potential but you spoil it with your misbeliefs and rash actions. If you wish to have any place in my army I need to better judge you and see if you can accept the truths of what needs to be done." @Lady "Of course I know you're name Lady. I merely dislike common names, Widow suits you as well no? As for your secret, it is safe with me; don't fear that I speak the truth for I often speak it without honesty or simplicity, I am often taken as mad or a strange rambler." Topaz wandered over to the library to try and inspect the books though he kept stealing glances at the queen as if scared to look for too long. He used his magic to fiddle with a couple of the books. "As for feeding it would seem the Golden One and the Dark Dreamer are lining up outside to be your flies, so I doubt you shall miss breakfast... And my knowledge you should not be surprised, there are very little happening in Equestria that my compatriots and I don't know. These going ons have been building for decades, I myself am the youngest of the feathered fiends. It's the topic of them that brings me to why I am here, I wish to give you fair warning. It was mere convenience that you were in Equestria, you can be spared their ire. When Equestria has been burned you need not be among the ashes." Now his gaze had locked with hers, is madly colored eyes boring in to her as if seeing inside her very soul. "My advice to you would be to leave; you are a queen wherever you tread but I fear you stay you will be tread upon and trampled." He finally looked away, "of course maybe you're strong enough and I under estimate you, the future is uncertain but I know it is dark." -
open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@RunsWithSquirlz The Rick clone was smirking; it seemed this one, it couldn't find her name Ricks memory, was on his side. He let go of Dan and moved around her eyeing Tempest like a predator now, he didn't like the way Tempest was looking toward the the virtualizers and he moved closer toward a loose piece of scrap metal, planning to drive it into the scanner during the virtualization process and kill the teen if he needed to. Maybe it would be better if he suggested they all go into Lyoko and he could break the scanners all at once... No to risky one might get through. He could blow his cover now, the little one was suspicious of him all ready, if he attack the scanners he might damage them beyond repair before they could stop him... No, if even one scanner survived his mission would fail. He had to continue to delay and circumvent them, luckily Tempest provided him ammunition. "YOU trapped Amber in there?! Somebody is trapped in there! How could you do that? How is that even possible?" He moved toward Tempest, "And now you want to go back in there?! During the middle of a city wide power crisis? Can't you tell everything you do is just making things worse? You're not helping, you're a screw up." -
open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
This was good keep them distracted let them fight him, waste their time. The Rick clone grunted and held his stomach, even though he had barely felt the strike. "What the hell shrimp?!" He sounded outraged, "what's your problem? This isn't a place to be right now!" He looked to Dan, his hand still clutching the other boys shoulder though now he used it for false support, "what's he even babbling about? Talk some sense into him before I beat it into him." -
open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
The clone shook his head, he couldn't let these two do this they weren't allowed to mess with anything right now it would screw up everything. He looked at Tempest and gestured to his own pocket, "it's called an iPhone, it gets important news and such, you know like strange electrical problems throughout the city." It lied easily. Then he walked between both of them and put a hand on both their shoulders it's grip abnormally strong. " And no we should get out before something bad happens. Now." It started to move forward intending to pull them forward and if needed throw them into the elevator. -
open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
The Rick clone narrowed his eyes at Tempest, "yeah, I was and you were that little twerp that wouldn't listen. What are you doing down here again ? It's dangerous down here." He looked around at all the electronics, "there's a power surge going on we should get out of here and away from the equipment, YOU could get hurt." He moved closer to Tempest to stand imposingly in front of the younger teen. -
ooc Against the Crown OOC [Closed]
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Hey guys sorry I've been busy with work this weekend, studying for my first summer exam today and I've been helping my friend RunsWithSquirlz setup a very promising RP of her own. I'll be back posting either later tonight or tomorrow, again sorry. -
open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@RunsWithSquirlz, Rick had climbed up into the canopy of the forest and when he had figured out the chain of his weapon could become any length he stretched out he wrapped it around multiple branches to form a crude hamock. It wasn't the most comfortable thing but it worked, he didn't get how the others might think this place was dangerous, it was actually really peaceful. He wondered if he were to fall asleep would he come out of he machine well rested? Laying back in the hamock and staring up at the sky Rick never even had a chance to see the on coming ball of light seeking to imprison him. -
