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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Torrent505

  1. @@RunsWithSquirlz Rick had his headphones in and was fiddling with his phone when the elevator arrived and open. Still he heard someone yelling at him through the music causing him to jump and drop his phone which yanked his headphones out and everything clattered on the floor. His first thought was whoever owned this secret computer lab had come back because of them last night and he was about to be arrested. When he saw it was the chick that had helped him the night before he breathed a sigh of relief until he realized the accusations she was throwing at him. "What?! No! Nobody was supposed to be down here! You scared the hell out of me! You said something about going to work, you were the one that dragged me around last night and I don't even know your name, I'd be a pretty piss poor stalker." He stepped out of the elevator looking around curiously to see if anyone else was here as well. "I came because last night I didn't check this place out, there were too many people in the factory. I thought today there wouldn't be anyone here and I could figure this thing out in peace." He set his backpack down, digging out his notebook and illicit items. "I'm guessing you thought the same thing?" He stared pointedly at the papers she was holding tight to her chest.
  2. Friday the 13th, full moon, at a cabin in the woods, fun fun

    1. Twilight Circuits
    2. Scribblegroove


      Are your message notifications working? I messaged you ages ago but you still haven't read my message.

  3. Just arrived in Spooner Wisconsin, going out fishing :)

  4. Half the guard seemed to answer the Dancer's call even as the civilians made disgusted sounds and moved to oppose them. All sorts of mumbles circled the room, the anger becoming uncertainty and argument. The half of the guard that didn't show their agreement with the zebra simply chose to not be on either side, with words like 'off-duty' joining the rabble in the room. Still Pine Barrel saw that there could potential be a serious brawl in the tavern, he didn't want anypony to get hurt. His eyes settled on a way to avoid conflict. He spoke loud enough for the room to focus on him, "Fine! If you're so certain I'll indulge you, but after you see how wrong you are, you and all those that feel you can take away good ponies rights on a feeling are to leave this bar and never comeback. You're kind is not welcome here." He came around the bar, "the entrance to the cellar is outside, I'll take you. In the mean time I need somepony to man the bar. Normally I'd never agree to something like this but the Good Mayor of Canterlot is here tonight and I would trust him. If he can man the bar I'll show you." All eyes turned to the mayor and his aide, some ponies even cheered. He spoke up, "I am merely an elderly earth stallion and my range of drinks is a bit rusty but with the help of my aide-" the front door to the tavern opened and Ice Breaker entered, "-and my secretary! We will most certainly accept and do our best!" Pine Barrel smiled at the old stallion, he had been involved tonight, he would duck into the cellar and warn his father. They'd have enough time to go outside and down below without a problem interrupting the meeting. Pine did not see Ice lean in and whisper something in the mayors ear or the sad look the mayor gave Pine afterwards.
  5. @@RunsWithSquirlz, Rick was rather distracted by the fact that this chick only had on shirt, and even though it was baggy it wasn't exactly covering everything. When she went to the sink he just stared at her walking away from him. When she came back and started to change he blushed looked away, burying his head in her pillow. It only helped so much. Then the door slammed and she was gone. He let out a sigh, "damn. Yup that was certainly smooth." He got up and left her room locked her door and heading back to his own for a quick shower and change. Looking at the clock he was already way late for school, "screw it, I'm 'sick' today. I wouldn't want to make first impressions hung over anyways." He talked to himself laying on his bed. He grabbed is grinder, some of his stash, his pipe, his backpack with a lot of paper for notes and decided to head to the factory. He'd stayed out last night because it made sense, but today nobody should be there and he could actually figure out what was there. Before too long he was there riding the elevator down.
  6. Halfway through a six hour drive

