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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Torrent505

  1. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @@child of the night By the time Rick had gotten to the factory and the elevator the tough chick and munchkin girl were already next to it. He hadn't ran but more power walked all the way there, he was a little out a breath and held up a hand to them, "you two really don't want to go down there, it might sound crazy but I..." He realized how insane anything he said might sound, "... Forget it. Just believe me you don't want to go down there."
  2. Rick was laying on a rather comfortable bed in the hotel room his parents had gotten for him until the school assigned dormitories, his xbox was hooked up to the tv and he was watching Netflix... On screen Ed dug under his disgusting bed while Double D and Eddy looked on in horror... The same show he had been watching before, the one that had made him late getting ready for the party. He just stared at the screen for a few minutes not comprehending what had happened, he had gone to the party, he had drank, smoked and then with a bunch of other kids they had broken into some secret computer room. Then down there the girl had gotten electrocuted and he had died to get her out but she had brought him back. That had all happened, he wasn't crazy. He sat up and turned off the tv. Then Gathered his things, put on his nice clothes and head out toward the factory. He was going to get there early this time, he was going to set himself up in that elevator and not let anyone by. If he had just had a vision of the future or whatever it was, he was going to make it count.
  3. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@Alex Kennedy Seeing that she was okay and seemed to be strong enough Rick just sort of stammered, "I-uh yeah, okay." He blushed a little feeling a bit embarrassed that he had been continuing after she felt it was necessary... That's right in CPR you are supposed to occasionally stop and check their pulse again, he knew he couldn't remember all they had taught in that class. He pulled away and just kind slumped into sitting cross-legged next to her, "you sure you're okay? You didn't look so good and your pulse was pretty bad." Though her color was returning and now she looked fine.
  4. Rick managed to reach out and grasp her wrist, he barely felt a pulse, and then again weaker and weaker still. "Oh no you don't." He managed to roll prop himself up on hands and knees and crawl to her, "I just died to get you out of there, you don't get to bring me back then die yourself!" He put one hand on her chest were he was sure her heart would be and put his other heart over it as he did his best to remember what he had learned in health class and began the chest compressions. "Stay calm, stay awake, stay with us." He said hoping she could hear him as he prayed her heart would pick back up on the rhythm.
  5. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@Alex Kennedy Rick finally got his lungs under control and simply laid on his back staring at the ceiling taking deep slow breaths. But from beside him he heard quick heavy hard breathing, he remembered the girl being over him and restarting his heart before roll that way. He turned his head to look at her, his whole body ached so he didn't bother to move anymore. "Thank you." his voice was a little harsh and croaky. He noticed something seemed to be wrong with her, he'd thought the breathing was maybe because if what they had just gone through but she looked like she was in pain and seemed pale. Fear crept into his voice "Are you all right?" he winced as he tried to roll over to face her.
  6. Rick had always imagined dying would be painful but once the electricity faded he just tingled all over, it didn't hurt or feel good it just tingled. Everyone says your life flashes before your eyes but his eyes were open and everything just got hazy and dark. Then the girl was over him and she touched his heart and it fluttered then beat once, then twice. The electricity seemed to settle in fading away and his heart returned to a steady rhythm. His sight became crystal clear, and he drew in a sharp shuttering breath. There was a thousand one liners he would have loved to say but the pain came rushing back into, so he just gave a weak groan and start to cough...
  7. ( Rush should have gotten shocked pretty bad, Ricks right arm is holding Meghan. Falling back and pulling should slide us, downside electricity through Rick's heart... He hopes doing it a second time will restart it) Rick felt his heart fluttering as the current decided to follow its new path, but he felt himself sliding and his right arm pulled Meghan a couple of feet. When Rush let go and the current stopped so did his heart, he laid on the ground, electricity still keeping his body tense so his right arm remained clamped on Meghan and his left arm stayed out stretched but everything started start to go dark.
  8. Rick's legs were just spasming and not moving, but somebody else had arrived and was offering help. He had to get these two girls out... He looked at the new guy and forced his left arm to stretch out to him. Every word was a struggle, "Stay. Where. You. Are. Right. Arm. Only. To. Mine. Fall. Back-wards. Pull. Let. Go. Then. Doitagian." The last words were forced out all at once. He only hope it would work, that it would move the girl back and out of the electricity.
