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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Torrent505

  1. @ The blast slammed against the barrier and it flickered became solid and completely visible, it was the silver color of mercury, it began to bend inward where the blast pressed against it and shattered. The energy of the attack had been dispersed enough that it dissipated without further damage other than the furrows it carved in the ground in several places. The moment the barrier broke a yell came from atop the wall, "fire!" Now sixty unicorns strong the infantry unleashed they're spearing magic assault as one, around twenty of the Pegasus had drawn bows or spears and they let their weapons fly as well.
  2. Pine kept pace with the Zebra reaching the door to the stairs at the same time as him. He rolled his eyes and looked at his sword, "will you put that away? You really are just itching for a fight aren't you? If I don't go with you you could get hurt just on the principle of being some strange pony breaking into a place you don't belong while ARMED. Besides you seem plenty happy to destroy our property I'm not leaving you alone with our most valuable liquors." He open the door and started down the stairs first. His ears were straining, he didn't hear anything down there maybe his father and his 'friends' had finished their business or heard him and had left, he hoped something like that had happened. At the bottom of the stairs he hesitated at the door, and called out "Dad?". With no response he pushed it open, ears down sullen and embarrassed he started to say "sorry to interrupt I kn-". He didn't even see most of the room, his down cast eyes found his father first his body closest to the door the pool of his blood almost spread to it. "Dad!" He yelled, the Zebra forgotten the rest of the cellar unnoticed and ignored he was at his fathers side in an instant, horror and shock plain on his face. @ The Pegasus hit by the aura blast seemed to be pushed and thrown aside by it but were unharmed. When the strange hybrid pony turned back to enter the castle he walked face first into a large and powerful barrier field which now covered the entire castle, it shocked him painfully as it blocked his path. The Pegasus in the air not over castle dived for the protective bubble slipping through unharmed, one pair dropped a satchel of explosive materials that would explode on impact at Tempest as they flew inside. Behind the force field all the unicorns lined the wall charging their horns together and taking aim as one, though they held the shot waiting for an order.
  3. @@child of the night @ Rick tapped the screen, it flickered some jumping a little with Amber still on it but not moving now. "Uh hello? You there?" It seemed like the screen had frozen, could a super computer like this freeze? Maybe it had to do with Tempest storming through again and using the pods, did that kid ever chill out? He sighed moving the window with Amber and looking at an overview of Lyoko, it seemed to be running fine still which was good he couldn't imagine what would happen if the game froze and needed to be reset while people were still inside it. He spoke to the screen wondering if she could here him, "Well you're signals having some problems getting through or something, I've been wanting to check that place out anyway so I'll just come in." He went over to the pods climbing in one, it activated and he opened his eyes to the Forest sector in what seemed to be form fitting ninja gear and on his belt were a sickle and chain. "Huh, that's pretty cool." He pulled it loose fiddling with the weapon and walking to explore the forest.
  4. Just realized that the most likely outcome for group C and D will result in my favorite filly Scootaloo facing my best pony Fluttershy in the first round of knockouts
  5. Final Scootaloo push, hoping for that 33.33% of the votes against Pinkie at least, it's an amazing effort in my opinion.
  6. So many good pictures of Scootaloo to share so little time... Wait no I have a lot of free time *commence Cute'aloo drop* Be fierce! Stop Scootabuse I mean how could you put her down?! Instead you can help her soar! VOTE SCOOTALOO TOGETHER WE WILL WEATHER THIS STORM!!! Us Scootaloo lovers know what this probably looks like and how it it will most likely end. But ask us if we care!
  7. Scootaloo lovers once again unite and vote!!! Show them your Game Face Scoots!! http://mlpforums.com/topic/82112-the-2014-mlpf-world-cup-matchday-2-group-c-and-group-d/page-126#entry2753660 Bump a dee, bump bump. Let's go Scootaloo
  8. Half the Pinkie Pie pictures on here just creep me out. I enjoy her and she can be cute, usually just funny, but to much Pinkie is just a bad thing, heck even the show has told us that multiple times. Her eyes just bug me in how they pop out in this one, spoilered it cause pink propaganda had it quoted three times in a row above and I don't want to take up more space. Edit: I realized why it was bothering me sooo much! Her skin in the picture and smile look like they're based of a toy model and give a plastic look to me, that with the yarn hair makes her look like a doll or toy BUT THOSE EYES they are too glassy and real looking, it's like someone put real eyes in a hollowed model... *shivers* if you stare too long it becomes really noticeable, please tell me it's not just me seeing that.
  9. Vote for Scootaloo in the MLPF World Cup!! Come on she so deserves the votes!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CrimsonWeb



