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Illiad Easle

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Status Updates posted by Illiad Easle

  1. Sorry again, things are worked out now and I am single again (we were only dating for 7 weeks so it's not that big a deal)

    I'll resume posting tomorrow.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Hope all is well with you. I wish you all but the best and I enjoy whatever time we spend in RP or talking to one another.

  2. Sorry for the delay everyone, I was hoping to get back to posting today but something came up that will have me out of sorts for a bit.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      I wish you the best. 

  3. Hey all!

    Sorry I haven't been posting lately, things have been very busy on my end. No promises that things will get less busy moving forward, not for a while at least.

    Thanks for sticking with me though!

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Take your time, we'll be waiting! 

    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Its the ber months...

  4. Sorry again for the delay everyone, between work, prepping for school, and a funeral (Great Grandparent of old age (97)) I've been pretty busy.

    Things should go back to normal next week.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Sorry to hear your loss, I am sure your Great Grandparent lived a long and successful life. If you want we could talk about things and catch up a bit, it's been a while since we just talked in general. 

  5. Hey all! Sorry I haven't been posting much, things have been really busy for me this week. Hopefully things will calm down going into next week or over the weekend.

    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Eyyy... Lets play LOE!

    2. PerlsteinProps


      @Illiad Easle

      I've been sick all week, so no harm no foul.

  6. Sorry for the absence everypony! I've been off in the woods with family for the past week. I'll be back to posting on Monday at the latest.

  7. @Blitz Boom @Kujamih @-HeedGreen- @Courageous Thunder Dash @Skylight Scintillate @AuroraGlimmer

    Sorry for the delay, I was traveling. I'm back now, and I'll be posting again soon.

    1. PerlsteinProps
    2. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      No problem! We here to enjoy and role play

    3. Courageous Thunder Dash

      Courageous Thunder Dash

      Alrighty! Hope you had a great trip!

  8. So, don't know how many of the ponies who follow me actually ready status updates, but I'm looking for some feedback. I've got a pair of writing ideas and potentially only enough motivation to get started on one of them, so I'm wondering which of the two you all would be most interested in reading:

    First idea: A collection of resources and guides for running RPs. It would essentially serve to define terms and systems such that DMs can establish how things work from the get go and ensure that everyone is on the same page, rather than assuming that everyone has the same idea. It would be written in such a way that DMs could easily adjust them to fit their own vision, essentially picking and choosing which resources fit, and which don't.

    Second idea: A collection of short stories and story starters inspired by songs I listen to. If you've read a good amount of what I've written you may have noticed that a very large portion of my ideas are inspired by music. This set would be quite varied in tone, length, and themes, depending on the songs I happen to be listening to.

  9. Happy new year everyone!

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Happy New Years! I hope we have a good year this year.

  10. Hello everyone! My computer was dead for a bit there, which is why I wasn't responding, plus now it's Christmas time so I'll be busy with familial obligations, but I haven't forgotten you! I'll be posting again before new years!

    1. PerlsteinProps


      I hope you have a good Christmas, and that all has been well with you!

  11. Officially out of the funk I've been in for the past few days now.

    I'll be posting just about everywhere shortly.

    Let me know if I missed something you're waiting on me for.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      I hope your doing alright!

  12. Well, it's my birthday this week.
    I won't tell you which day, but it's one of them.
    I wont tell you how old I am either.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      I have a few guesses based on what you've said before.

  13. I don't know why, but something about the new MLP movie makes me... uncomfortable.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      I am not all that hyped for it either, honestly. @Illiad Easle

    2. Monsoon


      It'll probably take a while to get used to. 

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Actually.. before I have mixed feelings... But now I'm sure tis going to be fun.... And by looking at the snippets of the show.... It has a lot of detail.

  14. Hello again everyone! I'm visiting family this week, so I may take longer than usual to reply to my threads.

    Happy summer to you all! 

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Enjoy your visits, stay safe! Be happy.

  15. I'm back.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Welcome back good friend!

  16. As I am visiting family this week I will be a bit slower to post here than usual. That is all.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      I hope you enjoy visiting your family! Have fun. :)

  17. Seems the forums always goes down when I get on to post.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Tell me about it.

  18. Happy new year everypony!

    May we all make 2021 better than 2020.

    I'll be resuming my posting schedule soon, don't worry. 

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Welcome back! How are you?

    2. Illiad Easle

      Illiad Easle

      The forums have changed while I was gone, I don't know if I like it yet.

      I'm fine all things considered.

    3. PerlsteinProps


      I hope your enjoying our little rp. I am not sure if I like the change either. @Illiad Easle

  19. @Catpone Cerberus @Blitz Boom @Califorum

    Due to family obligations and holidays, my replies will be sparse until next year.

    Happy holidays everyone!

    1. PerlsteinProps


      Stay safe my good friend! Have fun! @Illiad Easle

    2. Blitz Boom

      Blitz Boom

      No worries mate. I'm gonna be laying low after the 23'd as well anyway. :) You take care, and enjoy the time with your family. Just remember to keep a safe distance, and not take unnecessary risks. It's still dangerous out there. 

  20. The uniqueness of your username can be expressed by the fewest number of letters after the @ before you're the only one on the list.

    Mine is 5, with 12 in my whole name my username is 8/12 or 75% unique!

  21. To anyone waiting on a post from me: my ability to respond will be very limited until next week due to holiday shenanigans. 

    That is all. 

    1. PerlsteinProps


      I hope you have a good thanksgiving and holidays. 

  22. To my RP threads, I am not in a good mindspace to post tonight, will post tomorrow.

  23. Hello everyone!

    I started a literary request shop and I'm looking for things to write!


  24. To all of my threads at the moment:

    @Blitz Boom, @Catpone Cerberus, @Scar

    I'll reply tomorrow, I know I've been MIA for a little bit, but I just finished helping to make nearly 30 gallons of pure apple cider, which takes a lot of effort.

    It is also very delicious.

    That is all.

    1. PerlsteinProps


      I was worried about you! Glad it was nothing bad. Wish I could taste some of that cider.

    2. Blitz Boom

      Blitz Boom

      Don't sweat it mate. Real life comes first. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, and we'll see you when we do. :D

  25. Wouldn't you know it, it's my birthday. Really snuck up on me this year.

    1. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      Yeah I wish they would leave me alone.

    2. Sparklefan1234
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