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Fantasma Phantasm

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Everything posted by Fantasma Phantasm

  1. Sorry to disappoint! Its only a gag, thats all.
  2. Celestias Husband x DaReaper.... OH MAN THATS RICH!!!! LOLZ!
  3. 99 posts!! Another step closer to being known as the Good guy!

  4. This is a poll for those who think polls are awesome. What do you think? Are you gonna post a Poll? Why is a Poll callec a Poll?
  5. Been exploring the website lately! Still to nervous to even THINK about joining an RP!

  6. The Finals known for being a Fantasy!!! I love it! (oh and HI!!!!!)
  7. Know what? You are right! Special edition Platinum Gamecube FOR THE WIN!!!
  8. (WHOOPS UNICORN!!!) And I shall forever enchant you with the wonders of plants! Totally....just totally..........yup...
  9. Yesh! I is the Unicron!!!(JK UINCORN!!!) Mr.Green at thy service!
  10. Strange you should ask... I had this dream about this guy who was in Equestria all his life. Twist was that he kept dying. And whenever he died, some random omniscient being would talk to him about random stuff and revive him to wherever point in time he wanted. But each time he revived, he would either die as soon as he revived, or die later on. Then it got wierder! Like, apparently King Sombra stole freakin Pinkie pie's 4th wall breaking powers and I guess he started using the Shoryuken for no reason! The guy I was dreaming about died by Princess Luna because he decided he wanted quote Dracula from SOTN!! It was SUPER WIERD!!!
  11. Not everyone has to be evil boss material! But I would've prefered you used Darkness of the Unknown part 3... (JK! I'm not mean!) Freakin AWESOME!!! man... good choice!
  12. Walking to school and back can get annoying....

  13. Heart of a hero... I like this a lot, me being about 'all that is good'. I KNOW those wishes will come true! No doubt about It! You also must take action, for all your words will be for naught if you didn't do anything first. I'll be working on it here to! Pokémon will live on forevermore by the way!! Your wishes are just. I like that.
  14. I commend you to your positivity! Do it what you're passionate for! Well wishes to me more of your hopes for the future rather than the impossible.(Which may even become possible in the future!) you never know! Go for it! Thats what wishes are for! They're speed boost to your main goal!
  15. YAY! 50 Brohoofs! thats another step closer to becoming known as a nice guy!

  16. Cool! I like an epic ending! Interesting.... you reminds me of Wily Capsule 7...I have catch him in order to beat him...*shiver*
  17. Man! Its Phoenix Wright! I still say awesome choice!!! Even if its not a boss theme! I love me some house of the dead! Awesome choice of theme to! Ah Ridley... famed rival of Samus, and famous for dragging people(namely Samus) against walls... I love Metroid and SSBB good choice! Perfect! I mean seriously! Perfect! Nice choice! Yeah! point taken! In fact I'm picturing what kind of boss you could be! Blazblu for the FREAKING WIN!!!! I love this song soooooo much!!
  18. Since I noticed everypony liked the previous one, this one will be game related! If you had a final boss theme for yourself, what would it be? Mine would be this one!!! it'll probably change but, for now...or maybe this...

  20. Suprisingly, my brother inspired me to to make Mr. Green. Since he is good with plants!
  21. I just saw RoboCop yesterday....I don't know how I honestly feel about it though.....

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