  9. Rick jumped a little as Whisper reached for the girl, not even giving him a chance to argue. She certainly was brave he had to give her that. He copied the motion with his arm and lunged to join her "Damn it! Then don't start without meeeeeee!" The last word becoming painfully stretched out as he reached and grab the girl's arm; electricity running up his own arm and his brown curly hair puffing up like a comical afro. He felt his legs shudder and his muscles twitching but pulled as hard as he could, ignoring the girl's pleas, they were already too committed anyways.
  10. He looked at the girl that had come down the stairs in disbelief, he let out a sigh in a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding since hitting his piece, luckily there wasn't any smoke anymore. He shook his head saying, "We can't leave her there. If I grab only with my right hand and don't touch anything with my left the current won't cross my heart. I'm pretty strong, I'd at least have a chance!" It was the best he could think of and time was of the essence, the longer they took the more damage this girl would take.
  11. Rick sighed and gave up, it didn't seem like anybody was going to listen to him. Well fuck being responsible, break into a factory - throw a party, break into a secret government room - screw with everything. He leaned up a bank of monitors and watched what the chick was doing on the computer screen, trying to at least keep an eye on everyone else running around. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his one hitter, fuck being responsible right? He examined it, lit up and was happily rewarded it wasn't cashed. If they were going to get busted for this weed would be the last of his worries, might as well enjoy the moment. That was his thought at least until the screaming started, muffled and down below them. He slammed the one hitter down on the computer table and rushed toward it. There was a little set of stairs and he took them two at a time only to find another computer room and a girl covered in electricity in it. He braced himself hoping he could lunge, grab her and pull away... And still be alive... Fuck being responsible...
  12. 'Damn this zebra!' Pine thought to himself, but said, "I was trying to do this the nice way and be accommodating but if you're going to start ordering me around and trying to make me leave the bar untended I'll need to see a warrant to search. We already had the city guard checking in here earlier if anything suspicious, this is harassment! There are off duty guards here that will support my rights and plenty of civilians that won't let Celestia start breaking those rights whenever it suites her!" He put fire and passion into his words raising his voice until the whole bar could hear him and conversations stopped as ponies turned to look at the zebra apparently antagonizing the server that had been liquoring them up and doing his damnedest to befriend them all night. It was a trick his father had taught him, if ever in a tight spot in a crowded place agitate the public, turn them to your side, usually the other pony will back down... He hoped this was the case.
  13. Pine Barrel's eyes went wide but he kept his voice steady, "I, yeah I remember her. She was here but she left a while ago." It was the truth after all, he didn't need to mention the poison or the fact she was probably out dead in the streets for all he knew. "She spoke with my dad for a little while, he's in a meeting upstairs in his office." Only a little lie... His dad was in a meeting in the cellar but Pine had been told not to come down or let anyone down there. "You can look around and even go upstairs and talk to him if you want. I need to stay and tend the bar though" That would be fine, the only way to the corridor that held the cellar stairs was the hidden side door and the trap door on his side of the bar. He waited for the Zebra to accept and the second he was out of sight Pine would rush down and warn his father. This was too important, he could ignore the warning of not disturbing them... If only this zebra would leave to search.
  14. , When the wolf started talking Emery wondered if finally all the pressure had final broken his mind or maybe his blood pressure had gotten too high dealing with Crystal and he had a stroke and this was all some dying dream. But then the wolfs master came out and things started to at least make a bit more sense. He gave a snort as she talked about the rebellion and opposing Cadence. "There is no rebellion, you realize you're talking about the Crystal Empire right? For us King Sombra's reign wasn't too long ago; there was a rebellion then do you know what happened to it? It failed." He shook his head and started to move the cart into the outpost, he didn't feel comfortable exposed like this, but he continued to talk. "After the empire returned the rebels were freed but anypony worth anything in a fight joined the guard, and the guard now belongs to Cadence. All that's left in the empire is broken ponies, crushed former rebels that know a fight is hopeless or former slaves so desperate to avoid making things worse they would lick her hooves clean to avoid the collar and chains. The most opposition you'll find here are those desperate few cowering in the shadows wanting only to remain hidden and me, who has enough of a struggle trying to keep the former fed and alive." He started to close the door to the outpost on her and the wolf, "you're contribution will only bring the guard down on us, so bring it elsewhere." , Crystal's eyes peaked open when she heard the nice Pegasus speak again; realizing what she was doing when she held out her hoof Crystal's paralysis broke and she scampered to it huddling against her side. Let the Pegasus protect her from the view of the other ponies and to lead her away from them. Regaining control of herself she whispered up to the older mare, feeling ashamed, "I-I, I'm sorry. I've never liked it when a pony stares at me and it's extra important now nopony see's me go into the tunnels." She was letting her head hang, and her voice was quavering, "and they did both and I didn't know what to do and and-and..." She was sniffling now and her eyes were watery and she could stop it; she was angry at herself and ashamed, this mare seemed so nice and cool and she had saved her and given her bits! All Crystal wanted now was to impress her and make up for freezing but she couldn't stop sniffling like a baby and that only made her more mad which made her sniffle even harder.