Torrent505 replied to Inactive01's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Two music videos to share today
andhope you enjoy. I love little narratives animators come up with -
open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@Lady Topaz wasn't used to being touched let alone dragged somewhere, but he wasn't one to complain or fuss. Instead he seemed to gaze about the hotel room inquisitively before his eyes eventually meandered back to meet Lady's. He grinned and gave a small bow, and realizing he had ignored her at first to look about he room he started by saying, "Apologies Young Widow, I've never been in a spiders web before and my curiosity gets the better of me, though it looks quite common." He furrowed his brows realizing what he had just said and shook his head. He started to get a little flustered, "I mean no offense by that of course! Do please excuse me I'm not known for manners and I've never met royalty before or a changeling for that matter. I'd hate for you to see me as a fly while I am still in your parlor." He bowed again, "I should start with an introduction, correct? My name is Topaz." Oath shook his head obviously not believing what Tempest thought about himself, "Did you know a stallion freezing to death feels warm? Of course you don't think that thing is controlling you, puppets never see the strings that hold them until they are cut free." Shadow Shield came to a stop beside him, and Oath commented to him, "this stallion says his name is Tempest, is that the colt you were telling me about this morning?" Shadow nodded, "yes, sir." Oath glares and suddenly forms a bubble barrier around Tempest, "Well temPEST I take you don't understand the position you're in, all members of the royal guard were under my command that includes you. I had that position because I am the strongest and most dangerous warrior in Equestria. I take it from what you've said and what I've heard from my second in command that you think you're doing what's right but really you've only doomed Luna to suffer and thrown Equestria into war, something that hateful little creature inside you probably delights in. You talk as though you have the upper hoof but you don't, you need to give me a good reason to let you live right now or I'm going to kill you." -
So it used to be competition between so many different members in my RP's and I still like and appreciate all of them. But nobody compares to @RunsWithSquirlz, she's hands down my favorite member and magnitudes ahead of anyone else, sorry everyone else
open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Rick listened to the conversation in Lyoko through the monitor and couldn't quite figure out what was going on. "Guys am I missing something here?" It sounded like they were talking about a conspiracy theory that happened around Tempest's family, but why would Dan have things to ask Tempest's uncle? He shook his head and started climbing one of the forest trees while listening for a response, it had sounded serious. -
open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@AnonBrony (Sorry if it wasn't clear I meant for Dorado to find the stallion while wandering the hotel. He's actually standing outside Lady's door and deciding whether to knock or not.) "Hmmmm? Oh yes, you don't know me, I am Topaz." He gave a deep bow, "I know you through friendly association of the darkest kind. As for why I am here I came to speak with the young widow; are you here to meet with her as well? You may of course see her first if such had been arranged, I still need to gather some courage to enter her parlor." The young stallion nervously rubbed one foreleg against the other as he looked again at her door. Suddenly his eyes went wide as he realized something and turned back to Dorado, "though Golden One my message should be applied to you as well. I came here to give warning as you are not from these lands so you deserve fair chance to flee. This storm you find yourself caught in, that of my murderous flock-" he played with the feathered cloak, " you need not be consumed by it." (Oh also Topaz's eyes which I enjoy imagining are based off Mystic Topaz) Oath Breaker lifted an eyebrow at the creatures now pony appearance, "I'm sorry soldier I don't remember your name, I had many under my command as the title of Grand Commander implies. Though you must accept my deepest regrets to see you controlled and puppeted in such a manner by an evil entity that seems to now call you home." He looked Tempest over, and gestured inside, "if you can keep it suppressed I have unicorns skilled in divination that may be able to help you free yourself." From the front gate Shadow Shield emerged and started towards them. On the wall all the unicorn guards had once again charged their horns and all the Pegasus readied weapons. Pine ignored Dancer and focused his horror and fury on Radiance, "You! You Bitch! You Lying BITCH!" He jammed the knife into another barrel and another liquid poured down the knife to join the blood and alcohol on the floor. "My father would never do that! He was even willing to forgive you, when he learned you were invited to that meeting he said maybe he was wrong that maybe you did care about what was happening to the guard, but you showed up and proved him right all along! You were presumptuous enough to ask to meet one on one and when I warned you about the dangers you dragged those recruits into it! My father only did what he had to, after you left he went to beg for away to save them!!" Pines eyes went wide and he was suddenly chilled with a realization stared between the dead guards, Radiance and his fathers body. "He