    1. Malinter


      i hope your not moving while your writing messages XD

  7. @@RunsWithSquirlz, Rick stretched out and rolled around some on the bed, he felt like somebody had beaten him with a stick last night and he had a throbbing hangover. But the strumming of a guitar slowly coaxed him awake, "that's not my alarm?" He yawned and realizing he was still clothed dug into his pocket to pull out his phone, "why isn't it my alarm?" Then he finally got to looking around the room, "this isn't my room." His eyes settled on Genesis and he blushed, "uh what happened last night?"
  8. @@RunsWithSquirlz, She had a point and apparently she wasn't going to just leave him alone, which surprised Rick a little. So when she hefted him up he didn't protest, he even did his best to help move wherever she was taking him, he didn't talk or really focus on anything, all his concentration was on keeping his dignity and not vomiting as she helped him. The wherever she had taken him apparently had a rather comfortable bed, she dumped him on it he laid there appreciatively. His world was still somewhat spinning but he was feeling better. He listened to her, then responded sounding mostly tired now, "okay, first thanks for that bit of reassurance and second... really thanks, I uh guess I got a little bored just sitting and watching the elevator. In return I promise not to puke in your room." He shifted up the bed a little so he could prop his head up and look at her better. He decided maybe he should try a little more light humor and joking with her since he'd given her such a hard time earlier. "So this might be a bit awkward you know since you've already gotten me back to your room and in bed but mind if I ask what your name is?" He tired to give her a nice friendly smile, hoping he didn't look like to much of a mess. "Then maybe you can move on and tell what happened."
  9. @@RunsWithSquirlz, He glared at her swaying slightly, "Fine, I will and you can..." He honestly didn't have the capacity to think up even a half assed insult and instead just mumbled angrily to himself. He started back up the hill toward the factory but kept stumbling, though each time he caught himself with his hands and push back up to make it a little further before finally he fell to his hands and knees and stayed like that for a few minutes willing the world to stop spinning. It didn't so he turned over to just sit before flopping to his back and staring up at the twirling stars.
  10. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@Alex Kennedy @@child of the night @ @ "Whoa, that was wow." Rick shook his head a little rubbing his temples, everything was a little different, his balance was better than it had been, his thoughts clearer, his sight and focus a bit quicker. In just a seconds time he'd gotten less drunk, like the shock had jump started his heart and metabolism to lower his alcohol level. He put his hand on his heart, it was still racing way faster than it should be. "What just happened? You shocked me but it felt... Good?" He slid his hands down his face to rub his chin some, he was still drunk but no longer sloppily so. "What's going on? Why did Tempest storm out earlier and why are you carrying the worst case of static shocks ever?" He poked her and again the shock raced down his arm to his heart in a pleasant tingle. Then the tough chick was dragging him out of the factory and to the roadside, he struggled a bit "hey! No, you're the one that's buggered out, I need to watch that elevator." The drunkiness was starting to return again and his heart was slowing back down to normal and already Drunk as he was the effort was more then futile as he ended up more leaning on her for support.
  11. @ Rick had wandered a little bit away from the elevator when it had gone back down and when it came back up one of the girls was in it. The girl, Meghan, he remembered her name was Meghan, the one that saved his life; she sent the elevator back down somehow, she hadn't hit the button. Also she looked really worried and on the edge of freaking out, the fact he could tell this and he knew he was pretty drunk actually got through his addled mind and made him concerned. So Rick headed over to her, coming up somewhat from behind, his words still slurred "heyy, everyting hokay?" He put his hand on her shoulder and an electric bolt ran up his arm. It didn't hurt, it tingled, it felt good, it seemed to dance around in him settling into his heart which start to race. His eyes dilated things flashing before him to quick to see, but it was all euphoric and everything else seemed to move in slow motion.
  12. Hey guys sorry that this is hanging for the moment, I started a second job and a summer school class (Spanish) and my body is still kind of catching up and adjusting, so as tired as I've been my creativity has been kind of shot recently but I'm adjusting and starting to feel more into it again. I've been sleeping like a dead man. Anyways I have a five day mini vacation starting tomorrow, YAY so hopefully I'll jump in tomorrow and be running full blast next couple days and next few weeks. Hopefully my trip to Wisconsin won't get in the way too much, I don't think it will.
  13. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @ @ Rick sat at the ground level for the elevator, he'd been turning away any curious outsiders all night, though it had only been two or three and maybe that was cause he was sitting under the button for it. He'd gotten some freshmen to run and get drinks for him and unlike the... previous time period or past or alternate reality or whatever, he was solidly drunk now as well as stoned. When the kid, Tempest, had come up the elevator and stormed off Rick hadn't even been quick enough to realize what had happened. "Wha got him sooo pissed off? I hope te girl kicked some sense inta him. An turned it allll off." He leaned against the railing now swaying a little back and forth wondering if the others would come back up soon too. It probably didn't matter though, the party wasn't anywhere near over and he had a long night ahead of him guarding the death trap... No wait, elevator, guarding the elevator. He looked around wondering if the freshmen would come back with more jungle juice soon.
  14. I'm just glad the server didn't explode like last time...

  15. @@RunsWithSquirlz, "Dang," Rick said at her rebuke and gave a heavy sigh that surprised him a bit; he wasn't supposed to care, he hadn't wanted to go down there, sitting here had been his plan to begin with. Still he scrambled away and watched it start to descend worrying about how she would handle the trip, she was pretty damn gutsy he had to give her that. He moved over to sit under the call button and prepared to settle in, he was going to sit here the whole party and nobody that hadn't already been down there was going to get past him.
  16. @@RunsWithSquirlz, By the time Rick finally caught up with the tough chick she was sitting in the elevator arm in the door not letting it close. Also he had pretty much recovered from the gut punch but still rubbed it a bit tenderly. He walked up and leaned against the outside of it speaking in careful to stay out of striking range. "So does another person being in there with you make it worse or better? I'm fine standing guard and just making sure nobody else goes down if you don't want me along." He was actually torn between wanting to join her and wanting to stay where he was; he didn't want particularly want to go down there tonight, especially after what happened before the reset but he was curious about the machine and besides this chick did have something about her...
  17. Let the summer class begin! Yes I will be posting while in class :P