  15. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@child of the night @ @@Alex Kennedy Rick looked at the elevator, while talking to the only other senior in the room, "Damn, you're right. " he spotted the other two students that had joined them, "Wait who are you? When did you two get down here? Is that a way out?" he moved to join them by the hidden door. He looked back to see if Genesis and the others were following as well.
  16. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@child of the night @ He shook his "No, I'm not curious... Well right now I'm not curious, what if this activates other parts of the factory? You could put other students in danger, I'm not up for that. Look this place is closed off, we can come back later and check it out when nobody will bother us or be in danger." He looked around at the others, "that's fair right? We all go to the same school, we just trade number and meet up here later."
  17. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@child of the night @ Rick was already starting to get tired of this group, first the girl who looked too young to even be a freshman sneaks up to scare him then dragged them all down in the elevator, then the drunk kid woke up wanting to throw punches, now what had to be another freshman acting like he owned the place. He couldn't decide about the tough looking chick, she had shoved him and started acting bossy but the fear she had shown in the elevator and her latching on to him had made him at least sympathize with her. If he hadn't had such bad cottonmouth he might have even said something. But now he had enough, he was too mad at this new kid to stay silent. He stormed over to the computers, "Of course people followed you, you've started up god knows what in an abandoned factory! Are you trying to get everyone in the school arrested? We're turning all this off now and going back up.". He started searching for how to turn the massive computer system off, "do you have any idea how hard the school would crack down on parties and all students in general? It would be a disaster!"
  18. Just finished my first day working my new second job, can't wait to relax.

  19. @, Emery relaxed as the wolf moved past him, his relief turned to surprise when it went to the back of the cart and started pushing to help move it. He was able to get the cart moving again through the rather heavy snow without a problem. Once he had it going the wolf stopped pushing and seem to start pacing around him protectively like some trained guard dog. Emery couldn't help but be suspicious, someone had obviously trained this wolf, it could be looking to escort him back into the hooves of waiting guards! It made him nervous but at this point there really wasn't much else he could do other than trust the wolf and deal with the consequences as they came. But they never seemed to come. They short trek back to maintenance outpost 56 was completely uneventful and as Emery got back to the door that would let him sneak the supplies back into the crystal empire he turned to speak to the wolf, "Well buddy, thank you for helping me here. I was a bit worried with my friend missing, and you're a bit scary yourself though I imagine you'd give even Cadence thugs a bit of pause. So I wish I had a way to repay you but I think we part ways here." Crystal was so shocked she couldn't move, the pouch of bits landed a foot in front of her with a muffled clatter. It had to be a trick, no pony was that nice to her; if ponies were too nice it usually meant they were lying or wanted to do something bad, like fillynap her. But she didn't see the trick, she didn't see anything wrong with the sack of coins... And the older mare had said she took it from the stallion cause she needed it more and now she was giving it to her cause she needed it more. That made sense right? Crystal Calling's blue aura gripped the bag carefully and then sharply tugged it to her... It bumped into her chest and the coins jingled inside... Nothing else happened, there was no trick, this pegasus was giving her a bag of bits. She felt like crying, but in a good way; she even had to blink tears back. Her voice cracked a little, as she yelled "You're the nicest Pegasusus ever!!" This got the attention of some of the other nearby ponies, who turned to look at the strange little filly yelling in the alleyway. Crystal blushed, and looked skittish under the sudden attention; she backed away from the maintenance cover, Emery had told her a bunch of times other ponies couldn't know about the tunnels or everyone would get in trouble. She didn't know what to do, all these ponies were staring at her; usually nopony ever stared at her, she wanted to run but that would be bad too. She squeezed her eyes shut, shivering and wishing she could disappear.
