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Spingle Bloob

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  1. I lost a friend. He didn't die he just hates me now. I showed him my MLP shirt and he was likeThat's for 2 year old girls!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deleteduser12304978


      This is how i feel about stuff like this: if he stops being your friend because youre a brony, he wasnt a very good friend.


      But judging by your post it just sounds like he disagrees with bronies, but hes still your friend.

    3. Dr. Zerkagon

      Dr. Zerkagon

      Is he part of the hip interwebz hax0rz?

    4. Spingle Bloob

      Spingle Bloob

      Well if he can't accept me than I don't think he's a friend at all.


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