    3. Torrent505


      Yay! Danke Ghostie (don't know why I love the German thank you XD)

      Frozen! Haha yes I've been alive on and off lately it's a struggle, how have you been?

    4. CrimsonWeb


      Its been good :D

  10. Vote for Scootaloo in the MLPF World Cup!! Come on she so deserves the votes!

  11. Vote for Scootaloo in the MLPF World Cup!! Come on she so deserves the votes!

  12. I believe in Scootaloo, we all need something to believe in and want to see dreams come true. Hard Work Perseverance and Unbreakable Resolve! Vote for Scootaloo! (Sponsored by Every Underdog Ever)
  13. Today is slow, I'm so bored...

    1. Malinter


      its been hot today too :P


  14. Sounds good the papers would love to hear the story straight from the horses-er-pony's mouth lol also pretty much exactly why I left it so open because I don't know what Radiance will choose to let the public know.
  15. (No there is a simple metal bolt lock on this side of the trap door that you cut through, but there is a large wooden dead bolt on the other side you can't see) Pine managed to keep his calm despite the zebra's sudden display. When the crowd seemed to surge at what looked like an attack he held up a hoof to stop them from going at each others throats. His serious and indifferent face didn't stop his heart from sinking, his fathers friends were dangerous disturbing them like this could get the zebra killed maybe his father hurt as well depending on what they were doing... But it couldn't be helped now. He gestured to the trapdoor that remained locked, "you could've just asked before you started destroying our property. This way's been sealed up cause the wood started to rot from spilled drinks." He was lying of course but thought it might sound plausible as he busied himself under the counter, "if you're in such a hurry we can go this way though." He found the slide bar and release the lock trying to be as loud as possible though it was probably hopeless. He opened the door for the Zebra and looked back toward the mayor and others, "could you still tend the bar for me sir? I don't have many people here I really can trust." The mayor voice was solemn and somber, "of course son, it would be an honor. You know old Everlast he's a stallion for the citizens." The young pegasus nodded and smiled at him before heading below, the tunnel would lead to meet the entrance to the back door's entryway and the door to the cellars stairs. He called out ahead of the zebra, "hey dad! Some guard wants to inspect our cellar!" He quickened his pace trying to gain ground on the zebra without being obvious. The ponies on the walls of the Castle of Two Sisters spotted Tempest's charge immediately, they began the cry of "monster!" and bolt of magic lances started to rain down on him as the Pegasus guard's took to the skies. Seeing the initial shots would not fell him alarm bells sounded alerting the rest of the castle. @AnonBrony As Dorado searched the hotel he came across a young unicorn stallion with a coat the color of honey and wearing a black feathered cloak though it was not drawn up and his unkempt light blue mane was visible. He seemed to be staring rather intently at a hotel room door as if deciding whether to knock or not. When he realized Dorado was there he jumped in surprise, turning to look at him with bright curious eyes of dizzying shifting color. His voice seemed kind and melodious as he commented, "oh, The Golden One, good to see you."
  16. Nope I'm working on it now, the report is vague so things could still happen unless you want it to be over
  17. @Lady @Demirari @Scribblegroove @Marathon @AnonBrony @Tricksters Pride Time skip Tonights News: (remember that it is possible to influence the media and create your own propaganda. The news I present during time skips will represent the view of actions as the majority of Equestria will receive it. Currently heavily in the hooves of Celestia) Headline: Rebel War?! The terrorist actions of a splinter cell of royal guard loyal to the monstrous Nightmare Moon have escalated. The rebel faction entrenched in the Everfree Forest has until now been content with thievery and a thuggish pressure on nearby settlements but last night saw a violent turn as rebels actively assaulted a royal patrol trying to keep peace. This increased violence was timed with a devious attempt on the life of Celestia's master strategist for the Royal Guard. Details are still being closely guarded at this time but it can only be assumed that the rebel plots, ambitions and dangers are much deeper than previously thought. However the light of the Princess shall not be diminished! Public release shows the villains that face Equestria's finest failed on all fronts! No casualties were suffered in the Everfree assault and the master strategist Radiance eliminated an entire rebel cell with her own horn, as well as saving the life of a young recruit who is now in critical condition. The royal guard pledges to avenge the young mares condition and the Princesses assistant Stella Eclipse released a declaration of war on all who would threaten the peace of Equestria. Run for the borders all enemies of peace and justice for there is no dark pit in this fine country where Celestia's light cannot shine! Second page: A Day to Last a Thousand Years Don't let our declaration fool you, Celestia does not suffer the madness of her lesser sister and still wields both the power of night and day equally and fairly. However rumors circulate of a newly formed order to protect out fair Princess and see that her reign is a long and peaceful one. If word is to be believed the so called SunRise Inquisition now move among the common ponies of Equestria seeking to root out and bring to light the secret threats to Celestia and the citizens of Equestria. While a rare interview with the Princess resulted in the denial of such an organization and her assistant Stella Eclipse had no comment, it still remains to be seen if this group has any Royal authority, is merely good intending vigilantes or even exists at all. One thing is certain though, given recent events this reporter welcomes the possibility of these valiant investigators and wish them support and good luck in their hunting.
  18. 5 days! I'm gone 5 measly days and I come back to more work piled up for me than the holidays! 2 people were covering for me! How can 2 people not cover what I do in a day?! I spend time on here running and playing RP's, the hell?!

