@@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@Alex Kennedy
Rick glared at Genesis, his voice biting, "I'm usually very relaxed, but not when [/b]I could be putting people in danger." He shook his head as the two freshman descended, "You know what though, as wrong as I think that kid, Tempest is, he was right about one thing: we can learn from our mistakes, I certainly plan to. Nobody listened to me before, why would they listen to me now. I'm out of here, try to not let anyone get themselves killed." He turned away from the elevator planing to head out of the factory completely.
However he caught sight of the other three students that had been down in that secret room, so he headed to them instead. "I'm glad to see you all are alright." He smiled at the girl that had saved him, "it was Meghan right? I heard her," he nodded at Whisper, "yelling it down there. I'm Rick and it might not have really happened anymore but thanks for brining me back down there, I don't know what would have happened if I had actually died."