(No there is a simple metal bolt lock on this side of the trap door that you cut through, but there is a large wooden dead bolt on the other side you can't see)
Pine managed to keep his calm despite the zebra's sudden display. When the crowd seemed to surge at what looked like an attack he held up a hoof to stop them from going at each others throats. His serious and indifferent face didn't stop his heart from sinking, his fathers friends were dangerous disturbing them like this could get the zebra killed maybe his father hurt as well depending on what they were doing... But it couldn't be helped now.
He gestured to the trapdoor that remained locked, "you could've just asked before you started destroying our property. This way's been sealed up cause the wood started to rot from spilled drinks." He was lying of course but thought it might sound plausible as he busied himself under the counter, "if you're in such a hurry we can go this way though." He found the slide bar and release the lock trying to be as loud as possible though it was probably hopeless. He opened the door for the Zebra and looked back toward the mayor and others, "could you still tend the bar for me sir? I don't have many people here I really can trust."
The mayor voice was solemn and somber, "of course son, it would be an honor. You know old Everlast he's a stallion for the citizens."
The young pegasus nodded and smiled at him before heading below, the tunnel would lead to meet the entrance to the back door's entryway and the door to the cellars stairs. He called out ahead of the zebra, "hey dad! Some guard wants to inspect our cellar!" He quickened his pace trying to gain ground on the zebra without being obvious.
The ponies on the walls of the Castle of Two Sisters spotted Tempest's charge immediately, they began the cry of "monster!" and bolt of magic lances started to rain down on him as the Pegasus guard's took to the skies. Seeing the initial shots would not fell him alarm bells sounded alerting the rest of the castle.
As Dorado searched the hotel he came across a young unicorn stallion with a coat the color of honey and wearing a black feathered cloak though it was not drawn up and his unkempt light blue mane was visible. He seemed to be staring rather intently at a hotel room door as if deciding whether to knock or not. When he realized Dorado was there he jumped in surprise, turning to look at him with bright curious eyes of dizzying shifting color. His voice seemed kind and melodious as he commented, "oh, The Golden One, good to see you."