    1. Scribblegroove
    2. Torrent505


      The update is still happening I'm just angry cause normally I'd have one or two posts up already

  19. So I'm making the time skip tomorrow morning or this morning given it just passed midnight here. Again sorry for the delay everyone thank you for being patient. To show how much I appreciate you all please accept this miniature Lyra
  20. Home again and back to the daily grind

  21. Long boring 6 hour drive home then things go back to normal

  22. I'm on a mini vacation so I haven't been able to post or be on reliably as much, reception on my phone sucks here too. Getting home late tomorrow though, don't know if this has been much of a factor but yeah that's what's going on with me
  23. @@child of the night Rick looked at Amber on the screen, he snorted a little and lifted up the notebook he was reading, "probably not as bad for my health as killer computer programs. Sorry I didn't even know you were here, are you logged into the Lyoko program through the pods? What's it like in there." He didn't really pay Genesis any mind as she left; she'd do whatever she wanted and think whatever she anyways.
  24. @@RunsWithSquirlz Rick watched her for a couple seconds before it was obvious she wasn't paying him anymore attention. He shrugged, the chick was kind of cute when she wasn't glaring at something, he lit the pipe and committed himself back to notebook. Every so often he would stop to pick the pipe back up or to grab his own notebook and write something down. He put a headphone in one ear and listened to music as he worked, everything was just chill and the stuff he was reading was interesting. He had thought he didn't want anyone around when he was down here but she was quiet and the presence of another person was at least reassuring.
  25. @@RunsWithSquirlz Rick accepted the notebook and leafed through it looking at the writings and drawings in it. "Cool, thanks this will save a lot of time and I won't have to screw around looking for files on the computer." The thought of messing with the computer gave him a little shiver. He pulled out a pencil and put his own notebook aside to write down anything he found interesting. He glanced at her again, "if you really don't want me around you could leave, I'm going to be here all day so you could get rid of me that way. Otherwise I'll do my best not to annoy you." He opened the notebooks first page and started to read, but after a couple of minutes stopped to put a bud in his grinder and worked it over. He pulled out a little pipe he called Havok and was about to fill it when he stopped. He looked over at her, he did say he'd try not to annoy her, "mind if I smoke?"
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