  20. @@RunsWithSquirlz, @ Ric felt the vibration through the ground, like something big had started up deep down in the factory. He rolled over put his hands to the ground and staring at the run down building. The party still seemed to be in full tilt, and the second he touched the pavement he couldn't feel the vibrations anymore. " Great, some idiots exploring the place start up some big ass machine and I bet I'm the only other person to notice." He slowly strolled in through the rusted entryway, it didn't seem like anyone was down here. He certainly didn't hear the clatter or chatter he would have associated with drunks. The place was a bit creepy and he was still slightly baked from earlier, so his paranoia was getting the better of him. Ric started talking aloud, convincing himself he need to look into this, "Man, the last thing we need the week classes start is a fatality at some overhyped party. Just figure out what they turned on turn it off send them back to the party. Fuuuckkk, why do I have to be the buzz kill?!" Then he saw the large rusty fenced in area with a cargo elevator shaft, and remembered the elevator had been there earlier, "Fuck me! Give me a break! That looks like it's straight out of horror movie! Why the hell would those stupid ass-" he let out a groan of frustration. "Okay, I'll call it up. They're probably still in it, just some stupid couple trying to have some private fun.". He pushed the button calling the elevator back up and when the doors opened to reveal the spiky haired student collapsed on the floor Ric stood there staring dumbfounded for a moment, his mind racing with the paranoid delusion that maybe, just maybe he had walked into a horror movie. Finally he snapped back out of it, "shit." Ric rushed into the elevator to check if the younger student was alright, and sighed relieved that he was still breathing. Ric was panting himself from the near panic attack, "okay, you scared the hell out of me. Time to wake up man." he shook him a bit roughly.
  21. Rick Heirmann was laying comfortably in a patch of grass outside the old factory, he had on a button down and tie, both were loose and undone. The red solo cup in the dirt next to him had some jungle juice concoction in it, way too sweet but strong enough to do it's job for most of the teens at the party. He'd enjoyed the party for a while but had stepped out for a quick smoke with his one hitter, the little glass piece tucked into his pocket. Now he just stared up at the stars contentedly listening to the distant sounds of music. He wondered what this place used to make, what type of factory had it been and what had happen to shut it down? He reached for the cup and knocked it over, "damn it" he cursed but not really caring, it wasn't much of a waste.
  22. Nothing better after a long tired day than coming home having a bit of food and laying down on your bed.

  23. Feeling tired today, napped during my lunch break, still feel like a zombie. Something give some energy...

  24. The Raven gave one last look at Radiance, "what makes you think we'll actually ever meet again?... Though I will be in touch, believe that." The door was slowly closing as the Raven reached up to start undoing straps on it's mask. It was looking at Ice Breaker there was a hissing release of air as the mask seemed to loosen on the edges, a male's voice that Radiance didn't recognize spoke crisp and joyful, "tonight was a good night. Such a good night." The door closed and Radiance was left bound in a room of fourteen dead ponies and one crippled unicorn mare. (Feel free to continue with Dancer arriving at the tavern, either right at this moment or even just minutes earlier, as long as he doesn't interfere with what has already happened haha)
  25. Now that, see that ghost? That's why I don't bother to bring out a list, you get too stuck up on trying to make Rarity perfect best pony that last time I brought out a list on you, you made it sound like I give you a panic attack and near heart attack. You got to calm down man, everypony has strengths and weaknesses. I could go through and build lists for every character but I'd be afraid you'd die half way through the comparisons. I'm worried about you man, sounds like one of these days Rarity is going to get you killed by stress. I didn't even want to post my opinions on this thread cause I knew you'd probably jump on them, I posted them directly to you in as nice of away as I could because you need to let go off some of your intense defense of Rarity. Whenever I see it on the forums it usually looks to me like your trying to bully someone into not having their own opinions.
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