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Fantasma Phantasm

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Everything posted by Fantasma Phantasm

  1. Have you ever encountered an unexpected Final boss\ boss theme that didn't fit the game, but sounded really awesome? Here is my moment!
  2. I'M SO HAPPY!!! I'm loving these entries!!! They're so hmmmmmmph! *Dead!*
  3. RANK-O UP!!! CUP-O CAKE!!!

  4. You killed me.......SO PRECIOUS!!!!! My heart is gone!!!! Thank you! Thank you so much!!! Thank you so FREAKIN much...... The last part reminds me of what the fandom has to deal with.
  5. OMC!!! I'm just stupid for Romance!!! And cute things! Can anypony please show me a piece or picture of something romantic or extremely cute? I totally need it now! my heart just pounds at the very thought of it!!!! (Can be oc pony related! Or anything for that matter! What am I talking about!?) PLEASE SHOW ME!!!
  6. Friendship is such a wonderful thing! I have 3 close friends and quite a few regular friends. But each person I meet, I keep a part of them close. See, as cliché this sounds, I HONESTLY care for all people. Its in my nature. So everyone is my friend, regardless! Man.... that makes me feel SO GOOD to point that out!
  7. I can't draw on a computer for the life of me! So I do traditional. It feels more natural and challenging even though someone with a mouse can do it a whole lot better. Not that I don't like computer generated art work! quite the opposite! Its just there are somethings that can't be done on a computer than good ol' paper and pencil. For example me drawing Luna! http://mrgreen-plant-lover.deviantart.com/art/Drawing-Luna-430038524 So thats my take on it.
  8. Bad head-canon is bad.... I completely destroyed it....

  9. A lot of it was also bad wording as well.... Sorry you had to read that.... it was disaster in the making. HAM!!! HAM!!! The conflict will be explained in (hopefully) later stories, for it IS a chronicle. But still it was the meaning of bad writing.... And boy oh boy was it hard to cope knowing I did so bad.... Thank you for telling me this... maybe i'll try again next time I actually show my face to that website..... DANG IT! hardly any visuals either.... Curse my luck!!!
  10. This is more like it!!! I love well, LOVE!! Family or couples all the same!
  11. I may not have a girlfriend or have one anytime soon, but I made someones day and thats fine with me! THATS THE SPIRIT!!! Man! I love it when people(PONIES!!!) do that! It makes me all warm and fuzzy!
  12. Thats the spirit!!! Make him something special! And is not a problem. Not everyone(PONY!!) has one and thats fine! Keep your hopes up! It'll happen!
  13. Awwww you'll find that special someone(SOMEPONY!!!) Awww thats to bad.... Try mailing something!
  14. I got my Valentine: A cookie, a rose, two hersy's kisses, said in a Superman shirt 'I'll be your Superman if you're my Valentine!', and gave her drawing of two ponies in hearts and hooves day. She loved it!!!
  15. Its good to express yourself like that buddy! Having variety is good! I mean to have a song for all of the moments you have is always fun!
  16. That makes it all the more interesting wouldn't it? I mean be different. Theirs no harm it.
  17. Hmmm... interesting. By what I can tell, you are a person who thinks a lot but keeps to herself\himself (sorry). You tend to stay out of situations that don't involve you and if needed, will leave. If you need to do something, you do it to get it over with so you wouldn't have to deal with it later. You stick with your ways and have no plans in changing that. You can be headstrong or bashful. So how was that?
  18. A great mind and imagination goes a long way friend! Try to keep it that way. Its rare breeds like you that make this world a little more interesting and if not that better!
  19. AW YEAH!!! We got a Metal Gear over hear!!!(See what I did there?) I just heard this song. Its really good! My mother loves StarTrek! So do I and that theme will always be awesome! Do the Shepard! *moves side to side stupidly* love the song choice though!!!!! Self confidence FOR THE WIN!!!! I love stubborness (most of the time.)
  20. Oh... Sorry bout that then. Lighten up though! Can't love life if you don't like yourself first! Its something I learned in the long run. It helps a little you know? And if thats truely how you feel, love others. Love them more then yourself, i'm sure it'll help you in the long-run!!!
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