saved you and tried to save them didn't he... Your lying because," he looked over at Dancer, "because he's here. That meeting was something horribly illegal, that's why you wanted it to be one on one. When it couldn't be private you ran like a coward seeking protection from whoever it was." He was grinning like an idiot at her thinking he had figured it out. "Was it Oath Taker? He had my father save you and then you killed all of the ponies that helped you so no one could know. You're a TRAITOR but too much of a COWARD to let anyone know." He sneered up at Dancer, "she's going to kill us now unless you're quicker than her. I have proof of what I've said, my father kept books on his meetings, no one knew but he did." He stared wild eyed at Radiance, "one look at those books and I'll ruin you," He looked back at Dancer, "that's all I want to live for now, justice for my father. He wasn't a good stallion but he wasn't a monster like her." -
open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@ Rick had gotten to the edge of the forest sector and was staring across a large void at the ice sector. "Well it's good he got himself sorted out... cause there's no bridge here and I honestly had no idea how I get between sectors." He went back to playing with his chain and sickle as he walked the forest noting different inactive towers. "As far as getting me out don't I just get ejected if I go to zero hit points? I mean what's the risk of being in here, you just end up outside the game if you're defeated." He started testing out some attacks with the weapon. "You can probably even set up some dummy enemies from out there or I wonder what sparing agains another player would be like... Wait aren't YOU supposed to be in class?" -
open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-
Torrent505 replied to RunsWithSquirlz's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Rick heard the voice speaking that seemed to be speaking from nowhere, it was one that he recognized. So he simple spoke aloud to the air hoping the guy might hear him, "Uh hey man this is Rick Heirmann, I think we met before. You were that dude passed out in the elevator yesterday right? I was the one you wanted to fight when you first woke up." he gave a bit of a nervous laugh, it hadn't been the best introduction, "Where are you at and what's your name anyways? You in the computer room, is this what it's like when someone outside is talking into the game?" -
open Against the Crown RP [dark/betrayal]
Torrent505 replied to Torrent505's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Pine shrugged away the hoof on his shoulder, he looked up took in the rest of the scene, though mostly he focused on Radiance. None of it made sense, why was she still alive? What had happened here? It didn't matter, his father was dead and given the knife in his throat and her words she had killed him. Pulled the knife out glaring at her, "you're a monster," he pushed away from this pushy bastard of a zebra, he gestured at the dead recruits "my father was right the whole guard is nothing more than monsters climbing ranks over the corpses of poor ponies that didn't know any better!" Looking back at Radiance, "you got my brother killed and know you've killed my dad," then back to the Zebra, "and you have the nerve to say I should join you after you tell me the guards going to take away the only home I've known? What was the lively hood of my family, all I have left of them?! Fuck YOU! Fuck you BOTH!! Fuck all of this!" He jammed the dagger deep into one of the barrels as he yelled, yanking it back out to stab several more times before collapsing next to it. The extremely strong smelling liquid poured from the wounds in the barrel, Pine had tears on his face as he sat next to it. With a shaking he reached up to a shelf grabbing an empty mug and filling it from the pouring stream. "Just kill me or send me to Tartarus, whatever you're going to do. I don't care anymore, I don't have anything left." @ The ponies that Tempest's claws struck seemed to flash silver with no gratifying give of flesh or red splash of blood, the bites squeezed them and the ponies screamed but the teeth didn't penetrate they're hide and instead of a warm metallic taste across his tongue there was a shocking tingle. Suddenly a barrier formed around Tempest himself, it floated him into the air and threw him back out of the castle the way he had come in. A silvery field cover the hole he had created. "Let's not damage a treasured landmark anymore than you already have, I also don't appreciate you trying to invade my castle or kill ponies that have sworn their lives to me." A unicorn stallion stood somewhat further down the castle wall, he was walking away from the main gate towards Tempest. He wore no armor his fur an off white leaning towards gray, his mane was purple and his cutiemark a shield surrounded by stars with a scroll at its center. He seemed to be shimmering though in squiggles and jagged lines of different colors all across his hide, his aura was an immense silver but these lines through it were the auras of others lacing through his own. Tempest could now see that all the other guards seems to be coated in the aura of this stallion as well, it was the magic that had been protecting them. Oath Taker's voice was a heavy growl, "well creature do you really think you can take the lives of ponies I've sworn to protect? Do you think the vows to fight for one another break as easily as stone? This is my keep, my realm and here enemies break at my feet before the blood of my brothers may be spilled."