  18. @@RunsWithSquirlz, (NP Totally what Rick expected when he said it except her comment! Haha) Even knowing it was coming Rick took the gut shot full on. The air left his lungs in a rush and his knees buckled leaving him to collapse to the ground coughing. It wasn't the hardest gut shot he had ever taken but it was up there and the others he had at least braced himself for. But as she stormed off toward the factory and he was doubled over on the ground he gave a pained coughing laugh and sputtered breathless, "all according to plan..." His right hand fumbled around for the one hitter he had dropped from the punch. He found it and stretched out taking deep breaths before forcing himself shakily to his feet. Looking after her he realized, "she thinks I'm cute?" He stumbled after her curious to see the results of his prodding and generally more curious about her than ever.
  19. @@RunsWithSquirlz, Rick shook his head, "if you go to the academy then you know a lot more than you're letting on." His eyebrows raised a little in surprise at her confession of being afraid of small spaces, but it dawned on him. "Right, that explains the elevator, I'm sorry..." He almost left it at that but two thoughts came to him, one given the way this girl acted and dressed she might not be someone who appreciates being pitied and two if she didn't go back down there he would be stuck an grade ahead of everyone and that might suck. So he decided to take a risk and hoped she was the type that didn't back down from a challenge. "... I would have never guessed. I mean you look tough enough to take me in a fight." He tried to act nonchalant as he dug out his one hitter, "and I mean you've already been down there once so you know you can get through it." He lit it and braced as he knew full well this chick might smack him hard at these next words, he let the smoke out as he spoke, "I would have thought you'd be tough enough to face being scared for a discovery like this, but I guess not."
  20. @@RunsWithSquirlz, He was surprised at how hostile she seemed but he still stuck out his hand. "Names Rick, nice to meet you." It was instinct from his up bringing to be polite as he introduced himself but he continued, "and don't take your aggression out on me you were the one agreeing with that British twerp about finding out what that 'wonky thing' does." His voice became more quiet and conspiratorial, "we both know it's not just some game, games don't control factories or reset time. You probably had a better view than me to that and you seemed like a pretty able people person down there before. I-" he realized why this was bugging him so much, "I guess I hoped you'd at least be down there to keep an eye on them. You seemed like you had some good control and common sense down there... Crazy enough to join messing with that thing but at least they were listening to you."
  21. @Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride Hey guys sorry for the loll in posting I had an off weekend, but I'm back on track, though rushing to get caught up on this as well as a couple other RP's. I'll be making posts shortly.
  22. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @@Alex Kennedy Rick was somewhat distracted from the group when Genesis stormed by them. Still he was paying enough attention to agree with Whisper, "yeah it's too dangerous down there to play around when we are rushed or have other people above us." It seemed like Genesis was heading out of the factory and that still Meghan or 'Tara' and Dan were going down below. Maybe Whisper and Rush were smart enough to stay out of it. "Yeah, I'm going to stay out of there. I'd tell everyone to do the same but you can't stop some people... Excuse me for a second." He turned and headed after Genesis. He caught up with her a bit outside the factory and called after her, "hey! Wait up!" He closed the distance and lowered his voice, "I thought you were curious about what's down there; you seemed pretty hell bent on going down. Now you're storming off. What's up?"
  23. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@Alex Kennedy @ Rick smiled at Meghan, "I couldn't leave somebody in trouble like that and you saved me so we're totally even. "As for what happened, well I know it did happen but things reset we went back in time; so it's kinda like it didn't happen..." He looked around watching other kids going upstairs to the party, "also it seems like we're the only ones that remember it." He looked at Dan, "I only saw you on the screen for a second but you were in the game, how did that happen? What did you do in there? The others made it sound like what you did sent us back."
  24. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@Alex Kennedy Rick glared at Genesis, his voice biting, "I'm usually very relaxed, but not when [/b]I could be putting people in danger." He shook his head as the two freshman descended, "You know what though, as wrong as I think that kid, Tempest is, he was right about one thing: we can learn from our mistakes, I certainly plan to. Nobody listened to me before, why would they listen to me now. I'm out of here, try to not let anyone get themselves killed." He turned away from the elevator planing to head out of the factory completely. However he caught sight of the other three students that had been down in that secret room, so he headed to them instead. "I'm glad to see you all are alright." He smiled at the girl that had saved him, "it was Meghan right? I heard her," he nodded at Whisper, "yelling it down there. I'm Rick and it might not have really happened anymore but thanks for brining me back down there, I don't know what would have happened if I had actually died."
  25. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @@child of the night Rick stared at them for a few second speechless, jaw hanging open before finally recovering, "Okay, I'm not going crazy or seeing the future you two remember it too..." He let out a heavy sigh, "okay, good. I guess that's good. To answer your questions yes because of the computer, and yes we shouldn't. I died down there. D-I-E-D died, they got my heart going again but I was legally dead. Two other girls almost died too. What if going down there triggers everything again? What if everything goes crazy and everyone is in danger again? I really don't want to die again... It hurts, a lot."
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